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JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Toxicus and Lavapolis...Featured Download NOKA Tileset 8 Download file

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Hi and thanks for downloading my tileset pack !!

My tilesset pack consists of 5 tilesets: Toxicus
                                         Toxicus Night
                                         Lavapolis 2
                                         Toxicus vs Lavapolis (Bonus one:P)

FILES: NOKA - Toxicus.j2t
       NOKA - Toxicus Night.j2t
       NOKA - Lavapolis.j2t
       NOKA - Lavapolis A.j2t
       NOKA - Toxicus vs Lavapolis.j2t
       1 - NOKA - Toxicus.j2l
       2 - NOKA - Toxicus Night.j2l
       3 - NOKA - Lavapolis.j2l
       4 - NOKA - Final.j2l
       Describtion of Worlds you are about to enter.jpg
       Toxicus Dictionary.txt
       Toxicus vs Lavapolis Dictionary.txt
       Lavapolis Dictionary.txt
       Purple Motion - Nova.s3m
       A. Brandon - Surfacing.s3m      



All tilesets were made and converted by NOKA.
Music credits: Nova (used in Lavapolis) by Purple Motion, Surfacing (used
in Toxicus) by Alexander Brandon.
Example Levels and other thingies by NOKA.



You can say that all this 5 tilesets are made up from one big tileset.It is
true but not exactelly... Long time ago (in summer 2003) I was working
hardly on tileset called "Toxic Land". I spend lot of time on it, but I
never have finished it (it had like 3000 tiles). After the summer I was
working on JJ1 conversions so no time for Toxic Land and after doing JJ1
conversion I made "Technoir JJ2". I put effort to do that but most of
peaple on J2O didn't like it because it wasnt really Technoir and it was
1.24 (TSF) and the tileset was a bit messy. Now when I am back I noticed
that Toxic Land need to be finished but i didnt like it any more... It was
ugly for me so I decided to make up some new tilesets by converting these 2
tilesets ("Toxic Land" and "Technoir JJ2"). I made Toxicus and Lavapolis
but I added lot of new stuff too. After doing it I had a lot of work with
palettes because tilesets were using like 300 their own colours... it was
horrible :P. There are still about 2 thousands tiles left from these old
tilesets, you can see some of theme on the jpg picture which is attached
here. oh and on the end I made a compilation of 2 tilesets (toxicus vs
lavapolis) it has almost the same tiles as Toxicus but the surface is taken
from Lavapolis, a lot of working on it... any way all of these 5 tilesets
have same base ground and some parts (with different colors ofcourse)

There is nothing worse than converting your own tilesets !! (cuz you want
to redraw all when you see how ugly they are :P)