Except for the aliens/people, and a few other parts, this tileset looks good. But looks aren’t everything.
Maybe it’s the influence of the Toby Episode beating at my brain, but I find it hard to think of a good level being made with this. I could be wrong.
This tileset has lots of cool little things, and some nice blocks, and a weird brain creature that looks good too.
The difference between the well drawn tiles and the awful ones is so great, that I have to wonder if most of this tileset is from another game (or, for that matter, if the entire tileset is a conversion?) but I have no information on that.
Take a look at this if you want.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Posted more than 21 years ago
I have no idea what the name is supposed to mean, but what I know is this is an only slightly above average tileset.
It features aliens, people, land, etc. as you would expect in an alien-themed tileset. The characters seem to be drawn badly, and some of the art seems to have been copied and pasted like GenEX aka BlackRabbite said. However, I definitely do not think this deserves a 1.0. I can’t give it a download recommendation, but this is worth a 5.2.
Posted more than 21 years ago
SOME Good art work:+ 2.0
No exemple level!: 0.5
You’re new!:+0.5
Overall rating: 2.2
(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Terrible graphics, only good things in there are cut and pasted pictures, and who else could use it?
Download? Not if your life depended on it.
(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]