
Do you wish to announce a contest? Is there important community, clan or level group news? Do you have an opinion to share? Think people should play more? You have a neat idea for a level? Share it on RabbitJournal, your #1 resource for community-created news!

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Permalink Exam Help June 1st 2024

Get the edge in exams with our comprehensive exam Help service offering tailored assistance and expert guidance to maximize your performance and achieve academic success without do my exam for me .

Votes: 0

Permalink ITHINK IAM A RABBIT February 3rd 2023



Votes: 4

Permalink Tubelectric Remix (JJ2) MIDI for Yamaha XG August 14th 2020

For quite some time I’ve had this XG MIDI of Tubelectric from Jazz jackrabbit 2 (or as I lazily dubbed it Tubelectric 2) and I was wondering how would it fit among the already rich Jazz jackrabbit MIDI archive. Any thoughts? And where can I upload it ?

Votes: 0

Permalink Jazz Paper Model May 14th 2020

Source: https://www.navipapercraft.com/2020/05/jazz-jackrabbit.html

Hi everyone, I’m from another neighborhood on the internet, the papercraft corner. I’ve just released a template for a paper model of Jazz that anyone can print and build. This seemed like the right place to share it so those who care will find it. :)


(I looked around for rules on posting, but didn’t see any, so I hope linking is ok.)

Votes: 3 (admin approved!)

Source: https://sites.google.com/view/karel-van-mander-academy/gamegeschiedenis-van-nederland

The Karel van Mander Academy (The Netherlands) released my book on the history of Guerrilla Games: https://bit.ly/gamegeschiedenis
The book starts with all the predecessors of Guerrilla Games, so there’s a huge deal about Orange Games and Jazz Jackrabbit 1/2 in the book as wel.

- applemctom No Comments - Post Comment

Votes: 5 (admin approved!)

Permalink UNniversary Bash 4 confirmed for 7th of December! November 10th 2019

Source: JCF post

Missed Anniversary Bash 21? Just want more time to celebrate and chill? Well you’re in luck, because UNniversary bash 4 is starting soon – and you have the power to vote on a hand-picked selection of maps!

The start date itself coincides with the GOG re-release of Jazz2. As my final self-founded bash, lets go out with a bang!

Judge curation is in progress at the time of this newspost. Be sure to check back on the thread every now and then, or use the special #ub4_input channel at the Jazz Discord.

- TreyLina No Comments - Post Comment

Votes: 1 (admin approved!)

Permalink Jazz Jackrabbit 2 be featured at Marathons! August 30th 2019

Source: JCF thread

Ever wanted to get your fix of watching Jazz Jackrabbit 2 gameplay, but done fast with all the tech and trivia explained live? Well you have not one, but two chances…and most likely even more in the future!

For a marathon coming up very soon, there’s the main campaign to be ran at Speed Stuff 4 Charity 6, happening from the 30th of August to the 2nd of September. And there’s a bid-war whether I get to play Jazz or Lori! Check out when I run here, localised to your own timezone.

Further down the line for October, there’s Speedrun Ragnarok . I’ll be running Lori episodes 1-4, and a brand-new Spaz Tool-assisted-speedrun as a donation incentive. Currently the schedule is only in the average american timezone, but localised times will be added near the beginning of the marathon.

As always – time schedules may shift so be sure to keep an eye on them.

If you want to know all the marathons Jazz gets featured in the future, keep check of this thread – more than just the main campaign!

- TreyLina No Comments - Post Comment

Votes: 2 (admin approved!)

Permalink Vinesauce Joel plays JJ2 Shareware November 30th 2018

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsk9zDzL9I8

Joel, a pretty well known streamer from Vinesauce, played (and had a blast with) Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Shareware Version during his Shareware Madness stream. It’s worth mentioning that he really enjoyed playing the shareware levels and intends to play the full version of the game during one of his Hardcore Friday streams.
(He also played Jazz 3D for like 3 minutes at [1:06:28] if you want to check that out.)

- Primpy No Comments - Post Comment

Votes: 0

Permalink Jazz to be featured at the Shots Fired marathon! July 10th 2018

Source: horaro.org

So you’re probably thinking “What the heck is Shots Fired?” Well, it’s a semi-annual speedrunning marathon which exclusively features shooting games of all kinds. And not one – but two Jazz games are featured to appear!

There will be Jazz 1, All episodes + bonus levels with turbo run by SimonN on 7:33pm UTC+1, Saturday the 14th.

And also a Jazz 2 Spaz race of the original campaign between BinaryBlob and Dominator101, (the top two runners) on 9:03pm UTC+1, Saturday the 14th.

The marathon itself is running on the 10th-15th of July. Check out its full timetable here, and here for the marathon stream.

DISCLAIMER: Times are announced at the time of creating this post, and may become delayed. Keep rechecking the timetable (which automatically adjusts according to your own timezone) if you want to catch them live.

In other less but somewhat related news, BinaryBlob just smashed a new World Record in this classic category!

Votes: 2 (admin approved!)

Permalink Clay Jazz Jackrabbit May 14th 2018

Hey everyone,

Many of you might already have seen it, but someone suggested to post it here in the RabbitJournal, so I hope you all like it. :)

Last Friday I decided to make a Jazz Jackrabbit statue out of clay. I really wanted a Jazz Jackrabbit statue for a long time now, but to let someone make one for you is quite expensive. So I though by myself “Why not make one myself?”. And the Jazz Jackrabbit 2 20th anniversary seemed like the perfect moment to do it.

I was really afraid that I would screw up the face since a lot can go wrong there, but I’m actually quite happy with the result.

I’m not sure if I should paint it or not. We’ll see. Eventually it will join the rest of my Jazz Jackrabbit collection in the museum.

So, what have you been up to lately? ;)

Votes: 3