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The Greenthorpe Saga

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Jul 10, 2004, 01:09 PM
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kaz is 3rd

I clam this pag.

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Jul 10, 2004, 01:17 PM
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I claim the page then.

>|. Love the consistency between us. Okay, I'll just edit a bit and post.

Chapter 3 2: Divine Bloody Retribution.

They deserved it.
A group of Carrotus' militia deserved it. No, all of them deserved, it. They weren't an army, not enough to be called Marines. They were just raiders and treasure hunters, and of course, many profits going to the government. That was okay, the money they used went to go feed people. No, it also went to weapons to destroy people. Money might have been what it was all about to group Beta4.

--- (Before the corruption)

The mission was simple. I would be the distraction above dropping small bombs to get their attention, and more importantly the turrets' attention. He had a shield and probably was the hardest to hit in the air. Why not be the bait as well as having 2/5 of the payment (twice as much) as anybody else for it?
James was the ruthless one of the group. Everybody wanted him in the group since he would have to do the dirty work that nobody else wanted. A perfect soldier for this mission and for anything that you might have called an army. He was to back up the safe-cracker should anybody notice the treasury had been breached. Usually peopole would become a great person through hard work, but I didn't know James wasn't one of those people. The brown, tall, rabbit towered over other people like they were insects. Maybe it was just becuase of his tallness that it seemed like that. 1/5 of the payment for him.
Eleanor was a pro. at what she did, stealing. A lot of flirting on the simulations had gotten her very close to James' heart, and wallet. She wasn't told what was in the safe, but just to grab anything that looked valuable. That is to say money, credit cards, gems, and data. The briefing emphasized on the importance of data for espionage. Strange how they weren't even informed who they were stealing from. She was a medium sized white rabbit with blond flowing hair. Despite the regulations for keeping it in a bun, she preferred the relaxed look. Maybe she didn't have a care in the world becuase of all missions and looting she have done. 1/5 for her.
Boz was just a technician. He wasn't into this army stuff at all but needed this money. Simple job for him. Cut the power, keep it cut, cut the security systems after the power was cut, keep those cut. This guy could have been a hacker, he looked weak and had darkly green fur. He was weak though and would probably be punched out by somebody like James before executing the TERM command if he wasn't on our side. 1/5 for him.

A 5/5 team.

-- (Before the killing)
High above, the first bomb hadn't been dropped and it was very silent. I tried to see who we were fighting, but most of them were wearing helmets and gas-masks for paranoia. Maybe they expected a wipeout of gas. There, that spot didn't have anybody patrolling it, I armed and threw a bomb at the space. The silence broke and sirens rang. I noted the three rabbits running but keeping their heads low. Boz was the one who strayed into the control room which he would probably gas, kind of ironic.
"And here come the first wave of turrets," I muttered to myself as I tried to gain altittude and dropped a lot of bombs Boz had given me. Mostly they'd just to cover the base in smoke since they detonated before hitting the ground and add for some fun confusion. No killing this mission, I wanted it that way.
The familiar scream of heat seeking missles came to mind and I set my small blaster onto flares. No aim required, just fire past them at the base. Their fault for using heat-seekers.
When the first seeker hit the ground a scream penetrated the sounds of firing and a 'CEASE FIRE, swit...' was issued. I dropped more bombs so they wouldn't know where they were fighting. The fools probably didn't notice the robbery.
'Takin' the fire, kaz?' the headset voice of James taunted me. I guess he was the only one with freetime right now while Elly cracked the safe.
"Yeah, how're Elly and Boz?" I asked and dropped more bombs and a few flares even though the seekers had stopped... the seekers had stopped, what were they doing? James didn't answer back. I was sure he was alright, but he seemed pretty sure of himself before. Relaxing, lowering altitude, putting up my blue shield below me. That was my mistake.
'A'ite, Elly an' me got the goods!!' James said over the intercom, they were probably already almost out and taking the same route out. It didn't matter, nobody would see them anyways, but the crescent shield I used stuck out like a neon sign.
"THERE!!". ClOSE RANGE!! I cursed at myself for going so low and put up the crescent in the direction of fire to avoid blaster fire from there... there weren't any from that direction. I dropped flares as well, slow heat seekers? Oh, the power must have been down. Alright, back to the group in the north.
Nobody figured out that the base ran on a small nuclear reactor, the radiation wasn't a problem becuase of the nature of the atmosphere and some other things, but things could still go wrong, like the safeties being removed by the security system. I cursed at myself for forgetting it. The reactors exploded, the main power had been cut from them, but they hadn't been shut off. Stupid Boz. The north one blew up as I flew past it and I saw myself signing up for this mission and saw several people asking me to not go. Then I saw the ATV we were camping in before I crashed into it. At least I'd die with the rogues, they must have
been rebels of some kind... they would all die. Why did it have to end like that? Now that I thought of it, I remember seeing the Carrotus signature on the cannons... were we fighting the good guys? Were they the baddies? And then I thought of nothing more for a while.

-- (After the killing)

I remember, no, I was seeing James passing me by, followed by Eleanor and then Boz. Boz looked happy but dissapointed that he had such an effect on the base, Eleanor looked happy for doing such a good job on the looting, I could see a large diamond pin in her hair now. James was happy. Why was he happy? WHY WERE THEY ALL HAPPY? WHERE WAS I IN THIS PICTURE?!?! I tried to move and couldn't get up. A small unarmed bomb rolled out from the bag I carried and cracked a twig. James twisted backwards and found me in a might as well be dead perception. My left wing was snapped but I still held a gun in the right.
"Hey, he did survive, James!" Boz was the first to say anything. Did they all think otherwise? Hah... they thought I was dead.
"'e didn't, 'e's dead, 'e was bait and died." James coldly replied. I tried to scream, say I was still alive to the moron. Why did he want me dead?!
"James, what'll we do?" Eleanor spoke, I called her many bad things at this time. HOW COULD SHE ASK THAT?! At the same time I choked. They wouldn't kill me, but they would leave me out here? James approached me and crouched down, his blaster ready to shoot a fatal shot. ... It dawned on me that I was the only one that didn't want to kill... and then...
"We'll h've his pay, darlin'." James turned to look at Boz to make sure there were no objections. Killing me for my pay to split among themselves... no..
"You can't do that!! I need the money too but it isn't worth killing for." Boz shouted at him and pulled out his own blaster ready to fight him. Stupid hypocrite... Nobody noticed myself raising my wing and gun, maybe it was fate that it was set on RF's. It was either me or them... right? James turned his head, not noticing the gun at point-blank in time
"We don-" BANG. I wasn't dead, dead people don't kill. James would kill if he still had a head.
Eleanor screamed at the headless bloody james, the fur coat turning reddish brown now. Boz aimed. How could he say that it wasn't worth killing for when he killed the families that were probably on that base? BANG and I shot again. They hadn't bothered to help me. Boz flew back like a ragdoll into a tree and blood seeped out of him. Eleanor screamed some more. She shouldn't live either. Her bag laid on the ground and she ran for it. How could she not think to help? How could she wonder if one's life or money mattered most?! I emptied out several RF rounds and saw the bloody mess I was in. I was the lone survivor. I was the most honorable one. It was clear now who the real enemy was. Carrotus, Carrotus and all of its' corruption.

It's money grabbing from the dead. We need a new military school for the children? Okay, let's go kill those families regardless of race and take theirs. It hurt on the inside to think of it. I would kill them, the bastards (Derby if you edit this come up with a more deserving word ).

-- (After all the corruption, all the killing)

How ironic. I finished setting the bomb that was even made for Boz except with more blow-power. It wasn't hard to get in, the guards were cheap and untrained. I'd blow up this old fossil fuel supply that the military depended on. I'd blow it up, and every residence would follow the leader. They all deserved to die for their impurities, they who would run over the wounded on the road instead of helping. They who valued their own lives over others. The damned war loving children who would shoot their mom in the crazed patriotism of it all if they suspected she was not with them. They'll all die.
Three minutes. I was gone in one. Hahahahaha... rabbits, so similar to the humans grandmother always told him myths about; they never cared and they should suffer for it. I was only helping karma along.


It's short, sue me :P.
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu

Last edited by Kaz; Jul 10, 2004 at 04:03 PM.

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Jul 10, 2004, 01:33 PM
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what made you think you weren't 3rd? I mean, you were the only person with a chapter ready.

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Jul 10, 2004, 01:37 PM
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OH nevermind, I see now. Wishing all of us had a consistency though >|.

(Buh, Slayo's long chapter, and well written, sort of pwns mine X_X, so I will post more and pretend like I did it when this posts says it was posted)

It didn't matter, all these people he had killed over the last period. People that deserved to die. Bounty hunters for one. It was always intentional. One time it wasn't, a pink female rabbit with quite a few tricks, but no skill came after him. She fell too easy and looked dead. I just walked away, it wasn't my fault. The wench shot at me several times with seekers and I a flare back at her. Her fault. Not mine. Weren't you in that position a while ago?
Not my problem.
"Another," this was my fourteenth... "vodka!!"
"Don't overdo it, son." the bar-tender replied. I looked hard at him and wondered if I could... no. I was mad at somebody else. My head hurt too much to even pull the trigger. He was just concerned afterall. All I could remember right now was the taste of the vodka and what happened.

-- (earlier at afternoon)

I had gone more.. large scale on Carrotus. They expected military base bombings now. The 6th bomb was defused, somehow. I flew away too fast to check who did it or how in the world it was done. I think I actually made a popular topic of myself in the government. Hah, it didn't matter what they thought.
I moved on to what tools they used of those I hated. I hated weapons. You use weapons all the time... That didn't matter though. I'd posion this weapon factory. The type of posion was called "cherry blossoms". It turned eyes that sort of pink color after driving the user insane with a flood of memories becuase of a chemical reaction. Maybe it was the red color of the gas, or the fact that it was once used in a place with so many cherry blossoms and people seemed to scream about them the most. It didn't matter.
The ventilation was all from one large generator. Stupid move from the corporation. Maybe they never had to worry about it. It was a large typical rectangular factory, and they looked like they needed to save money on architecture. The windows let in little light and probably fit the grim surroundings. Smoke stacks towered on the roof of the building. They weren't very active right now, maybe they weren't smoke stacks. I'd stop the smoke, stop the evil, and there would be less weapons for a while. I'd stop all of them.
The poison was in a bomb that looked just like a regular metal barrel. It fit in perfectly with all the other supplies they kept in barrels near the back. Those were chained down though becuase the ventilation system sucked in a lot of air. It was perfect for intoxication. The intake machine or main vent was surrounded by a 20-feet high metal mesh fence with barbed wire eight feet and above.
I looked at the fence. Oh, it's gas, it'll flood in. I started to push it so it'd be in vacuum distance. Bah, the casing was too heavy. I shoved it, it didn't budge. Stupid Kaz, always so weak when it came to brute force. Backing up, I rammed it onto its side and rolled it. It got a bit easier since the wind started to blow my way. No wait, that was the vent sucking in the air!! I kneeled over as the gusts pulled off a few feathers and twisted the timer to 30 seconds and side-stomped on it. The barrel rolled and gained momentum (16), hit the fence which was too cheap to serve a purpose. Suddenly another wind twisted it around so it would emit the gas at me. Hahaha, I didn't deserve this divine retribution(3)... the small outlet on the top flipped open. It-... it wouldn't hit me. I know so. (0) The red gas, it reminded me of a smoke bomb from childhood. We had fun that day, so many fireworks. ARG. That gas, it came out three feet from me, but I scurried away and Cherry Blossoms was sucked into the vents. Mission accomplished.

-- (a bit after)

The smoke stacks on the top sighed barely pink, but eventually faded to their very light grey. It was past the ten minute life-time of the posion. By now it was too dispersed to have an effect. Should I go in? I walked to the front door and laughed as it seemed it wasn't made for tall people.
"HELP ME! OH PLEASE HELP ME!!! PLEASE!!! PATRICK? ARE YOU THERE?!!" some old bat was pleading. She was reliving something. Curiousity got the better of me and I unjammed the door. Why was it jammed?
She immediately clung to me! Her eyes were so pink, almost red. "You have to save my child!!" she screamed in my face. An innocent... was she innocent? "Why aren't you listening?! YOU HAVE TO SAVE THEM!!" she banshee'd some more. Her grip was so hard on my shoulders. It hurt now. It hurt to stare at her face, the way she clung to me like I was her savior. "I can-" her dead dropped before I could tell her I couldn't save her children. Congratulations, this is what happens. BAH. It didn't matter, it didn't matter at all. Why should it? Why should I stop the solution to the violence? She would have stood up for them anyways!!

-- (orig. time)

The 18th vodka. It still wouldn't go away. She's just with them. It's for the greater purpose. Everything was a swirl though, my thoughts, my vision, my destination, I was drunk. Things would flash red or blue occasionally. No wait... that's familiar.

I don't remember much else except for running out the back, and the bar tender yelling at me for not paying. Yay for me, I bought a small aircraft earlier today. It was squarish. The 'frisbee' model is made for overall speed, small guns, two small missles, but not exactly evasive, but the thinness made it hard to hit. Why did they call it that model when it was squarish? "Destination?" the screen displayed. "Anywher-bt-her," I barely mumbled and tied all the words together. I was going to have one hell of a hangover. It either lifted off to somewhere, or I fell asleep and felt light. Maybe it was both.


I need to get a job... it's too bright to be morning...
It was too true, I was running out of money from weapons, food, this ship. The only money I had left was in a bag that had grown considerably light. No credit cards, bank accounts, I withdrew from them all so I couldn't be as well tracked.
Am I dreaming? "Arrgh." Yesterday still pained me. I was awake, the sun was bright as thermite, and there was a large bag of money on the floor that accompanied my own. reimbursment it read. SH- This meant three things; Somebody broke in, somebody could have killed me and taken my money, and somebody had just hired me.
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu

Last edited by Kaz; Jul 15, 2004 at 10:44 PM.

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Jul 10, 2004, 01:41 PM
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He let that guy breed again.
The SlaYeR

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Jul 10, 2004, 01:53 PM
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Before i read Kaz's chapter i want to say the following. What the heck is chapter 2 all about? I mean, seriously. Hidden treasure?

I'll read your chapter tonight Kaz, i already know it's good though since you wrote it.
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Jul 10, 2004, 02:18 PM
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Cooba just thinks there is some treasure hidden in this 'sir' person's nose.
<img src="" border="0" alt="The rodent thingy wasn't worthy.">
I would not want anyone having sex with my cocktail. ~ Radium
Old Jul 10, 2004, 03:18 PM
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Jul 10, 2004, 05:24 PM
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Somebody had better post another chapter, especially since we don't really have a limit right now as it's all non-sequential.
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu
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Jul 10, 2004, 05:52 PM
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Hey, this sounds cool. I have written a story in ages! I'd like to try. The only two requests I have, is that I get to always be a face (good guy). And my weapon is one of the following: Sniper, Rocket Sniper, some sort of sword.

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Jul 10, 2004, 05:55 PM
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Sure tub, did you read the first two chapters though?
Be honest about it. You could go for a katana, not a rocket launcher though, it just doesnt fit in the story really well.
And don't write in slang, but in proper English please, at least try to do the best you can.

If the chapter is not good enough, we will delete it.
Write an introduction chapter for your character and post it when these the following 2 or 3 writers have posted theirs, it's nice that you want to join. Feel free to start writing. Good luck
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Jul 10, 2004, 05:58 PM
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We will delete it, haha, ok. I don't use slang man, my grammar is grat on here, I could care less in chat though.

"Jewel is the Metallica of Yodelling." ~Edwin McCain
"Yes, it's a personal attack if you save my picture about internet safety" ~Labratkid
"You know what JBL? The only reason you were WWE Champion for a year was because Triple H didn't want to work Tuesdays!" ~Paul Heyman, addressing the public at the "ECW: One Night Stand" PPV on Sunday, June 12, 2005
The SlaYeR

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Jul 10, 2004, 06:00 PM
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He don't feel offended, we delete all crappy threads, im not just saying it because it's you. Just trying to state some rules here. Have fun writing and reading. (If you read that is)
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Jul 10, 2004, 06:09 PM
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Dude, I got this man, don't worry. Of course I have to read the story to actuallly have a clue what's going on. I don't feel offended, you might enjoy my first and only work, if youwere to read it. A lot did, a few didn't. I got ya on the rule, I'll read the whole story thus far, and then try to make a good next Chapter, but first an intro to myself. And It's too late now anyway (10:09 PM), I'll go and weite something tommorow or monday, SlaYer.

"Jewel is the Metallica of Yodelling." ~Edwin McCain
"Yes, it's a personal attack if you save my picture about internet safety" ~Labratkid
"You know what JBL? The only reason you were WWE Champion for a year was because Triple H didn't want to work Tuesdays!" ~Paul Heyman, addressing the public at the "ECW: One Night Stand" PPV on Sunday, June 12, 2005
The SlaYeR

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Jul 10, 2004, 06:13 PM
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Alright, introduction chapter first. And don't worry dude, i've got faith in you.
(The introduction chapter should be completly about YOUR character, please do not include anyone else that is writing yet, if you want to add someone of who'm you are sure that they wont write, then please be my guest.)

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Jul 10, 2004, 06:25 PM
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Edit : Sorry, broke the rules.

Last edited by Strato; Jul 10, 2004 at 06:37 PM.
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Jul 10, 2004, 06:37 PM
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So....can I write too?
And when I do, my first chapter is entirely an introduction of my character? Completely unrelated to everything else? And I do whatever?
remember? (:
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Jul 10, 2004, 06:41 PM
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Almost done with my chapter.
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I would not want anyone having sex with my cocktail. ~ Radium

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Jul 10, 2004, 06:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Ducky
So....can I write too?
And when I do, my first chapter is entirely an introduction of my character? Completely unrelated to everything else? And I do whatever?
You had better >O!!

It could be completely unrelated, mine is sort of 'quite a while back' so I don't interefere with the plot and atmosphere.
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu

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Jul 10, 2004, 06:50 PM
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Mine broke a rule posted 2 minutes before I finished. That has reduced my initiative to participate to 0.

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Jul 10, 2004, 07:02 PM
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Well, I'll let someone else take chapter 4, since I have absolutely nothing done on my chapter at all.
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Jul 10, 2004, 07:25 PM
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. Maybe they should join in later on Slayo?
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu

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Jul 10, 2004, 07:32 PM
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This didn't go well.
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Jul 10, 2004, 07:32 PM
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Well, I am almost done. However, I will need to go to bed pretty soon, so I will only be able to post it tomorrow. So... if that is inconvienent you could just skip me this one time around.
<img src="" border="0" alt="The rodent thingy wasn't worthy.">
I would not want anyone having sex with my cocktail. ~ Radium

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Jul 10, 2004, 07:51 PM
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I think the non-skip system is too much for now. If anybody has anything, go for it now.
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu
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Jul 11, 2004, 01:22 AM
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I just see that crap I posted was deleted successfully. GL.
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Jul 11, 2004, 01:32 AM
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Also, I think I will keep myself from posting another chapters because I DON'T WANT MY SISTER TO REPLACE IT WITH POINTLESS SUX WHILE I'M NOT IN ROOM. My apologies to all who saw her horrid writings.
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Jul 11, 2004, 04:23 AM
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I hate storys without humour. LAUGHING IS IMPORTANT FOR LIFE!
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Jul 11, 2004, 05:44 AM
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Done with the chapter.

Chapter 3: The Mad Technomancer

In a small house, somewhere in a city on Diamondous, a robot was coming together. A arm was attached, and wired in. The head was opened, and a final chip- the AI chip- was inserted. Jargon Random leaned back, and admired his new work. While he could just assemble robots with the magic of his order, those he makes with his own hands always turned out better. He said, in a tired yet excited voice, "Could you pass me the screwdriver, R-0B/y?"
After getting the tool from his robotic assistant (R-0B/y, Robbie for short), he screwed the final screw into place, and stepped back to grab his autocaster. He twiddled with the autocaster for a moment, setting its cubes into the right position, before he held it out at arms length. With a spark of electricity from his jump-start spell, the robot switched on and got to attention. Jargon, nearly falling asleep on the spot for having stayed up for three nights straight without any sleep to finish this new robot, told it to go to the storage room and turn itself off, so he could inspect it in the morning. Just pausing to look outside at the gloomy midnight sky, Jargon went to his bedroom...

That next morning, Jargon didn't have time to inspect his new creation. There was a knock on the door. He, still in bed, got up and went out to get it, wondering on the way why he doesn't delegate such tasks to his robots. On the way, he paused for a moment to look at his reflection. Not at all presentable. However, with a reputation like his, people didn't expect anything else. Jargon sighed, and then answered the door. He recognized the person there- John Radin, a friend from his order, the person who gave him R-0B/y. Jargon was about to ask what was all the trouble, but he was cut off.
"Quick, you need to go. Why aren't you ready?"
"Err... what?"
"Haven't you heard? We need to escape! The city is being invaded, and pretty soon they will have taken the space ports. Get your stuff quickly, we don't have time to wait. We will go to... say, Carratous till this blows over."
Jargon darted inside, and grabbed his autocaster. Realizing he would not be able to take much, he sadly scrapped his robots with his autocaster. After hearing some gunfire somewhere in the distance, he worked even more quickly, stuffing some food into a bag and then running outside. John ran up to him, and they set off.

There would be opposition, but that wouldn't stop Jargon, that wouldn't stop the Mad Technomancer.

EDIT: forgot the chapter title
<img src="" border="0" alt="The rodent thingy wasn't worthy.">
I would not want anyone having sex with my cocktail. ~ Radium

Last edited by RSPSS FR; Jul 12, 2004 at 12:59 PM.
The SlaYeR

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Jul 11, 2004, 05:46 AM
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Yes Ducky, the first chapter is just an introduction for your character.
And to everyone else, just post whenever your done and we'll continue in that order. Who says there can't be humor in the stories? I didn't, i just said this should not be a comedy.
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Jul 11, 2004, 06:04 AM
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Go ahead and forget about that last rule Stratn.
I ment that if you write about something who wants to write and has not been introduced yet you might mess up that persons own chapter, but you should talk about that with the person, go ahead.

Nice chapter Risp, good work and i like the fact that you sort of added a new species. The robot.
And we could do something with the rebbelion on Diamondus later on in the story.

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Jul 11, 2004, 06:58 AM
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Okay, finished my chapter.

Chapter 4:

Tony Waterback was considered one of the best pilots in the galaxy. The gray-furred jackrabbit from Technoir had won the Carrotan space race 5 years in a row, and was going to enter the sixth. He had built his own ship: a compact 1-man flyer with 2 large boosters, and 2 wings that curved up and around the top, each wing carrying a small pulse cannon in case of emergencies. This was an emergency.

He had been practicing by the old Sluggion asteroid belt when an old Shellian defense system had booted itself up and opened fire on his ship, at the same time calling for help. The asteroid-mounted turrets had been easy to deal with; their armor had been shredded by space dust and the only weapon they used was an outdated laser battery. However, the Shellian fighters that responded to the distress call were much more dangerous. They had piloting skill that rivaled Tony’s own, and ships designed for combat as well as fancy flying. Tony’s pulse cannons weren’t even getting past the shields on the fighters, and turning tail and running seemed to be the only option. Tony gunned the gyro thrusters, spinning his ship around in a perfect 180-degree turn before rocketing away from the Shellian fighters.

Luckily for Tony, the Shellians only carried clumsy radar-guided missiles and plasma cannons, which he could easily dodge. The only problem was that the Shellians would not give up chase. Tony led them all the way around Pezrock, Medivo, and even Chrysilis, and they never faltered in their chase. Apparently he had to find a friendly system that would destroy his assailants. Carrotus seemed like a good option, so he started heading towards there.

However, Tony’s luck ran out when he reached the Carrotan Asteroid Belt. The asteroids were thickly clumped, and Tony was having a hard time maneuvering around all of them. He started concentrating more on the asteroids than the Shellians fire, which proved to be a mistake. After swerving around a particularly large asteroid, Tony found himself flying head-on towards a shellian missile. He tried to turn his ship, but it was too late. The missile struck his left wing, completely obliterating it and leaving the stump smoking. The ship could still fly forward, but due to its lack of left wing, it could not turn to the right. Tony struggled to pilot it out of the asteroid field, and somehow managed to succeed. His ship shot away from the last of the asteroids, the Shellians in hot pursuit.
Carrotus loomed ahead. The Shellians took this opportunity to break off before Carrotus’s defense fleet saw them, leaving Tony’s smoldering ship streaking towards Carrotus.

Landing without a left wing hadn’t seemed to hard to Tony at first. He had forgotten about air resistance, though, and his ship persisted in turning to the right, throwing the landing angle off completely. Tony was coming down in a large empty field and had plenty of room to land, but it would be tricky with one of his wings gone. Tony tried adjusting the landing angle, but overcompensated and ended up hitting the ground side-on, smashing the right wing like aluminum foil and sending the main part of the ship to a spinning, flipping finale before finally stopping upside-down. “Dangit, I spent a million credits building this thing!” thought Tony. “At least the ten thousand spent on this grav-chair were worth it. That was one heck of a ride!” Indeed, Tony’s grav-chair was the only reason he was still alive: the anti-gravity stabilizers had kept him in suspension so that he wouldn’t receive any shock from the crash.

Tony picked his way out of the wreckage and inspected the damage. The cockpit had survived mostly, with the exception of the nose, which was bent nearly 90 degrees to the left. The body was dented in several places, and opening the service hatch confirmed that the fusion generator used to power the ship had been smashed like a soda can. About 100 yards away, Tony could see the sun reflect off what used to be his right wing.

“(-),” swore Tony. He seemed to be alone in the field, but as he looked around, he saw a building some ways away. Perhaps someone there could help him get back home…
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Last edited by acid; Oct 24, 2004 at 07:39 PM.
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Jul 11, 2004, 08:50 AM
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Well, considering I haven't got around to saying that Jargon isn't a rabbit, I guess I have added two new species. Ah well. I think I will add my profile for him to the everyone's characters thread pretty soon.
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Jul 11, 2004, 08:51 AM
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To all guys who are died in these chapters:
Rest In Pieces!
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Jul 11, 2004, 08:51 AM
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<img src="" border="0" alt="The rodent thingy wasn't worthy.">
I would not want anyone having sex with my cocktail. ~ Radium

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Jul 11, 2004, 09:30 AM
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*tugs on pant leg*
can I join please sir can I join?
please leave the satanic fish alone
The SlaYeR

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Jul 11, 2004, 10:37 AM
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By all means mine dear ;-;

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Jul 11, 2004, 11:41 AM
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Yay continuation >O!!!
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Jul 11, 2004, 02:26 PM
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Whoosh. I have another chapter done.
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Jul 11, 2004, 07:18 PM
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;|. *ELBOWS*
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu
4I Falcon

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Jul 11, 2004, 07:34 PM
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I should ask if I can add something to this sometime. Or something.

Of course, there's E:JF and SoT to restart writing. Nrf.
Character limits suck. >(.


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