Let’s chech this new SkulL level out (I’m still in shock therapy about your sucking last level, so let’s see this one)
Not good. Actually, it is bad. However not as bad as in your previous level, that was created with some green tileset without a background, this still suxes. It has many tile errors, like R3ptile said, in the mountains, and on some other places. In the sprite layer not so many bugs.
Three kinds of average ammo are spread among dull places at the level, I guess it could have been a lot better. There are two worthless PU’s, a bouncy and a RF. Next time give more inspiration to this weapon placement.
Bad, really bad. The level is really small, like your previous one, and is doesn’t have any speical things. The level would have been better if you could walk around in it, because there owuld have been two different paths by then, but now you only have one route from one base to another and this route is suxing (the blokcs you have to jump on are idiotic, blablabla) The strcuture is boring, and the sad eyecandy doesn’t make it any better.
What gameplay, was the first question I asked myself here. Not a bad question I guess, because the good gameplay is far to seek here. There isn’t hardly any flow, and the missing to pborder makes the level vulnerable for flag bugs. Maybe use a btter tileset next time.
I’m NOT impressed, and this is the softest thing I can say about this level. Although, this level is better than your last one (which isn’t really hard, you couldn’t make it any worse) but really NOTHING more than that. If you go on like this, you levels will make a great deal on a World Champsionship of Worst CTF Levels Created in 2004.
Score: I can;t really give this more then a lousy 3.2
Download this: Yes, as an example of how you DON’T have to make your levels.
Host this: Not before judgment day.