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Nightshade is doing well so far

Sep 14, 2001, 08:14 PM
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I should have a second page soon, doncha think. The scroll bar is getting longer and longer.
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist

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Nightshade is doing well so far

Sep 14, 2001, 08:16 PM
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I should have a second page soon.


I am the Stalker in the night

In the dead of night, in black

Hear a twig crack

Stealth is my game, never going back

To kill under cover of night. . .

For assassin's my trade, you see

And that's what I'm going to be



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Sep 15, 2001, 10:04 AM
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I claim the second page!


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Sep 24, 2001, 03:55 PM
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Nyah, Kaz. It's Shade's by right. . .

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Sep 24, 2001, 06:16 PM
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I won't give the page to her, but Nightshade, everytime the post counter gets to a multiple of 40 there's a new page.

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Sep 24, 2001, 06:18 PM
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I suppose you're all dying for more - not!

*sigh* A week away - and only one reply. . .

It seems that Copper is stealing all the fans.
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist

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Nightshade is doing well so far

Sep 24, 2001, 06:21 PM
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Y'all know, dont you, that I need replies to encourage me on.

I LIVE for replies!

Well, replies or not, I suppose I have to write more.

Copper looked into the evil eyes of the bird Chieftain and knew he lied not. A word ran repeatedly through her mind as the guards closed in. Scavengers! She did not realize she had spoken aloud until she saw the face on the bird.

"No one calles an Flo'ich Chief a Scavenger and lives!"

"Then go ahead, bird, then what will you have gained? Nought but no prisoner. Use your head for once, stupid!"

The Flo'ich Chief swelled with suppressed rage and his eyes glittered savagely, dropping back into the bird speech.

"Raktcha! Rabbit, I will have your head to adorn my spear!"

"Oho, so it's insult time, is it? Well let me tell you, my feathered buffoon! You, sir, are nothing but an absolute nincompoop with nothing inside your head but fluff and rocks-aye, and worms! Now, be a good idiot and tell these guards to take their filthy feathers off of us and you can turn around and march right back to where you came from!"

Wild Angel placed a restraining paw on Copper's shoulder.

"Copper, quiet," she said in a low voice.

"I can get us out of here. I have teleport abilities and can teleport anyone I wish, including myself wherever I wish."

"Why did you not tell me before-"

"Shh! Not so loud. Now, you distract him and I'll get us out of here."


Then in a somewhat louder tone, she turned to the king, who was quietly conversing with his guards. She caught his attention by making grotesque faces at him until he turned. He began making faces back.

Copper shook with repressed laughter at the contortions the Chief was making and started insulting him severely.

"Boot bottomed cracked up excuse for a duck-"

She was cut off as the King started with his insults.

"Rakka! Toe headed stub eared half tailed dimwit! I shall kill you!"

"Hahahaha! You should see your face! Unfortunately, I am sad to break the news to you and terribly sorry at dissapointing you, but I'm afraid there'll be no killing on me or my friends. So sorry, ole quackbilled birdbrain."

The king swivelled his head toward Ducky and Wildie, to find his gaze meeting thin air. He turned back to Copper, but she was gone too. Wildie had done her job, and done it well.

Nightshade walked with Kahn after the turtles until they met a grove of trees. The turtles seemed in a big hurry, and soon she found out why. She watched a black cloaked figure sweep out of the trees toward the group.

Its voice had a hiss to it, much like that of a snake, and it rasped harsh questions to the turtle patrol.

"Fools, did ye not know you were being followed?"

A dull turtle stood up, scratching his head.

"Duh, whats that, sir? Uh, no idea."

The rest of the turtles gave a low moan of horror at the beheaded turtle on the side of the trail.

"Idiots, there is no room for blunderers here. Now, would you like to join him?"

The turtles gave a glance at the sword hanging limply in the cloaked figure's hand. One look at the dripping end sent them into a head shaking fury.

The cloaked being swept past them, it's gaze turning toward the rabbit and the hare.

Nightshade whispered to Kahn,

"Looks like we've bin discovered, sah. Time we weren't here."

But it was too late.

The turtle patrol was moving toward them, almost upon them.

"Left it too late to retreat, missie. Lets give them what for, eh."

Yelling warcries, they threw themselves into the group of turtles. Nightshade's daggers were everywhere at once, a flashing beam of light emitted from her blaster.

Kahn went in with no weapons at all. Using his hands and feet, he soon laid four out. He didn't see the cloaked one until too late. As he turned, the deadly blade hit him full in the chest. He swung with his left, even as he fell, and the figure, taken by surprise, fell with him, his neck snapped by the blow.

Nightshade saw her ally fall, and went into an insane rage, battling her way through the foe. The turtles retreated, but found no escape from the assassin. Standing tall, Nightshade threw herself onto one after another, and soon the patrol was vanquished. Sudden exhaustion overwhelmed her as she dragged herself out of the fray. Turning, she remembered her friend, and started searching, knowing she was looking for a body.

She pulled turtles off of the hare and turned away, unable to look at the awful wound. The hare opened one eye and smiled.

"Ach, got me guid that time, lassie. . ." He gasped for breath. "Fraid ye'll have. . .to go without me, eh. But. . . I brought the foe down. . .with me."

His chest heaved and his eyes closed for the last time. Then he was gone.

Kaz was walking toward the base when suddenly the path seemed to change. He frowned as he wandered around, until he found himself lost in the woods. He finally came to a conclusion and took to the air. Flying over the forest, he sought out the right path. He cocked his head at the scene below. It seemed. . . almost like a battle had taked place. He strutted up to a wounded turtle, pointing a wing at him.

"You, what happened here?"

The turtle gulped out the story.

"Rabbit. . .hare. . .vanquished turtle patrol. . .Master. . .Rokkblade. . .kill hare. . .kill turtle. . .rabbit. . .kill me. . .my pals. . ."

He flopped back. Kaz sniffed severely at him.

"Bad manners, going to sleep when there's company. G'bye, turtle."

And he trotted off.

Suddenly, a movement caught his eye.

Before he could move, however, a poisoned dagger appeared at his throat.

A grating voice reached his ears.

"Alright, bird. Who are you and why do you tresspass on Snitchlye territory?"

He was immediately on the alert, but way too late. Ropes enveloped him, and minutes later, he was hauled into the trees and knocked senseless.

He came awake to a throbbing pain in his skull.

He was seated in a branch, with a sharpened stick at his throat.

He looked into the eyes of an evil looking SingeLord.

The Singe folk were well renown and feared throughout this wood. They carried sharpened sticks. . .much like the one at his throat. And never failed to keep a fire nearby, just in case intruders happened to pass, which Kaz had done. They were known for their savageness and. . .well, and eating their enemies.

Just then, Kaz realized what a dire position he was in.

And I guess I'll leave it hanging.
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist

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Sep 25, 2001, 03:32 PM
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STILL no replies!



Well, I've got no more to post on my story today.

*runs away with pile of JCFers on her tail*

Even though it's not very likely.
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist
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Sep 25, 2001, 06:06 PM
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YaY! Nice continuation but I need mooore...

remember? (:


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Coppertop is doing well so far

Sep 26, 2001, 02:41 PM
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Duckie, are you the only one posting today?

*sobs hysterically*

I need a new hankie, Shade.

And making faces, indeed!

Oh, right. And stealing the fans, indeed!

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Nightshade is doing well so far

Sep 27, 2001, 12:49 PM
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Oops. I wrote Snitchlye, didn't I? I did! I meant Singechlye, pronounced sing-etch-lye.

Not given to tears, Nightshade arose and left the clearing. Lost in thought, she stumbled over a shard of limestone. . .limestone??? She bent down, picking the shard up. Yes, it was limestone. She looked up slowly. . .and up. . .and up. . .and up! A huge limestone pillar stood in her path, blocking her in. The only way out was to. . .climb over it? She gritted her teeth and decided to try the impossible. She scaled the wall, which seemed never to end. Anywhere she found tiny cracks, she put a paw or claw in. The wall seemed to be leaning outward. She climbed for what seemed an eternity, and suddenly-she reached the top. It was flat, with sloping edges, like an altar, with a hole in the middle. An inscription was carved in a flat stone, and she could not interperate it. It read:

"Wolb htod dniw erehw, emit ni erutuf

Nwonknu seno dna seno devol fo sevarg revo

Tem eno yls dna gnaf

Tey dna

Sdneirf emoceb seimene rettib

Dnelb dneirf htiw eof

Reve nath regonorts


She could make no sense of it. It was just mixed up letters, with no meaning to any of them. She tried to lift the tablet, and stumbled backward, dropping the stone. She landed in the hole. The walls were smooth, and found no purchase. She felt the air rushing by her as she dropped. She hit her head on the wall and saw stars. A smell reached her nostrils, and her eyelids grew heavy. Soon she fell asleep all together, urged on by the smell.

She awoke ontop of the pillar. She climbed down the side, not realizing it was the side she had climbed up. She walked through the woods and came to a clearing that looked strangely familiar. Inface, the whole clearing did, except for the fact there were no bodies, turtle or other. She saw a mess of feathers, and walked over to the pile. It had been a bird of some sort, big and red. It had been tied up when it had fallen from a tree with a metal platform on it. On the platform was a place where a fire had once burned, and there was a knife on a bench next to the fire pit. She walked back to the limestone, knowing she had gone the wrong way, but it too was gone. She began to feel nervous. What was going on? A wary feeling crept inside her stomach, worming its way to her throat. She walked past where the pillar had been, and on. The first thing she saw when she left the woods was destruction. Turtles everywhere, burning huts, fighting, and bodies. Carrotus was a mess. She saw signs advertising turtle things. A vague feeling entered her, and she somehow knew that she had gone foreward in time.

But always remember, the future can be changed. . .

Going t'have to wait for the next part, Slate fans!
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist
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Sep 27, 2001, 02:06 PM
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Blow doth wind?

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Sep 27, 2001, 04:15 PM
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Doth is a word I'm sure, but you mispelled nath.
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu

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Sep 27, 2001, 04:33 PM
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Great story btw
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu

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Nightshade is doing well so far

Dec 11, 2001, 02:47 PM
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Post New Part

I finally get to post!

Ah yes, and here is my new part!

Kaz narrowed his eyes and tried to look fierce. He glared savagely at the leader, who glared right back. Kaz looked from the Singe leader to the gang of Singe folk behind their leader. He wisely kept quiet the whole time, though he was dying to say something. He sighed, his wings burning from lack of circulation. The leader just stared, never saying a word. He thought back to where he had come across that turtle. Why oh why hadn't he thought of these guys. Now that he actually did think about it, it was probably these wierd treetop folk that hurt the turtle. He pulled himself up in his seat, aching to scratch his itchy wings. He had resigned himself to a night of uncomfortable silence, with this Singe leader standing over him, quiet as ever.

Coppertop appeared, panting, moments after her companions. She turned angrily to Wild Angel.
"Why on earth did you leave that startling piece of news till now?"
But Wild Angel was not listening. She stared out the window at the ground outside. She replied rather nervously,
"Ah, er, Copper, y'might want to take a small peek outside? Er, er, we're in the Hangar 12, and there's a whole bunch of greasy featherbags and they're. . .er, well. . .I think they're preparing to take her for a test run."
Copper bolted to the window, shouting,
"Those filthy thieving filchers! They'd better not even try!"
Just then, a loud thump rang through the ship, and the engines started. Ducky whispered a warning to her companions.
"Everyone to a hiding place-no noise! Stay there until I give you a signal or until we land. Choose different hiding places, so that if they find one of us they wont find all of us. When I give the signal, we run out and attack them. Agreed?"
They all nodded, and there was a sudden rush for hiding places. A few minutes later, they watched Ducky draw her blaster and shouted,
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist
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Dec 12, 2001, 11:52 AM
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W00000t. Carry on

remember? (:

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Dec 12, 2001, 01:58 PM
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I'd like to join

Hey Nightshade, could I join? Here's my profile.

defalcon phoenix
Age 17
Male Jackrabbit

Sky blue fur with snow white undercoat (chest fur). Emerald green eyes.

Golden fur with a snowy white undercoat (chest fur). Deep blue eyes.

Black singlet, purple long sleeved flight jacket, long black pants, black boots, thin belt with black leather pouches, black leather knuckle-gloves (fingers stick out), red headband. His prefered outfit.

Matrix/Angel style outfit. Dark grey shirt, black leather jacket/trenchcoat, long black pants+black boots, black leather knuckle gloves (fingers stick out).

Hair: Usually has short fur. On occasion, his hair is cut so that it has a large spikey tufft hanging out front, or his may have long hair tied back in a tail. Depends how you want him to look in your story, really.

-Special sling. This weapon appears as a polished leather sling, but instead of rocks it throws high-charged green energy bolts.
-Powerful set of twin blasters, grey in colour. They have many settings, including counterbeam, wide spread and explosive. They're usually too heavy for most to carry.
-Twin swords with golden blades. Only defalcon can wield them. Their handels, with a leather grip encrusted with precious gems, will sear the hands of anyone else who wields them. They enhance his power and are unbreakable. He keeps them on long scabbards on his back.

Flying: Whilst flying takes small amounts of energy, it is not draining unless he is completely exhausted.

Transformations: See below.

*Ki-blasts: defalcon is able to shoot numerous Ki-Beams of various forms and various power. He can do one handed and two handed energy beams and bolts.

*Hook-shot: A bluish/gold (depends on form) beam that revolves in a small circle shoots out of his palm. It has some homing capabilities, cuts through most armour and looks like the blade gun from the OEM of JJ2.

*Burning Attack: After some quick hand movements, defalcon holds out his hands side by side and fires a very bright beam. Whilst extremely damaging, he uses it for distractions to follow up with more devastating attacks. Ripped of Trunks on DBZ.

*Big Bang: Okay, a blatent ripoff of one of Vegeta's attacks, but hey - it's cool. defalcon holds out a hand, palm facing the target. The thumb is folder over onto the palm and a ball of energy shoots from his hand.

*Masenko-ha: Ever watched Gohan's special attack? defalcon can do this too, and he packs a punch. Usually done in the air (jumping, hovering etc) there are 3 variations of it:
- His hands are raised above his head, one behind the other, and are then brought down to perform a two-handed blast of energy.
- Both hands held apart above head, where ball of energy forms. It can then be pegged with one hand like a tennis ball.
- One hand held with palm facing sky, other hand holding wrist. Beam is formed on upraised palm.

*Special Beam: A two-handed beam of energy. His hands are brought together and are linked by the thumbs. They are brought in front of him and a massive Ki-blast is expelled from them. His most powerful beam.

*NOTE: If in his normal form, the ki blasts are blue. If in his transformed state then they are golden-yelow.

Normal form: In this form, defalcon is powerful and has his regular blue+white fur.
Transformed state: defalcon's power increases by many times. His blue fur becomes a bright gold and his power is increased by an unmeasurable amount. All of his traits, strenght, speed etc, are enhanced. This form is akin to what a Super Saiyan is in Dragonball Z.

-Ace pilot, equipped with the knowhow to operate most forms of transport, fighting vehicles etc.
-Dead shot with a gun.
-Grade A swordsman, one of the best alive.
-Expert fighter and warrior.
-Able to jump extremely high, run faster than other rabbits, move extremely quickly, is extremely strong and tough, and has heightened senses. This results because of his genetic additions (see history).

defalcon has no knowledge of where he came from until age 17. He is one of the prototypes in a genetic experiment. His creator's goal was to clone the ultimate beiong from the DNA of a supposed god. defalcon was one of the final tests in the lead up to this. As a result of genetic manipulation, he has many extra abilities. His DNA is not wholey rabbit, but has material from several other sources.

Whilst usually rational, defalcon can be hotheaded at times. He often sits and talks with friends, enjoying a carrot ale or two.
He has travelled through time so much that he is rarely surprised by anyone or anything. In battle, he either is grim and watchful or fired up and beserk.

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Dec 13, 2001, 05:50 PM
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"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu

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Dec 15, 2001, 11:21 AM
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Diy Page caching!
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu

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Jan 8, 2002, 03:05 PM
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Talking new part

Well, defalcon, I'll get you in as soon as possible, but I have'nt had time to write another part.
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist

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Jan 10, 2002, 03:14 PM
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New Part

Chapter 4
Triphe cast a jaundiced eye over the rabbit, and wondered how he could have possibly thought this was a female. The male Jackrabbit looked to be about 17, with sky blue fur and snow white chest fur. His emerald green eyes shone in the dim light. He wore a black singlet, a purple long sleeved flight jacket, long black pants, black boots, and a thin belt that held black leather pouches. Black leather knuckle-gloves adorned fingers that stuck out, and he wore a red headband. He had short fur, and his hair was pulled back into a ponytail. What appeared to be a polished leather sling hung at his belt, along with a powerful set of twin blasters, grey in colour. Twin swords with golden blades caught Triphe's eye, so brilliant that he would have given anything to wield one. Their handles had a leather strip encrusted with precious gems.
Rather stupidly, Triphe remarked,
"From a distance, you looked rather. . . feminine."
In an instant, he was on his back, with a golden swordpoint at his throat. The strange rabbit spoke softly, his tone deadly.
"Say that again."
Wisely, Triphe kept his mouth shut.
"Er. . .say what again?"
"That's better."
The swordpoint withdrew from his throat, and he ruefully rubbed a thin line of blood from where it had been.
"You've got alot to learn, for a young 'un."
Triphe bristled.
"Like what?"
"Like how to keep your mouth shut instead of making stupid remarks. It could save your life sometime."
Triphe scowled.
The rabbit hardly paid him a glance.
"So, who are you, anyway?"
"Triphe Jackrabbit. And you?"
"Defalcon Phoenix."
"Oh, I've heard about you."
Defalcon's face remained unreadable.
"Heard it from a traveller, who was passing through my city."
"Your city?"
Triphe looked rather embarrassed.
"Er. . . yeah."
"What do you mean by your city?"
"Well, see, it's my city, because I am the son of the king."
"Anyway, who was this traveller?"
Triphe thought hard.
"I. . .I think," he said hesitantly, "That they called her Nightshade, or something."
Defalcon shrugged.
"Never heard of her."
Now it was Triphe's turn to shrug.
"Oh well."

Kaz Algo was most surprised when a black rabbit popped up through the treetop foliage. The rabbit said, in a low whisper,
"Kaz Algo?!"
Kaz tried to force a sound of recognization through his gagged beak, but only a gurgle emmitted.
"Shh, don't struggle! And above all, don't. . .say. . .a. . .word!"
Almost instantly, Kaz fell silent. The rabbit did her work with ease, cooly dispatching two of them with a single thrust. The leader drew his stick from where it rested on the feathers of Kaz's neck, and pointed it at the rabbit.
"Back, rabbit, back!"
The black rescuer drew a sword from it's scabbard on her back, which had been strapped on with a simple leather strap. There was a red pommel stone on the black obsidian hilt. A curved, slender blade that shone like gold was mounted on that hilt, and she swung it with a comfortable easiness that made the leader nervous.
He blinked, seeing a flash of bright gold. In an instant, their positions were reversed, except he was on the ground, a swordpoint prodding his chest.
"No one has talked to Nightshade the Assassin like that and come out of it alive. I do not have pity for my enemies, remember that. However, if you withdraw, and take your mangy vermin with you, I may let you retreat with no harm done, on the condition that you give me the bird."
Stammering apologies, the leader withdrew, taking the Singetchly with him.
Nightshade strode over to Kaz, and cut the bindings from him in a single stroke.
"N-Nightshade?! What are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same question, Kaz Algo. Didn't expect to see you here."
"But-but how did you know I was here?"
Nightshade shrugged.
"Heard voices in the treetops."
She said offhandedly.
"Now c'mon, let's get going."
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist
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Jan 11, 2002, 01:16 PM
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Wow. You get more fabulous each time.

I haven't asked to be in, have I?

remember? (:

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Jan 11, 2002, 06:53 PM
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Wowies! Awesome! Really good story Nightshade, love the suspense and stuff.

Want more! Mooooorrrreeee!

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Jan 11, 2002, 10:51 PM
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Lol, hate when anybody calls me by any full name =P.

So... you finnally continued. Good.
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu

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Jan 14, 2002, 02:01 PM
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Yeah, your in, Ducky. Remember? I just haven't written a part about you in a while.

The Assassin 215 was a mass of confused birds and lazer shots. The cacophony of noise hit Ducky like a tornado. Bewildered birds shot everywhere. The air was full of raucious squawking. In no time at all, the ship was deserted and the trio was left alone. Ducky winked knowledgable at Copper and Angel.
"Ambushes work every time."
"Yeah, I can see that. Oh well, time to get on the move, eh Wildie?"
"Well, then, get moving, Copper! Don't just stand there!"
She grinned brightly, shoving them all along. Seconds later, the ship lifted off.
The Cheiftain arrived just about then, furious and panting. He pointed his wing at the receding ship, flailing about the birds with beak and wings and claws. He shrieked, screaming and cawing until his throat was raw. Not until the ship was out of sight did he stop, retreating to his quarters to take out his rage on his pillow. Then the ship was in space, headed wherever the three rabbits inside pointed it.

Defalcon Phoenix was no less surprised than Triphe, when who should come running up the path but Tazz. Triphe turned, startled, as she bounded toward him. His outrage at being caught was very noticable, however.
"Tazz! What are you doing here?! You-you're supposed to be at home!"
Defalcon looked amused.
"I take it you're his sister that he was talking about? From the way he just greeted you, it doesn't show what he's just been gabbing on about. The way he puts it, you're-"
He turned to look at Triphe, who was beet red with embarassment. He glared at Defalcon. Defalcon shrugged.
"Well, that is what you said, Triphe, like it or not."
Triphe receded to sulking at the side of the path. Defalcon turned to Tazz.
"Now then, what are you doing here, Tazz? Thought you were back with Yazz."
Surprise showed clearly on Tazz's face.
"Well, since you seem to know me pretty well, who're you?"
"You didn't answer my question. But anyway, I'm Defalcon Phoenix."
"Right. Now, I was sent to bring Triphe back. Father's been awfully worried."
Triphe turned away and wouldn't look at her. Defalcon chuckled. He headed down the path.
"Well, what are you waiting for? We've got to get this young snip back to the town."
Now Triphe turned. His face was red, and his hands were balled into fists.
"I'm not going back there! No doubt Yazz told you all I'd gone! Go back to Father, Tazz, and leave me alone!"
The outburst took her totally by surprise.
"Triphe!" She exclamed. "I'd thought better of you! No come on! Be sensible!" But Triphe rebelliously headed away from her. Defalcon shook his head.
"No point talking to him now, Tazz. The best you can do is go and report to your father that he won't come, then come back and join us."
She nodded regretfully.
"I know. Curse that darn stubborness of him, he got it from his mother. Oh well. The sooner I start, the sooner I'll be back."
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist

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Jan 14, 2002, 11:48 PM
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WOW! Awesome chapter! Coolish!
Like my sig?

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Jan 16, 2002, 04:04 PM
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Talking I'm gonna get flamed for this.

Nightshade has better english then Rumbo does.

=p, birds are pretty accurate... excellent piece of tale.
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu

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Mar 17, 2002, 11:44 AM
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Talking New part

New part! I finally managed to get on the Internet!

Steel was lost. Wandering aimlessly, he finally came upon the small town of Tiurekowa. Thankfully seating himself in the Tryo-Tarn, an overpopulated tavern on the outskirts of Tiurekowa, he ordered a Marague. The strong drink would keep his mind off things. While he was waiting, he took stock of his position. The tavern had all sorts of aliens, a couple of Flo'iches, rabbits, and even a few trolls. There were Gulgches, who were monsters, with one long arm and about forty warts. Thirty-seven tentacles adorned the spotted sides. No eyeballs were visible, since this behemoth had eyes in its' palm, but the mouth was horrific. It was drooling all over a very apprehensive-looking worker, its' nostrils working overtime. His concentration was broken by an Arnich, a three-tongued alien, who was carrying his Marague. The Arnich nodded curtly to him, set down the drink, and stalked off. Steel watched it go, his face a mask of disgust. He picked up his Marague, draining the glass with one gulp. He burped loudly, and shook his head to clear it. It was right about then that he saw the rabbit in the corner. Half-finished thoughts flew and disappeared through his muddled brain. Lookit 'im, stannin' there like 'e owns the place. . . He knew he'd drunk the Marague too fast, but at the same time, he couldn't stop himself. Before he knew it, he was facing the rabbit, chipped scimitar at the ready. The rabbit hardly noticed him. Savage thoughts became mixed with fury as he fought to keep sane. But it was useless--almost before the eye could blink, he was prodding the rabbit, shouting out a hoarse challenge. The rabbit cooly drew his sword. It was unlike anything he had ever seen before, and a chill of fear swept through him. Showing no signs of emotion, the rabbit took up his position. By now, bystanders were staring. The rabbit shrugged unconcernedly, his face showing no signs of fear. Steel tried, oh how he tried, to stop himself, but it was like trying to stop a thief from stealing. He took up his position, and swung the scimitar with lightning speed.
The blow was like a club. His hand went numb and the sword was jarred from it. He looked up, expecting to see a sword coming down to finish him off. The rabbit pointed to the scimitar
"Pick it up."
His voice was full of contempt as Steel cowered away.
"I said, pick it up."
Steel hesitated. The rabbits' eyes were hard as flint and his voice like an iron knell.
"Pick it up, coward!"
He prodded Steel's paw forcefully, brandishing the sword.
"You don't want me to use this."
Steel scrambled to his scimitar and then leapt up, yelling triumphantly.
"Yeh, I do, rabbit! Lessee whatcha made of!"
The rabbit raised his extraordinary sword into the air and brought it down with punishing force. Suddenly, it caught fire, flames billowing from it. The onlookers gasped. Steel saw nothing but the enemy in front of him. Suddenly, the look on his face turned to one of pained surprise, and he slid to the floor. Then everything turned black.
The rabbit stood over the unconcious turtle, a mixture of disgust and loathing on his face.
"I don't like turtles." He said, then he sheathed his sword and turned back to the counter, ordering a Carrot beer like nothing had happened.

Kaz was chatting amiably with Nightshade as they made their way through the thick grove of evergreens. Finally, they came upon a small place in the very heart of the forest.
"Well, here it is!"
Kaz gestured for her to enter. Stepping inside, she saw a cozy berth, which looked three times the size of the outside. Couches and tables adorned a candle-lit room, and there were rabbits everywhere. She halted, looking suspiciously around, but Kaz pushed her foreward.
"C'mon, Shade. This is the RP Headquarters."
"'RP', what does that stand for?"
"Rabbit Patrol. Come on, Shade!"
Following Kaz into a dining room, she saw what looked like the leader. Kaz headed straight for him, and she could do nothing but follow.
While Kaz talked with the leader, she set about exploring. She scoured the place from top to bottom, but she found nothing until she came to the ill-used basement. And once there, she saw something that made her freeze.

Yazz stared forlornly out the window. He noticed the lovely sunset seemed wrong, somehow. Yes, there were turtles on the horizon. That was common, but it was the large numbers of them that was wrong. It was like an. . .an army. The meaning of it hit him like a thunderbolt. They were going to attack. Running to his father's chamber, he nearly knocked down the door, beating on it. His father opened it, brows furrowed in concern.
"Is something wrong, son?"
Quickly relaying his story, he was hurried out the door. Back in his room, he showed his father the scene out the window. His dad's face paled, and his mouth dropped.
"This is the worst thing that could have happened right now."
He said.
"Prepare the troops for combat."
Then he left.
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist

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Mar 17, 2002, 05:07 PM
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About time... continue plz!
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu

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Mar 17, 2002, 11:58 PM
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Alright! Nightshade you rule! I was wondering why you stopped. Don't stop anytime soon!

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May 29, 2002, 01:06 PM
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last part for a while

Sorry, I haven't been able to get on the internet because of viruses and such. This may be my last part for a while, because we are moving and selling our computers, but this one will be long.

Steel awoke to a burning pain in his side. Groaning, he rolled over and saw he was out in the dusty terrain, with a cold pack to his side. He struggled upright, and looked down at the wound. It was a bad burn, and the cold pack didn't seem to be helping. He ruefully stood up, bleary-eyed and groggy.
What had happened?
He swayed, trying to remember the night's events. All he could remember was a flaming. . .thing, coming at him.
A stab of pain hit him, and he pressed the cold pack even closer to his side. . .and then he remembered.
Right! The. . .the rabbit with the sword. . .that had turned to flame. . .Yes! And so they threw him out here in the hot, dusty plains, thinking he would heal, but hoping he would not.
He stumbled along, hoping to reach civilization. After two hours or so, his feet burned and ached, and the cold pack was a hot pack. A little further. . .just a little further. . .there was a hole up ahead where he could rest.
Thankfully, he flopped down in the cool shade of the hole. Looking up, his brows furrowed as a clicking, scraping noise reached his ears. Oh well. . .he closed his eyes.
They snapped open as a scuttling figure came out of the shadows. Click. Scrape. . .Cliiiccckkk. . .Scraappe. . .his eyes widened as he stared up at the deadly poison barb, mounted on a tail, pointed straight at him.
He didn't feel a thing.

Tazz sped along the path. She stopped so suddenly that she almast fell. What was going on? A turtle landed on her from a tree, bearing her to the ground. Surprised, she tried to scramble out of the way, but suddenly she was spinning, and then all went dark.
She woke to a fire, burning to her left. Groggily, she tried to sit up, but a spear butt knocked her down. A turtle prodded her, calling to someone outside of her line of vision,
"She's awake, Sire."
A creature slithered into view.
"Soooo." It said in a hissing voice.
"The rabbittt awakenssss."
Everything came terrifyingly into focus, and her predicament was quite clear.
She was surrounded by turtles of all sizes and tuff turts, along with lizards and dragons. The great bonfire next to her roared up every time a dragon breathed on it. She was tied to a wooden pole, and there was nothing she could do.

Nightshade bounded up the staircase, just managing to catch Kaz as he rounded a corner, talking with the RP leader. Pulling him to one side, she told him in a low voice what she had seen. Immediately, Kaz turned to the leader, told him to wait where he was, and followed Nightshade down the steps.
It was dark in the basemend, and clicking of pincered spiders sent chills up his spine. Looking warily around, he heard dull scraping sounds, followed by the thud of axes. He followed Nightshade the length of the basement before he saw it.
A band of dirty rabbits gathered in a corner, while about thirty others were digging a tunnel. The clicking grew louder, and he spun around in time to see a behemoth standing over him, eight spiked legs outspread, multihued eyes flashing, and poison dripping from razor-sharp pincers. Drip. Drip. Drip.
He stared up at those hypnotizing eyes, but tore his attention away as he realized that it was not him it was looking at.
Sudden realization overtook him, and he managed to whisper in a hoarse voice only one thing, before there was a yelp, and the spider turned away.
A muffled yell rose above the noise, and Kaz took to the air, following silently as his wings skilfully rose and fell. Scuttling now, the spider's eyes darted around, as every spider, small and large, gathered to it. He could feel millions of eyes boring into him as he flew, but it did not distract him.
A overhanging ledge barely missed him, as he ducked into a huge cavern. Click. Hiss.
A murky smell raised above the clamour of tiny legs.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
Suddenly, his wings were snapped to his sides as filmy webbing engulfed his whole being. A monster, a spider that made the one carrying Nightshade look small, rose into view, rearing to its' full height. Plummeting through the air, he realized that there was very little hope of any of them making it through.

Defalcon stood, arms crossed, as he reprimanded Triphe.
"You acted like a baby back there! Your sister came all this way, to tell you that your family cares, and you sneer in her face and turn away! And then, when I tell you to quit behaving like a child, you have the brass nerve to sit there and sulk! No matter how much you hate Yazz, it won't change the fact that he doesn't hate you! You style yourself as a warrior, but you are, Triphe Jackrabbit. A true warrior would either graciously decline, or go back, not sit there and ignore everyone!"
He threw up his hands.
"I've got a mind just to leave right now, and let you solve this silly problem yourself. Tazz, your younger-aye, younger-sister, knows more about war than you! I don't know why I took up with you, kid. Maybe it was because you had an air of confidence around you. Well, I'll tell you, kid. Being a warrior isn't all fun and roses. It means discipline, it means maturity. It doesn't mean this!"
He swept an arm around at their surroundings.
"Kid, you got alot o' thinkin' to do between now and when your sister Tazz returns. What'll you do then, eh? Sit with your back to her and ignore her, like you're doing to me?"
Triphe turned.
"Defalcon, go ahead, leave! I don't care. You sit there, yelling at me, when you would have done the very same thing in my place!"
His voice rose an octave.
"And when Tazz arrives, I'll tell you what I'll do! I'll turn to her and tell her to get lost, because I'm going my own way!"
He was yelling now, his face beet red.
"And I was not ignoring you! You can sit there, stone-faced, if you want, but as for me, I'm not staying all day, just for the sake of some bent out of shape old hare! And don't you call me 'kid' again! [I]Never![/I}"
Defalcon turned, his face expressionless, but he spoke softly. His tone held a dangerous note, and sparks flew from his eyes.
"You do not do well to reprimand ones with more experience than you. Continue your journey alone, if you wish."
He turned then, and was gone, his last words echoing in the breeze.
"If you have the guts to."
And there was no sign of him anywhere. Triphe, dumbfounded, stared at the spot where he had disappeared, open-mouthed. Now he was alone.

Coppertop whooped as they entered the asteroid belt. Ducky and Wild Angel stood at the viewport, watching asteroids go by. Without warning, something appeared out of the haze of Space, and struck the ship with a crack. Everything spun once, and in a matter of seconds they were in freefall.

I have to get off, now that I've got everyone in a predicament. Well, almost anyone, anyway. I won't be on for a looooooooong time, sorry. About two years, in fact. Hope ya like it! Bye for now.
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist

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May 29, 2002, 06:29 PM
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Two years?!?! We can only hope your writing style doesn't degrade and you don't forget about us... Bye...

No need to repeat myself, multiple pages proves it =P.
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu

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May 29, 2002, 11:01 PM
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2 years?!?!?!?!?!?!? bu...bu bu but Nightshade, why? It takes 2 years?


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May 31, 2002, 02:03 PM
Coppertop is offline
Yeah, right!

She's exaggerating, guys. She's on the Net as much as she used to be, but she found out about Neopets ...
We'll be here until July 1, and then we're going, but we'll find a way to keep up with y'all. Don't worry; y'still got a month!

Shame on you, Shade, makin' them all sad like that! You know as well as I do that we've still got a month!

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May 31, 2002, 03:19 PM
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Why do you stop at the 1st of July?

Erm, you or Nightshade have ICQ/MSN/AIM?
4I Falcon

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Jun 26, 2002, 01:51 PM
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spoy. *snurf*

I can't believe I didn't notice this topic before. 'Tis very.

Anyway. More profiles. ALL of my characters.

Name: Jack Flash
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Personality: Friendly, but also trigger-happy. He will fire at any living (shelled!) thing that moves. He's an extremely worthy ally... unless you happen to be a turtle...!
Appearance: Medium-built, white fur, with red eyes. Bears a slight resemblance to Jazz, despite the fur colour.
Weapons: Twin red blasters, similar to Jazz's. He also keeps a white metal rod handy in case he loses his aforementioned guns.
Special powers: His amazing marksmanship. He can hit a target accurately from as much as fifty metres away.

Name: Captain J. Firefox
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Personality: Fiery, and, like Jack, trigger-happy. He's a Captain in the Royal Order of Armed Rabbits (thx Haze!), and is therefore the ranking officer to his cohorts in R.O.A.R.'s operations.
Appearance: Well-built and muscular, red fur, with green eyes. Wears a small, stylized F mark on his left shoulder. Has a black cloak, and only wears it when he's not fighting.
Weapons: Green, one-handed double blastgun.
Special Powers: He can become temporarily invincible, but it tires him out relatively quickly.

Name: Blaze Blackrabbit
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: Very mysterious. He lurks in the shadows, and you wouldn't notice him being there unless he wanted you to.
Appearance: Medium-built, black fur, with yellow eyes. He also wears sunglasses to protect his eyes, and to prevent anyone from seeing them if he's hiding somewhere.
Weapons: Small black Dhareinger. With a silencer, of course.
Special Powers: None, except for his excellent mastery of the art of camouflage and hiding.

Name: Headcheese
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Personality: R.O.A.R.'s answer to Spaz Jackrabbit. She's mildly insane, and was only accepted into R.O.A.R. because she was Jack's younger sister. There's a rumour that she was born early, and didn't have enough time to develop. Despite her slight defect, it's a good idea to have her on your side. Otherwise, you just might get roastificated.
Appearance: Blue fur, yellow chest fur. She has the same kind of "lazy-eye" as Spaz... but unlike Spaz, she has a tail.
Weapons: Green blast pistol. She can also be seen occasionally with a small mallet.
Special Powers: She can be disconcerting to even look at sometimes. Whether or not that's a special power, I'm not sure.

Name: Wizard of Odds
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: The brains of the outfit. Although he doesn't look like your run-of the-mill brainiac, he is. He plans the strategies for a generous portion of R.O.A.R.'s operations, or at least has a hand in planning them. He also creates schematics for some of R.O.A.R.'s machines.
Appearance: He has purple (?!) fur, and wears a small set of glasses (not huge, Poindexter-esque ones; as I said, he's not quite your run-of-the-mill genius). He also totes a small green backpack. No one has ever seen what he carries around in his pack, though.
Weapons: A pair of yellow blaster pistols.
Special Powers: None. Other than his incredible intelligence, of course.

And, if you need even more nemeses:

Name: Buster Tank
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Personality: The evil guy. Tank used to be a henchman to Devan Shell, but after the latter died to Jazz, Tank used brute force to take command of his army. He’s not quite as smart as Devan, but he’s physically stronger. Not only that, but he knows how to use Devan’s machines. Jack, Firefox, and the others really have a threat on their hands now.
Appearance: Looks like a Tuf Turtle, but he’s a bit larger, and less defined. Still able to pack a punch, though.
Weapons: Brute force. He’s also stolen a few weapons from Devan’s armoury for his own use.
Special Powers: None.

Name: Slicer Tank
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Personality: The smaller evil guy. Slicer Tank is Buster Tank’s little brother. However, just because he’s smaller than Buster doesn’t mean he’s any less brutal. While Buster is physically stronger than Slicer, the younger one is smarter, and more weapons-proficient. Now there’s two threats to deal with. Time to kick shell.
Appearance: Like his older brother, but a bit smaller. Like a young Tuf Turtle. He always seems to have a sly grin on his face.
Weapons: Any gun that comes to hand. It’s even rumoured that Slicer got a hold of Devan’s super blaster, which he used in his final fight against Jazz.
Special Powers: He’s relatively fast for a turtle. He can also slide on his back (the top of his shell), giving him offense, defense, and speed all at the same time.

so there.
Character limits suck. >(.


"I like driving an automatic, because I can do this." *revs engine* "You like driving a manual?" "What did I say?" "Automatic." "I like my... automatic, uh, arm... it changes the shift-gear on my, uh, manual." - 4IF vs Ken

WT (un)masterpieces:
Enter: Jack Flash
System of Turbulence
Profile count: disabled.

Galbadia Hotel: your one-stop shop for all your VG music needs!

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Aug 14, 2002, 11:16 AM
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I'm back for a half hour to post a new part to my story.
I missed the JCF a bunch, and am happy to be on.
F1 falcon, I'm not sure if there is a spot I can put a charactor, but I'll try.
Anyway, here goes. Hope ya like it.

Copper hit the edge of the ship, and struck the bottom. Everything was whirling like a top. Ducky was laying unconscious at the back, where she had fallen, and Wild Angel was holding on to a wall. Painfully crawling to the cockpit, Coppertop attempted to pull the ship back on course, but to no avail.
Wild Angel staggered upright, and made her way beside Ducky. She noticed a spot of blood staining Ducky's tunic. Acting quickly, she dragged her friend to a corner and propped her against a wall.
Coppertop saw a red flashing button. The engines were overheating. She looked through the cockpit window and saw a planet loom into view. They would smash through the atmosphere and be killed upon impact.
The engines ignited with a roar, and a wave of heat hit her. The ship was exploding. She saw the back room burst into flame, and thought desperately of Wild Angel and Ducky. But as she looked back, they entered the atmosphere. She closed her eyes, and braced for impact.

Defalcon looked around the forest. He knew that the young Triphe would not last a moment. Still he walked on.
A crack behind him made hijm whirl around, his hand on his sword hilt. Nothing. Suddenly, he was surrounded by turtles. They were in a ring, all carrying weapons of some sort. Not that it bothered him. He just kept on walking.
A large turtle licked his blade and winked at his friends. They closed around him. He was fighting for his life with his sword when he broke through the ranks. He kicked a turtle out of his way, and took off into the forest. Sounds of pursuit quickly diminished, and he stopped running. He sheathed his sword and waited for what lay ahead.

That's all I can write for now, but maybe I'll be able to write some more soon.

-Nightshade the Assassin
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist

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Aug 14, 2002, 03:45 PM
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Wow... my user CP wasn't lying to me afterall. Spiffin for a half hours work. Hope you can be on more (and shame to the neopets!)
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu

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Aug 15, 2002, 12:30 AM
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Nightshade, it's great. Will tide me over for a little while onger while I wait for Kovu to write more.

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Nov 25, 2002, 11:57 AM
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goodbye ...

There will be no more updates on this thread by Nightshade. Shade has left the JCF, but she may return. Until then, Nightshade is Coppertop (whose username does not work.) Sorry, guys.
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist

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