Posted more than 21 years ago
Actually a cool level.
Tileset use: perfect. I didn’t see any bugs.
Layout: good layout. This level has an interresting gameplay.
Events: weapon placement was just fine, but nothing exeptionnal.
Eyecandy: a little above average. Some parts could use a bit more though.
Overall: good level, worth a download. I give it 7.5.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Are testers allowed to rate levels? Ah, can’t see why not.
They may get mad at me, because I said I’d give it 7.2. Unfortunately, it has changed since then. It is now impossible to approach the red base from the top, making the level a bit imbalanced.
The tileset is used flawlessly. The eyecandy is neither bland nor cluttered.
The music fits it well. It made me look at Diamondus differently.
This level is quite small, and as such is well suited to uncrowded servers and split-screen matches. In other words, good for every server I happen to join, Anniversary Bash excluded.
The level is smooth to play. The ammo and powerup placement is good. The food is a bit of a distraction.
It’s worth a download. Look and see if you like it. What more can I say?
Posted more than 21 years ago
I think you did a great job, FoDie! Everything seems to flow really well. :) I didn’t feel stuck anywhere. Umm I don’t know how to write a review really. But I would be proud if I could make a lvl like this. So an 8 it is! Excellent. n.n Download now..or else. ;P
Yet another Diamondus level that gives off a good first impression. Will it last? let’s see…
The gameplay was good but not flawless. The rock bridge at the top right gives red a small advantage as they can reach blue base by either going through the top left or down left paths, and blue can only reach red through the down right path, very big problem here in my opinion and even caused me some trouble playing it while online.
The seeker pu was placed in a coin warp, i’m not a big fan of coin warps anymore and don’t believe that they should be in CTF or battle levels IF you have to put a carrot or seek pu (like here) in it. The area with the seek pu is neither noob friendly if your new to jj2 of simply a noob to the level itself. Since you have to go up the poorly marked middle to reach the poles. I know FoD and/or [GpW]Electric put a red arrow to tell you but it doesn’t work too well, and even made me panic and actually thought the authors forgot to add an exit. Poles are, in my opinion, only for single player, however this isn’t much of a problem here.
The ammo placement was decent but I would suggest more. In fact, there were probably more food placed than weapons.
The eyecandy was average, nothing really to discuss. Same goes for the tileset use too.
The general atmosphere exists. I was surprised at how the dim lighting, blowing leaves to simulate wind and music combo added such a great feeling to this.
Overall i’d say this is a good CTF level by WWInc. If it wasn’t for the bridge and seeker pu placement I would give it an 8.0. However, even though this level has problems. I like it enough to give it a 7.7 as my rating.
- fs
[This review has been edited by Fire Sword!]
Posted more than 21 years ago
A Diamondus level…
Gameplay is definitely an iffy. While it is simple and it follows the CTF basics, there are several things I don’t like about it. For one thing, the flow is a bit troublesome in several places. Not the biggest problem, but I notice these things. Another thing is the routes from base to base. The layout has the flags located close to each other, but are blocked by a wall and force you to take a longer route. It’s been done before, and with the same exact tileset. Although, that’s not where the problem lies. I find it a little annoying that I can take the upper and lower route from red base to blue base, but only the lower route from blue base to red base. The bridge prevents players from going down on the right side. Unless if I totally missed an alternative route or something to supplement this problem, it’s a major flaw in balance and makes gameplay slightly harder to bear.
I would say typical for a Diamondus level. There’s nothing trully new in this level. It’s average, but at least some effort was put into it.
I can live with the full energy carrot at the top middle. The ammo placement is a little scarce from what I can tell. The thing that troubles me the most is seeker powerup placement. It makes me wonder why bother collecting coins for the hard to find coin warp when players can just shoot it with some electro blasters. I don’t know if the author really wanted this, but I would advise to get rid of the coin warp and use a regular warp instead. All the other powerups are placed alright or close to it.
Maybe once or twice, only if those bridges don’t annoy you as much as they did me. 7.2 is my rating.
Updated rating: Maybe I should have waited for the reupload. Anyway, I’m revising this to a 7.5 since now players can go from the top to the bottom on the right side.[This review has been edited by BlurredD]
Posted more than 21 years ago
Trafton mentioned that since it was so easy to just go up, no one would explore the rest of the level. That’s why I did that.
so..wwinc is back?
hurrys off to make some levels
I’ll rate the level after school.