5 May 2007, 20:16
Well, for starters, this tileset is very.. intimidating. And overwhelming. By playing a level with this tileset, we can feel like a true rabbit in a forest. Everything in this tileset is extremely large, sometimes perhaps too large. The big plants certainly give out the greatest impression, which stand out in the levels a lot (13 tiles high!), which makes the levels look very open and original. This tileset represents a jungle (a bit similar to the official JJ2 Jungle tileset, thanks to Epic), so if you do like nature themed levels, go try this out.
Well, this tileset falls prey here. You have trees and big plants to use.. and nothing else. Even the JJ2 Jungle has had some building tiles that you could make a village out of, where as this has solely trees and plants, which may make the conversion a bit boring. I know it’s a conversion, but there’s no trouble in adding some stuff by oneself. All the most required tiles are on the top of the set, so there’s no hassle with looking for all kinds of random tiles to make a floor tile properly (hinthint JJ2 Inferno). I do miss a textured background though, all we have here is trees (again..) The mask here seems like a joke, though. It’s just the contour of all the walls. All the soil tiles are unmasked, which is, well, questionable. (Just open a level using this set and look at the mask, you’ll know what do I mean)
- The idea is original
- Splendid plants
- Overall intimidating eyecandy
- Weird mask
- No other possibilites other than making a forest/jungle
This tileset will appeal to those who like nature (jungle) themes, but unfortunately there’s nothing much else which can be done with this set.. pity.
I won’t actually rate this tileset conversion because I wouldn’t know where to start with the review. I’ve never done it for a conversion before, at least not properly (the last one I wrote was about 5 years back…).
I just want to say you’ve done a good job with the conversion, and the masking is top notch, although it is often not clear which tiles are solid and which are not when you’re playing.
Now, I don’t know Rayman at all, nor have I played it, but I was slightly disappointed when I found out that none of the water/pond tiles were included. It would have been the perfect touch, but since it’s a very large tileset, you probably didn’t have the space.
Last but not least, great work with the foreground tiles of those mushrooms, purple flowers, and red berry trees. Very simple and easy to use. :-)
No rating, but definite download recommendation.
21 Apr 2007, 15:25 (edited 21 Apr 07, 15:25)
I can’t rate this as I don’t know where to start in reviewing this, so instead, I’ll just state my thoughts.
I think this is an excellent conversion of the Forest levels from the first Rayman game, though I haven’t played this game for about 2 years. It’s missing the water tiles though, but I see in the description that they are being worked on.
The masking is superb. Backgrounds aren’t masked which is good.
I see that you have included the music from the game as well, but one question. When I open it in Winamp, it says the song length is 20 mins 30 secs, why is that?
Overall, I think this is a great conversion and I would definitely RECOMMEND downloading it. Since it is a huge tileset though, some might find it hard to use.
If I was rating this, I’d probably give it about 8.0 – 8.5.
Are you gonna do conversions of the other levels?
24 Apr 2007, 15:29 (edited 25 Apr 07, 14:37 by Fquist)
[Heavy? It’s 22KB big, which is pretty small in all honesty. ~Cooba]
[To put things in perspective, your (Fox282) posting of that comment and getting sent back to the info page made you download around twice the amount of kilobytes that it cost to download that picture. – FQuist]
Hmmm… wut can i say.
Exect copy of rayman 1 exepv the back.
The masking gut no probles, and u gut some tiles 4 layer 3.