There’s plenty eyecandy, weapon placement is good, but could have been done better. Glances at the bad placed seeker powerup
A nice level, download recommed.
Ah, a reupload, some bugs fixed and so.
Time to raise rating.[This review has been edited by Møøñßlãzé aka Zãr¢h]
Posted more than 21 years ago
Okie…few words of introduction first…It is a nice medium size battle level by one and only mr.White Wabbit. It is useing heaven tilest…as you already read in authors discription. Oke,now lets stick to the point…
General Eyecandy: PERFECT,everything looks very nice…level is truly a cand for a eye!
Gameplay:Preaty nice…play is clearly enough to get ,,how lvl works’‘ preaty soon.
Weapon Placement: Okay! Dureing playing that lvl i did not noticed that I would not have ammo..however it is no overfoused..
Final Sugestion: as you already noticed I liked the level very much,gameplay and eyecandy realy deserves a big,fat 8.7
have a nice day/night
Posted more than 21 years ago
i’ll have to review this lvl to get WR to give me rest and peace. Knocking him out with a baseball bat didn’t work :D ok, let’s see: the eyecandy is pretty great here (except for a tiny bug, but you can only see it if you know what you’re looking for, so i’ll shut up :D). The weapon placement is quite ok, and there are enough powerups and carrots for some serious battle game.
Good job, WR! (and please, don’t eat me while typing a review again. it’s very unsettling :D)[This review has been edited by Enigma]
LOL WR! Did you pay’d them to rate so high!? :D Just J/K.
Well its a very nice level, it uses the Heaven Tileset by Agama. It makes good use of it, using the vines and poles and the other decorations etc. The eyecandy is very good, the textured background plus the layer 6/7 is a great combination in this level. Gameplay is smooth, springs are well placed (You still should had to put that spring on that place wich I told you so.), further no obstakels or bugs. Ammo placement is uhm…well, I think its oke because I cant make it better ;) But Like Elrick said youve overused the ammo a bit, also youve put too much mixes of ammo together. There are also quite much PU’s for such a small level but nevermind. Ow yeah did I mention the ReadMe? WOW I AM IN IT:P( You bàstard, why did you put that text after my name! =P ) Well its a fairly medium nice level together. A 8.2 from me and a Download Recommendation. Well done![This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]
Posted more than 21 years ago
W00t what do i need to say more nothing
very nice level only maybe a bit too much Eyecandy
the gameplay is medium i dont realy like it but it still is a Goood Level
when do i get my money?:P
Posted more than 21 years ago
This is indeed a very nice battle level using the fantastic “Heaven” set by Agama.
It has very interesting eyecandy, with some nice ideas, but there are some glitches. The gameplay is very good, no dead ends. At the dead ends there are warps that lead you to a random place, an idea I also use frequently in my levels and it works good. The weapon placement is okay, but it’s not very fair because it’s easier to uppercut (Jazz) the powerups than to sidekick (Spaz) them, so I don’t think this is a level to use in duels.
Overall: This rocks. Download.
Posted more than 21 years ago
I think you must download this. Why? I’ll tell you.
It’s a amazing nice level with the Holy Heaven tileset by Agama. (uhuh.) There’s very good weapon placement, only too much Powerups. The gameplay is very good. There are much springs, so you can even play it with Lori. (But who does that?) There are no dead ends, and you can warp in the mouth of the lazy turtle. Is that enough? Let’s download then.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Very nice job, WR. Go on with such levels!
Posted more than 21 years ago
Yet another battle level by White Rabbit. Let’s view it, shall we? Cringes at use of royal “we”
This is a solid battle level using the “Heaven” tileset, which we are all farmiliar with. The level is overall very spifftacular indeed, though there are a few minor kinks that could have been avoided and raised the rating. Regardless, if you are a battle fan, and even if you just play battle games every once in a while, I can guarantee you that you will like this level. Judging by Violet’s review, this level is not very stable. I have to agree. When I ran it at first, my computer froze. The next time, it nearly froze and I had to resort to good ol’ end task. The third time apparently was a charm, as it ran, and quite smoothly at that. I am glad that I put forth the effort to get this derned thing to run, because this derned thing is derned good. The flow of this level is possibly the best part of it. There are very few bugs that I noted, and no dead ends. Eyecandy was right behind it, with some spiffy-looking stuff, though there were a few ultra-minor errors. Weapon placement was generally good, though the seeker powerup was placed in a lame fashion (come on, show some creativity! ;-P). Still, weapon placement is overall good. There were not many errors at all, which is nice to see. A great battle level and definitely worth a download.
+ PROS: Overall, a very nice battle level. Excellent flow.
- CONS: The seeker powerup was placed badly.
VERDICT: I give this an 8.2 and a download recommendation, especially for battle freaks. Great job, White Rabbit!
Despite the fact that I downloaded this almost right after it was uploaded, I’m going to only give it a N/A. Why?
The first time I ran it, it nearly crashed my computer.
The second time, it did.
I’m not going to try a third time, and I haven’t seen one tile of the level, so a N/A it is. Fix that bug, and I’ll rate it. :P
To Violet: Huh? What bug? Weird…
It shouldn’t be like that, Violet. Try downloading it from someone else or maybe you should ask someone to host the lvl and then open it up to see if it works.
To Saiyan: Will you raise yer rating if I put that spring where you asked me to?
To everyone else: Thank you…[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]