14 May 2010, 09:55 (edited 14 May 10, 09:56)
Again, an excellent JJ1 level editor.
Unlike J1CS, this program is very convenient and user friendly, and not just a proof of concept, either. Once you spend about ten minutes fiddling with the interface and the hotkeys, you’ll be able to create levels in the blink of an eye.
There’s a ton of included features which make JJ1 editing a fun, curious exploration – amongst which are editing enemy attacks, modifying sounds, custom tilesets, etc…
When combined with Doubble Dutch’s swiss-army-knife JJ1MOD, the modification possibilities are basically endless. Those who know how to design will surely appreciate Newspaz’s excellent work.
Even if you’re not exactly crazy about JJ1, you should download this – even if only out of curiosity. But if you do feel like getting your feet wet, then download this right now and get started!
This… this is an orgasm in program form. The documentation is basic, but sufficient and well set out.
I do miss the B key and scrolling with arrow keys, but these are small things that you get used to (Later levels do in fact have events names, they are amusing.) The sheer functionality here is what grabs me, this allows you to do anything with a Jazz level. (Bonus levels are more limited, but in that case, who really cares?) I hope to see some real inventiveness with this program as it certainly allows for it. Well done!
13 May 2010, 23:47 (edited 22 May 10, 16:52)
Very, very nice editor. The new J1E has updated features, handy simplicity, a simple yet unprecedented bonus level editor (I hereby predict a surge of custom JJ1 bonus levels) and much more. Event customization. Quick performance. You can create a save game in JJ1 via the editor, allowing you to speedily test your level without skipping through the rest of the episode. Handy.
There were some things I didn’t like though, mostly in the convenience category. Unlike in the older and loosely similar J1CS, this prog does not let you scroll with the arrow keys, and you actually can only scroll up and down. Also missing is the inestimably valuable “B” multiselect key. I was very disappointed by that. The events were also stripped of their names, making it a long, boring and tedious process in hunting down and labeling each item.
So verdict? Nice and practical, and with only a handful of aesthetic detractors, the J1E is a very helpful tool that will redefine how JJ1 levels are made. Download today.
xSnooze: …what the heck…
Why is my rating too low? My rating is exactly what I think it deserves. IMHO, it’s not a bad one either, although perhaps an 8.0-8.2 might work too.
I’m giving this 10 because its an amazing effort. and PT’s rating is too low..
thats MUCH MORE better than JCS94…. :)
Useful , but can you make it in the jj2 JCS style!?
[Review changed to quick review, see the review rules.
Now I can edit atacks and bonus levels.Thank you Newspaz!
I’m sorry for my bad english!
19 May 2010, 10:31 (edited 26 Jun 10, 09:42 by Narsist)
I can say, this program is good. But doesn’t very useful. If you say “How?”, I will say this: creating event hard. character animating, enemy animating, event renaming, etc.
But It’s good and I know, I will good levels. :)
I have been waiting for a Bonus Level editor ever since this game came out. I love you. /nohomo