Ancient Hall of Wisdom

Date uploaded:
7 Sep 2023 at 18:59 (Minor update on 10 Sep 2023)

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Slaz (More uploads by Slaz)
Capture the flag
Blade and ehh, Username for the tilesets. Violet for the secret mimic idea.
TSF+ (This file requires JJ2+)
Screenshots (941.73 kB)

File contents

j2vfhall.j2l Ancient Hall of Wisdom 19.96 kB 10 Sep 2023
Aztec2.j2t Aztec 2 401.51 kB 15 May 2018
Schoolv3b.j2t School (v3b) 129.28 kB 13 Sep 2002
SEfirework.j2a 5.19 kB 01 Jul 2017
hiddenempire.s3m The Hidden Empire (KK) 150.95 kB 26 Feb 2018
j2vfhall.j2as 1.66 kB 16 Aug 2023
MLLE-Weapons.asc 47.25 kB 06 Sep 2019
SEfirework-mlle.asc 1.13 kB 29 Nov 2022
SEfirework.asc 8.25 kB 30 Jun 2017
SEweapon.asc 14.07 kB 03 Sep 2017
SuperToaster.asc 1.96 kB 29 Nov 2022
SEfirework1.wav 175.22 kB 29 Apr 2017
SEfirework2.wav 140.57 kB 29 Apr 2017
MLLE-Include-1.6w.asc 24.49 kB 10 Sep 2023
j2vfhall-MLLE-Data-1.j2l MLLE Extra Data 10.70 kB 10 Sep 2023


My entry for the Secret Mimic thingy where I was assigned to make a level in the style of Loon. I immediately thought of CTF and almost-but-not-quite symmetry. I’m not sure if this level is successful at mimicking but it’s certainly something different than what I would’ve made without that in mind (as well as my first CTF level).

Somehow in some random jungle, a school of sorts has been found. Why it is a modern looking school? Idk, perhaps the ancients were more sophisticated than we thought.

This level is best suited for 2v2 and duel, but more players could work.

EDIT: Fixed clients taking off-grid PUs getting kicked from the server. + a very minor tilebug.


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