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4I Falcon

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Nov 26, 2004, 07:29 AM
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Profile counter is back up.
Character limits suck. >(.


"I like driving an automatic, because I can do this." *revs engine* "You like driving a manual?" "What did I say?" "Automatic." "I like my... automatic, uh, arm... it changes the shift-gear on my, uh, manual." - 4IF vs Ken

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Nov 26, 2004, 01:38 PM
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Finally! Yes!
4I Falcon

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Jan 15, 2005, 09:53 AM
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In celebration of reactivating my Interweb, here are three new characters!

Name: Captain Simon “Thunder” Byrd
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Alignment: Good
Personality: Captain Firefox’s friendly rival Captain Byrd is one of the voices of command at R.O.A.R. Outpost 9. He’s the most well-known Captain there, partially for his moderately unorthodox training tactics and partially due to absurdly exaggerated rumours of his somewhat short temper. Those who have actually served under him know that he is considerably less volatile than he is said to be, but only to those who he knows will not take advantage of it in the future.
Outside of his military duties, Thunder enjoys the company of his friends, and is usually found in the War Tavern with a small throng of close companions. While he doesn’t exactly have a plethora of exciting tales to tell, he has kept an eye on Ducky, the tavernkeeper, for a long time now. That, and everything becomes hilarious to him when he’s drunk out of his skull.
Appearance: Thunder’s well-groomed fur is a gradient of light blue through metallic grey, from his head to his feet, and his eyes are dark gold in colour. When not wearing his neatly-kept, though somewhat outdated, R.O.A.R. uniform, he wears a hooded white sweater and grey pants.
Weapons: Despite earning his nickname partially from his proficiency with a Lightning Rifle, Thunder now makes use of a Barrage Cannon, a rocket launcher that fires four semi-guided missiles at once.
Special Powers: None.
Quote: “It never fails.”

Name: Jean-Paul “JP” Balmoral
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Alignment: Mercenary
Personality: The calculative and crafty JP Balmoral was once an active member of the Queen’s Legions, but was discharged for insubordination on the one occasion that he tried to achieve recognition for going above and beyond the call of duty; that is, the one time he tried to be a hero. As a result, he is bitter and cynical when it comes to any sort of form of order and rank, especially the military, and more specifically the Carrotan military. He has become suited to fighting as a part of the Deviation, a mercenary alliance where, for the most part, all are equal. The Deviation itself spans at least two dozen worlds, with almost one million members, so it’s certainly a large organization. However, the Deviation does not fight for one employer at a time; its members are permitted to choose their own hires, though those that fight against each other are frowned upon.
JP is cunning, intuitive, and usually level-headed. He is typically the first to come up with a solution to a strategic quandary. While his solutions do have a tendency to seem outlandish or overcomplicated, they also have a tendency to work flawlessly.
Outwardly, JP is outspoken and somewhat cocky, but not foolhardy. He has long since learned that it’s often not worth it to go above and beyond the call of duty, and as such does only what needs to be done, though not without his trademark style.
Appearance: JP’s fur is dark grey along his back and tail, white on his chest, belly, muzzle, hands and feet, and a light silver-grey anywhere else. Beneath his wind-blown gold-brown hair is a pair of deceptively calm brown eyes, that glint knowingly with his devilish grin. He usually wears a white T-shirt under a red windbreaker with a silver moon sewn into it, as well as blue cargo jeans that are a few sizes too long for him. In the pockets of these jeans, he carries extra clips for his weapons, as well as the last medal of achievement he earned while serving in the Carrotan Corps.
Weapons: JP uses a pair of somewhat oversized, boxy-looking, brown pistols. While the projectiles are several times larger than normal bullets, and proportionately several times more powerful, there are only five bullets to a clip, so he must be consistently aware of his ammunition in a firefight.
Special Powers: None.
Quote: “Conscience is for losers.”

Name: Eclipse
Age: Unknown, assumed 18
Gender: Female
Alignment: Good
Personality: Eclipse was orphaned at a relatively young age, having lost both of her parents in the crash of the transport ship Ferris. She was found amidst the wreckage of the destroyed transport, severely injured and near death, by Captain Byrd during a quick reconnaissance mission. She recovered after a lengthy stay at a nearby hospital, but appeared to have lost her voice, either as a result of the crash of the Ferris, or of the trauma following it.
Byrd became an uncle of sorts to her, looking after and caring for her for a few months’ time, but she soon made it clear, in her strange, silent way, that she could take care of herself. She left home a few days after to make a life for herself, but her absence was not permanent; she still does visit the saviour Captain from time to time, at home or otherwise.
One of the first things others notice about Eclipse is that she can appear and disappear without making so much as a sound, as if she were a ghost. Another is that, despite that she does not speak, and rarely ever writes, she communicates effectively using only body language and surprisingly compelling eyes.
However, it’s relatively easy to ascertain that, even if Eclipse were able to speak, she would be quiet, introverted, and more than a little bitter about everything. She is able to take practically anything said to her mostly in stride, but she does inwardly resent those who disrespect her in any way. She is known to hold grudges, but will usually forgive if whoever it is who has wronged her makes up for it in some way.
Appearance: Eclipse’s fur has a very rare quality, in that it shifts in colour from a deep grey to a pale gold depending on the angle of the light. Her eyes, obscured by her bowed head and her long, copper-coloured hair, are typically sea-green. She wears a dark-coloured T-shirt and black jeans, frayed and ripped in a dozen places, and a dark red case for her blade strung through two of the belt loops.
Weapons: Eclipse uses a single scimitar, Suffer, with astonishing prowess, especially for someone who doesn’t appear to have had training in the past.
Special Powers: Eclipse can change the colour of her eyes seemingly at will, in order to convey messages more easily.
Quote: Eclipse never speaks, and therefore has no quote.
Character limits suck. >(.


"I like driving an automatic, because I can do this." *revs engine* "You like driving a manual?" "What did I say?" "Automatic." "I like my... automatic, uh, arm... it changes the shift-gear on my, uh, manual." - 4IF vs Ken

WT (un)masterpieces:
Enter: Jack Flash
System of Turbulence
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4I Falcon

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Jan 20, 2005, 06:41 PM
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Just because I can't resist, here are some more characters to never be used. Hurrah.

Name: Justin “Mack” Evander
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Alignment: Good
Personality: A close companion of the secluded Alex Stryker, Mack is practically Stryker’s opposite, in that he is extroverted and outspoken, but not outstandingly intuitive. He seems to be incapable of standing still for more than a few seconds at a time, and he often unconsciously falls into stance while talking to others. Also, while he’s visibly content most of the time, it doesn’t take much effort to rile him up, and he occasionally overreacts to impositions made to him. He has yet to actually strike someone out of raw anger, but it does take a lot of self-control to hold back until he can find something inanimate to beat on.
Mack has a weird sense of humour, and often finds strange things funny. As little as a random word out of context can make him laugh for a good ten minutes. If he starts snickering for no apparent reason, it’s probably a better idea not to ask what’s so funny, because his answer likely won’t make much sense anyway.
In battle, Mack is most suited to backing someone else up instead of fighting on his own. He has no method of attacking from a distance, nor of defending against such an attack, so he relies on someone else to protect him from longer-range attacks while he holds off any enemies within a certain radius.
Appearance: Beneath Mack’s blue-green fur lies a toned and defined musculature, and a proud fire burns in his greenish-gold eyes. His clothing of choice usually consists of a pair of well-worn blue jeans, a dark grey muscle shirt, and a navy blue cap that looks older than Mack himself. Also, without fail, he wraps his hands and wrists in white boxer’s wrap before fighting (unless, of course, he doesn’t get a chance to do so).
Weapons: His fists. After years upon years of martial arts and boxing training, as well as a generous amount of sparring with Stryker, Mack has become a master at hand-to-hand combat; he can even defeat an opponent who wields a sword, and has done so more than once in the past. He never uses guns, due to an “unpleasant experience” he had with a pistol sometime in the past.
Special Powers: Mack can dodge nearly any close-range attack thrown at him, whether it be a fist, foot, or blade, and come back with a fluid, lightning-fast combination.
Quote: “That sounds like something I would say.”

Name: Doctor Andreus Kraid
Age: 35
Gender: Male
*Species: Komodan Dragon descendant
Alignment: Evil
Personality: The mastermind behind Gamma, Delta, and Omicron Hellbot, and the once-trusted former partner of Professor Youngblood, Dr. Kraid betrayed his associate when he stole a recently-completed experiment from Youngblood’s laboratory. Said experiment was a personal shield generator that was allegedly nigh on impenetrable, and
with it Kraid would have supposedly become completely invincible. However, the device backfired, nearly killing Kraid on the spot, and after the injured doctor was treated for his wounds he was promptly charged with grand theft.
Almost as soon as his sentence ended, Dr. Kraid seemed to disappear entirely. Four months passed without any sign that he still existed, before the seemingly random robot raids and attacks began. The two events were not even considered to be connected in any fashion until one of the robotic grunts referred to itself as a “Kraidan.” It wasn’t long after that that Kraid made his announcement to Carrotus that he was essentially holding the planet hostage, with a robotic militia standing by to wipe out anyone who interfered with his magnum opus. Unfortunately for him, the Jackrabbit trio had the entire Kraidan force neutralized in record time, and Kraid quickly vanished back into hiding when he heard that they were coming after him. Whether it is simply that, to hide, or that he is rebuilding and improving upon his original Kraidan army, nobody is entirely sure, but since his defeat there have still been numerous accounts of unexplained robotic insurrections everywhere around Carrotus. The Jackrabbits have not forgotten about him, knowing that he may and probably will return to make a third endeavour to wreak havoc on the peaceless rabbit planet.
Appearance: Dr. Kraid’s armoured body is covered in rough, green-brown scales, from his blunt snout to the tip of his thick, heavy tail. His left eye, the only one of the two still functioning after the catastrophic backfire of the personal shield generator that he tried to steal, is a fiery orange; his right eyelid appears sealed shut by the stained scar across his eye socket. He still wears the remnants of the lab coat he wore while associated with Professor Youngblood, though it has become greatly worn and frayed, torn in a few places. He has a special gauntlet on his right hand, adorned with curved metal “claws” on the first and second knuckles of each finger; his left forearm is his weapon.
Weapons: In a particularly outrageous bout of fanaticism, Dr. Kraid removed the lower half of his left arm, replacing it with a weapon engineered several years before by himself and Professor Youngblood. This weapon is capable of loosing high-powered energy blasts, as well as functioning as a rapid chaingun of sorts. Aside from this, he is not above using his heavy tail to deliver a crushing blow.
Special Powers: None.
Quote: “This isn’t a stolen idea. It’s called an ‘unsolicited collaborative effort.’”

Name: Xerxes Odet
Age: 26
Gender: Male
*Species: Dogman (canid)
Alignment: Good
Personality: A refugee from the captive planet Dogma, driven out of his home by the scourge of the seemingly unstoppable Milian army, Odet has something of an air of bitterness about him from losing everything he once held dear. An easy way to describe him is that he is “moody”; he can change from being a quiet, calm observer to an angered beast with the slightest of instigation. Despite this, he does his best to gain the trust of as many others as he can, in an effort to surround himself with those who will fight beside him when he needs it. He made an almost immediate alliance with the radical Milian ex-king n, once he learned of the Milian’s plight, and the two became close friends and partners quickly. Their base intentions are identical: wipe out One and the Milian army, and reclaim the conquered worlds stolen from their initial populaces, including Dogma and Mil itself.
While Odet is unnervingly collected in most situations, there is one thing that antagonizes him above all else, and that is when others do not take him seriously when he tries to be serious. His short temper has earned him a lot of adversaries, almost enough to rival the countless allies he’s strove to make in the relatively short time he’s spent on Carrotus since he arrived.
Appearance: Odet has silvery-blue fur covering most of his slender form, excepting a white band of fur near his tailtip, and his brown eyes rest behind his slightly unkempt, medium-length jet-black hair. He wears a pair of rounded, metallic shoulder guards, a thin brown belt, and khaki jeans, which is essentially the extent of the clothing he was able to carry from Dogma.
Weapons: In battle, Odet uses the single-pilot fighter he used to escape Dogma, which he named the Sonic Valkyrie. While small and light, the ship is not without ample armament, and is easily enough to provide air support.
Special Powers: Odet is no novice pilot; he can pull off maneuvers that would make any Carrotan fighter pilot turn green with envy. However, he is only able to perform these maneuvers with any degree of proficiency using the Sonic Valkyrie, as he becomes somewhat inept at the controls of any other ship.
Quote: “I didn’t escape becoming a slave on one planet to become a fool on another.”

Name: Xerxes Kato
Age: 19
Gender: Male
*Species: Dogman (canid)
Alignment: Good
Personality: Odet’s younger brother Kato is, like Odet himself, a refugee from their invaded homeworld of Dogma; however, he seems not to be quite as bitter about the loss, owing to the fact that he grew up in his brother’s shadow, never really getting to make his own choices and, as such, never being able to make much of a life for himself on his homeworld. On Carrotus, however, he has found himself able to start anew, and build a reputation the way he wants it.
It is important to note, for those who meet him, that most of the calm, collected front Kato puts on is exactly that, nothing more than a façade. Beneath it, he is no doubt quite cynical, possibly as much so as his older brother; he is simply better than Odet at controlling and masking his emotions. He does his best to either enjoy himself or to make himself useful to others, simply to keep himself busy.
Kato usually doesn’t participate in open warfare, though he will if he is needed to. Instead, he prefers reconnaissance, either with or without his brother’s assistance. He is quite capable of holding his own, so he does not depend on Odet; however, they do make an efficient team if and when they are on the same mission.
Appearance: Unlike his brother, Kato has silver and white fur along his back and belly, respectively. His eyes are an almost unnaturally light, icy cyan, and typically has no discernible expression upon his lips. He wears loose-fitting grey jeans, a brown leather belt, metal elbow guards, and thin black gloves, as well as a pair of racing goggles that he rarely actually wears, and are usually dangling around his neck.
Weapons: Kato makes skilled use of, in essence, an ATV with guns, using it to clear out any enemies Odet can’t pick off with the Sonic Valkyrie, or simply to wreak havoc upon any lizard unwise enough to get in his way.
Special Powers: The fur on Kato’s back is stiff, barbed, and sharp as needles. While it doesn’t protect the skin underneath, it does serve as a rude awakening to anyone who tries to lay a hand on him.
Quote: “I’m not a follower. Everyone else just gets in my way.”
Character limits suck. >(.


"I like driving an automatic, because I can do this." *revs engine* "You like driving a manual?" "What did I say?" "Automatic." "I like my... automatic, uh, arm... it changes the shift-gear on my, uh, manual." - 4IF vs Ken

WT (un)masterpieces:
Enter: Jack Flash
System of Turbulence
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Galbadia Hotel: your one-stop shop for all your VG music needs!

Last edited by 4I Falcon; Feb 14, 2005 at 07:12 PM.
4I Falcon

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Feb 14, 2005, 06:42 PM
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*characters by request mode activated*
Character limits suck. >(.


"I like driving an automatic, because I can do this." *revs engine* "You like driving a manual?" "What did I say?" "Automatic." "I like my... automatic, uh, arm... it changes the shift-gear on my, uh, manual." - 4IF vs Ken

WT (un)masterpieces:
Enter: Jack Flash
System of Turbulence
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Galbadia Hotel: your one-stop shop for all your VG music needs!
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Feb 14, 2005, 11:13 PM
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Question. Why does species always have a * before it?
4I Falcon

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Feb 15, 2005, 06:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Unknown Rabbit
Question. Why does species always have a * before it?
Because not all of my profiles have Species categories; they simply default to being rabbits. Well, excepting the cases of Buster and Slicer Tank, and Tokivi, who are turtles and a lizard, respectively. The asterisk is there to draw a certain amount of attention to the fact that the category is indeed there.
Character limits suck. >(.


"I like driving an automatic, because I can do this." *revs engine* "You like driving a manual?" "What did I say?" "Automatic." "I like my... automatic, uh, arm... it changes the shift-gear on my, uh, manual." - 4IF vs Ken

WT (un)masterpieces:
Enter: Jack Flash
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Feb 15, 2005, 06:51 AM
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Hey, 4I, is this thread only for characters? I have some other story elements (settings) that I may post here if not.
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Feb 15, 2005, 10:38 AM
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If you have enough settings/places, you could probably make an entirely new topic for it.
4I Falcon

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Feb 15, 2005, 05:45 PM
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If you don't, feel free to post them here. I'm not going to stop you.

Also, I need to talk to you both on MSN. Not at the same time, but sometime in the near future.
Character limits suck. >(.


"I like driving an automatic, because I can do this." *revs engine* "You like driving a manual?" "What did I say?" "Automatic." "I like my... automatic, uh, arm... it changes the shift-gear on my, uh, manual." - 4IF vs Ken

WT (un)masterpieces:
Enter: Jack Flash
System of Turbulence
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Galbadia Hotel: your one-stop shop for all your VG music needs!
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Mar 9, 2005, 12:52 PM
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Name: Stormie
Nickname: Storm
Gender: Male
Speicies: Rabbit
Age: 35
Fur colour: Red, with orange chest
Clothes: Yellow bandanna and wrist bands, blue backpack
Weoponary: Jazz gun (I can't remember what ist's called), frag flash and smoke grenades, and a combat knife
Occupation: Life saving guy off the streets
Alignment: Good
Personality: Has a dark sense of humor. Friendly, when your on his side. Get's tired of the same old thing of 'A mad scientist/evil genuis bent on world domination/destruction/war causing weirdos.' Rather itellegent but his sacrastic wit doesn't let it show. Never had an interest in a girl.
Martial Status: Single
Hobbies: Saving Carrotus, daydreaming, pretending to look interested
Best firends: Jazz, Spaz and Lori Jackrabbit
Turn ons: Poeple like him, Good movies and new weaponary
Turn offs: His little sister Kate
Reputation: Sketchy (Tabloids hate him)
Training: Highly skilled in all martial arts and basic military close combat
Quote: "Why is it always 'A matter of pressing importance,' why does nobody just drop by to say hi anymore?"
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Apr 3, 2005, 02:19 PM
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Jupin' on the bandwagon a bit late, but who cares?

Name: Lie "DYS" Avonova
Age: ???
Gender: ...Female?
Alignment: Insane
Personality: Lie is very impulsive. She's also nuts. She's claimed her own "territory" and staked it out clearly in the Diamondus Warzone, and anyone who intrudes is RF-meat. She abuses her ammunition and never looks before she leaps. She is extremely bipolar, hyper, and mean. Since she is often mistaken for a male, she's developed an aversion to most other rabbits since she fears they'll think she's a guy. She also likes to go by "DYS" spelled with random characters but always pronounced like "dice." DYS is her other persona, and whenever she wants to be referred to as DYS, she's in her most murderous, RF-happy moods. She'll probably shoot three missiles between your ears before you can say, "Lie." It is rumored despite her apparent hate of Steffi that she's developing an admiration for her...
Appearance: She's abnormally tall and fairly muscular. She always wears blue ribbons tied very tightly around her elbows, shoulders, ankles, and chest, and occasionally around her hips. Her fur is a very pallid grey and slightly differing in shade on her chin. Both her eyes are bright purple and wide. The hair on her head is no different than the fur on her body, unlike most fur of a female rabbit, another reason for the gender confusion. The "hair" is occasionally spiked. Her hideout in Diamondus Warzone is where she slinks about, a hidden corner where she can't be seen, so few see her before they die. Her tail is dyed a very dark, dusky grey, and nearly black. No one knows why except Steffi, and no one can even be sure of Steffi's relationship with Lie/DYS...
Weapons: RF Missiles and Seekers are her only ammunition (or at least in her "good" moods) and she greatly abuses them, shooting them at inanimate objects and helpless weaklings whom she doesn't even have any reason to shoot at. Her gun is dark blue and long and thick, resembling a fullmetal shotgun.
Special Powers: None, unless you count her ability to be mistaken for a guy as a power.
Game Form: Spaz, white fur and all else navy blue. In DYS form, she still keeps Spaz, but her colors vary depending on if I'm testing. Steffi's still my usual lab rat, though.
Quote: "Get outta here or yer askin' fer an RF sandwitch!"


Another one, just dfor your enjoyment. No, I'm not gonna put my Sues in here. I also added some to Lie/DYS's Personality and Appearance. Also added "Game Form" category under "Special Powers."

Name: Steffi "Electrobullet" Rosefur
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Alignment: Neutral
Personality: Hates Lie/DYS with a burning passion. Also hates clans. She generally is a double-crosser, independant liar, and two-faced jerk, but she has her good points. She's fairly nice, polite, and decent, and she never fails to come to the rescue for her few friends. She's an orphan and actually knew her parents, unlike Lie/DYS. She's typically a loner, but her friends tag along on occasion. She's very cool, level-headed, and is an indirect Character Foil of Lie/DYS. They're always getting into fights, but Steffi usually prevails, taking away a bit of Lie/DYS's territory each time. Her own territory is west of the highest point of Diamondus Warzone by the springs.
Appearance: Like her name describes, she has bright reddish-pink fur. Her hair is a very light blue with orange streaks and is fairly short, always curled up at the bottom to her chin. She seldom is without her yellow headband, but when that fails, she dons a dark green sombrero. Yes, Steffi wears a sombrero. Her eyes are very dark and likely brown or bloody red. No one's gotten close enough to find out. She sometimes wears glasses, but not very often, and is rumored to even wear goggles on occasion. In any case, her sight is bad, but she keeps it secret, especially from her rival. The rest of her attire includes a loose black tanktop and khaki cargo jeans. Her ears are short and her tail has been docked to not be shown. She wears gummi blue sandals and, obviously, hates wearing matching clothes.
Weapons: Her preferred ammunitions are Electro Blasters (well, DUH) and any kind of Flamethrower. She likes the neglected and unorthodox, and hates the overused. She neglects Pepper Spray and Seekers especially. She'll make short truces with Lie/DYS and borrow her RFs, however. Her gun is a small, jet0black Blaster, similar in form to Spaz's.
Special Powers: Fairly fast for her shorter stature and major deception. What can I say? She's a double-crosser!
Game Form: Jazz, colors variable if I'm experimenting.
Quote: "Get a life or just join forces. Losers."
<img src="" height="200"><Note: The maximum height for the sum of images in your signature is 200 pixels.>
98% of teens have never been mellow. If you are one of the 2% that has, copy this and put it in your signature.

Last edited by Lie; Apr 3, 2005 at 04:16 PM.
4I Falcon

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Apr 14, 2005, 06:38 PM
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Name: Rakansen
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
*Species: Tiger?
Alignment: Good
Personality: Rakansen, whose name translates almost directly to “Dragon Mage”, is one of the founders of the secretive association of mages known as the Covenant. He is not often seen, and even less often heard; however, he makes his appearance where and when he is needed.
Rakansen has rarely, if ever, spoken of himself; a creature of few words, it’s extremely difficult to know his true emotions. His greatest concerns, not surprisingly, seem to be of the survival and well-being of the Covenant and those of whom it is comprised. Seemingly to complement his respectable standing, he has taken up a sort of lofty, foreboding disposition: he is the kind of creature to look upon others with crossed arms and cold, emotionless eyes, and to give commands solely by a calm, confident gesture. However, this is not the case when dealing with individual Covenantines, which is the name he uses to refer to his subordinates; while he does expect his lessers to practice, to study, and to learn from others, he will, from time to time, act as a teacher of his own choice. He is a fair and unbiased arbiter when his judgement is needed, and customarily follows the principle of “innocent until proven guilty”, though he spares little mercy upon those who have ultimately been proven guilty.
Appearance: With an impressive standing height of six feet, ten inches, it’s somewhat difficult not to look up to Rakansen to look him in the eye. His fur is the reverse of what a normal tiger’s fur would look like: he has black fur with orange stripes, as opposed to orange with black. Outside of battle, he wears the traditional silvery-white cloak of the Covenant, marked only with a black crescent embracing the association’s insignia to denote his high-ranking status. On the battlefield, however, he wears several elements (though rarely, if ever, a full suit) of armour over and under his cloak, which consist of protection for his torso, his thighs, and his left forearm, and are coloured with the same patterns as the fur underneath. He only wears this much so that he is able to retain his catlike swiftness in dispatching his enemies.
Weapons: In battle, Rakansen wears a long gauntlet on his right hand and forearm that strongly resembles the head and neck of a dragon. From the hand within this gauntlet, he fires large projectiles, some almost rivaling their creator in size, that again resemble the head of a dragon, and are translucent and dark purple in colour.
Special Powers: Rakansen is able to teleport across comparatively short distances several successive times in a row with relative ease, in any direction, whether on the ground or in the air.
Quote: “I’d ask, but I don’t care.”

Name: Ruhiel (Orpheus King)
Age: Unknown; younger than Rakansen
Gender: Male
Alignment: Good
Personality: Ruhiel, the second founding figure of the Covenant, is considerably less military than his compatriot, Rakansen. He is often thought of as the tiger mage’s second-in-command; he does not resent his position, though the designation is not entirely accurate, as Ruhiel is no less than Rakansen’s equal in skill, knowledge, diligence, and discipline.
Despite that he is less fond of the concept of rank and file than Rakansen, and that he has want of neither fame nor renown, Ruhiel can be aptly described as a perfectionist and a pedant, as well as extremely devoted to the Covenant and its workings. He was once termed the symbol of the mage coalition by one of his lessers, a designation which he seems to be quite proud of. He appears to be one of the decisive influences that keep the Covenant running like a well-known machine; in fact, it is rumoured that Rakansen, widely known as the head of the Covenant, exchanged positions with Ruhiel sometime in the past, retaining his recognition while secretly relying on his younger companion to govern the association in his stead.
Ruhiel is the mind behind the conception of Csikos, whose origin was brought about by the death of Ruhiel’s cousin in the naissance of the evil Mental. He says that he harbours sentiment of neither grievance for his cousin, nor vengeance upon her matricidal creation, and engineered Csikos solely to protect innocents from the demonic creature; whether or not he speaks the truth regarding his emotions is unknown.
Appearance: Ruhiel’s fur, for the most part, is snowy white, excepting for the purple, ribbon-like markings around his head, torso, wrists, and ankles. His eyes are a brilliant royal blue, and give the impression that he can see right through whoever he is looking at. He is slightly taller than most other rabbits, but not so much so that he becomes a looming, imposing figure.
When it comes to clothing, he is a purist to the white Covenant’s robe, simply refusing to wear anything else. He has protected it with a thin, subtle veil of magical shielding, so that it is not easily damaged; if and when it is, he sets about repairing it at the first opportunity he sees.
Weapons: After some deliberation amongst the Covenant leaders, Ruhiel was permitted to arm himself with the Sword of the Covenant, a majestic blade honed so finely by magic that its edges are no more than an atom in thickness. Its size indicates that it requires the use of two hands to be swung properly, though Ruhiel only uses one.
Special Powers: Ruhiel is capable of effortlessly floating in midair without any evident method of doing so.
Quote: “As usual, I have a better idea.”

Name: Miss Fortune (Jessica Silver)
Age: 19
Gender: Female
*Species: Generic Feline
Alignment: Good
Personality: Jessica is a dark, somewhat introverted creature, who seems to hold a lot of secrets. She tries not to get too attached to anything or anyone, knowing that if she does, that thing or one stands an even greater risk of falling prey to what she refers to as her “jinx”.
Known more widely as Miss Fortune, Jessica was cursed even before she was born, inheriting the malevolent spell from her mother, upon whom it was originally laid. The curse states simply that bad things, inexplicable things, would have a tendency to happen around her. Sometimes these things will be as harmless as a lightbulb suddenly bursting; however, there have been far worse events than these, likely also caused by the curse, such as a six-foot steel spike crashing out of the blue through a window to impale her erstwhile best friend through the chest. She often, if not always, seems to blame herself for these happenings, and as such her self-esteem is minimal at best.
Nevertheless, Miss Fortune makes herself useful to her comrades, by being a spy or a double agent. She reasons that these positions have the greatest likelihood of getting her behind enemy lines, and if bad things happen around her then, it doesn’t matter.
Miss Fortune also goes by a second pseudonym; she tells her false allies to refer to her as Chance, to doubly mask her identity. She will respond to either nickname (in fact, more readily than her real name).
Appearance: Miss Fortune’s fur is a very dark shade of grey, and her long, black hair is tied into a single braided ponytail, of which one of the braids is dyed blood red, the only part of her form that is not monochrome, apart from her hazel-green eyes. Her ears end in scruffy white tufts, as does her tail, and there are white markings, that look to have been drawn in chalk, on her cheeks. She typically wears a light grey t-shirt under a black leather jacket, as well as jeans that may once have been blue, but are now faded to grey. A silver earring marks both of her ears. It is also interesting to note that she occasionally lacks a shadow.
Weapons: Her curse. While she does not particularly take to open battle, and carries no physical weaponry, Miss Fortune uses her jinx to her advantage in up-ending the plans of her “allies”.
Special Powers: In a desperate attempt to be rid of her curse, Miss Fortune visited a dark magess, who cast a spell on her with the intent to purge the malevolent jinx from her. While the spell did not do what it had intended at all, it inadvertantly gave her full control over her shadow, which she has dubbed Silhouette. She can use it as a scout or a decoy if needed, but she usually keeps it nearby.
Quote: “I don’t think I’m supposed to be here.”
Character limits suck. >(.


"I like driving an automatic, because I can do this." *revs engine* "You like driving a manual?" "What did I say?" "Automatic." "I like my... automatic, uh, arm... it changes the shift-gear on my, uh, manual." - 4IF vs Ken

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May 14, 2005, 07:53 PM
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ok. here's mine:

Name: Leporidae
Gender: female
Spieses: hamster
Persanality: Always sleep deprive and hungrey. Is very insane and was previouly Spaz's pet. now she is living in a computer that she destroyed by one of spaz's guns she stole when she left Jackrabbit family. want's revenge on Devan Shell because he turned her whole family into rats, then he brain washed them to be evil. Also wants revenge on Devan because he keeps attemting to kill Spaz.
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May 15, 2005, 04:21 AM
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Stuart Black.

I'm not sure if this has to be precise, but he came into existence as a 30-year-old when JJ2 was first released. Strange, huh? :P


Galactic Rabbit.

Sexual preference
Stuart finds this a rather personal question, but I can tell you that he's straight.

Favourite weapon
He's not much of a figher, but whenever he's in trouble MS Paint 2.0 will come to the rescue. Except that he doesn't carry with him a computer all the time.

Cool moves/special powers
The ability to pick up and find dictionaries just like that. He also tends to lose any awards he wins to Wisety.

He's about the size of Jazz Jackrabbit.
Height: 3' 5" feet (not sure how much that is in metres).
Weight: 100 lbs (not sure how much that is in kilograms).
He's got dull grey fur, brown eyes, not that fat, but not exactly fit to do any heroic stuff either. He's basically the same as any other Galactic Rabbit, except that his fingers are delicate yet strong (because of his profession...not pianist though :P).

He's a jobless tileset masker and a former citizen of Jazz 2 City. He left with his friend Unigma (who I won't talk about later) when they both got fired from a Tileset Making Factory. Fortunately, they escaped the horrible fate of being eaten by a giant white rabbit (not associated with me). He dislikes cacti, enjoys carrotea and coffee (but to a lesser extent). He hates turtsandwiches (basically sandwiches with turtle flesh in them, and extremely imflammable turtle synovial fluid sauce) and prefer not to eat Gorbochews (available from J2LC vending machines). Stuart is lazy when he's not tileset masking, likes TV, but not watching the news, tends to have rows with newspaper agencies and is a very messy person, except when he is tileset masking. He has won a price for the best masked tileset 1999, but Disguise stole it from him. He is currently heading for Holidaius in a spaceship called Nietzche's Shoe because the ship's captain felt she needed a break.

Stuart would prefer it if he did not need to fight Beholders, turtles or giant dragons. He isn't very extrovert and tells himself that he likes close friends. He's completely obsessed with tileset masking, but it doesn't mean that he can't do anything else. He's prone to do something random and/or plot-defying once in a while. Oh, and he's 45% Arthur Dent. He's planning to change that to 40% in the future because he prefers not to have someone else's mind messing up his own.

Previous appearance:
To understand Stuart completely, plz read through the whole story. Mwahahah. :P
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May 16, 2005, 03:34 PM
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Name: Kaine Jackrabbit
Age: 12
Alignment: Dark hero
Bio: Kaine is Jazz's weird 1/2 human second cousin. (yeah right) He likes to mock people, run around in the nude, and make faces. Kaine keeps the ".00 microstunner" in his left pocket. It can't kill anything, but it gives him time to run away. He can use his ears as a parachute and can do a decent drop kick, but not much else, combat-wise.

Alignment: Light hero
Gender: Female
Species: Fairy
Abilities: tear enemies to shreads/ block attacks with her wings, experienced in kenpo karate.
Good sides: Friendly, tough, hot
Bad sides: Easily anged, sometimes sarcastic, clumsy, slow (humans/fairies aren't that fast)

Last edited by Kaine Jackrabbi; May 18, 2005 at 03:20 PM.
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Jun 13, 2005, 05:02 PM
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Because Rad's dying of a rusty wooden steak, or some such nonsense.

Name: Garnet the Renegade
Age: 38
Gender: Female
*Species: Avian morph
Alignment: Good/Mercenary
Personality: Following Queen Earlong’s defeat at the hands of her own son-in-law Jazz, Eva, in a desperate attempt to appease her mother’s ire, suggested that she attain, perhaps, a personal guard of some sort, less predictable than a simple armour-clad, sword- and/or gun-wielding lagomorph. After her week-long stint of alternating rage and sulking, the Queen finally decided to take her daughter’s advice, and held a tournament of sorts for the best mercenaries her recruiters could find. Throughout the tournament, one of the challengers rose exceptionally rapidly through the ranks, held the top rank with only minor difficulty, and came out of the competition victorious. This outstanding mercenary, who the Queen hired without hesitation, was (and still is) only known as Garnet the Renegade.
Now, any time one sees the Queen outside of the Castle, one can bet that Garnet is in close proximity. She is focused on her duty to the utmost, doing all she can to earn her pay. When the Queen is within the safety of the Castle walls, Garnet patrols the vicinity of the majestic building, prowling the skies like the bird of prey she is, even into the darkest hours of the night; it is not uncommon to see a winged silhouette pass in front of the moon when one is near to the Castle, serving as a reminder that it is never unprotected.
Garnet, in essence, is an ideal guard: always alert, quick-thinking, and fantastically noble and loyal, despite that she is a mercenary, and as such is paid to be loyal. She is consistently aware of everything that goes on around her, with a nearly impeccable proficiency; coupled with her almost entirely negligible reaction time, nothing is able to slip by her unnoticed. However, the most evident facet of her personality is her righteous, upstanding demeanor, reflected in the piercing glares and scathing words she delivers to those around her who are arrogant, mouthy, ignorant, or something similar.
Garnet’s single shortfall is that she often refuses to be relieved of her task for a break. This takes a toll on both her health and efficiency, leaving gaps in her capability to guard Queen Earlong without fail. Unless she is ordered by the Queen to rest, or simply forced to do so (i.e. by a well-aimed tranquilizer dart), she absolutely will not depart from her duties until she passes out from exhaustion.
Appearance: The majority of Garnet’s body is covered in black and white feathers, but there are also a number of purple feathers interspersed among the rest, with several of the distinct markings of an eagle of some sort. However, her anthropomorphic proportions defy her being classified as an eagle, especially since her sizeable wings have retreated to her shoulder blades to make room for a set of universaloid arms, but as of yet no one has given her species a real name. Her powerful eyes are a bright magenta colour, and it is easy to see when she is focusing on something a long distance away. She usually wears a dark green tunic of sorts, trimmed with silver and held to her lean body by a simple rope belt.
Weapons: The Renegade is suited for both close- and long-range combat. In her right hand, she carries a mid-weight sword, garnished only with a scarlet pommel stone mounted in the crosshilt. This stone acts as a gyroscope of sorts, stabilizing the blade so that Garnet can execute extremely professional, as well as devastating, attacks. Her other weapon appears to be a crossbow mounted on her left wrist, that looks as if it is a completely automatic weapon, capable of releasing a dozen arrows in about a second and a half. Failing both weapons, she can simply fly headlong at a target, tearing at it with the sharp claws on her talons.
Special Powers: Combining her practiced flying skills with her bladesmanship techniques, Garnet can launch a forceful melee assault on a group of adversaries, practically drilling a hole straight through them, without taking so much as a scratch.
Quote: “You’re lucky I didn’t hear that.”

Name: Davlos the Vindicator
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
*Species: Avian morph
Alignment: Good
Personality: Not very much is known about Davlos’ life, not even by Davlos himself, before the event that he hesitantly recalls as the Revelation. Thus, he accepts any information given to him regarding his own life, though not without a ton and a half of salt.
As far as Davlos is willing to explain, the adventure he refers to as the Revelation started when he was shot sideways through time by a chronometric distortion singularity (more widely known as a timehole) that opened virtually right on top of him. His inadvertant voyage sent him forward several thousand years, landing him in the midst of the Time Wars of 8082. He was quickly rescued, and even more rapidly recruited, by the faltering Militia Nova, the nth evolution of the Queen’s Legions of old. In spite of his lack of experience, having never before participated in war in his life, he proved to be a valuable asset to the Militia Nova, turning the tables in one battle after another with his quick thinking and improvisation. However, when his biological wings were shorn off in the most decisive skirmish he had yet fought, he was rendered flightless, and subsequently almost powerless, for nearly a full month while a prosthetic set was made for him. Though he had to familiarize himself with his new wings, Davlos continued to be a key factor in the numerous successes of the Militia Nova, and gained the recognition and respect of all those with whom he worked. Following the denouement of the Time Wars (which occurred, oddly enough, two and a half millennia before they began), Davlos was offered the option of returning to his home time. He accepted the offer, though not without his new set of wings and a head full of new experience.
Despite his knowledge of events of the future, Davlos rarely makes outright mention to the fact that he can “predict” such things, at least not without a great deal of prodding. This does not mean he will refuse to disclose where he got his prosthetic wings, which he does on an almost regular basis; he simply doesn’t want to be seen as a fortune-teller. Again despite his knowledge of the future, he is not a genius (though he is quite definitely not an idiot). Notwithstanding, he is not very well-described as an introvert, though he is not particularly extroverted either.
While Davlos is thought to be related to Garnet the Renegade, nobody is entirely sure how. Both of them disavow the other’s existence, so any attempt to get them to explain their relation has been fruitless at best.
Appearance: The majority of Davlos’ upper body is obscured from view by the scarlet body armour he wears, to which his prosthetic wings are attached. The armour protects only Davlos’s shoulders, chest, and back, but he wears little else, save for stylized bracers on his wrists and ankles. The wings themselves are physically comprised of only hinged, limb-like extremities; however, the main body (or lack thereof) of the wings is a semi-transparent, almost holographic yellow sheet of quasi-solid energy. His sharp, blue eyes hide behind a steely visor akin to a one-way mirror, but his curved, orange-yellow beak is plainly visible, as is the crest of red feathers atop and on either side of his head. The feathers covering his torso are a brown-orange colour, while those below his waist are a very dark grey, almost black, and the claws on his talons are reinforced with silvery steel.
Weapons: Davlos carries the same style of weaponry as Garnet (that is, a sword in his right hand, and a mid- to long-range weapon in his left); however, since the Revelation, his armaments have been vastly upgraded. His blade, once a simple
broadsword, has now become an enormous, specially-made beam glaive, with a five foot long, seven inch wide, burning yellow blade, bordered on both edges by an inch of razor-sharp steel. It is important to note that, despite the weapon’s impressive size, it is actually comparatively lightweight and easy to wield, at least for its intended user. In his left hand, he carries a compact, but powerful, twin beam cannon, linked by a series of wires to a small battery attached to the back of his armour, between his wings. Also, he can focus the energy from his beam gun into his armour, which enables him to fire a short, but powerful, wave laser from a fist-sized gap in its chestplate.
Special Powers: Davlos can judge lines of fire from weaponry, like guns, with outstanding proficiency, and as such can dodge bullets before they are even fired.
Quote: “Effectively defeating the purpose of the entire operation. Nicely done.”
Character limits suck. >(.


"I like driving an automatic, because I can do this." *revs engine* "You like driving a manual?" "What did I say?" "Automatic." "I like my... automatic, uh, arm... it changes the shift-gear on my, uh, manual." - 4IF vs Ken

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Jun 13, 2005, 05:03 PM
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Name: Axel Diamond
Age: 45
Gender: Male
*Species: Generic Feline
Alignment: Good
Personality: The father of the twin sisters Tira and Kira, Axel is the famously infamous miracle engineer of the Carrotan Corps. Short-tempered and foul-mouthed, with an exceptionally strange sense of humour, he tends to make a quick first impression upon those with whom he comes in contact: some find him offensive, while others find him hilarious. Despite his inherent vulgarity, he has earned the respect of those with whom he works, for his propensity for machines and mechanics. Among other things, he is the creator of the DUO control cable, often used by R.O.A.R., R.A.B.T., and the Queen’s Legions to topple Devan’s robotic warriors.
Appearance: Like his daughters, Axel’s fur is an orange-brown colour on the majority of his body, excepting his eartips, tailtip, and the crest of his head, where the fur has greyed with age. His eyes, a dull greyish-blue, hide behind either a pair of small spectacles, or of protective goggles. He wears a buttoned, dark-green shirt under a tan jacket of sorts, as well as pale blue jeans that are nearly torn in half at the knees. His palms and fingertips are usually black with grease, oil, and various other indeterminate substances; even after he washes his hands, for whatever reason, it usually only takes him about twenty minutes to get them completely soiled again.
Weapons: None.
Special Powers: Axel is able to create a device for any purpose at all, though it may take him a short while to do so.
Quote: “How about you give me some (-) suggestions, instead of telling me why it won’t work?”

Name: Ocrana Vagra
Age: 29
Gender: Female
*Species: Lizard
Alignment: None
Personality: Ocrana was once a steadfast, not to mention fearsome, soldier in the vast armies of Devan Shell. However, she was outraged with her superiors’ apathy following the death of both of her parents and all but one of her siblings on the field of war, and subsequently left Devan’s forces to fight on her own. Since that time, she has become a much more nightmarish figure than any other lizard the Carrotan forces have ever faced; however, in the same stroke, she does not pose a threat only to the lagomorphic natives of Carrotus, and from time to time even seems indecisive as to which faction she despises more.
Ocrana is not to be considered a mercenary, and even less so one that can or should be trusted at all; in her own words, she has learned better than to fight for anyone but herself. Therefore, if she is ever seen on the field of battle, it’s a wise idea to open fire on her, as it is never friendly fire.
On the rare occasions that one has the opportunity to talk with Ocrana, she is definitely not a quiet creature. She has no problem spitting venom in the form of curses and insults at her interrogator. However, she does have a proclivity to inexplicably vanish as soon as those watching over her look away, so even the offensiveness does not last very long.
Appearance: Ocrana was born a night lizard, a species whose build is identical to the common yellow lizard, but whose scales are black and navy blue to help conceal their movements in the shadows after the sun goes down. However, she has added several unique markings to her body, the majority of which being pale yellow streaks, reminiscent of barbed wire, winding along her arms and around her torso. Her eyes are a deep navy blue, and they flash brightly whenever she glances at someone or something, like lightning on the horizon. A single row of inch-long, sawtooth-like spikes runs down her back, from her neck to the tip of her tail, and her fingers end in sharp claws.
Weapons: At first, it appears that Ocrana is armed only with an innocuous, though gold-coloured, dagger, which is typically seen hanging from her belt. However, the small blade grows and metamorphoses to become a full-length Tesla Spear, which (aside from its colouring) looks like a normal spear, but one whose blade has been split in two and separated by a gap of about six inches, and in which space deadly arcs of electricity bridge the two blades as they glide to the twin points. By swinging the business end of the weapon, she can electrically charge a ribbon of air particles, sending a deadly wave of electricity hurtling toward her target. If all else fails, the spikes along her back provide a rather devastating offense, as their shape, size, and position cause wounds inflicted by them to heal very poorly.
Special Powers: Like Aline Rush, Ocrana has developed a tactic of jamming her Spear into the ground or into a wall and using it as a Pole. While she is not able to run nearly as fast as any rabbit, she uses the spikes on her back to their utmost potential when she comes out of a
Pole-swing, curling into a tightly-wrapped ball and quite literally ripping her way through enemies.
It is also important to note that Ocrana is extremely agile, swift, and quick-thinking on the battlefield; these skills are borne from having to consistently dodge bullets from every direction.
Quote: “This should be fun to watch.”


(CT: Major filter bypass. Don't ever do this again.)

(4I: Wait a second. It was already filtered. Did I miss something?)
Character limits suck. >(.


"I like driving an automatic, because I can do this." *revs engine* "You like driving a manual?" "What did I say?" "Automatic." "I like my... automatic, uh, arm... it changes the shift-gear on my, uh, manual." - 4IF vs Ken

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Last edited by 4I Falcon; Jul 11, 2005 at 03:05 AM.
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Oct 22, 2005, 04:14 AM
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What about..

<img src="" alt="Adopted from the BrainFart adoption center! YAYZ!"<img src="" alt="Adopted from the BrainFart adoption center! YAYZ!"><img src="" alt="Adopted from the BrainFart adoption center! YAYZ!">
thats a lot of fun there!
Here is some fun too!
Now listening to : Linkin Park - Numb
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Oct 29, 2005, 11:38 AM
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Time for me to allow people to add a character that everyone's familiar with into the mix.

Name: Fooruman F. Foogray
Age: Unknown.
Genger: unknown Male
Species: Human wizard
Alignment: ...depends on what story/race he's in
Specs: AMD Athlon64 3700+, ATI Radeon x850XT, 2.5 GB RAM
Bio: Fooruman is a wizard. Not just any wizard - the Master Foo over Fooville. This means that he calls the shots. He is best known for his notoriously annoying castles, many of which have been converted into Foo Races. He is aided by his constant companion, Black Ninja, who basically does all the dirty work for him. Fooruman is ABOVE working.
Old Nov 12, 2005, 11:16 PM
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Dec 19, 2005, 04:57 PM
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Name: Osus
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: Osus is usually found working on a sudoku puzzle, with a can of black cherry soda right next to him. While not exactly the fighting type, he is trained in weaponry and his puzzle-solving and strategy skills make him a great addition to your CTF team.
Appearance: Black with a white chest. His hands and feet are yellow-orange. He's built stocky, but he's not in any way short. He's simply big. In combat, he wears his patented "weather cuffs" which give him the forecast for the next two hours based on color, and a black backpack with a first-aid kit, extra emergency ammo, a collapsable spear, and non-perishable food in the form of applesauce.
Weapons: Modded LFG-2000 with auto-rapid fire and bayonet.
Special powers: While Osus doesn't have any super elemental powers, his quick ability to adapt to situations allows him to use almost anything to his advantage. The only way to defeat him is to trap him is a void, and even then Osus has proven he can get out.
Quote: "To make someone do something, you must make him want to do it."
Chance of me actually using this character in a story: Most likely 0. Though I may write a novella about Osus.
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Jun 30, 2006, 12:26 AM
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Better readjust my character...

Name: Joshua Lightwalker

Age: 15 (does not age)

Appearance: He wears a bright red cap on his head, which is on backwards. This allows his hair to poke through, creating a fringe. His hair is a golden brown. His eyes are a dark green. He wears a white t-shirt, and a necklace which has a jewel (probably an emerald) on the end. He has black trousers, torn by the battles he has been in. His shoes are his own invention. The 'Air Blasters' which propel Joshua forward by shooting out focused air.

Bio: Joshua and his two brothers and sister were abandoned at an early age, after thier mother died, giving birth to Jessi, Joshua's sister. Thier father, for reasons unknown, left them to die. But Joshua was strong-willed for one so young. He helped his siblings through many hardships, and met many friends. Once they were about 12, and Joshua was fifteen, they all went thier seperate ways. But destiny was going to bring them back together again. The dimensions were unstable, causing a vortex of energy to sweep up Joshua, his friends and family.

This vortex unlocked thier powers, which were inherited from thier mother. Sadly, thier brother, Dakoda turned to the darkness, and their sister, Jessi died shortly after the power flowing through her.

Upset with this loss, they met the inhabitents of the Video Dimension, Planet Mobius. Finding it was under a state of turmoil, Joshua, Zac, Seb and The Freedom Fighters managed to force Dr. Robotnik back. Portals were opened to other planets, which were traveled through with Joshua's ship, The J-Wing.

Now, after learning his past, and discovering his power...the Ultimate Gamer sets off to help the Jazz Sector of the Video Dimension....

Weapons: Two Swords. One was forged within the depths of light, making it a powerful weapon against the darkness. And the other, was forged by Joshua when he was younger, to defend his family.

Personallity: A caring person, who has a strong will and firm sense of justice. Not letting evil getting away with thier foul deeds, he travels with his friends to destroy the Darkness. He is calm, but sometimes impatient and has a short temper. He tries to avoid getting close to others, because he fears that they may be taken away from him. When around girls, he is quiet and quite shy.

Strengths: Excellent Swordsman. Intelligence. Speed.

Weakness: Girls, his father, Darkness.

Likes: Pizza, Helping his friends, Swordsplay.

Dislikes: Darkness, Evil, His father, Assassin Aharon.

Powers: Light, Earth, Force

Alter Egos: Hyper Joshua, Legendary Joshua, Ultimate Gamer.

Quote: "Fighting for my beliefs, for justice and for my friends. My path leads into the light...or does it sink into the darkness? The power of The Ultimate Gamer flows through me...but...can I use it in they way it's supposed to?"

(The edit button is a miraculous invention. - CT)
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Jun 30, 2006, 12:28 AM
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Two More Characters for now...

Name: Assassin Aharon
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Outfit: A black tuxedo with a white, blood-stained shirt. His hair is black and his eyes are a dark red.
Race: Human/Demon
Weapon: Anything evil, but prefers to use his blood-stained sythe which he has used to kill millions.
Bio: For every hero, there is one who follows the darkness and Assassin Aharon is no exception. After attempting to destroy planet Earth three times, but his plans were thrawted by Joshua and his friends. Killed in battle against Joshua when they were fighting in his own dimension where his memories exist, he vanished...but being in Joshua's memories, caused him to come back. No matter how many times he falls, he will return...
Powers: Darkness, Hell-Fire, Oblivion

Quote: "Joshua, you don't realise that soon, your blood will be on the ground, your body and mind broken, and your remains be thrown into the depths of oblivion..."

Name: John Darken
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Outfit: A suit of black, blood-stained armor. His eyes are also red, his shirt is grey as well as his trousers.
Bio: Joshua's father. Abandoning him and his siblings at an early age, he has been regaining his powers of darkness. Thrawted for trying to destroy the Earth and our dimension, he was defeated, but spared. Humliated, his rage and powers grow. And soon, he will make his son pay...
Powers: Darkness, Earth, Dragon

Quote: "My son, you disappoint me...I have embraced the darkness, yet you and your brother do not. Perhaps it is time, a lesson should be taught...Yes...It is this...The Darkness...will eventually consume you...until you are nothing but what you swore to destroy..."
Old Jul 26, 2006, 04:20 PM
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Jul 29, 2006, 02:53 PM
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Name : Roger Thegreat

Species : Two-headed Ogre

Gender : Male/Male

Appearance : Roger Thegreat stands at about eight feet high. He is quite fat, but surprisingly for an ogre he wears a tuxedo. His tuxedo miraculously manages to keep his wide girth from spilling out, but at comically inconvenient times it will rip to shreds, like at weddings, Wednesday night mass, or gala events. He known to wear the newest of styles among certain circles, but sadly his ogre heritage, him being an ogre, prevents him from being accepted. Like most warlord ogres, he was born with warpaint-like birthmarks across his chest and face. He is known, however to add new warpaint himself to make his birthmarks more sophisticated artistically. Usually, he will imitate Leonardo DaVinci's great works to as most would say, vulgar results. His Roger head is normally seen wearing a monocle and sipping tea, while his Thegreat head has recently taken to wearing a tophat, and often checking his pocket watch. Roger Thegreat often dons white spats and joins the rockefellers down at Park Avenue.

Biography : Roger Thegreat is the son of chieftain Derek Thegreater, and this has lead to quite a deal of bitterness between them. In fact at the tender age of 54, Roger Thegreat stomped away from his father, in a huff, and vowed never to come back. It was during this time that he attempted to learn the trade of Warlock magicks. However, he had quite a lack of aptitude in the trade, and was soon expelled from the warlock university. His peers were quite relieved, considering the death toll incurred by his frequent keg stand challenges. Poor and penniless, his life was eventually changed when he found, laying on the floor, a copy of the New Yorker. Since then, he has attempted on several occasions to become a wealthy oil tycoon. Naturally, this has never worked, usually on account of him confusing the oil with some sort of delicious foodstuff. However, in trying times, Roger has always had Thegreat to be next to him for encouragement.

Personality : Roger Thegreat is not in fact his full name, but instead is the combined name of his heads; Roger and Thegreat. Roger is essentially the leader of the duo, on account of him having the first name and to boot, a lack of adjectives in said name. He is more arrogant because of this, and usually disregards councilship of others saying things like "Stop eating me!" or "He's already dead!". Thegreat is essentially the realist of the two, despite his firm, unshaking belief in his power in warlock magicks, the economy, and his influence in the community. Obviously, he makes a very bad realist for them. Despite all this, he always perseveres in trying to give helpful advice, or trying to cast spells. And usually failing. This explains a lot about the lack of success Roger Thegreat has met.

Weapons : Roger Thegreat, mighty warlord that he is, tends to have a lot of problems in combat, due to the fact that he fights barehanded. Despite this, he has been known to try and fight people with rolled up copies of The Wallstreet Journal. This goes to explaining why he's given up on weapons.

Abilities : Roger Thegreat has the awe-inspiring ability to horrifyingly fail at casting even the simplest of warlock spells. His bloodlust spell often incurs a rather sexual result, that we dare not describe. In fact, we had better stop describing his magic entirely.

Likes : Bone chewing, the economy, sacrificing children, playing golf with his chums down on Wallstreet, warlock magick

Dislikes : His father, rising trade deficits, when the bones get all sticky in his mouth, when he can't find the driods he's looking for.

Quote :
"Roger, you absolutely must hear this. Those dreadful hooligans in the trade commission have been bad mouthing us again.
Dear me, I say we eat their families. Especially the fat child over there."

"Thegreat, it looks like our stock prices have fallen again. We stand to lose everything we own!
I suppose it couldn't hurt if I attempted to make a pact with a demon then."

Co-written by Strato(Roger) and Risp(Thegreat)

Last edited by Strato; Jul 29, 2006 at 10:50 PM.
Iam Canadian

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Aug 11, 2006, 08:59 PM
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I'm planning a story of a much wider scope than "His Motivation in Life" and I've created some characters to participate in that. All I can tell you about this new story (I'm planning out the general direction that the plot will go) is that it will pit Jazz's entire universe against a sinister threat from another galaxy bent on dominating space and time itself. All these characters are created specifically for this story.

Name: Lieutenant Yertle

Species: Genetically altered turtle

Gender: Male

Age: Chronologically 8 - however, artifically accelerated growth keeps him frozen at a physical age of 20.

Appearance: Lt. Yertle is a typical Schwarzenguard; red eyes and imposing muscles. A set of badges and decorations on his shell distinguish him physically.

Biography: An aberration, a mistake, a genetic freak...all these are appropriate titles for Lieutenant Yertle. Yet he managed to become one of Devan Shell's most trusted officers.

Yertle was the result of an experiment by Devan Shell using his Gene Machine; an attempt to create an underling with the raw strength of Devan's legendarily fearsome Schwarzenguards and a normal intelligence. A flaw in the Gene Machine had caused the Scwarzenguards to experience deteriorated brain functions, making them fairly stupid. With Yertle, Devan hoped to create the ultimate soldier: powerfully physically and mentally.

Yertle is unique among Schwarzenguards with his intelligence. In fact, he is a tactical genius on the battlefield, making him valuable to Devan. Devan was so impressed with Yertle that he promoted him to Chief Lieutenant of the Turtle Terrorist Syndicate. making him only second to Devan himself in rank in the Turtle Terrorists.

Devan never employed Yertle in his early battles against Jazz Jackrabbit. During the Twin Mega Battleships scheme, Yertle was still in an embryonic stage and Devan didn't dare risk Yertle during the time machine battle. During the later stages of the rabbit-turtle conflict, Yertle coordinated the battle mostly from the sidelines. It would not do to risk the most brilliant tactical genius on the battlefield.

Personality: Yertle was the only one of his kind because Devan wanted soldiers more for their loyalty than intelligence. The theory went that a stupid soldier was less likely to turn against Devan Shell than a smart one. With Yertle, however, Devan felt secure.

Yertle not only respects Devan immensely (calling him a "visionary"), but actually deifies him and worships him as a god - a fact that Devan delights in to no end. Yertle will fight to the death to defend Devan or even Devan's honour.

Yertle possesses none of the famous Schwarzenguard brutality. Quite the opposite, in fact. While Yertle is a brilliant tactician, he prefers to lose no more lives than he must - friendly or enemy. Yertle actually respects life and while he considers a few deaths to be the necessary price of war, doesn't believe in slaughters. It is for this reason that he is highly respected among his troops...moreso than Devan, even.

The one being that Yertle truly hates is Jazz Jackrabbit for the reason that he defied "Lord Shell".

Weapons: Yertle employs in combat a modified LFG-2000. The modified LFG-2000 can only fire a basic blaster bolt, but carries significantly more power than a typical LFG.

Abilities: No other turtle can match Yertle's skills on the battlefield. He is brilliant at predicting enemy maneveurs and countering them - with a minimal loss of life, of course. He can rally his troops almost effortlessly in battle.

Likes: Devan Shell, war.

Dislikes: Jazz Jackrabbit, excessive death in war.

Quotes: "Lord Shell's word is law!"

"Jazz Jackrabbit, your end is at hand. My only ambition is to see you scream for mercy in regret for defying the great Lord Shell. I will make this ambition reality. This I swear."

And another...

Name: Cerberus

Species: Overseer (see below)

Gender: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Appearance: Unknown...nobody who would tell has ever survived an encounter with him.

Biography: The Overseers are the alien threat bent on destroying the Carrot Sector (the region of space that the planets in the Jazz games occupy). While most species in the galaxy evolved to meet their needs physically, the Overseers instead evolved their minds, becoming extremely powerful psychics while leaving their physical bodies diminuitive and degenerated. The Overseers have mastered the art of telekinetics and consider themselves the pinnacle of evolution. Thus, they consider themselves the masters of all lesser, "primitive" beings. They thus consider it their evolutionary right to dominate the Carrot Sector and its inhabitants.

Cerberus is the Grand Foreman of the Overseers; the very top of Overseer society. The Grand Foreman dictates the actions of the Overseers as a race. And it was Grand Foreman Cerberus who hatched the plot to conquer the Carrot Sector.

The position of Grand Foreman is kept until death and a new one is appointed immediately following the demise of the current Grand Foreman. The Grand Foreman is appointed to the one Overseer out of their entire society to be considered the most advanced evolutionarily. Cerberus was chosen out of the entire Overseer society and now rules their society with an iron fist.

Personality: Very little is known about Grand Foreman Cerberus. His ruthlessness is legendary. He shows as little mercy to his underlings as he does his enemies. It is his firm, unshakable belief that he is the most evolved being in the galaxy and that it his birthright to take the entire universe and rule it as he and only he sees fit...

Weapons: Unknown...

Abilities: Unknown...

Likes: Conquest, domination, and the subjugation of entire societies.

Dislikes: Any who dissent to his reign of terror.

Quote: "The galaxy is ours...system by system, star by star, planet by planet, we will take it for our own. We are the masters of the universe. We cannot be stopped. Do you think we can be? Then just TRY and stop us!"

One more.

Name: Vorastis

Species: Overseer

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown...

Appearance: Vorastis is a typical Overseer, physically. He is extremely short, as is the nature of his people, not even standing two feet. His skin is an extremely pale white, as if his flesh were bleached. His body is extremely skinny, more snakelike than anything. He is clad in a tiny red jumpsuit. His arms, like those of any Overseer, do not end in hands or even wrists, but simply in points that make his arms (and legs as well) resemble tentacles more than limbs. Indeed, his limbs move in a similar rubbery fashion. His eyes are extremely narrow slits.

Biography: Vorastis is the Prime Overseer of the Carrot Sector. That is, he is in charge of the conquest of the Carrot Sector, having control of all Overseer troops in the region.

At some point in his life, Vorastis did something to earn the respect of Grand Foreman Cerberus. Vorastis is trusted by Cerberus above all others and is not only Prime Overseer of the Carrot Sector, but Prime Overseer of the galaxy - putting him in the very top echelons of Overseer society. He is a very independent and self-willed Overseer, except when receiving direct orders from Cerberus. Then he is rigid and unyielding to even the slightest alteration of Cerberus' plans.

Personality: Vorastis is so callous and unemotional that some question if he even has emotions at all. Vorastis will do anything - anything - to achieve his goal. He speaks in a droning, serene monotone and only seems to really "come to life" when taking pleasure in the suffering of others or when displaying anger.

Weapons: None, weapons are far below someone like Vorastis.

Abilities: Vorastis is extremely accomplished at the art of telekinetics and uses them not only with great skill, but also creativity. He, like most Overseers, doesn't use his body even for transportation, but rather levitates about using the sheer power of his mind.

Likes: Grand Foreman Cerberus, power, the suffering of his enemies.

Dislikes: Any that stand in his way.

Quotes: "Bow down, primitive beings! You are in the presence of Prime Overseer Vorastis. Your fate is in my hands. It is most unfortunate that mercy is not among my virtues."

"The power of the body is limited and finite but the mind...the mind is FOREVER."
"If there's anything more important than my ego, I want it caught and shot now."
-Zaphod Beeblebrox
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Aug 18, 2006, 09:11 PM
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Here's another character. I don't know if I'm actually going to use him or not. He's basically an amalgation of every negative aspect of a politician I could think of.

Name: Walter Wallis Wartthroat

Species: Lagunican Frog

Gender: Male

Age: 43

Appearance: Wartthroat is physically repulsive. Very short (only 3 feet tall), he is very fat and blubbery. He possesses a massive throat, which quivers when he speaks. His eyes bulge out of their sockets and his skin is a pale green colour. He often dresses in fancy suits. His body constantly oozes with a sickly slime. He produces even more slime when he's nervous or excited.

Biography: Born to the affluent Wartthroat bloodline on Lagunicus, Wartthroat was born into a family of excess wealth. The ancestors of the Wartthroat clan accumulated a vast fortune decades ago, and now the bloodline subsides on that stored wealth. Surrounded all his life by sycophantic servants and fair-weather friends looking for a piece of his wealth, Wartthroat spent his life in a position of power.

Most of the sons of the Wartthroat clan end up as shiftless lazy partygoers. Walter Wartthroat, however, developed a craving for power and entered politics. With his amazing oratory skill, prestigious family name, and vast wealth, Wartthroat managed to get himself elected Chief of Planet Lagunicus, the most politically powerful position on the planet. After the Carrotus-Turtle Terrorist Wars came to an end with Devan Shell on the run, politicans across the sector began pressing for the formation of a Sectorial Council, a governing body for the Carrot Sector at large, including all planets with a population of sentinent beings. Wartthroat was one of the proposal's strongest supporters, seeing it as an opportunity to consolidate more power. Wartthroat again used his influence as a politician to become Chief Councillor.

He is not trusted by Jazz Jackrabbit and his family.

Personality: Wartthroat is callous and power hungry. He sees other beings solely in terms of how useful they are to him at any given moment. Though incredibly cowardly and fearful for his own life, he is nonetheless bold and ruthless politically. Though he is no murderer, Wartthroat will do anything - blackmail, intimidation, bribery, all of it - to achieve his goals.

Wartthroat seeks power for the sake of power. Power for the sole feeling of pride and triumph he gets when he achieves power.

Weapons: None.

Abilities: Wartthroat is an excellent public speaker and it's said he has a silver tongue. With his wealth and speeches, he can bend almost anyone to his will.

Likes: Power, money.

Dislikes: Weakness, anyone he percieves to be a threat.

Quote: "When it comes to power, most beings are hypocrites. They claim to be claiming power for wealth, or fame, or some foolish ideal. But not I. I realize that power is an end in itself, not a means. Other beings delude themselves. But not I. For me, power is everything."
"If there's anything more important than my ego, I want it caught and shot now."
-Zaphod Beeblebrox
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Dec 30, 2006, 09:45 PM
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Entery Character

Name: Dr. Conelius Hare (AKA Doc H)
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Alignment: Good
Personality:Laid back at times, but is quick to anger. A total gearhead. Sometimes, he will create something that appears to have no purpose.
Appearance: A black rabbit, with red ears and hands. Wears a blue lab coat over a pale green sweater and brown pants.
Weapons: A revolver, hidden in his breast pocket. He rarely uses it.
Special Powers: Able to fix something twice as fast as an untrained person.
Quote: “Pay attention, PLEASE!”
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Dec 31, 2006, 10:13 AM
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Name: Litch3D
Gender: not female might be a shemale.
Alignment: Good
personality:Acts like a baby is a noob acts like hes a pro is a bit of a nerd and pretends to play sports.
Apperence: hides under a clock, some say if he looks at you , you will die of the uglyness.hes also 3d
Weapens: cork gun
Special powers. none
Quote: A annoying noobish things like "haha" "heh" "im the best"
conclusion: everyone wants him off this planet "earth".

More chareters coming soon.
But beware of the lith because he could turn up in your bed next.
You like it when I talk bad about myself don't you cooba <3
The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.

Your friendly JCF Hillybilly
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Jan 2, 2007, 08:31 PM
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Put it here just because I felt like it.

Name: Joanne "JoJo" Dera
Age: 15
Species: White Bengal Tiger
Gender: Female
Personality: JoJo is very strong willed, which can sometimes go against her. She can get extremely vicious if someone or something gets in her way. However JoJo can show real courage in times of crisis.
Appearance: White with black stripes, black hair, blue eyes
Weapons: Starrix (diamond tipped wand)
Special Powers: Star-powered attacks
Quote: "I'd rather not."

Might add more soon.


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Jan 4, 2007, 06:29 PM
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Closed and unstickied due to outdated-ness of majority of these profiles. A new profiles thread is upcoming; please post your characters there.

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