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Music: Pools of Light and Shadow PT32 Music 7.2 Download file

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Cross Country Productions (TM)

Released: June
18th, 2009

|###| Instrument Name            |###| Sample Name                |
|001|                            |001|                            |
|002| --+--+--+--+--             |002| AWESOME REMIX!!!!!         |
|003| NuKelEaR REmIX             |003| My definite coolest        |
|004| "Pools of Light            |004| one yet, Chrysilis         |
|005| & Shadow"                  |005| is one of my fav           |
|006|                            |006| planets in JJ1, and        |
|007| Orig. song by              |007| this song clearly          |
|008| Robert A. Allen            |008| does it justice. Or        |
|009| Remix by                   |009| so I think.                |
|010| PT32                       |010|                            |
|011|                            |011| Heyya to God, the          |
|012| <><                        |012| dude I write               |
|013|                            |013| everything for.            |
|014|                            |014| Ain't He just so           |
|015| Song #46                   |015| cool? Huh?                 |
|016| GUITAR 1                   |016| GUITAR 1                   |
|017|                            |017| EXTRA SAMPLE               |
|018| FAIRLTV2                   |018| Bass Productions presents: |