u should re-upload it and make it better, much better.
Posted more than 21 years ago
First of all this is a 1.24 file…
And honestly I don’t see any tileset here? This could be an interesting background… but nothing more.
Work a little bit more on it – add some paths, etc.
The lowest rating – 1
Download recommendation – nope sorry not this time.
[This" target="_blank">http://www.telemiks.pl/axon/[This review has been edited by DanX]
Mask: 0,2
Drawing: 0,3
tiles: 0,3
animation: 0
General: 0
extra: a very small example lvl + 0,1
Ok now what can i say. How could u use this tileset, it has no bkacground or any usefull tiles.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Just don’t download this, it is not very well drawn and stuff. Not good background and eyecandy titles. I can make this with paint in 10 minutes. An extra +2 for the example level and for the idea. Next time, spent more time in it and you may will get an 8 or something.
AAAAAaaaaargh! This is painful. Doesn’t look rayman at all, and the tileset, is terrible. It has only just some kind of background, and the example level. Just as nothing. Nothing new, tileset has no patches walls, objects, only background. And the example level has only 6 gems waiting for you up, and then ya meet devan again. And there are some strange colors in this.
Ow, what a shame. I haven’t never given 1 to anyone at j2o, usually those poor levels have at least one good thing or idea to support, but this is the worst thing at j2o what I have ever seen.
Your level rank is: poor level.
Posted more than 21 years ago
I dont know whether you drew this or took it from rayman but this diffently needs more tiles. The tile you included would go good as a background but add more to you tilesets little by little even if it takes a month then upload it if your sure its finished and then you will probably get a better review. So a rayman tileset is a good idea but unfortunety this tileset is not exactly rayman.
No Download Recommendation
JJ1 Forever
[This review has been edited by Shiverz]
This time around, I decided to cut out the sections that do not apply to this.
GRAPHICS: The graphics are great, but you can’t do anything with them. Also the author has no clue on how to make/use a JJ2 compatible palette, so everything’s the wrong color. Sometimes this comes out cool anyway, but it didn’t, except maybe for Devan’s Devil form.
Pros: The tiles that there are look cool.
Cons: The palette is severely messed up, and you can’t do a thing with the graphics other then big solid things with lots of flippies.
Rating: 1.2
MASKING: The tileset is automasked, so I can’t say much for the masking, but seeing as there is nothing that shouldn’t be masked, this is not a problem.
Pros: Not applicable.
Cons: Not applicable.
Rating: N/A
OVERALL (not an average): This tileset is just unusuable. There is nothing more to say about it.
Pros: The graphics, such as there are, are great, though I have this sneaking suspicion the author did not draw them (Rayman world?).
Cons: It exists.
Rating: 1.0
Well lets see here, a slightly good conversion. But you left out tons of tiles from the game. The stuff in the tileset is practically only for a background. So since this is unusable and the conversion was a success you get a 1.5
Posted more than 21 years ago
You know, the graphics are kinda good.
But the tileset really sux. You can’t make anything good with it(btw, next time you should press “remap palette colors” when making a tileset).
This is one of the many levels that makes me wonder why J2O doesn’t have a 0 rating…
As much as we all love rayman, this still is a piece of crap.
The author tells us this is ‘maked’ with Kitfond.pcx. Now, we don’t mind you tell us which file extention your set was at first, but since we rate the tileset, not the level it’s rather inappropriate to tell what the level uses.
The general idea was OK, but the outcome is really bad. The tileset basically lacks everything: platforms, poles, scenery blocks, vines, masking, eyecandy, a background, and fails on every other aspect of a tileset.
If the author would’ve spent more time on it, it might’ve gotten a better rating.
Basically lacks anything you expect of a set.
The author used an original theme.
Despite the original thought behind it, it doesn’t make the tileset better. A 1.2. For the effort. Or something.
Posted more than 21 years ago
bad very bad tileset!
Posted more than 21 years ago
I think, wy there is no 0.0, 0.1 and 0.2 rating? We NEED that!
I’m sorry, I know I’m hard, but this is the baddest thing i ever see from the things I downloaded on J2O. I’m sorry Niek!
this review has edited by Wadledee
Posted more than 21 years ago
cough 1.24 cough.
Please insert that.
The tileset itself is only one block of pictures, so it is a bit barf. You can’t do anything with it. The pallette, anyway, is fun.
That’s all i have to say, because only stars and brushes aren’t so nice as a tileset. So, I’ll give you a 2.5 for your yuckyduckyliglity.
No download reccomend,only for the Rayman fans that understand what this is. I’m very sorry.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Mmm,,, Thats richt.
Its not so good.
5 Jul 2005, 13:13
(Unsupported rating (1) removal. ~Violet)