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The Greenthorpe Saga


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Aug 3, 2006, 10:13 PM
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Group vote.
The SlaYeR

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Aug 4, 2006, 08:32 AM
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Yah, come on Strato. Let him join.


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Aug 4, 2006, 03:33 PM
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I don't care. Whatever the majority wants I guess.
The SlaYeR

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Aug 16, 2006, 01:17 PM
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Hey guys, I figured Spaztic had no intention to start on his chapter so I started working on mine. I've finished about 10 pages so far (Not A4 format, normal format.) I think I'll have it up in about 3 days.
Doubble Dutch

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Aug 16, 2006, 08:26 PM
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[I like this semi random stuff]

nonne amicus certus in re incerta cernitur?

Old Aug 20, 2006, 01:10 PM
The SlaYeR
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Old Aug 20, 2006, 01:12 PM
The SlaYeR
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The SlaYeR

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Aug 20, 2006, 01:27 PM
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Chapter 36: The beast within.

This was it, within moments all hell would break loose.
None of the people in the battlefield were sure they would come out of this alive.
Their hearts were racing and all of them were oblivious of the fact that no additional support had shown up.
Tom Bradhurst felt betrayed and out of place as a leader, but he realized that this was no time to mope and inspected his new troops, all four of them.
They had the look of four warriors hardend in battle and could come to good use, even if things seemed like all of them would die here tonight.
“…Susan.” He mumbled when he realized that he would not be able to say a last goodbye.
He would die without ever seeing her again.
“Are we going to stand around here while those people are trying to save our town?” One of the men asked, he was the shortest and had two long streaks of furless skin over the back of his head. A big cigar was hiding almost half of his small face. And he kept a firm grip on his semi-automatic assault rifle.
Tom shook his head and seeing these four, strong people in front of him gave him a confidence boost. Which was just the thing he needed right now.
One of them carried a heavy looking gun he recognized as a sniper rifle.
“You, position yourself in the bell tower over there.” He pointed at the tallest building in green thorpe, a large bell that had served as an alarm system for the entire town. It was right next to the town hall and overlooked a large area. It was the perfect spot.
“And you three, come with me. And run, I can hear that the fighting has already started.”

‘Darn it Tom, what’s taking you so long?’ Tony thought to himself.
He looked around at the others. Poor Michelle seemed so scared and her body looked as if it could not take much more. A patch of skin fell off of her and landed on the ground.
Alexander and Louie seemed to be communicating through sign language. He had no idea what they were saying but they seemed concentrated on something apart from their personal hatered. He could not help but notice that his hands were shaking, he had to miss one of his arms and he was still pondering over what Alexander had told him before.
He had never fought the undead, he was skilled with his guns and in hand to hand combat. But there was no way on Carrotus that he was going to practice hand to hand combat against a werewolf, let alone dozens of them.
Several clouds appeared in the sky, but none of them covered the moon yet, what a shame.
Alexander had told him earlyer that a werewolve loses a lot of its strength when the full moon dissapears. He looked at Michelle again, she was giving him a quick wink and a thumbs up.
She did a good job at hiding her nervousity, but it made him feel better and took his mind off of Alexander’s comment.
The ancient werewolf that appeared to be the leader was holding on to the red flag and dozens of werewolves were standing in front of them. A feeling in his gut told him this was only a first attack wave.

Three of the werewolves came running towards the small and very outnumbered group of warriors. It had begun.

Gary Parker lay restless in his bed. He had been haunted by unpleasing dreams of the past.
Of the smell of his mothers hair and the way she used her smile to bring him to silence when he was being a brat. The monster inside of him did not leave him a lot of peace for himself, but he was reminded of who he had been every now and then.
He kicked then covers off of his bed to put them back on five minutes later. He repeated this process for hours. Somewhere out there he had send an army of wolves after a group of people that might pose a threat one day. He dared not to think about how he really felt about all of this. The monster would make him go through terrible pain again.
He had learned to hide his feelings and emotions, but he had a bit more difficulty keeping control of himself on this particulair night. His mother, his friends, these strangers who ment no good human being any harm and tried to save them from the pain and misery that he caused. Why was this happening? His thought got cut short by an excruciating pain that soared through his head. ‘Calm down Gary, we’d best put your soul to sleep now shall we?’
Gary’s eyes lit up for a split second and with a maniacal grimace on his face he let his head sink deep into his pillow before he fell into a deep sleep.

The enemy had invaded their home and they would all die defending it if they had to.
Ten minute men were to handle the guns that they set up earlyer today, but after the first werewolf had shown up, they all ran and hid in the mansion together with they’re family and friends. Hoping that they would all be able to say ‘Good morning.’ To eachother as soon as this was over.
The first of the wolves reached out it’s sharp claw in an attempt to slash through Tony’s neck. His plan fell to pieces when a bullet from Alexander’s gun pierced through it’s hand.
The beast let out a shriek of pain as the first blood of the night was shed.
‘Thanks.’ Tony said softly. He raised his gun to level it with the werewolf’s forehead.
He quickly pulled the trigger to finish the beast. His first kill, that would surely show Alexander that he wasn’t just a rookie that was still wet behind the ears.
He did not have a lot of time to enjoy the satisfaction this moment brought to him.
The werewolves had witnessed one of their brethren being killed by the enemy. The old wolf was covered in pieces of brain and blood and let out a cry. “Kill them all.”

Michelle felt a sense of pride soar through her as she watched her new friend tighten his grip on his pistol. She did not know what was to come of any of them. They were heavily outnumbered and they were not to expect any support from the refugees who were safely hidden away inside the mansion. In all of the chaos and confusion she knew one thing.
Tony had, in a way, already won. He conquered his fear and fired away at the monstrosity’s.
Everything had gone so fast. She had a job, a home and somewhat of a life before she let herself get bitten by Tier. A lonely life, but a life none the less.
A vampire killed her brother and in the confusion and panic that followed, she had made a choice. She would kill the vampire even if it costed her, her life. Which it had, technically.
Michelle could not hate Tier for converting her into one of his own, the undead turtle had given her the gift of immortality. She might have liked it even better if things did not have to be this messy, but still.
A werewolf came storming towards her, drool flung through the air and speckles of slime landed in her fur. The young girl was caught unaware and with one powerful strike, the werewolf had taken off her right arm. She did not feel any pain, for her central nerve system had shut down toghether with her heart. The only emotion she could feel in this moment was hate for the wolf. She had enough to deal with at them moment and the moment of hesitation on the werewolf’s side when it noticed that it was dealing with a zombie was enough for her.
She grabbed the beast by the jaw and crushed it completely with one single movement.
The werewolf sank down to it’s knees in front of her. He wanted to strike her again but was to late as Michelle had grabbed his neck and pulled his head clean off. The terrible sound of the flesh and muscles ripping would have made her stumach very upset. If it were still active.
“There seem to be more benefits to this then the mortality alone.” She told herself while she picked her arm up from the ground and placed it against her joint. The bone and dead tissue regenerated within a matter of seconds.
“Hurry Thomas.” She heard Louie shout from across the battlefield.
He was appearing and dissapearing around the place, strucking a lethal blow with one of his compact scythes. He had a grace and balance unlike any she had ever seen before. He killed a beast and moved on like a shadow to the next one.
Alexander fired away, his body was relaxed. His calculating mind always noticing everything that went on around him. Years of training had made him familiar with situations like these. And years of experience made sure that he knew just what to do and how to do it.
He did not let a single bullet go to waste and seemed confident.
Three or four brave refugees had gathered enough courage to come outside and they manned the guns. Firing away at hordes of wolves. It took six or seven bullets to take one down, but they had to protect their families. And with this on their minds they fought like there was no tommorow.
The SlaYeR

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Aug 20, 2006, 01:28 PM
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A big explosion lit up the battlefield and several torches shot up in the air as firework.
A dozen of burning werewolves rained down onto their fighting brothers and sister.
Tom arrived on the hill west off the mansion followed by three strangers that were armed to the teeth and heavily armored. A wave of panic soared through Michelle’s body.
Where was everyone else? Susan adressed at least 50 people earlyer today.
They were riled up, they were ready for blood to defend their Greenthorpe. And this was it?
The explosion had killed several wolves and created some space for everyone to fight in. The burning corpses had lit up the battlefield even better then the torches had and the refugees fought bravely and shot down wolf after wolf.
Tom still was not sure wheter he’d make a good general or not, but there were more important things to be dealt with now then his personal emotions and he ordered the three strangers to take place. The smallest of both man took place next to the refugees and armed one of the guns. “Greenthorpe will forever be in your debt.” He told them after a quick look at their scared faces. He was hoping this would give them some courage. They could use that.
A rain of bullets were spat at the wolves who’se howling seemed to go through flesh and bone. ‘Maybe we’ll make it.’ Michelle thought to herself.
Extra-ordinary situations call for extra-ordinary people. And it could not get any stranger then the group of people that were gathered here.
Two more werewolfs moved in for a kill, but they got taken down by the little man who raised one of his thumbs in her direction. Another group of werewolfs seemed to move away from the battle and made their way into the village.
Michelle looked around to see if anyone had noticed, but they were all too occupied in they’re own affairs. She did not hesitate for a second and ran after the pack.

The woman that was part of the supporting troops stood next to Tom on the hill.
“Werewolves, vampires, zombies. Are these your friends?”
Tom nodded. “I’ll fill you in later.” He said, while firing away at a group of wolves that came storming up the hill. She drew her blaster and fired away at them. “I’m Jamie.” She said without looking away from their attackers.
Tom had already fired several founds and finally hit a wolf.
“I’m Tom.” The accountant said with a pleased grin on his face. “Let’s get aquinted later over a cup of tea, if we ever get out of here.”

Louie looked around and counted a total of ninty-four wolves left.
They had been doing well but things would get a lot tougher soon. His companions might be getting tired soon and run out of ammo. A wolf collapsed right next to him.
He looked around to see where the shot had come from and noticed someone in the bell tower. ‘Ah, a sniper.’ He told himself to confirm what he had thought as soon as he saw the corpse of the wolf. Another wolf collapsed at his feet. The bullet had left a big, gaping wound.
Louie seemed to float over the battlefield as he disemboweled two more wolves with a quick and precise cut. He moves his way over to Alexander who was still firing away calmly, shoulder to shoulder with Tony who did not seem to want to leave his side.
He looked confident but seemed to like the idea of having someone more experienced close to him during this situation. “We’ve got a sniper on our side. He’s hiding in the bell tower.”
Alexander nodded. ‘Excellent.’ The three of them were surrounded by wolves and stood back to back to fight them all off. Tony quickly changed his round of ammunition and the three of them patiently waited for the rest of the wolves to strike.
Dozens of their brethren lay strewn across the ground in front of the mansion.
Galleons of blood had been spilled and the blood made the sand turn into mud in which most of them were now covered.

Tom and Jamie were still firing away from the top of the hill.
“Looks like Jake is holding up alright.” She said while looking at the little man.
Tom payed no attention to her comment and fired away while giving a quick glance at the refugees. One of them had retreated into the mansion. He could not blame him, he had lost his house, his job and his day to day life because of the war. These people were tired and not ready for a fight. And it was his job now to make sure none of them came to harm.
The largest of the men that had shown up was shouting for help, but no one heard him.
The roaring of the wolves that had him surrounded reduced his pleading to a whisper and they all moved in. One after another cut through his skin untill the last one cut open an artery.
They were planning on keeping him surrounded untill he bled to death. But one by one they got taken down by Jamie.
‘I’m sorry Adam.’ She said, looking over the barrel of her blaster. She fired a quick shot the went through the heart of her friend to relieve him from the terrible suffering the wolves had cost.

“How many?” Tony asked as he saw the wolves closing in on them.
“fifty-five.” Louie said after a quick count.
“You’re out of ammunition aren’t you?” Alexander said. And without waiting for an answer he handed Tony his combat knife. He would not let anyone touch that knife under normal circumstances, but he could hardly let the guy die.
Tony felt over-confident thanks to Alexander’s trust and stormed towards three werewolves who were about to attack. He slashed through the gut of one and forcefully planted the knife in the face of another wolf. He was amazed at how well he managed to fight with only one hand. He was not quick enough to dodge the third wolf though and before he fully realized it he could feel the sharp claws of the wolf enter his stumach.
Tony looked the beast in the eyes and could smell the rot enter his nostrills as they came face to face. He managed to plant the knife in the wolf and watched it’s eyes get watery as he shoved it deeper into the wolf’s chest. They stood there for a short moment before both of them collapsed to the ground. The last thing he saw before he closed his eyes were the faces of Louie and Alexander who came running towards him. He felt accepted and at peace just by the worried looks on their faces. He was accepted as a warrior.

Michelle was staying close behind the pack that were making it’s way through the village. She ducked behind the fountain and watched them move silently through the night.
None of the lights in the houses around the main square were lit, but a ‘daring’ villager here and there was peeking out from behind the curtains. As soon as Michelle looked over to any of the houses the curtain were drawn shut with such a force that she was surprised none of them had come down yet.
The pack of twelve payed no attention to the houses though, it seemed as if they had a goal in mind. A chill crept down Michelle’s spine when she realized where they were heading towards. ‘The Bradhurst residence.’ She was unsure wheter Tier would be able to put up a good fight.
He had lived through ages of war and even killed a vampire or two in his days, but that was in the past, he was tired of fighting and could care less about most of the things that went on around him. She worried about the others.
Misses Bradhurst can hand out a great slap, but that wouldn’t do much good against a werewolf. Then there was Majo, the young brat who she had so much in common with. Save for the fact that she was still alive ofcourse. Majo wouldn’t be a match for them and neither would Yakira, who seemed more dead then alive.
It seemed like it was up to her to weaken the pack before they reached the house.

“(-).” Alexander said as he leaned over Tony while Louie managed to fight of several vampires. “How is he doing?” He yelled as he kicked a wolf into another.
“He’s losing a lot of blood.” Alexander said. He shot a wolf in the head without even looking up from Tony. “We have to get him to Susan as fast as we can.”
Louie felt his lust for blood growing. He should have eaten before they headed into this fight since it was taking a lot out of him. He did not want to feed in front of the others and it was hard to find time for ones self these days.
Alexander removed Tony’s bandana and wrapped it tightly around his stumach.
Jake had witnessed Tony fall down and jumped over the barricade to make his way to him.

“It looks like you guys need a hand. Is there anything I can do?” He asked, genuinly concerned. Alexander and Louie exchanged a look before Louie replied “You can take him to the Bradhurst residence. Walk down mainstreet untill you reach the grocers. The house is 30 paces East of there.” Jake picked up Tony and threw him over his shoulder. He seemed very strong for such a short cat. His whiskers twitched as he nodded at Alexander. “I will run as fast as I can. He’s in good hands with me.”
“He’d better be or…” Alexander got cut short. A firm kick in the side blew the air out of his lungs. “This has taken long enough.” The leader of the werewolves stood over him, every word he spoke seemed to echo through the air. “Your life ends tonight.”
Greymane bared his fangs as Alexander drew.

Last edited by The SlaYeR; Aug 21, 2006 at 08:53 AM.
The SlaYeR

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Aug 20, 2006, 01:30 PM
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Tom and Jamie were still struggling to fight off the many remaining werewolves.
The loss of Tony had made an impact on Tom, he hoped they would get out of this alive after the unfortunate dead of Adam. Something seemed wrong.
After the things Louie had told him about werewolves, he had expected them to be a lot stronger then this. ‘It could have been worse’ He thought to himself.
“Look, they’re going for the mansion.” Jamie said while pointing her blaster in the direction of the fort. The thirty remaining wolves headed straight for the mansion and jumped over the barricade. Two of the refugees stood by the door and it was closed before the werewolves could enter. A lonely remaining refugee let himself fall to the ground and covered his eyes with his arms. Certain that death would be near.
“Not on my watch.” Alister screamed as he ran off the hill followed by Jamie.
They both fired away at the werewolves that had the poor man surrounded.
It seemed to work, Tom and Jamie had bought him enough time to enter the mansion.

Louie witnessed another wolf getting shot by the sniper. ‘He has got a good aim.’ He thought to himself. ‘Through the head, every single time.’
He looked up at the bell tower and saw to his surprise that the gun was aimed at him this time.
He dodge in time for the bullet to miss him.
Alexander lay on the ground as Greymane loomed at him. Louie threw his scythe over at the beast, it’s pierced through it’s hand, seperating it in half.
The sniper had reloaded within a matter of seconds and took another shot at Louie, who was a little slower this time and felt the bullet touch his arm, leaving a small patch of flesh smoldering. Alexander had gotten up of the ground and kicked Greymane to the floor.
‘He’ll handle it.’ Louie ran for cover to buy some time. He glanced around the corner the remains of a small brick wall that had been around this garden in the past.
He carefully calculated his next steps. He would run to the bell tower and take out his assasin.
The fountain would make a good cover, but apart from that it would be up to his speed.
Louie jumped out from behind the wall and ran for the fountain.
The sniper had reloaded and had Louie’s head in his scope. He smiled as he pulled the trigger.

Michelle reached for her pocket, the ‘cookie-cutter’. She just remembered Tier had told her that this device would take out a werewolf without any effort.
“Hey, back off.” Michelle shouted. Jake came walking towards the house and slowed down when he noticed that it was unsafe to walk on. He had to take care of Tony and couldn’t leave him lying around. Several werewolves had broken away from the group while the rest continued to head for the house of the Bradhurst’s.
Tier hadn’t been lying, she used the device on the first wolf and it literally crumbled away in front of her, leaving nothing but a pile of dust. The other wolves started to back off and ran for their lives.

“How is she doing?” Susan asked Tier who was sitting by Michelle’s side. He took notice of Susan and raised his shoulders. “Her situation hasn’t changed yet.” They’re eyes met, Susan was the first to look away.
“Say, would you mind sitting by her side while I go outside for a moment? I can feel something’s not quiet right.” Tier said as he walked towards the door. It was typical of him not to wait for a response. “Sure, no problem.” Susan said after he had dissapeared from the doorframe. It was his way of telling her she was bored and had enough of sitting around. He was going to get a good book to read or find at least something to do. Tier did not come a second to late, he walked off the stairs and saw Majo staring out of the room. “We have company.” She tried to say while keeping her head cool. It didn’t take long for her to shout out in panic. “Help!.” Werewolves, he never had a problem with them before during their previous encounters. Greymane and his wolves had always ignored him before.
As if he was an annoying little fly that always made sure he never got close enough to hit.
Tier opened the door and stood face to face with a group of eight wolves. An unexpected surprise to say the least. The biggest of the group kicked Tier in the stumach, which was an even bigger surprise. The kick send him flying through the house. Majo wanted to run towards Tier to see if he was ok, but a wolf grabbed her by the wrist and drooled all over her clothes when he came in closer. His jaws opened and his sharp teeth and rotting smell made Majo realize that this would be the end of her short life. She was almost defenseless, apart from a well placed kick in the wolf’s groins. No matter how foul the species, a kick in the manhood was always the best defense. She ran for Tier as one of the wolves spoke “Where is the girl?”
“She’s right herel.” Tier said. "Come on buddy, we go way ba..."
“Where is the girl?” The wolf repeated, slightly more irked then before.
‘They must mean Yakira.’ Tier thought. ‘If we give her to them, we might get rid of them a lot easier.’
“Are you just going to sit here or what?” Majo whispered in his ear.
For a moment, that seemed like the best idea to him, but hey. He wasn't in for a fight.
“Hang on, let me show you.” He said as he got up. “I believe the girl you are looking for is this way.” He said, pointing to the kitchen.
The largest wolf that had asked them walked closer to Tier. “You’d better not be lying.” He said as he raised a finger and pricked him in the chest with it, to make his point come across stronger. Tier was not impressed though and gave the wolf a smirk.
“You shouldn’t have done that.” And with that, he took a bite out of the wolf’s finger and ran for cover.
The beast screamed and the other wolves readied themselves for the fight that was to come.
Another figure appeared in the doorstep.
The young girl took out her weapon and struck two wolves with it who reduced to dust like their brother had done before them.
Two of the beasts tried to escape but met the same fate before they could leave the house.
“It’s useless to run, you should not have come here.” Michelle spoke but Tier had a different plan. “Run to your master and tell him to leave us in peace, it’s useless to come back. We’ll be ready and waiting.” He shouted from behind the couch.
And with this, the wolf that had asked for the girl ran off into the woods to rejoin his master.
Jake walked into the house with Tony over his shoulder.
“Who the heck are you?” Tier shouted as Susan came walking downstairs.

Alexander had fired two shots at Greymane, both of them didn’t seem to pierce through the wolf’s thick skin. ‘This is impossible.’ He thought to himself.
Then he remembered that he was carrying two armor piercing bullets with him. He reached for his pocket as the wolf struck. His claws soared through the air and cut open his arm.
“(-) it!” Alexander shouted. He could feel the bullets against his fingertip and closed his hand around them when Greymane struck again. This time it was a little more serious, a hard kick in the stumach made Alexander fell back and he lost his grip on the bullets who rolled through the grass. Those two bullets seemed the only way for him to get out of this nasty situation. The smell of Alexanders blood made Greymane lose it and he forcefully struck again. His victim rolled out of the way and made the werewolf bury his claws in the blood soiled ground. Alexander felt one of his bullets against his cheek as he had rolled right on top of it. He quickly picked them up and loaded the bullet into his gun. He only had a single shot to dispose of the werewolf.
He aimed his gun but the wolf moved around to fast for him to get a good focus.
“Stay still so I can shoot you.” Alexander mumbled.
The wolf had no intention to obey and kept dodging Alexander’s gun.
Alexander pointed his gun away and kept his eye on the beast. ‘You’re going down one way or another.’ The wolf stood still underneath a tree, a big branch hanging over his head provided the perfect opportunity. Greymane breathed heavily and his eyes were tired and thick. Alexander’s last bullet cut through the branch and landed on top of Greymane.
The beast screamed but did not have enough strength left to free himself from his prison of nature. Alexander leaned over the wolf. “Who ordered you to kill us?” He demanded to know.
“Why won’t you just end it Alexander? You know I won’t tell you anything.”
Alexander walked back to the place where he had found his Armor piercing bullet. After a short look around he picked up the second one and turned back to face Greymane for his last few minutes. He loaded his gun and aimed it for the wolves heart.
He felt sorry for him when he looked at his face. He had enough of life and could not wait for Alexander to set him free. The bullet spat out of the gun and the wolf turned his eyes away, breathing even slower then he had done before.
“He used us, as puppets. He’ll come…”
Alexander knew it. The werewolves hadn’t been themselves today. They seemed much weaker then normal werewolves and they never hunt in packs greater then ten.
The silence was broken by several shots from the sniper in the bell tower.
Why was he still shooting? Most of the werewolves were gone, he noticed something else. He was the only one left on the battlefield, the door to the mansion stood open and the fighting went on inside, screaming refugees made him run for the broke down door, hoping he would be in time.

Last edited by The SlaYeR; Aug 21, 2006 at 08:52 AM.
The SlaYeR

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Aug 20, 2006, 01:31 PM
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Tom and Jamie had entered the mansion and were firing away at the wolves from in the doorframe. “We should close the door and fire from the windows to keep them out. We’re to vulnarable here.” Jamie noted. Tom nodded in agreement as he took the left door.
They closed it in perfect harmony and ten of the refugees, including two small children came running to barricade it. “You two shouldn’t be here now. Go upstairs and wait untill we’re done.” The children obeyed and ran upstairs. Tom thanked the men for their help and quickly followed Jamie into the main hall from where they could find a perfect spot with a view on the main door. The wolves tried to break down the door by repeatedly running into it. The refugees managed to hold them outside but didn’t know how much longer they could handle the pressure. Several crack started to appear in it as Jamie and Tom found it’s way to the huge amount of refugees and sleeping bags.
They heard a loud noise coming from the hallway. The old and fragile door had given up sooner then they thought. The refugees could make a run for the main room before the wolves had a chance to tear away at them. Tom and Jamie moved back into the hall and fired away at the wolves that came storming in. One or two managed to break through the rain of hail that came down on them and went for Jamie. Two shots and they were dealt with. Alexander stood there, his guns smoking.
They needed a rest, just like him.
“Glad you could make it in time.” Tom said as he shot the last of the werewolves.
“We made it.” Jamie shouted in excitement. The people in the room cheered and everyone wanted to shake hands with their saviours. Little good blood had been shed tonight, and this had to be celebrated.

Another fight that no one was aware of still went on outside of the mansion. Louie was running for the fountain but arrived but a moment to late. The sniper had fired his gun and the pulled pierced through Louie’s right eye. He fell down to the ground, there was little left of his face. Dry blood and pieces of soft tissue surrounded the hole that had taken away his right eye and a part of his mouth and nose.
He did not move and the sniper was pleased. He quickly dismantled his sniper rifle and put it in a backpack which he swung around his shoulder. The rabbit removed her bandana to reveal long flowing dark hair that came to rest on his shoulders.
He took a small box of cigarettes from his baggy trousers and put one between his lips.
The dark green furred rabbit did not light it as he descended off the stairs.
He walked over to the fountain and stood over the body of the dead vampire. It wasn’t untill he made sure that the vampire was dead that he lit his cigarette, the dancing flame smoldered the tip and he inhaled deeply. The rabbit closed his eyes to enjoy a good ending to another hard days work. Louie opened his left eye and grabbed the rabbit by the ankle.
The rabbit was horrified, the vampire should’ve remained still for at least another hour. Which would’ve given him plenty of time to inject him with the lethal dose of nitrate.
He had been wrong and now the vampire was gently crawling up. He reached for the needle that contained the nitrate. It wasn’t to late yet to dispose of him. He just had to move a little faster. The rabbit pushed his cigarette into the gaping hole in Louie’s face.
Louie’s rage and anger had gone beyond control, he grabbed the wrist with which the rabbit was holding the needle and snapped it. He then snapped his other one and managed to pull himself up. The hole in his face was slowly generating, but came to a stop when his mouth was finished. “This is all I needed.” Louie told himself and he sank his fangs into the rabbits neck draining him from all of his blood. With every drop he took another piece of tissue was restored untill he had drained him empty. Louie let go off him and the dead rabbit lay in front of his feet. “You couldn’t resist biting an innocent could you?” He heard, followed by the click of a gun. “It’s not what you think it is Alexander.” He said, truthfully in his defense.
“These bullets are filled with a dose of silver nitrate, your dead will be inevideble.”
Alexander fired but Louie quickly dodged the bullet and jumped into the fountain. He had just fed and all of his strengths had restored to it’s fullest. Alexander ran for the fountain but could not find Louie anywhere in it. “Come out and fight like a man.” Alexander shouted.
“Listen to me and then decide wheter you want to shoot me.” Alexander fired in the direction where the voice had come from, but all he hit was a tree.
“He was the sniper that was part of their group, he started to fire away at me and hit me…” He got cut short since Alexander fired another round. “… He walked over to me to inject a lethal dosage of Nitrate into me. It was either him or me.” Alexander lowered his gun when he looked the man in the face. “Cooper.”
“You know this man?” Tom asked.
“He’s with my orginization. He’s an aural sniper. An enhanced vision and the ability to detect monsters from miles away. He probably could not tell Louie from any other vampire and decided that he’d make a good pray.”
“An innocent misunderstanding then?” Tom asked when he spotted Louie walking towards them. He looked healthy and more alive then during the fight.
“It seems so.” Alexander put his gun away. He should probably apoligize, but he was only doing his job and decided that an apoligy wasn’t necessary.
Good or bad, he was a vampire after all. Jamie seemed to share this logic.
“Can anyone tell me why you are standing up for this vampire?”
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Aug 20, 2006, 01:32 PM
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“It seems like it’s over.” Majo said. She was worried. Had all of them survived?
She was glad Michelle was alright , the young girl who she had so much in common with, except for the fact that she was still alive ofcourse. She felt rather guilty about that. How would it feel to be so young and dead, and knowing that you’d never live the same life again. Your body rotting away underneath you. Hiding for the ‘normal’ people. She was worried about Tom as well. He had been such a good man to all them, giving them a place to stay and sharing his food with them.
Alexander was the grumpy one but she was absolutely sure that he wasn’t as cold hearted as he seemed to be. He was fighting on their side while he could’ve headed off long before the werewolves came. He had risked his life for the well-being of the refugees and for them.
And Louie, would he be alright? Would he be pleased to see that she was alright as well or would he walk past her and be his cold and lonely self again?
She’d soon find out. Tier opened the door and walked out.
“They’re all here.” He was more pleased then he thought he thought he would be.
Majo ran to Louie and jumped at him holding him tight. A faint hint of a smile could be seen on his face as he put her arms around her too. How bad could it be to show a little affection every now and then he thought as let his defenses down and felt some warmth for the first time in years. Susan cried as she saw Tom enter. “My brave general.” She whispered. “I’m so proud of you. You brought them all back and you returned in one piece.”
Tom knew he had done well. If it was only for the affection Susan showed him. The love and pride she felt from her made him feel this way. And he loved her.
“How is he doing?” Alexander asked while looking at his young pupil.
“He’s a strong guy, he will be alright thanks to Susan good care.” Tier said while looking at Michelle. He was glad she was ok, but wasn't the kind of guy that would say this out loud, ever. Tony opened his eyes to look around the room. “You did well, kid.” Alexander said as he stuffed his pipe. He’d been longing for this thing on the way home and was glad to finally be able to take a hit. Jake put his hand on Tony’s shoulder.
“Thank you.” Tony coughed a little, which seemed to hurt. He closed his eyes again to get some more rest. A serenity like no other filled the room.
Absolute peace of mind now that something had become very clear to them.
After tonight, every person in this room knew they stood a chance.
“The refugees have invited us to come celebrate our victory with them, I think we should take them up on their offer. We deserve a party. After all, this was only the beginning.” Alexander said. “I agree, we seemed to have forgotten our manners though.” Susan said.
“Have any of you bothered to introduce yourselves to our new guests?” She looked over at Jamie and Jake. “I guess we should go first.” Jamie said.
“My name is Jamie LaGrande. I am, or was, part of the lucky charm. We are a small group of independed soldiers that fight wherever we are needed. We heard of the group of refugees that were send here and we were closeby. We decided we would lend a hand.”
“How noble.” Louie noted. She didn’t like him to much and he started to take a real disliking for the kind of people that thought he was a bad person, just because of this curse Estella had placed on him.
Jake continued. “My name is Jake Dellaine. Our partners were Adam Bing and Dane Cooper, an ex-schism employé.”
Tom had removed himself from the group and went through a small container that kept several boxes. “Carroleum, Animorpills, ahh.. Absentis.” He took out the small box that contained a flask of transparant liquid.
“We have to attend to the party tonight, Jake and Alexander. Would you please be so kind as to empty this bottle in the water tower, east of the mansion. Behind the Greenthorpe family tomb? It will make sure that everyone who drinks from the water will have forgotten the past few hours. Making it seem like the werewolves attack never happend.”
“We will join you guys later.”
Louie seperated himself from the group as well, he wanted to check in on Yakira.
He opened the door to her bedroom to see her sitting up straight in her bed.
Her mortal cover had been ripped open in several pieces. She pressed the sheets against her chest when she heard the door open.
“I was wondering…” Louie paused. How could he think that this innocence could have anything to do with Estella, apart from her being torn up by his enemies claws.
“I’ll be fine.” Yakira said and she stepped out of the bed, wrapping the sheets around her body. “Your voice, you’d look over me. But I haven’t seen you here in a while.”
“I did not break my promis. We took care of the wolves, they had us heavily outnumbered…”
He got cut short again. “Don’t apoligize.” I would be dead by now if you people had not taken care of me.” She lost her balance and fell on her bum, onto the bed.
“Are you alright?” Louie asked concerned.
“My skin itches and burns.” She said. “I know, you gave poor Tony quiet a scare.” Louie smiled. For the first time he really smiled. And there was no one around that could see it.
He brushed off several patches of Jade Dawn that were still covering her skin and slowly burning it away, preventing it from healing by itself. His hand started to burn the moment it made contact with the chemical. His hands would heal fine by themselves and the pain did not outweight the fact that she’d be feeling better by the morning.
“Stay in bed a little while longer.” He said softly.

“Welcome to our humble settlement my dear saviours.” One of the child refugees said.
His parents probably made him study that line over and over.
The Diamondians had done their best to make their settlement as cozy as possible and when they entered the main room, Tom noticed that the Diamondians had brought several bottles of booze with them. Carrot ale (one of his favorits), a couple of bottles of Hash’kin wine (Home-brewn most likely) and even a bottle of ’82 New Carrotian Cider.
“Should we really be sitting with them, drinking their wine, while they have so little left?” Susan asked Tom. “It would be unpolite to refuse a drink, we saved their lives and they want to repay us for it. Let there be no worries on your mind tonight and just enjoy the party.
Louie fired up his old gramaphone player as Alexander went through his record collection.
“It seems like we do have something in common.” He said as he held up ‘Ode to the Earian bay’ by ‘Jaggin Banks.’
“It used to be a favorite of my mother. I’ve always been fond of the piano play in it.” Louie said.

Last edited by The SlaYeR; Aug 21, 2006 at 09:02 AM.
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Aug 20, 2006, 01:33 PM
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“Before we begin I would like to make a toast.” Tom said.
The refugees were all ears for this man in front of them, he was impressive, not for his posture or his soft voice, but because of the fact that he managed to create even the least bit of order in the fight today. And in this group of people in front of them. Several of them looked rather strange. One of the males was rather pale under his fur and his eyes seemed off. Sort of liked the druggies that lived underneath the bridges in the capital.
Then there was this young girl who had given everything to defend them.
They were very grateful, but the smell she brought forth and the thick layers off clothing seemed off on an occasion like this.
Tier had remained home, he did not care much for these kind of occasions and someone had to look after the sick. The girls had handed out a glass of water to everyone.
“We are very grateful for your hospitality and we welcome you to this house. It is yours as long as it has to be. We will give our lifes to defend all of you, for you are the future of Diamonuds. And I can garantee you that there will be one. We’ve fallen upon hard times. But our history has had to deal with more then this before. And we’ve always struggled to survive and always have. The future will know our story through you and your grandchildren and their grandchildren. Raise a glass with me. On the future.”
“That was an awfull speech.” Alexander said, with a laugh.
“They seem to love it though, and we had to hand out the water one way or another.” Louie replied. “I wonder how much good it will do. They’ll come back, better prepared and with more forces.”
Suddenly the door opened and Gary Parker entered the building. Accompanied by several of his henchmen. “My congratulations to all of you.” He wished them dead but was a briljant actor, and his congratulations seemed real enough for the refugees.
A silence hang over the group of people that knew about his real plans.
“Thank you sir. We did the best we could.” Jake said. Unaware of what the others knew.
“Why, I’m sure you did.” He said as he took a glass of water.
Michelle smirked when he gulped it down all at once. “I would like to invite all of you to an honorary dinner on Wednesday evening. Does that suit you and your friends, mister Bradhurst?” Tom did not quiet know how to respond.
“We will be there, mister Parker. Thank you for the invitation.” Alexander replied.
“Most excellent. I will see you on Wednesday. Carry on. Oh, and I love this song.” He said before him and his henchmen took off again.
“Thank you for the invitation?” Michelle said. “Have you lost your mind. He wants to dispose of us. Did you see the hate in his eyes?”
“It was a good thing of Alexander to accept that invitation.” Louie said.
“Several of us should go and question everything and everyone that works for him. It will be a dangerous endevour, but it will be a great oppurtinity for us to learn more about his plans.”

The party ended early in the morning and the sun had come up before they all went home.
Tier was still up and without greeting anyone he took of to find his sleeping bag.
“Goodnight everyone.” Alexander said when he walked to the attic, he smelled of cheap wine and almost tripped over the last sport on the steps.
Jake sat down in a chair opposit of the coach Tony lay on.
Louie walked upstairs when everyone went to bed and sat down against Yakira’s door before he closed his eyes and dozed off.


I really enjoyed writing this chapter. I hope it shows (And I hope anyone will take the time to read all of this hehe.) Cobra, you're up, I hope you'll find it easier to write then before.

(Wow, posting this took almost as long as writing it :P)

Last edited by The SlaYeR; Aug 21, 2006 at 09:03 AM.
Doubble Dutch

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Aug 20, 2006, 02:33 PM
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Nice chapter, have sent note.

Brilliant stuff; just goes to show what happens when you mess with the undead of various types.

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Aug 21, 2006, 12:41 PM
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I'm starting to wish I'd joined this thing sooner. And for those who are concerned, I don't care where my plotlines go when others pick them up and my characters are no longer godlike. If I manage to read through all of this stuff, I'd like to join in.
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small

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Aug 21, 2006, 01:24 PM
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We'll be like New R.E.N.T. =D, all the initial cast members leaving to be replaced by new guys.
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Aug 21, 2006, 02:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Hareoic
I'm starting to wish I'd joined this thing sooner. And for those who are concerned, I don't care where my plotlines go when others pick them up and my characters are no longer godlike. If I manage to read through all of this stuff, I'd like to join in.
If you read through all of this then feel free to join.
Make sure you really read all of it though and don't just start writing something random. Oh and your character should have weaknesses. Gods are not allowed ;-;

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Aug 21, 2006, 05:28 PM
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Originally Posted by The SlaYeR
Oh and your character should have weaknesses. Gods are not allowed ;-;
Does an unreplicatible mineral that exists in extremely limited quantities throughout the universe that causes a near fatal allergic reaction count?
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
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Aug 21, 2006, 07:01 PM
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Well it can't be unreplicatible, or else none would have formed in the first place. Ordinary minerals are hard enough to make as it is.

It would be interesting to see a mineral based character though, what would they eat? Sand?

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Aug 21, 2006, 08:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Hareoic
Does an unreplicatible mineral that exists in extremely limited quantities throughout the universe that causes a near fatal allergic reaction count?
Don't call it kryptonite, and give is a bit of a description about your character please.
Old Aug 23, 2006, 08:52 PM
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Aug 24, 2006, 08:50 PM
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That's crazy long, but it goes well. Good job SlaYo.
<div style="float: right; width: 100px; height: 70px; margin: 5px 15px;"><img src="" style="width: 98px; height: 65px;"><img src="" style="width: 98px; height: 65px; position: relative; top: -65px;"></div><div style="margin: 0 3em; font-size: 80%; font-style: italic;">Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.</div><div style="text-align: right; text-size: 80%;">1 Corinthians 13:4-7</div>


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Aug 28, 2006, 05:20 PM
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... Slay, I think I love you.

I must confer with Ducky and Tick as to how we are going to fit our little group into the big picture.

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Aug 29, 2006, 04:29 PM
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Wow, Slay, that was an incredible chapter. I could not put it down, in the sense of the metaphor. Excellent work, and great to see that this still has momentum.

Of course, the perfectionist in me could not go without pointing out that there were a few spelling errors. The only one that really stuck in my mind, though, was: "Galleons of blood had been spilled," which should be "Gallons of blood had been spilled."

Keep up the good work!
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Aug 29, 2006, 08:46 PM
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I dunno; 'galleons' would make a great eggcorn [Expression misspelt but being more fitting than the origional]

Either way, it is an awesome chapter. Who's next?

nonne amicus certus in re incerta cernitur?

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Aug 30, 2006, 07:46 AM
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Originally Posted by acid
Wow, Slay, that was an incredible chapter. I could not put it down, in the sense of the metaphor. Excellent work, and great to see that this still has momentum.

Of course, the perfectionist in me could not go without pointing out that there were a few spelling errors. The only one that really stuck in my mind, though, was: "Galleons of blood had been spilled," which should be "Gallons of blood had been spilled."

Keep up the good work!

They came by boat ;|

(And thanks guys, Cobs is up next. But you know Cobs, always busy prancing about and hitting on emo men with long, dark hair.)

I'm sorry about the many spelling errors this time. I told you I would have it done in two days which I did. I wrote everything and tried to get it up in time. I posted it so fast though that I did not do my usual run through, I hope it has not been to much of a distraction. (Oh, and I can not always word things exactly the way I want to in English. I guess I should take some more classes. I also apoligize for the many uses of the word I in this message. Thanks)

Last edited by The SlaYeR; Aug 30, 2006 at 11:06 AM.



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Aug 31, 2006, 11:23 AM
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Sep 9, 2006, 02:59 AM
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I think we should skip Cobs. She does not seem to be paying much attention.
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Sep 9, 2006, 03:14 AM
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Well you know how it is; so many emo guys, so little time... *sigh*

Well if she aint goin, lets hear it for whoever's next!

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Sep 9, 2006, 07:38 AM
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So would that be Ducky?

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Sep 9, 2006, 02:45 PM
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I just moved to a place with no internet, but the new chapter should be up soon Unless you have already decided to skip me.
please leave the satanic fish alone
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Sep 9, 2006, 03:16 PM
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See Strato? Threatening works!

nonne amicus certus in re incerta cernitur?


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Sep 9, 2006, 03:26 PM
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Even with girls? =D


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Sep 9, 2006, 06:41 PM
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If you're still planning to post a chapter I see no reason whatsoever why you should be skipped. Slay?
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Sep 10, 2006, 05:08 AM
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Yah, if she's going to post soon then that's alright.
Old Sep 15, 2006, 08:54 PM
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Old Sep 15, 2006, 09:48 PM
Doubble Dutch
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Old Sep 15, 2006, 10:31 PM
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Sep 15, 2006, 10:33 PM
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In response to Doubble Dutch: I'm sorry. I'm a bit careless...
The SlaYeR

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Sep 16, 2006, 04:21 AM
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I dont think this is going to work Jwren.
First of all, your character is to powerful, second of all, your character just did something that totally messed up the storyline we have going.
Why did you not read the previous chapter in which we already killed off all of the werewolves? And what's with the game quotes? We're going for something original here.
Really, I don't think this is a good idea guys.
You should change EVERYTHING you've written thus far.


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Sep 16, 2006, 02:33 PM
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Unfortunately I find myself agreeing with Slay, for the same reasons he has stated. Superjwren, your character doesn't really fit in with the storyline and world that we have been creating. The characters should have definite weaknesses and realistic strengths that allow for more interaction and possibilities in the storyline. Also, we need to work with each other, expanding and continuing what another has written rather than rewriting events to suit our characters. At this point, your character seems to have little value to add to the cast, and your contribution does little to enhance the storyline.
Besides which, it was Cobra's turn next ...
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Sep 16, 2006, 09:31 PM
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Fair enough. Don't worry about it. I guess I gotta get back to my other story at GameFaqs...
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Sep 17, 2006, 02:23 AM
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I believe you could fit all of the above into the storyline with one simple sentence: 'And then he awoke.'

I though Cobra would be any day now...?

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Sep 17, 2006, 01:13 PM
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She is working on it and it's starting to look very good.
So you all have something to look forward to?

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Sep 17, 2006, 02:31 PM
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She had been dreaming again.
Not the deep rest she once achieved. As her body would slip past the stages of sleep where her mind unwound into coils and spasms of thought, she would brink upon the stage where her eyes would move. And it woke her.
Her eyes were on fire again. With a shriek she writhed more, scabs being rubbed off her body and wounds reopened with every movement. The burn in her eyes was gone now; it had been a dream. But the deep burn over her body would not stop.
Her writhing stopped; she slid off the bed in a mass of bandages and sheets. The dull thud of her head against the floor was of no comfort even though it took her mind from her current state.

Louie's own slumber was interrupted by the movement in the room. Soundlessly he flew up and opened the door, beholding the poor creature inside who flinched away from the unknown. She must have felt the shift in the air as the door opened.

He knew better than to ask her if she was alright; the harried breathing and oozing wounds were enough. Instead he went to her, returning her to her place on the bed. He had no intention of leaving her, but her arm snaked up and clung to his.

"Please don't leave me." she said in a small voice, sounding much younger than she was. "I know you won't hurt me." It was the same voice he heard from her the first time he saw her outside of the mansion.
"Of course I won't." he said, as she pulled herself up and clung to him.
He was safe to her. Something felt different about him yes, but safety in the darkness was hard enough to find. Her fingers flew up to her eyes, but he stopped them. Her hand was diverted, and instead went to his shoulder.

"Try not to rub, it only reopens the wounds." he said softly. She responded by moving her hand to his mouth, not covering it but feeling his words come out.
"I never realized," she said in a voice not so young anymore "how much is missed without sight." Her hand went up to his forehead, soft fur rarely touched. She moved it down, wondering if she could translate touch into an image in her mind. They slid across his eyes, fingers wandering over the features. He was strangely cold.

Unshaken by this sudden familiarity, he let her continue. The smell of blood was strong on her. Not strong enough to make him take her, but still a thick perfume. He felt his fangs reacting to the scent.

"This is a familiar feeling." she said softly to herself. She had done this before, but not to him. Who had it been?
She stopped abruptly as her hand went over his upper lip. Something was different. The feeling of lips over teeth was not the usual. Yakira was no expert on teeth, but she felt something different about it. Without thinking, she slid a lone finger along the curve and realized that it was not something she had in her own mouth.

A sharp inhale and she stopped moving. In fact, Louie noticed that she stopped breathing at the feeling of his fangs. Immediatley he made the connection. Both he and Estella had such teeth.
"What is this?" she said, her voice deepened with dread. His response was vaulting up, intent on reaching the door and tearing away from her.

But what happened instead astounded him. Even with his improved vampiric agility, he was not fast enough. Bloodied arms were around his neck, and he felt the full weight of her trying to pull him down. He stepped to balance himself and felt an angry paw hurtling over his face. Two fingers hooked into his mouth with far too much precision at avoiding his fangs. The world violently inverted as nails tore into the roof of his mouth and his back hit the floor. Immediatly her foot was in his chest in attempt to keep him down as the two fingers in his mouth were replaced by four, and his jaw was wrenched open with a pop.

Although this sudden burst of agility from Yakira had startled him, he could have overpowered her. It was not the foot with its increasing pressure that was keeping him down, but the sight above him.

Yakira's eyes were wide open and fixed on his mouth with a certain hate. Her awakened pupils met his, and with a hiss she wrenched his jaw again, as if she wanted to open his head. "You are the same as the one who did this to me!" A glance at the gashes on her chest was equally astonishing; the blood had stopped flowing at it was as if the flesh was pulling itself back together.

The strangeness of this sudden change had left Louie wordless. Through the pain in his jaw he met her eyes again, his unblinking and unrevealing. And in that moment, something in Yakira's eyes changed. The lids softened, the pupils clouded over and a lone trickle of blood streamed forth from each eye. Her paws loosened, the nails no longer imbedded in his pallet, all strength leaving them. The wounds reopened as scabs ripped apart and newly fused muscles shredded. With a barely audible cry, one of her paws attempted to jerk away from the pain. This sudden movement raked skin across teeth and brought the taste of blood to Louie. But this was no rabbit blood. This blood tasted strangely reptilian.

She reeled backwards and fell, writhing and letting out small cries as Louie vaulted to a sitting position and tried to catch her. Her breathes were coming out in rapid fire while her heart was pounding erratically. He gathered her into his arms, and as she started shaking he could not help but wonder what had come over her. Certainly this was not the common reaction of most in her state. And while healing suddenly was nothing unknown to him, he knew that mortal creatures were not prone to such behavior. His eyes tried to meet hers, but there was no life behind them.

In the smallest voice he had heard escape her, she whispered "Please leave, do not hurt me." She extended her arms to try to pull herself away, but the lack of sight was too much and she found nothing. Louie watched her struggles, seeing how weak she had become. How the blood was now spewing on her face and hands, down her arms and pooling on her chest. A hunger awoke in him, burning as he stared at the life fluids collecting on her and pooling on the floor.

The hunger was overwhelming. He could practically taste the blood and feel the warmth it gave him. His eyes were fixed on the temptation, and no matter what he did it pulled at him. Pulling, twisting, aiming his thoughts at nothing more than the thought of skin rending beneath his fangs and the glory that resulted. WIthouth much thought, he lowered his head to drink from the collection at her chest.

To Yakira, it was not that much. A sensation of heat, his presence and everything else was enveloped in the pain of her wounds. But something happened that startled her. It was a familiar feeling, so much like the time that Estella had ripped her open. But instead of the feeling of tooth and nail on her right forarm, it was warm and almost pleasant. The anxiety lurked in her as he moved from her right arm to her left, sucking and licking the blood from the wounds. But something in it comforted her, and the promise he had made came to mind, filling her almost with ease.

Certainly this blood tasted different to Louie, but the bloodlust had come and he could not stop himself from wanting more. Although his body ached to take her and all of her blood, he instead went from wound to wound, licking up the excess blood and moving to the next before he could start draining her. But his saliva was affecting her in a way not so good for him; as he lapped up along each gash, the skin would heal. As he moved from each crude version of Esetlla's name, it disapeared. Soon he was left with nothing more but the pool on the floor, which was already cold and inedibable to him.

Something was amiss about the wounds especially by her hands and feet. As he ran his tongue along the gashes, his mouth felt a slight heat, and as he pulled away the heat burst into full flame. The soft flesh of his mouth started peeling and ripping, but it soon had closed.
He turned to her neck and observed the blood pumping through it. Her slightly opened mouth was gasping in strange silence, and her half-lidded eyes still did not see him. He wanted to continue, to taste so much more. His lips were open, and he wanted.

But for some benevolent whim of fate, a sound at the door halted his movements and cleared his mind of all the red. His fangs retracted. For in the doorway was Majo, arms furiously clenching at her side. "So you are preying on our invalid now, are you?" She crossed her arms and scowled.

Louie had been used to such statements, but none of the typical malice was in Majo's voice. He looked down to see Yakira, her robes opened at all the places Estella had marred her. The bed was rumpled with sheets on the floor from the struggle. And in made sense; she was accusing him of being a different kind of predator.

But as Majo stood there, he could see her breathing had changed. The corners of her mouth were starting to turn down. Her anger was not at him, but at Yakira. Majo turned and left the doorway slowly, then accelerated.

As Yakira was placed back on her bed, she could feel differently. She could feel. Not the grate of opened nerves, nor the heavy chill of blood pooling outside of her body. Aside from the burning in her head, she was better than she could have remembered. Her fear faded into the haze of her mind, but it was not so dim now. Although she could not remember anything that had just happened.

Forgive the wonky paragraphs, I'm trying to make it easier to read.

Casting the doubts to the lurking depths of her mind, she righted herself then worked towards the door in search of food.
please leave the satanic fish alone


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Coppertop is doing well so far

Sep 17, 2006, 02:46 PM
Coppertop is offline
Wow, awesome chapter Cobbi.

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