Fanolint MIDI

  • Rating: 7.1

Reviews and comments

    Rapcore Posted more than 21 years ago


    Ok it worked, good conversion as far as I can tell, but since It’s just a conversion and not really original, I’ll give you a 7.[This review has been edited by Rapcore]

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Starshot Posted more than 21 years ago


    Very nice conversion here, great job on the guitar part. This midi is perfect for a lot of people who are into Doom wading and Game Making as it would make a very nice track.

    -8.5 out of 10

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Spark Posted more than 21 years ago


    Why would you want to spend time converting music into midi? It loses unfairly much quality in the conversation.

    Eitherway, to the review. The .MIDI version of Fanolint is quite poor and not really worth listning to. It’s very encored and some of the intruments used to the song scars in your head. Somewhat, the original is better than the conversation, and I recom you not downloading this file.

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    MaliceX 25 Feb 2005, 11:19


    (and they told me converted midi’s weren’t allowed to be rated. :( )

    Like in your Chrysillis MIDI, there’s a note-release artifact; this time with the Choir Aahs. (It’s stuck holding till the end.)
    Notation is correct, but the strings could use some triad notes under it, just so it sounds accurate.
    This deserves an 8.

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