Downloads containing 1.23+ (XMAS RELEASE) ---- COMMANDS LIST.txt

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//  1.23+ (XMAS RELEASE) - Commands  //


/nofloat <on|off>
-If enabled you won't float up when being on someone's head who dies or
leaves games.

/nostuck <on|off>
-Makes it harder to get stuck (not good for wallclimbing servers).

/weaponchange <on|off>
-Set this to off to make your selected weapon not change when you pick up

/autorun <on|off>
-Setting this to on will make you always run, regardless of what buttons
you push.

-Opens the spywindow. You should always have the spy window on when
playing, because it
 has a chatlogger and other interesting output.

-Outputs some packet statistics to the spywindow.

-Echos what music jj2 is currently playing.

/changemusic <musicname>
-Change the music currently being played (credits to Overlord).


Custom game modes

/maxhealth ctf <number of hearts>
-Changes how many hearts you get when you respawn, but only in CTF.
 By default this, obviously, is 3 hearts. If set to another value,
 clients wont bu updated correctly about their health 'til the next
 time they get hit.

/maxhealth other <number of hearts>
-Changes how many hearts you get when you respawn, for other gamemodes
 than CTF. By default this is 5 hearts. If set to another value,
 clients wont bu updated correctly about their health 'til the next
 time they get hit.

/koth <on|off>
-Turns King of the Hill on or off. The spot you stand at when doing this
will become the hill.
 In order to achieve roasts, you try yuor best to remain King of the Hill.

/koth <width> <value>
-Changes the width of the hill (it expands <value> number of tiles to
the left.
 By default this is set to 1 tile.

/teambattle <on|off>
-Set to on to make dying players score for the team of their opponents'.

/tbctf <on|off>
-Set to on to enable Teambattle CTF, a gamemode combining teambattle and
CTF. When a player
 gets killed the killer's team will receive one point. When a normal CTF
score is made, the
 team scoring will receive 5 points.

/instagib <on|off>
-If this is turned on, players will die as soon as they are hit (because
they only regain 1 heart
 when they respawn).

/em <on|off>
-EvilMike's Custom Game Mode: This is like teambattle CTF, but with a twist
- when a CTF score is made,
 all players on the opposing team will die, and thus make more scores for
the team that made the CTF

/lrs <on|off>
-Starts or turns off Last Rabbit Standing! In LRS your goal is to, indeed,
be the last rabbit alive in game.
 When you have died a certain amount of times, you will be out of the game.
The last rabbit standing wins.

/lrs max <value>
-Select how many lives each player should have in LRS. By default this is
set to 7 lives.

/noblink <on|off>
-If this is set to on, players won't blink when they get hit - can be a fun
variation to other game modes.

Server control
/multiversion <on|off>
-Turn this on to allow players of other versions than 1.23 to join your
server. By default this is on.

-Makes your server public.

-Makes your server private.

/servername <new name>
-Changes the name of your server.

/password <password>
-Changes the password of your server.

-List your server

-Delist your server

/rename <player number> <new name>
-Rename a player, example: "/rename 1 Grtolle|||||CC".

/gamemode <battle|ctf|treasure|coop|sp>
-Change the gamemode currently played. Don't do this when playing a custom
game mode (turn the custom game
 mode off first), unless you're stupid. Noteable is that there is no
graphical glitch for 1.23+ players
 when changing to CTF.

-Randomizes the teams. I haven't really come up with any good solution for
this, but you can always modify
 the result by using /changeteam, or simply try /scrambleteams again.

-Makes all players on the red team become blue, and vice versa.

/changeteam <playernumber> <red|blue>
-Changes the selected player's team.

/allred <on|off>
-Makes all players always be red if enabled (useful for playing tests).

/allblue <on|off>
-Makes all players always be blue if enabled (useful for playing tests).

/morph <jazz|spaz|bird|frog>
-Morphs your player, no need for unnecessary rehosts anymore! :)
 Warping to a frog is not likely to look correct in this version.

/alljazz <on|off>
-Forces all players to be jazz.

/allspaz <on|off>
-Forces all players to be spaz.

/changescore <player number> <new score>
-Changes the score of a player.

/changescore <red|blue> <new score>
-Changes the score of a team.

-Resets the score of all players and teams.

-Skips to next level.

/nextlevel <levelname>
-Changes next level setting.

/changelevel <levelname>
-Changes level to levelname.

-Restarts the level you currently are playing.

/blink <on|off>
-Idle mode for server. Makes the server blink so he can't be hit.

/freeze <on|off>
-Idle mode for server. Makes the server be frozen to ice and not attracting

-Freezes all players to ice. Used in conjunction with /spectate and
/countdown, you
 can prevent cheaterish head starts!

-A way to unfreeze all players without the count down.

-Performs a count down (5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Go!). Players are frozen during
count down.

/maxscore <new maxscore>
-Changes the maximal score, i.e. the score needed to be reached in order
for the game to end.
/maxplayers <new playerlimit>
-Changes the player limit, deciding how many players there can maximally be
in the server.

/mute <playernumber>
-Allows you to make for example Ajazz stfu.

/unmute <playernumber>
-If you for some reason do want to talk to Ajazz again.

/stealthkick <playernumber>
-Artifical 30 second connection time out is fun.

/recall <playernumber>
-If you change your mind.

/specialkick <playernumber> <kicktype>
-This allows you to kick players showing them other messages than "Server
kicked you off". Have fun experimenting
 with values 0 to 12.

/changetrigger <triggernumber> <1|0>
-Example: "/changetrigger 1 0", would turn trigger one off.

/changealltriggers <1|0>
-Turn all triggers on or off.

-Makes all clients have their triggers set to the same value as yours. If
you do this in team games, it might have
 nasty effects :(

/kill <victim> <killer>
-If I for example would like to kill player 1, with player 2 as the killer,
I would do: "/Kill 1 2".

/spectate <playernumber|off>
-The coolest feature in Forest integrated. Allows you to spectate a game
nicely. Use "/spectate 2" to spectate
 player 2, and "/spectate off" to completely stop spectating.