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Uuummm....War Stories Might Be Back? - by various people


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Aug 18, 2001, 08:02 AM
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But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small

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Aug 18, 2001, 08:03 AM
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btw, I claim page 15
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small



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Aug 18, 2001, 10:39 AM
Someone ripped through the poster that proclaimed THE END and shot Pyscho, who seemed to be living up to his name.

Another murder.


Yanagi VelKasha

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Aug 18, 2001, 10:45 AM
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Actually, I've died 5 times in one week (oh, thanks fer hanging me 5 times, Shadow). Add that to the other murders and you get...?

Let's stop killing each other,'s really depressing. =p

oh, and could someone throw TubbZ out of tha Tavern?
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Aug 18, 2001, 01:35 PM
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No. I think TubbZ is nice.

Not that I have a say.


EPILOUGE. *scary music*

A shadow darkened the doorstep on the Tavern. Everyone looked up from there drunk depressed states, expecting to see a mad ax murderer or some distictly evil figure. Instead, they saw a cloud going over the sun.It drenched and rained, and lightning cackled ecstatically in the sky.

But then, Suddenly--

remember? (:
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Aug 18, 2001, 02:59 PM
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Kovu walked in the door. This of course, made no sense, as he had already been in the Tavern. And unlike normally, the previous kovu has not vanished, so Kovu and Kovu had a nice little chat by the fireside. Pity there was no fireplace.
Kovu aka Alec

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Aug 18, 2001, 09:24 PM
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*Teh screen(and I intenntionally spelled that 'teh');fades to black, and the credit's roll! With kewl bloopers!*

And so, all everyone leave the theater and crap.

MEANWHILE, at THE real war Tavern.

"Wow, so the movie bombed?" Ducky asked.

"Like World War 2." GenEX said.

"And we spent, like, two bucks producing it, too!" Shigeru Miyamoto complained.

"Hey, so you guys wanna go get some pizza to celebrate the bombingness?" Kovu asked.

*And so, the taverners got pizza and later came back*

"So, uh, what do you guys want to do now?" Beauman asked.

"*I* wanna get me some sleep, this has been going on non-stop for like a week now!" Kovu complained for the second time in two pages.

"I hear ya." So everyone left and the Tavern

was empty. Then in the morning Slayer came in and sat idly around, cleaning glasses. Until in the afternoon a figure walked up on the red emblazoned floor.


There! Pfft! No poopy person saying the end is gonna stop us!

No matter what they say, I did NOT edit this, they're lying!....GET THEM!

Tha Psycho

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Aug 19, 2001, 03:11 AM
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Ever heard of saga's...this is one and the first part ended...
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Aug 19, 2001, 06:07 AM
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Didn't you ever read the old War Story? That one was like miles long and never stopped. There was never an end. You're all crazy! Not to mention dead!!!!!

If you want me, I'll be at the Holiday Inn. *tears*

Psycho had, of COURSE been murdered at the Cherry table of Duckies. So there were fresh bloodstains to be bawled over as Psycho was lugged away into a corner to be rejuvinated eventually. Everyone was sort of in a gloomy mood so Slay had a round of drinks on JelZe because he never came in anyway. The jokebox bawled insanely in its bit of wall space by the door and a few people painfully stepped on each other's toes in an attempt to dance. Kovu was regretting ever trying to comfort Ducky this way, so he bought her a Rigelion synth-ale carrot beer instead and Gen popped over after a bit and bought her a donut.

Blackie slouched depressedly in the corner with her head on Lancetto's shoulder and Pizza ended up spilling his drink everywhere trying to avoid Kiku's cheek on his arm.

But Psycho was STILL dead.

remember? (:
Kovu aka Alec

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Aug 19, 2001, 06:15 AM
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Shigeru Miyamoto sat all alonedness in the corner. He looked at all the couples, Kove and Ducky, Lance and Sheep, Pizzie and Kiku, and was lonely(I DON"T GIVE A HAM SANDWICH IF HE'S MARRIED IN REAL LIFE, THIS IS MAH REPLY).

"*Sigh,* ultra rich game maker is lonely." He said.

Beauman had just sold something for way to much to some poor fool and was passing by when he heard this.

"Oh no! El Shigeru is lonely!" And, as he always does, Beauda caused a puff of smoke

and theme music and appeared,


"Oh My God! What's going on!" Shigeru screamed, as he was strung up by his feet, dangling just above a pool of starved piranhas.

"This is the ULTRA SPIFFY JAPANESE GAME MAKER MAN DATING SHOW, or usjgmmds! Where, if you don't pick a good date, you take da' plunge and die!" Beauman informed him.

"NOOOOO!" Shigeru screamed.

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Aug 19, 2001, 06:23 AM
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GenEX was horrified. This wasn't Beauman, Devan found some way to control him.

GenEX leapt over the pit, grabbed SM and headed to safety. Beauman just stood there, dumbfounded.
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
Batty Buddy

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Aug 19, 2001, 07:57 AM
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Que Passa!!!!

Meanwhile, Batty had compleatly lost track of where he was while trying to get back to the story to join the epolouge. Now this may not have been anything out of the ordinary, except he hadn't been drinking.

"Aw, man. I'm probably going to be late again..." He said. To make sure, he pulled out a large grandfather clock out of his backpack. The clock didn't appear to be running due to the large Grandfather lodged in its mechanism. Forgeting about the time, he notice a long lean hairless-ape type human chopping logs.

"Um, Excuse me sire, what is the time?"

"The time my son? It is time for every American to stop and ponder. Sit down on this log son."

Batty did, wondering what was going to happen next.

"I'm only a rail splitter, myself. My name is Lincon... ABE Lincon."

"Hey... Wait a second..." Batty said confused.

"I must be the personification of the rage to live,
hit me, dunk me, insult me, I'll still hang in there...

...I wonder why..."
-Howard the Duck
Proud to be the 100th, 600th, 666th, and 1000th poster in the "Slime the Poster above you" thread...
Even though I had to cheat... Thank you, The Cheat.
(RIP William Hanna)
"I claim Page 4 in the name of my sexy female self."
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Aug 19, 2001, 09:44 AM
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Deciding everything was out of whack, and she didn't want to be a couple today,and she didn't want Black to be, and she didn't want to watch that Jap get eaten by piranhas(sp?), and she was scared of Lincoln's philosifization anyway, Ducky she seized Black's paws(hooves?) and leapt out of the Tavern to the nearby street corner where they proceeded to Urchin.

"Ducky, you're acting like a mod again," Sheep whined. "Are they going to promote you again?" "No, not me, Derbay," said Ducky, quickly avoiding the subject. "Lets get our heads shaved in diagonal striped and our noses pierced and pop over to that shop and buy us some netting and black leather!" Black yelled, jingling her change in her pocket. Ducky yelped as her arm was wrenched hlafway from its socket and they fled away from the insanity to the dim interior of the garment shoppe. "Black? Do you want an icecream cone after this?" said Ducky nervously, avoiding the dangling articles of clothing. "Oh! Look at THAT!!" Blackie dragged her over to a scanty sequined dress.

At the Tavern.

"No! WAIT!! " Yelled Beauthing. "Lancie, come here!". "NO." "Kovu?!" But Kove and Lance were looking forr Ducky and Blackie who had vanished. "Unknownie!!?!" Unknown and Batty both hid behind the large umbrelly Batty had produced from his backpack and continued his converation with Mr. Lincoln. Beau looked around. "..Gen?"

Psycho's body twitched in its corner, but no one noticed.

And the Jap lingered over his beer.

remember? (:
Tha Psycho

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Aug 19, 2001, 10:41 AM
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A tombstone with his nametag on it. 'Psycho', there stood in grey letters, carved in the cold stone. The sand on his grave began to shake and a hand was pushing the stone of the tomb. A corpse was standing up and rose from the grave. The awaken dead called Tha Psycho wanted revenge. He walked in a cloud of fog and his body slowly turned back to normal. 'A schizo always has two personality's. You can survive one, but the other is stronger. I made some mistakes and now i'ma set them straight.', he said with his halfcut tongue and a broken voice. He realised his mistakes and he knew he had the war tavern face their end. Eventually it became his and know he was there to heal the wounds he left behind.

(This is my apology to yall. Continue plz)

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Aug 19, 2001, 05:02 PM
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"HEEEEEYYYYY SHEEPI!" a figure dressed in black called as she tackled the unsuspecting pair.

"Hi Ducky! Hi Sheepi!" the mysterious figure said as her blood red eyes darted about the room as if seeking out some unk-

Ducky whacked her, and she stopped her st00pit attempt to look mysterious.

"What are you doing here?" Ducky said as the zealous Sheep put the dress into her hands and shoved her into the dressing room.

Blacksheep merrily danced around in a black leather outfit, and threw some antiqued silver jewelry into the dressing room to match Ducky's dress.

"I work here." Cobra said, standing up proudly (all 5'1 feet of her).

"Really?" Blackie said, dreaming of the discounts they could get.

"No, not really. I just thought that if I thought I did work there for a moment, that I'd be cool." she turned her face downward and sighed. "Besides, they let me wear my black karate uniform here!"

Blackie did not hear though, because she was too busy looking at some racks of shiny black boots.
please leave the satanic fish alone


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Aug 21, 2001, 01:21 PM
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"they have forgotten about me."

Slayer walked trough the shadow allies of a busy city, the city that never sleeped.

Crumbled Carrot.

The people of the War tavern, they left me behind, left me alone with my misery.


he lay down in a pile of rotting fruit.

"You could sure use a shower." He heard a voice say. Slayer looked up and saw a person he recognized..but he didnt know from where or when. "So your the vampire everyone has been talking about." the person named Wilddogg said.

"Wilddogg, your alive.." Slayer's face cleared up and he got back on his feet.

Wilddogg: "Come with me, we're going back to the war tavern, there is someone that needs you back there..."

Tha Psycho

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Aug 21, 2001, 09:41 PM
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Psycho ducked away from society and sheltered at home. Avalanche was mourning and when he came home fromthat, he heard a scream. The scream came from Psycho's house. He entered it and only Psycho was there. 'Bro! Yo alÃ(-)ve!', he yelled. Psycho didn't move an inch and said: 'Were are SLayer and WildDogg?'. Avalanche looked out of the window and brerathed deeply. 'I don't know. Slayer i saw weeks ago and WildDogg, i guess is still gone like you were. If eh comes back, i hope we will see them both. Maybe, in the future, because Rage of Evil has got to be completed. Eventually.'
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Aug 22, 2001, 06:09 AM
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A tiny white rabbit was launched out the door of the Darke Clothing Shoppe and collided with Slayie and his depression. "Slaaaaaay!!!" She yelled like a madperson. "Duckyyyyyy! Sheeeepi! Slayie's out hhheeeeeeeereeeee!" Two more figures swooped out the door, clad in black leather and glittering garments and wearing lots of jewelery. "Slayieeeee!" Ducky screeched, rubbing off the black makeup Cobra had put on her eyes. "Who's your friend?" Black pointed.

"Come to the cafe over there!! I'll buy you both drinks!" Yelled Ducky gleefully, attaching herself to Slayer's sleeves yanking him along. Cobra and Black pulled along WildDogg(whoever he is ) and Psycho and Avalanche followed them closely, peering about the streets that seemed to be filled with shifty characters.."Don't you ever worry about being mugged or something?" WildDogg asked cautiously. Ducky, over her shoulder said "All the time, but it doesn't matter!" And pulled harder on Slay's arm, and 'We're some of them," Black informed them, and Cobra beamed proudly. Avalanche nodded his understanding and got whiplash as he was pulled into a tiny cafe.

How fun.

remember? (:

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Aug 22, 2001, 01:06 PM
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Suddenly, a cheesy-looking flying saucer came out of nowhere(I don't know where nowhere is either), with some weird looking aliens coming out of the ship.

They walked into the tavern, carrying very stupid-looking but very large lasers.

One of the aliens said,"Rabbits, hello to all you. All this planet's intelligence are belong to us. You are on the way to destruction. We shall straws be using suck out your intelligence."

GenEX, upon hearing this, teleported away. It looked like even though they looked incredibly idiotic, they were dead serious.

When the aliens left, the entire planet looked worse than a mental health facility. All the creatures on the planet were walking into walls and talking gobbledygook. GenEX had to get rid of those aliens, and sadly, he had to do it alone...
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
Tha Psycho

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Aug 22, 2001, 10:03 PM
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There they all sat around the table, in the always nicely tainted War Tavern. Drinkin' of their home-made drinks, discussing the future. Psycho, Avalanche, Cobra, Slayer, WildDogg, Ducky and BlackSheep were all happy.
Avalanche [Rage of Evil]

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Aug 22, 2001, 10:08 PM
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'We waited for you', Psycho and Avalanche spoke to WildDogg. 'This is for you all. We have a task to do. You all can come with us. What do you all think of it?'


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Aug 23, 2001, 07:54 AM
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"That depends on one thing, whats in it for me, and what do we have to do." Slayer replyed.
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Aug 23, 2001, 01:37 PM
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Cobra and Black glowered at being left out of the scam, and Ducky started yelling. "Hey! Come on, we want in!"

Slay and his friends looked at her and Cobra and Sheepi as though they were something yucky on their finger. "Whatcha think..." said Psycho doubtfully..

remember? (:

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Aug 24, 2001, 02:36 PM
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if you are trying to mess with us, we'll mess around with your post, stop making plot changes that noone can continue, noone but yourself that is


~Bucky O'Hare Aka GenEX

"Negative Stuff equals Joe"~me

"All your forum are belong to Fquist"~me

If stuff is good, I can't imagine what StoveTop is like.

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Aug 24, 2001, 03:17 PM
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They had so much intelligence sucked out, they didn't realise they had their intelligence sucked out, so they act normally. DUH!

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Aug 24, 2001, 03:59 PM
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Oh, very funny. It's so funny I forgot to laugh...

Geez, not each and every single bit is gone. But as quoted by some guy:

"If you took their I.Q., and multiplied it by 100, you might have enough intelligence to tie your shoes, if you didn't DROOL all over yourself first."

Er, I'm not making fun of anybody. Honest.
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
Tha Psycho

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Aug 25, 2001, 01:20 AM
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There they all stood. A glow of light filled them and they felt better. Something tickled their brains and they realised they were back to old status. The uestion still stood. 'I can't promise a victory, but i can promise that it will make the whole War Tavern better. Even GenEx(just kiding)', Psycho said.


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Aug 25, 2001, 04:17 PM
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GenEx if you change a plot, do it in a way so that everybody can continue it not only you.

- strike two


Here to serve he who brings the light,

and born out of she who brings darkness..

he is the Slayer,

From the book of time.


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Aug 25, 2001, 05:01 PM
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Er, Ok...

Here goes:


Upon returning to the tavern, GenEX decided to play one of the video game consoles that he set up. He chose, of course, Jazz Jackrabbit 2, for he just set up a PC network in the tavern and wanted to polish his skills on the single-player mode(not that he had to, he/I just beat it on hard difficulty without losing a life).

Then something strange happened. He was dragged into the game-literally!

Devan Shell's voice sounded throughout the tavern, indicating that if GenEX lost, he would die and there would be nothing to stop Devan. He also took the added precaution to disable his psychic abilities.

GenEX just raised his eyebrow at Devan. This was going to be too easy, he told himself...
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
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Aug 25, 2001, 06:38 PM
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When GenEX reached Knight Cap, however:

The Queen was real, not programmed, so she didn't have anything against him. So they just sat there and talked, and GenEX never got out of the level because he never defeated her. How sad.

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Aug 25, 2001, 07:19 PM
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bleh, GenEX bugged me to post, so i guess i shall... but do not expect many posts, cause Football Practice is from 3:20-6:00pm, so i don't have much time anymore, maybe next season though. (btw, GenEX, are u trying to reserve the whole tavern-heroic type stuff for urself? that's wat it looks like )


BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ woke up, since after a while he kinda quit the japanese game maker's dating show, and fell asleep and tried to attempt unlock the mysteries of dreams.

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: huh? wat the?

*he saw many rabbits running into walls and just sitting there, dazing, and then noticed straws with brain residue on them*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: oh... no wonder...

*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ then remembered he didn't have a brain, because these days all his body was to him was a host body, and he had nothing much for thinking other than his soul, and various organs to keep the host body living*

(in other words, i'm kinda of a spiritual parasite of my own body, which the brain was transferred to the soul)

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: hmmmmmmmm... this is very chaotic... who might have done this....

*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ then noticed some green alien looking slime*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: This looks like Alien goo... brain sucking aliens? hmmmmmmm.... bleh... disgusting... they probably didn't even COOK the brains!

*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ then thought how much money he could make off the demented rabbits*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: why, heck... it'd be like robbing these people blind... wait... must... resist... temptation... er... i hate my concionce!

* a few minutes later, like the post above said, a white light hit everyone and they were back to normal*

*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ then noticed that a pc console was left on with JJ2 on it*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: ack... someone's wasting power

*this was unusual for BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ to even think of such a thing, but then he turned the console off*

Little Digitallized Voice: NOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo oooooooooooOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ:eh? hmmmmmmm... that sounds like GenEX...

LDV: It is ME! u turned off the friggen console when i was going to beat Devan to a pulp! NOW I'M STUCK!!!

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: oops, sorry...


BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: hmmmmmmmmm... bleh... i guess... but to get out... i believe u must defeat devan... here... let me help...

*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ turns the computer back on, and then starts JJ2 on hard with the first level*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: ok...

*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ started moving the controls*

GenEX: HEY! i can move myself y'know...

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: i know... but i'll move u... Hey! Look! Some Spikes!


*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ slammed GenEX into the spikes*

GenEX: ow... don't do that!!! if i get my hands on u...

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: tut tut... u wanna get out or not?

*so BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ navigated GenEX, all battered and bruised through the whole game, and finally beat Devan, with 0 lives and 1 heart left due to BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ's obbsesion of slamming GenEX into spikes or lava, was finally warped out of the game*

GenEX: i shall NEVER trust u with my life again...

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: hehehe

GenEX: why the heck did i have to beat Devan anyhow?

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: well, u didn't, i just wanted to have some phun... er... i mean... i don't know

*GenEX then had steam coming out of his ears*


BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: calm down, GumEX, i mean GemEX!


*GenEX was about to shoot a spell at BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ, but BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ apparated somewhere just in time*


and so the insanity of the tavern continued, BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ off somewhere in somewhereness


there ya have it, a post from yours truely
Tha Psycho

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Aug 25, 2001, 11:58 PM
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Psychos question was still unanswered.
Kovu aka Alec

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Aug 26, 2001, 04:30 AM
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And so, the madness continued, someone kindly explained Psycho's plot to him, so everyone was happy. UNTIL, a explosion came

from the ceiling, knocking everyone back.

Then, out of the blast hole, wafted,




"3!" The taverners ran to the console thingy to install it, but when they tried,

they saw 'Not enough Hard Drive space' and when they went to delete stuff, they were

all sucked into the voidish bowels of Bill's Evil OS(e.g. Windows)
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Aug 26, 2001, 09:03 AM
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*speaking of Jazz* He's so beautiful.. sigh.

Oh my. What are these little things?" Slay and his friends, shrunk to a millionth of a centimeter, puddled around inside the operating system. "What happens if I undo this-"Kovu yanked on a cable. "ooh, lookit the gadgets," Blacksheep said again. "Don't touch anything!" Screeched Shadow GpW, who is not there. Cobra nodded. "Ducky...." she said nervously, as Ducky prodded a shiny metal globe and beamed as it shimmered. Gen stamped around, confused, and Beau was also confused, and Psycho was still clutching his cherry mead from the cafe, so he was happy, and Unknownie just sat and starred around a bit, as did everyone else.

I am SO confused.

remember? (:

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Aug 27, 2001, 12:56 PM
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Touching a shiny sphere, Bucky (GenEX) was suddenly thrown back by a blast. He then sat up at raised his hand, teleporting all the taverners back. Don't ask me how I did that, for I don't know how I did.

Ok, maybe I do. Quit manipulating me.
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
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Aug 27, 2001, 01:26 PM
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Unknown Rabbit screamed. Wow. "GenEX, what did you have to teleport us out for?! I was going to use some of that gadgetry to stop the internet, and thus destroy the world!'

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Aug 27, 2001, 01:41 PM
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Er, ok, you do that...

What a weirdo...
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
Kovu aka Alec

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Aug 27, 2001, 05:19 PM
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Gen! You yell about people not using you're plotline but as soon as I think of one you kill it?

Tha Psycho

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Aug 27, 2001, 09:56 PM
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I think this whole story should better quit

Even my plotline was flushed away by someone

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Aug 28, 2001, 07:39 AM
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This story shall never quit.

Just please, try to get along. If someone continues something and you dont like it, tough. That's just the way this works. Half the fun is trying to get around stuff like that

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