Downloads containing a walk in the rain (looped).it

Name Author Game Mode Rating
TSF with JJ2+ Only: The Rabbit Sleeps Tonight RSGDB Single player 6 Download file

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|###| Instrument Name            |###| Sample Name                |
|001|                            |001| Indicator Music...         |
|002|                            |002|                            |
|003| the 80's will never die    |003| "A Walk in the Rain"       |
|004|                            |004|                            |
|005|                            |005| by Bryan Rudge (sirrus)    |
|006| missed...                  |006|                            |
|007| bdrum2.pcm (no header)     |007| -and-                      |
|008| updated 26/10 1995         |008|                            |
|009| werd!@#@!                  |009| Alexander                  |
|010| open hi hat                |010| Brandon  (sandman)         |
|011| synth hi hat               |011|                            |
|012| tom                        |012| _________________________  |
|013|                            |013|                            |
|014|                            |014| for the MusicDisk          |
|015|                            |015| "Oracle"                   |
|016| cool piano                 |016|                            |
|017| cool piano 2               |017| Samples from:              |
|018|                            |018|                            |
|019| ripped from "seach for th  |019| Jean Michel Jarre          |
|020| flute1.pcm (no header)     |020| Andrew Sega  (necros)      |
|021| bass                       |021| Dan Grandpre   (basehead)  |
|022|                            |022|                            |
|023| on the extended crystal    |023| All material within is     |
|024| every side, a sphere of    |024| copyright 1997             |
|025|                            |025| Indicator Music.           |
|026| various other sources.     |026|                            |
|027| _________________________  |027|                            |
|028| finish this crappy tune    |028|                            |
|029| STRING1.WAV                |029|                            |
|030|                            |030|                            |
|031| "orchard street"           |031|                            |
|032|                            |032|                            |
|033| ( necros )                 |033|                            |
|034| RAIN.WAV                   |034|                            |
|035| THUNDER.WAV                |035|                            |
|036| you. There's nothing I ca  |036|                            |
|037|                            |037|                            |
|038|                            |038|                            |
|039|                            |039|                            |