1.23 JCS patch

Date uploaded:
10 Mar 2002 at 05:00 (Minor update on 10 Mar 2002)

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Overlord (More uploads by Overlord)
W32Dasm, Hiew and my ASM knowledge

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Sjp.exe 17.57 kB 10 Mar 2002


This is a patch made in a FLASH for 1.23 JCS so don’t expect much from it. It will allow JCS to load 1.24(TSF) levels but it also loves to crash so save the level to another file name immediately after loading it. It will be saved in 1.23 format but animations are gone. PLEASE DO NOT RATE THIS!


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 0

Review by Overlord

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (18 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings18 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness85%

Ow and next time I’m gonna take some time to create a real patch. I’m not sure if possible but I’ll try to use the TSF level loader in 1.23 JCS.

Once again please do not rate this.
And make backups of your JCS.


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Review by Taz

Posted more than 20 years ago
Jazz Jackrabbit (279 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings279 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness39%

Dron’t work. Blaat. Barf[This review has been edited by Taz]

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Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (539 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings280 Featured reviews26 Average helpfulness90%

Sounds really buggy.. and pretty useless..

Edit in response to ET:
Ok, so this lets you load TSF levels in 1.23. TSF levels, in general, use TSF tilesets. Does this let you use TSF tilesets in 1.23 JCS? Somehow, I doubt it..
Let’s say, that due to someone not having 1.23, they make a TSF level with a 1.23 tileset. Even if you do use this on that level, it will probably be passworded. If it’s not, you’ll still be missing all of the animations.
Now, someone seems to think that this is for retrieving levels they saved in the TSF JCS. Maybe I’m weird, but I have no idea how this could happen. First of all, they’re saved in different directories. So you bring up the TSF JCS, go into the 1.23 JJ2 folder, load a level, save it. How likely is that?
Anyway, why would they load it in the first place? If you have 1.23, there’s no real point to loading it in TSF, unless it’s a bona-fide TSF level (using a TSF only tileset).
What would be useful would be to take all those TSF tilesets that have less then the maximum tiles for 1.23 and make Them 1.23.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

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Review by blurredd

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (198 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings198 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness90%

I believe Overlord’s patch is meant to convert 1.24 levels to 1.23 levels. Perhaps this could be very useful to those who have TSF but can’t make levels for 1.23. Too bad those who have TSF don’t have 1.23 JCS so that they could use this patch, but at least those who have 1.23 JCS can convert TSF levels to 1.23 (something’s better than nothing, isn’t it?).

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Review by et

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (46 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings46 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness75%

Let me get this right, this will change 1.24 levels to 1.23, and people are saying that this is pretty useless? I think not ( that is if I understand what this program does ).Many of us who have both jj2 and TSF, must have once, accidentally saved a 1.23 level in the TSF editor, and been forced to remake the whole level from scratch, I know I have. This could be very useful to me :)

And even though you say it crashes, surely it doesn’t take long to open a TSF level, and quickly save it as a 1.23 level :)

I think this is worth downloading :), it can’t do any harm, and its only 14 kb * ET moves the mouse over to the download link, and suddenly the whole computer blows up and knocks the world sideways, the world then collides with all the other planets, and they are all pushed into the sun. Due to too much pressure, the sun explodes and causes a black hole, everything is sucked into it and time and matter no longer excist :P *

Reply to what Violet said: Ok, it isn’t the best level retriever, and loosing all the animations is a negative thing. But for me, if I use the TSF JCS one, until I actually click on JCS.exe, it will open every single level with the tsf jcs, it even stops the short cuts working properly, its probably something I have done wrong, but I am sure it could be useful for if someone needs to change a TSF level to a normal jj2 level.

Not everyone uses TSF to use the new tileset ( I do though :P ), so if they make a level, save it, suddenly relise that they were using the wrong JCS, they can quickly fix their error, instead of remaking the whole level, which is time filling :P

PS: Maybe this should become a debate[This review has been edited by ET]

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Review by Haze

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (12 Points)
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Sounds very useful indeed. :)

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Review by BizarrE aka RazZ

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (9 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings9 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0

Uhhh… Violet, it’s just handy ;)
If you don’t understand it, well ehhh… then go eat your hat.

It is very useful.

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Review by Super Saiyan

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (187 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings187 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness20%

Yes Usefull indeed.

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Review by Roseta

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (24 Points)
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Does it work with tsf tilesets?

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Review by URJazzCC

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (10 Points)
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Very good idea for a program Overlord. But I have to partially agree with Violet. This program is kind of useless, not totally, but kind of. I;ve had those RARE occassions where I try to convert a 1.23 level into TSF (Not knowing I could jsut paste it into the TSF directory) and when in the TSF JCS accidentally hitting ‘Save’ instead of ‘Save as’. So this is useful for those RARE occassions. This is also a step into the right direction of getting tilesets and what not of 1.24 into 1.23 :-)

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Review by Bjarni Cool

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (32 Points)
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It was go to index! ;-D

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Review by Black Energy

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (7 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings7 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness25%

It´s a good idea, but it´s kinda useless for two reasons:
1. It crashes too often.
2. The animations are totally gone, and that is very bad for levels with lotsa animations.

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Review by stanace

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (7 Points)
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y not just not make levs in tsf at all?

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Review by DanYjel

Posted more than 20 years ago
Jazz Jackrabbit (215 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings215 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness44%

Very GOOD!!!
Program WORKS.[This review has been edited by Danyjel]

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Review by NOKA

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (22 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings22 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness45%

Yes!! I had only TSF, now I have 1.23 also (thanx to Fl@sh) and I was sad that I have to redo my levels which I did in past (TSF). But now I have this wonderful patch!!! I would rate it 10 because I’m so happy!!! :D
:D :D


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Review by princeton

28 Oct 2005, 13:55 (edited 30 Oct 05, 21:18 by Violet CLM)
CTF Bug (0 Points)
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it was the best
(Unsupported/undesired rating (7.5) removal. Even ignoring the low quality of this review, the author has requested that the upload not be rated. Reviews of this upload will no longer have the capability to include a rating, to fulfill the uploader’s desires. ~Violet)

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Review by benchmark

25 Feb 2007, 19:26
CTF Bug (0 Points)
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It is work on 1.20 JCS?

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Review by FOX282

26 Apr 2007, 06:00
Frog (11 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings11 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness40%

Response to Rotesta:

No, It dosen’t work

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Review by Perf

7 Feb 2013, 12:42 (edited 7 Feb 13, 12:43)
CTF Bug (0 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings0 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0

Worked for me. I did have to redo the animated tiles and got a divide be zero error when trying to launch the map at first, but then I noticed there were leftover empty animated tiles from before hand in JCS. I got rid of the empty ones and boom, it worked. Now I’m hiding my TSF JCS somewhere so I don’t accidently convert my stuff to tsf again.. But yeah, remember to remove the empty animated tiles if you get a bunch of em. This tool ain’t bad for a quick fix. Just stay away from tsf jcs and use the original afterwords

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