Special note before reviewing: The author has asked that his upload not be rated, and as such all ratings shall be set to N/A instead of whatever I might have otherwise chose to rate.
GAMEPLAY/CONCEPT: The gameplay is classic word search. You are given a list of clans and names, and told to find all of them written out in the big table of letters above. Yes, I found myself. The author seems to assume you already know all of this, in addition to how they can be written out in varying directions. I.E, if you simply look from left to right, not changing position vertically, you’ll get Fireball, CelL, Overlord, Snooz, Batty Buddy, Salamander and Blackraptor, but not too much else.
Pros: It’s a word search.
Cons: I’ve never been too much of a fan of them. It would be nice if instead of this being completely a document, it was a program where you could select a word to show you found it, so you wouldn’t keep seeing it again. Printing could still be optional.
WORD CHOICE/DIFFICULTY/COMMON SENSE: The author, for the most part, chose names of four or more letters. Being names, and not common words, of course, a lot can be found simply by looking for uncommon letters then checking in all directions. The worst of these is J2LC, which includes the number, despite there being no other numbers Anywhere in the game. Aside from that, there are also a lot of 2/3 letters, which is probably not a good idea. These clans and short names will probably show up quite a lot – I found five “ot“s in a rather short period of time.
Pros: Mostly longish, distinct names.
Cons: Too many short things, J2LC has an obvious problem.
ORIGINALITY: What in the way of originality can you offer a word search? Maybe we just haven’t figured that out yet, but the author hasn’t. There’s no “circle all the used letters and the remaining letters will spell out a secret message”. There’s no “find all the words without using the same letter more then once”. No, the gameplay is completely classical, right down to the Fireball at the very top left.
Pros: N/A
Cons: N/A
OVERALL: What can you say about a word search? As a general rule, it’s just there, something to do when you’re bored and your eyes can stand the sight of a large white area. Judging from the other reviews, there’s not too much else to say about it besides “I’m in it.”. BN, yes, you are in there.
Cons: Still not automatic.