Wow! Very cool! Kinda short but the difficulty of it makes up for that (especially the steps of recoil).
The music’s more the deciding factor in the title than the level itself, so if it doesn’t work, just play it!!! The “Stairs of Recoil” section IS possible, just HARD!!! (Hint: jump at the last moment when running-up, and keep pressing jump over and over and over and over… etc.)
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Fantasial Races | 3.47 kB |
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Jazzed Realm | 60.21 kB |
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Celestial Fantasia | 428.59 kB |
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Wow! Very cool! Kinda short but the difficulty of it makes up for that (especially the steps of recoil).
Hmmmmmm. This is slightly too short, rather easy race level. The only really hard part is the pinball area, but I guess the others are decent enough to make up for the lack of size. Not sure how this would work with a lot of people though.
The eyecandy is what can be expected with this tileset.
The gameplay is decent.
The music choice is pretty good.
There are no enemies, fortunately.
Over all, this is a decent level.
(Advertising removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Exelente! Perfect Chalenge! Exellent race matirial!
An excellent racing lvl. The obstacles are very original and they’re packed with springs, freezing stuff and pinball bumps. I especially like the Steps of Recoil. Very, very nice indeed. :-) Btw, Hawking, do you mind me editing your lvl a little just to make it even harder? Plz??
Anyway, this is a short but must have racing lvl. I’m giving Celestial Races an 8.5 and a download recommendation.
White Rabbit.
The tileset was made by Everlasting. Nice level. His name is specified in the tileset iself, guess you missed it
:-O. First, i would like the coment on the music choise: AwEsOmE! Celestial Fantasia is a incredible soundtrack, very fasttracked, perfect for race levels. Its one of my top 30 MODs, and that says A LOT. Now for the level. It uses Everlasting’s pretty cool “Jazzed realm” tileset. The dificulty level is pretty good. Things like “The stairs of recoil” and the “lap of orbits” are pretty hard to get out of. The ideas are very creative. I also liked the part named “Freezing touch”. It was’nt that origenal, but still pretty good. “The pit of rejection” was a litle easy to finish compared to the pther parts, but good i guess. The level has decent eyecandy, could be A LOT beter though. I personaly guess the best reasen to download this would be for the music, but still the level is very good. HigH eight points for this cool litle race level.[This review has been edited by >CelL<]
No Ninja, this is one of the hardest race levels ever. Anyway, this is cool. I like the tileset, music and design, that says it all. Get this now.
Well, been a long time since I reviewed a race level, so here goes: The level starts off ok, I don’t like the pit of rejection much, and those trees look ugly. Some fun things in this level, though I don’t like the pinball area much. The music is nicely chosen, though it coulda been renamed so it wont overwrite the original. I hate the backround, its very dull. The rain moves so slow and layer 8 just stands still, its boring. Plus the level is spaz biased, and jazz has difficulty passing the part at pos 45,23.
Overall, this level has bad eyecandy, satisfactory gameplay, good tiling, good music choice, slightly spaz biased in some parts, ammoless, and short. If these things want to make you download this level, than do so. Im rating this a 6.2.
[This review has been edited by Blackraptor]
Well, ninja, thank yeh kindly.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.