Downloads containing writeyou.txt

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JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Noel's Passage Odin314 Battle 7.3 Download file

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N   N   OOO   EEEEE  L      ()   SSSS      PPPP    AAA    SSSS   SSSS   AAA
NN  N  O   O  E      L      "   S          P   P  A   A  S      S      A  
A  G      E
N N N  O   O  EEE    L           SSS       PPPP   AAAAA   SSS    SSS  
N  NN  O   O  E      L              S      P      A   A      S      S  A  
A  G   G  E
N   N   OOO   EEEEE  LLLLL      SSSS       P      A   A  SSSS   SSSS   A  

(Noel's Passage)

This is my first real upload to J20 (the first one was a game type which
kinda fell to the ground), and i'm excited. GWEE!

Anyways, some fun facts:

1. This level was orginally called 'Noel's Gift', which was a name my
parents helped come up with. I asked them for a name (Noel) and a noun
(gift). Violet didn't like the name very much. Neither did I. I scrapped
'gift' and replaced it with 'passage'.

2. This level once used 3 layers just for snow, before I removed one to
make way for the sleigh. When I added the three snow layers, I made a
backup of my level without the snow layers, because last time I used three
layers for snow, (on another, unreleased level) the file got corrupt. Shows
you how paranoid I am.

3. At one time, the level had a spring trap. I removed it because I thought
it might've gotten annoying.

4. SlaYo was going to beta test too, but I forgot his email address. Sry.

5. Blackraptor was going to beta-test an updated version of the level (the
level in the stage between now and the first beta, the one in the JCF
thread), but he was too late. Sry.

6. There was a homage to the beta version of Evilmike's Evil Fortress, but
I removed it.

8. I used the word I 13 times in this list. I'm obsessed with myself. :P

9. Some girl wear shirts that say 'boys lie' and 'boys cheat'. That's not
true. Girls lie and girls cheat! OH GOD RAHAF WHY DID YOU BREAK MY HEART!!!

10. I skipped number 7 since I hate prime numbers that are larger than 5.
Stupid prime number, thinks it's so big... *grumble, mumble*

11. Private Church kicks major Internet butt.


Violet CLM, White Rabbit: Actually beta-testing and caring about me. ;.;
Violet CLM: Tileset.
Robert A. Allen: Muzak.
Parents: Feeding me and coming up with half of the name.
Aeiuo: Hosted Hotael, which I really wanted and bugged him throughout the
weekend for him to host it, and he did! ^o^
Becky: Fellow It.
Frank Zappa: Making the music which I listened to while making the level.

Email me at odin314(at) No spam plzthx.