BattleShipsBL +

  • Rating: 5.9

Reviews and comments

    YRSHKD 28 Jun 2010, 19:21


    I have BattleShipsBL, and I think, IT’S AWESOME!
    Cool! ;)

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    cooba 29 Jun 2010, 14:00

    5.5Not recommended:

    A pretty uninspired edit of Birdie’s BattleshipsBL. Some tiles are a nice addition but some are also pretty useless. It’s a decent effort but it would be cool if it was spent on making something original. And it’s not like BattleshipsBL was all that good, as a palette edit.

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    StarLORD 30 Jun 2010, 18:53

    1.7Not recommended:

    ALSO YOU NEED the name of creator of battleshipBL
    before editing and uploading it XD
    a bit is nice this tileset
    but you don’t have added 32 tiles xD

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    andbr98 8 Aug 2010, 05:57


    As he told in the decription: “Please don’t rate for the example level or the original version of the BattleShips BL”. So this is just a upgrade. And its not bad, it just filled the holes that the old BL had so I think that it deserves an 8 or a 9. So I’ll give it a 8, 1/2. \|/ Load Reccomenation?? N/A

    [Review changed to quick review, see the review rules. ~cooba]

    0 of 1 person found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

    Toni_ 29 Jun 2010, 13:51

    “I added more than 100 new tiles for YOUR levels.”
    Are you mad? You added 15 tiles… and it is too much.. less than 15. Better make some conversation of JJ1 tile sets.

    Laro B. 28 Jun 2010, 21:42

    I don’t think so the author of the ‘‘real BattleShipsBL’‘ likes you’re doing this.

    If you don’t know who he/she is, then it’s obiously stealing, you need to ask for permission.

    FOX292 29 Jun 2010, 08:36

    I think that >CeIL< made the conversion, that BL and your BL+ based on….
    Anyway, try to search the downloads for the BL conversion.

    GLaDOS 1 Jul 2010, 21:43 (edited 1 Jul 10, 21:43)

    Actually, the tileset has ( ( 1952 – 1568 ) / 32 ) * 10 = 120 new tiles augmented to the bottom in total, plus some tiles which filled empty spots in the tileset.