Discussion: Allies

Let’s change the entry’s title to ‘Alliances’ instead. ~White Rabbit.
The common JJ2 term is allies. So, I ama gainst it. ~Fl@$h aka BlewMeUp
But it’s like naming the ‘Clan’ entry ‘Clanmates’. ;-P The clan entry is about clans, not clanmembers, and the ‘Ally’ entry is about alliances, not allies…allies of who? Clan Alliances would also be a suitable name. ~White Rabbit.
No, it would be like naming the ‘clan’ entry ‘clubs’. While clubs is the correct word for groups of people that do stuff together clans is the term that’s used in the jj2 community (and in any gaming community for that matter).~Fl@$h aka BlewMeUp
But ‘club’ and ‘clan’ are synonyms while ‘clan’ and ‘clanmate’ are not. Allies are part of an alliance – the name should belong in the table of contents, along with ‘Enemies’. Since ‘Alliances’ is a broader term and has to do with everything related to alliances, and ‘Allies’ is too specific, ‘Alliances’ is a better choice. I also disagree with the assumption that the JJ2 term is ‘allies’. Some clans just prefer to say ‘we became allies with the XXX clan’ instead of ‘we made an alliance with the XXX clan’. http://8d.ncmv.net/, for example, uses ‘alliance’ while the now-defunct CKA uses ‘allies’, but only because it is a more apporpriate term for defining its stance towards other clans, and it does not not use ‘alliances’ either. ~White Rabbit.
The term ally, in this case, means a clan that is an ally of another clan, in plural form. I’d say that’s an appropriate title for the entry. And I have never seen any clan use “alliance” except for the aforementioned 8D. I’d also like some input on this from others :P ~Fl@$h aka BlewMeUp
But the entry is already about alliances, not allies. There are definitions of alliances between clans, examples of alliances, the definition of the opposite of alliances and a short history of alliances in the community. I’ve already brought up the question ‘allies of who?’ If an entry specifically about allies and their relations with each other was originally desired, then you haven’t really written about the right things. ~WR
As far as I know, the clans entry isn’t about Scottish barbarous tribes either. How hard is it to understand that this entry describes the common JJ2 concept of allies, not the allies as in the linguistic meaning of it? ~Fl@$h aka BlewMeUp
What about having the title be alliances, which is a broader concept than allies, where allies are clans in an alliance (just like members are part of a clan), and then having an allies entry which contains text like ‘Allies are clans which are in an alliance‘ or something of that sort. It seems to me that comparing how common usage is of the words allies vs. alliance is less efficient here than realising what concept – allies or alliances – describes the subject matter more precisely and is the broader term. It seems more senseful to describe what a clan alliance is and less senseful to describe what an ally is. An ally in itself is nothing, it’s a name for someone who is in an alliance. ~Fquist