Date uploaded:
20 Jun 2004 at 04:00 (Minor update on 20 Jun 2004)

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Toxic Bunny (More uploads by Toxic Bunny)
Anyone who has ever made cake
Screenshots (43.47 kB)

File contents

CaKeY.txt 0.68 kB 21 Jun 2004
CaKeYex.j2l CaKeY TESTification 4.44 kB 22 Jun 2004
CaKeY.j2t CaKeY 37.75 kB 22 Jun 2004


This is my submission to Olsen\‘s 200 tile competition.

There are only two animations, but lots of cake. Cake is good.

Now with all new stuff!


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 8.2

Review by PHT

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (109 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings97 Featured reviews2 Average helpfulness83%

I like reviewing, so I’ll review this set now :P

The tileset has some very well made graphics, but sadly it’s rather small. It doesn’t have enough stuff to make an interesting level at all. Like said before, the graphics are nice, but the background is confusing and hard to use. Also I don’t really know what it should be in general. There isn’t any foreground stuff, and only one thing to use at the background. That’s too less to make good eyecandy with this set.
SCORE: 6.0 out of 10

The example level is ok, it shows what you can do with some tiles (hooks, hurts and stuff), but it doesn’t have enemys, food and all that other stuff you need in a level. Also, as I played the level I didn’t realize that weird thing was supposed to be a sucker tube :P All in all, the level could be more detailed, tough I think it uses all the tiles.

3.0 out of 5

The level uses the Hell music, which surprisingly fits very well.

4.0 out of 5

Well, this set has an interesting idea, but it’s too small and there isn’t enough stuff to do with it. Tough, keep in mind that I have seen much worther tilesets than this, and it isn’t very hard to use (except the background, which I couldn’t get like I wanted it to be). Use this? Well, maybe for a battle level once. But for single player it just doesn’t have enough stuff.
SCORE: 6.0

Have fun

Cooba: In my opinion rating example levels is ok, as long as it doesn't affect the final score as much as the tileset itself. ALSO DON'T CALL ME PARP OR A POLAR BEAR WILL COME AND EAT YOU :P ToxicBunny: I’ll vote for the set on the poll now, good luck.

-better example level
-better background
-sucker tube now looks more like a sucker tub
-some new tiles

-background has the same color than the normal walking ground (it should be a bit darker)
-background is the same as the sprite layer ground in smaller

I like this set a lot more now, and I’ve also finished my own level with this set today. Rating raised to 6.7
[This review has been edited by PHT]

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Review by cooba

Posted more than 20 years ago
Carrot Juice Addict (326 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings112 Featured reviews32 Average helpfulness86%


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Review by Alister

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (10 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings10 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness75%

I’ve changed the set a bit. I’ve also made a new example level as the last one was made in a hurry. Enjoy!

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Review by Spark

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (4 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings4 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness50%

Now this is something you don’t see everyday.

The name of the set says it. Cakey. A land of cake and candy. Possibly the best set recommed for a birthday level. Looking through it make me regret my slimming court.

Cakey does not use a lot of smooth textures or spiffy animations. However, it’s really original and looks paint drawn. All the tiles contains a nice variation between different kind of goodies, like cake, cookies, and so on. The sucker tubes can even be turned into candles. (How cute :) The only disappointment I found in this set was the background. The layer 5/6/7 (Depending on which layer the level creator desides to use for it.) is just the level 4 tiles minimized to about half the size and the textured background doesn’t really give much sense in terms of the set theme.

As conclusion, I highly recom you download the set. :) It is a really wonderful one that truly deserves to be used. Use it in terms of birthday or celebration.

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Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 20 years ago
Way better than Aiko (862 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings464 Featured reviews35 Average helpfulness92%

3rd review by me in the morning, here goes:


A Cakeyfied set, and lots of cake like things. Compared to Sandy sunsets, it seems to have less of a tile variety (most tiles are ground tiles/sucker tube tiles), but the thing that I really liked was the textureness. When I look at the white ground, it looks fluffy and creamy, just like frosting, and the brown ground it looks just like cake. Im not really sure what the blocky waffle like things for the BG eyecandy is suppose to be, but whatever. There is a (although quite small) backround in this, so that gets + marks. The only animation in this, though, aside from the destruct blocks, is the cake candle. There are lots of eyecandy details for the brown ground included, and for the white ground as well, and there are signs, hurt events, destruct blocks etc included. Looking at this set really reminds me of cake and makes me hungry, which is why I voted for it in the poll.
Tiles Included (keeping in mind the 200 tile limitation): 8.2
Important tiles: 7.5
Masking: 7.8
Color (including textureness): 9
Animations (keeping in mind the 200 tile limit): 7.7
Overall (not an average): 8
Final rating: 8.033333333, rounded down to 8. A definate download reccomendation and congrats to TB for making this set look so much like cake. ;D

Edit: bleh, i had the old version. In the new version, lots of stuff are added/improved such as better backround eyecandy, another animation, a few new tiles, better example level etc. So im boosting this by .2. I feel tempted to rate this 8.5, but that might be a bit too high so 8.2. Goob job and download reccomendation.[This review has been edited by Blackraptor]

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RecommendedReview by Gizmaluke

17 Nov 2004, 19:19
Frog (17 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings17 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness8%

CaKeY ~one of the cakest tileset out there.
There is so much tubes in this tileset. They make me DiZzY
Background can be little better.
Overall I like this tileset.
I think it’s good from Xmas level.
Download recommendation for me :D

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RecommendedReview by SaVn

9 Nov 2015, 14:36 (edited 9 Nov 15, 14:37)
Frog (13 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings13 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness10%

A nice tileset very sweet, delicious and beautiful.

Art Style
The art style is CakeLand, where the rabbits love cakes and pie.
There are sucker tubespipes that are similar to candles, also the propellers;
There’re blocks, vines, hook and a layout similiar from ground.

Rating: 9


Rating: 10

Example Level
It’s funny!

Rating: N/A

This tileset is good!!!!!!!!

I give him a super delicious 8 !!!!!!!!!!


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