Mario race

  • Rating: 2.3

Reviews and comments

    fearofdark 27 Mar 2009, 21:12 (edited 27 Mar 09, 21:13)

    2.3Not recommended:

    A series of 3 mario races? Well then, this race pack could offer some serious originality. I shall review this pack race by race:


    Well, although the eyecandy theme looks pretty traditional and it has some mario style gameplay in there, such is flytraps and tubes, there isn’t actually a lot of content. Firstly, you can’t really play this online or over a LAN connection because it uses warps for the ends of laps, which only works in splitscreen. Secondly, the race is far too short, and there aren’t many obstacles, apart from one or two plants and a couple of pinball bumpers. Finally, the Mario theme is spoiled by all of the “Tileset by taz” tiles and floating trees in the background. I also felt that the eyecandy could be more exciting.


    This one is actually quite similar to the first. Again, there are not many obstacles. Just a couple of gaps and some destructive blocks. The rain in the backround was a bit distracting and it was far too short and again, the eyecandy didn’t really offer much. There wasn’t even any ammo or items or anything; it was a pretty empty level. That really is all there is to say about this one.


    This one was probably the best of the pack. You did slightly more in this level. You climbed up some hooks, dodged some spike bolls and there was even a water feature used, so there was more content. However, like levels 1 and 2, was still too short and over too quickly, and the eyecandy was still bugged. I didn’t really get why each spike platform had half a toad standing on them. Basically, like levels 1 and 2, this one didn’t have much to offer at all.

    DOWNLOAD?: There are better kinds of this thing to download, and certainly races that are more worthwhile playing. The main problem was the lack of content. The race didn’t have much to offer. Try putting more content into further uploads, making them longer and make them look more creative and less buggy in the future. Also, go into the JCSRef under the JCS section at the top on tip of how to make good levels.

    Oh, and also, the music didn’t really work. You may have entered the file names in wrong.

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    tacsi 29 Mar 2009, 15:20 (edited 1 May 09, 10:39)

    okey-dokey so I will add mor objects when I’m going to make levels like these. :)
    No more empty space. (I’ll try it.)
    THX. for your comments.
    but is the music won’t work, why this is working?
    it woked for me