17 Aug 2006, 19:54 (edited 8 Dec 06, 10:48)
I really enjoyed this Episode, but I wasn’t able to tell which was the starting level.
STORY: Jazz/Spaz/Lori journey to each of the Planets that were in HH 94 & 95.
EYECANDY: Backgrounds look great, eyecandy has now improved in the first 2 levels. I love the snow effects used in the Christmas levels. The moving Chocolate Bars in the background was superb. How can I do something like that? Tilesets are also used very well. 10/10
GAMEPLAY: There are special warps that take the player to different puzzles where they can find the last 5 or so coins. Superb idea! The levels are long, about 20 minutes each. Dunno what else to say for Gameplay. A secret level can now be found in the first Holidaius level. 10/10
PICKUPS: Very well placed. Not too many or too less. Not too many 1UPs or Shields are placed in these levels which is good as too many 1UPs or Shields would make it easy. Power-Ups are found in Bonus Areas rather than out in the open. There is a shield in the 2nd Bloxonius level but it’s only used to get pass the Dragons. 10/10
ENEMIES/OBSTACLES: Enemies are very well placed. Not too many or too less. There are some obstacles in each of the levels. Trigger Crates need to be found in order to progress through the rest of the level. There is a Schwartzenguard Boss in the last level which can only be accessed by blowing up the TNT Blocks. 10/10
TOTAL = 40/40 (10.0)
SUMMARY: An excellent Christmas level pack which uses the Bloxonius and HH94 & 95 tilesets.
EDIT: For those who don’t know, the starting level is “Holidaius1.j2l” without the quotes.
EDIT2: I replayed the pack again today and I enjoyed it so much, so I decided to increase the score.
We hold this truth to be self evident: that you can not go wrong to download Chandie’s stuffness.
Six winter levels. Understatement. The first two levels use the un-named HH94 tileset, and are fun.
The second two levels use Candion, and are also fun.
The third two levels use Bloxonius, and are not quiiiite so fun, but the end boss makes up for it.
Each level has one type of ammo, and other then gun crates, it sticks to it. The coin warp contains a powerup for it.
In order to get all the coins, you must enter a special warp leading to “Secret levels” of sorts. You turn into frogs, you jump from windy platform to windy platform, you fly around. You get coins as reward, but I quote Harry Potter: “Thief, you have been warned, beware, of finding more then treasure there.” They’re fun, except for the one in Bloxonius’s first level, which I don’t think much of.
However, all tradition breaks down in the last level, where you get powerups for most of the previous ammo types, and there is no secret level (or if there is, I didn’t see it). However, this too is all made up for at the end, with what has got to be the most original end boss in existance.
Chandie, along with his/her other skills, is an expert at tileset use. From the blocks in Bloxonius to the candy bars in Candion, you’ll find no real tile bugs (or if you did, you were looking carefully).
There are a few bad points, however. As I already said, I didn’t like the secret level in Bloxonius’ first level. The enemies are a little boring (Nothing but XMas enemies, with occasional dragons) and there’s a subplot about dragons which is left unconcluded. And it’s all a bit too easy at times.
Still, if you download one single player level pack with six levels this month, this is probably the best choice.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM][This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Posted more than 21 years ago
Some have actually gone to the extent to call the single player genre dead. This is in no way true, as is exhibited by Chandie’s fantastic pack here. All of the levels are very entertaining, though Bloxinus was not quite as entertaining as the others. A great job, though.
Posted more than 21 years ago
This rocks. Six levels of nice winter entertaiment lolol its summer here
A 9.2 for the very very well gameplay and eyecandy and etc. SO DOWNLOAD THIS NOW! roar
Posted more than 21 years ago
Cool level, really rocks to play. If you don’t have it:::: GET IT!!
I saw it already and so it’s good, ist just like a 9.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Posted more than 21 years ago
yeag its good
good levels
nice musics
good eyecandy
very funny
only little bit easy sometimes.
rating from me an 9.5
Posted more than 21 years ago
Well here is my review.
The eyecandy is really good and the leveldesign also.The item placements are really good and the coins as well.
In every level there is a shop you need coins for somewhere in the levels and you need to do some kind of minigames like jumping from platform to platform with windt.
I think it is a little bit to easy but that is not really a foult. I think that you repeat to much from spring to spring. The boss is really goood that you need to push the crates to the tnt
and get attacked by the same time.bye.
Meh. Not going to go through this all, but I didn’t quite like it as much as the rest. Since this was pre-awesome conversions by Violet/Noka era, the HH94+95 sets used were ones of poor quality. The levels were alright, but fairly barren with not much new. A few bugs in some of them too, like one of the save points in the holidaeus being next to blocks needing a trigger to open. Well, once you die and touch that save point, when you resurrect, the trigger blocks are set to 1st anim therefore masked, and you get stuck in a wall. Eyecandy is average. The pack isn’t bad, but I wouldn’t give it higher then an 8. 7.5. A nice little pack with some fun things, but most things aren’t more then decent. Download reccomendation, although I feel empty because I expected more from soemthing rated 9. Maybe its because I have a small headache atm. OH well. review ends =D.
Firstly, great levels before I start the review.
Poor eyecandy in both levels. The levels are a bit easy but that doesn’t matter. The item placement is great and gameplay is great!! Rating: 7.0
Better…. Again the levels are easy and eyecandy isn’t great but there isn’t as many errors in these levels as in ‘Christmas’ so that brings your score up. RATING: 7.5
The best out of all of them. There is huge amounts of gameplay in places and these levels are harder. RATING: 7.7
Save point placement in level 1 of ‘Christmas’ -0.2
Platform use in Blocks2 +0.2
Snow use in Candy levels +0.1
Challenges in levels +0.4
Seperate Ammo for levels +0.1
TOTAL: +0.6
FINAL COMMENT: Download this.
Yay,that level has exelent…
I got only one little rider on music.
[Review changed to quick review. – Cooba]
Very intresting,though like other levels is kinda easiy
Posted more than 21 years ago
Brilliant! I especially liked the final boss, it was a really good idea.
Nice Very nice
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. ~Violet)
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. ~Violet)
17 Aug 2006, 15:05 (edited 17 Aug 06, 18:02 by Cooba)
Rating Winter Celebration
To start
Excellent Xmas-episode where Jazz, Spaz and Lori visit the three planets of the Holiday Hare episode ’94 and ’95 again to cover the Tuf Turtle eventually.
Six levels
In six levels, two on each planet Jazz, Spaz and Lori must finish the courses. What really does not fit, is that there only one end boss on the last planet (Bloxonius) is. The rabbits could also right to Bloxonius go, because on the other planets only obstakels and no end bosses.
Compliment and moan first planet
The music from the first planet is good chosen. But I give no bonus for this, because that is not permitted.
This is a pity: the eyecandy of the first planet is bad, while it is very good at the other two planets.
But this is all in all a good Jazz Jackrabbit XMAS-episode. In spite of these shortcomings this is further a recommendation.
Mark: 7,6
Download recommendation: 
[Rating (7.6) clearance. Aside from pointing out the eyecandy this review said NOTHING about the level quality. WHY is the first level’s eyecandy bad? WHY is the other levels’ eyecandy good? Things like “In six levels, two on each planet Jazz, Spaz and Lori must finish the courses. What really does not fit, is that there only one end boss on the last planet (Bloxonius) is. The rabbits could also right to Bloxonius go, because on the other planets only obstakels and no end bosses.” are IRRELEVANT of the level quality and should NEVER be rated. What should be rated is the EYECANDY and GAMEPLAY of the level, and you didn’t review NEITHER. ~Very annoyed Cooba]
the Xmas bilsy boss would fit much better than the schwartzenguard
I think Xmas Bilsy would be a great idea. However if i put an xmas bilsy, my puzzle would crash. Because you can’t escape Bilsy’s fireballs while you’re flying. Also Bilsy can pass through the TNT blocks. So Tuff Boss was the best choice for the puzzle.