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Dimension in Darkness

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Jan 12, 2007, 01:00 AM
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Well...He seems cool...and this story is almost I post the new topic, 'The Doomsday Project.' he can be in that. Heck, I've already finished this story, I'm just reluctant to post the last few chapters...I'll just edit them a bit...

The character's just gonna have to be cleverly placed in the story...because...Well, you'll see soon enough...
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Jan 12, 2007, 03:44 AM
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Yay! I got my character pic posted up!

Here's the link...I hope...

Note: It is under a bit of work....If that don't work...try this one...
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Jan 14, 2007, 05:45 PM
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Chapter 23: Confronting the Dark One. (Part 1)

As our hero made his way through the war-torn planet, running as fast as he could, huge gusts of sand erupted behind him as he continued to push his body further towards it's limits. A small bead of sweat trickled down his face, before it was blown off from the wind. Joshua's speed was at least Mach 4, climbing higher. His desire to stop the Dark save Adis...this dimension...the thoughts fueled his muscles, making him push on further. A huge series of enemy robots could be seen on the horizon, quickly encasing himself in a coating of stone, he rolled towards his foes, smashing them to pieces.

"...More...coming this way..."

It was after a few hundered enemy troops were flattened and destroyed, Joshua came to a complete stop. He walked forward slowly, until he came to a cliff's edge. Below was vast darkness. Dark, purple bolts of evil energy flashed through-out the void, slowly destroying the planet. In fact, it had devoured the planet as far as he could see. The void had at least taken half of the planet, killing many innocent people. Looking down with anger at the void, more soldiers rushed up to attack him, before Joshua simply moved his hand. A large blade of energy sliced through the enemy lines.

"Robots...strange alien creatures...this is getting strange...These markings...I guess these were just to distract me. No matter. If this is the worst they can do, I'm sure that the best isn't going to be difficult...Okay. I'll rescue Adis first. She's gotta be safe...the J-Wing should be here also...that other one was a fake...Adis had better find it quick...after I beat the Dark Lord, I expect this place will be going down in a hurry."

Some weird power was emanating from the base. It seemed familair, but he pushed it aside. Looking back at the rising sun, he realised he had to move now. He regreted not fighting with his friends...or his 'father'...but he had to do this. The Dark One was the cause of all the suffering. If others suffered, Joshua's heart would be filled with pain.

"Dark One! Ready or not, here I come! Yah!"

Joshua leapt into the abyss below. As he fell, more of the dark energy rushed past him. The cliff edge seemed to grow more distant, as the planet was slowly continued to be consumed. Looking down at his hands and body, he seemed to still be in one piece. The dark powers ignored him and continued devouring the planet. The sources of the darkness....

"Sources...? There...There's someone else here...In this base. I feel the power...but it's still...still not as strong as the larger force." Joshua muttered.

Many reds eyes emerged from the shadows, rising upwards from thier dark prision, heeding thier master's call. Enemies of The Dark One were appraoching. Hoping for his friends to be safe, the fall finally ended. Below him was nothing but darkness. He stood on some clear platform which blended well with his surroundings. A large, towering set of doors came into view, slowly opening. The dark energy began to get stronger.

He stepped forwards into the dark corridor...the walls were made of dark, cold marble. The floor seemed to echo his every footstep down the hallway, making him feel slightly less confident. What if the Dark One was able to turn Joshua from the light? What would he do? There wasn't anyone to save him. He came alone on his own will. He wished for no-one else to die. His brother and 'father' did not deserve this fate.

Somehow, through the many twists and turns of the many hallways, he finally came into a large room. Torches were lit on each side of the room, sheding some light. Seeing through the dark, he made out a familiar form. It turned around, it's red eyes blazing.

"N...No...No!" Joshua stammered.

Before him, stood his current terror. In each hand was a deadly looking fire-arm. A small laser fired from the right gun, barely missing Joshua all together. The lights in the room quickly were extinquished, before Joshua faced his foe, a sad look was on his face.

"Adis...Why? Why did you...join him? I came to..." Joshua started.

"I never needed your help, Joshua. I was always wanting to destroy get close to you and strike you down. My master has promised me eternal life. Eternal power! It is impossible to defeat us! Our power of darkness will soon consume all of this pathetic dimension!" Adis yelled.

Joshua angrily glared back.

"Can't you see?! He plans to kill all of us! Even you! He wants our energy...he's a vampire, feeding off all forms of life. You are a living thing! I will not raise my sword against you Adis! Step aside! I do not wish to" Joshua sighed.

"You could barely scratch me with those swords! Like I said before, I am immortal! Unable to be stopped! If you will not fight me...then I will simply have to kill you! What I've waited to do for so long!" Adis grinned.

She loaded her weapons and began to unleash a barrage of laser fire. It took a lot of energy from Joshua to dodge most of the attacks, but a glancing shot got him in the arm. He pushed the pain aside and hid in the shadows. Adis continued to follow him, taunting him.

"Die, let your blood be absorbed by my master! Let your flesh rot on the ground! Darkness is what will consume you!"

Another laser caught Joshua in the leg, and he fell to the floor. Blood began to escape from the two wounds, the smell of burnt flesh filled the air. Adis walked up to Joshua, who tried to defend himself with a wall of stone. It was simply blasted into gravel. Adis grabbed Joshua by the neck and looked at him, smiling.

"Now...You will die." Adis laughed.

Joshua was not giving up. He looked at Adis's face.

Clicking his fingers, a bright flash of light engulfed the whole chamber, allowing Joshua to get out of Adis's grasp. Putting his swords away, he lunged at Adis, tackling her to the ground, before smashing the guns into pieces. With a relieved look on his face, he fell backwards, tired. A swift blow to the jaw sent Joshua skidding backwards. Wiping the blood from his mouth, his eyes took on a brighter glow.

"Adis! You have to snap out of it! The Dark One's using your emotions to control you! Fight against him! You have the power to do so!" Joshua yelled.

"Fool! I control this pathetic life-form. Your efforts to save her are futile! Striking her down is the only way to release her from my grip! Go ahead! Cut her down with your blades! The ones which you intend to end the life of me with them! There is no other way! You cannot win! Hahahah..." The Dark One bellowed.

"Adis..." Joshua whispered, before closing his eyes.

A small sphere of light surrounded his body, circling around him a few times before heading straight towards Adis. A bright flash of light occured, causing everything to vanish. Nothing but a black void, inside was Joshua and Adis. Facing each other.

"You've got to...You can't give up. Don't make me break my promise...Adis. I won't let you give up!" Joshua yelled.

"Augh...He's...He's strong...I...I can't...keep him out for long! Joshua!" Adis screamed.

Grabbing hold of Adis's hands, he closed his eyes. Using his power to help Adis force the Dark One back, the black void vanished, returning them to reality. Joshua fell to the floor, exaughsted. Adis helped him to his feet.

"Adis...I knew you could do it...Now...find Edward and run...I've stop the Dark One." Joshua groaned.


"GO! There's no sense in us both dying! Move it!" Joshua ordered.

Adis reluctantly walked away. As Joshua continued towards the Dark One's chamber, tears flowed down his face as he ran....
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Jan 14, 2007, 05:46 PM
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Chapter 24: Confronting the Dark One (Part 2)

On Mobius.

A large group of dark beings had assembled themselves into ranks, preparing to charge at thier enemy. Armed with multiple weapons such as swords, guns and other deadly weapons, they charged at our heroes at full speed. The sound of thier heavy footsteps rang through the planet as the monsters raced across the decayed plain. On the opposite army, Seb was in his suit of armor. Flames surrounded his body, giving him a second set of protection. His axe was ready to deliver a multiple set of blows.

Zac was still in his usual attire. His size made it easy for him to dodge his foes attacks, as well as launching a quick flurry of knife stabs. He got into a stance where he could through multiple daggers of ice at his foes. Next to him was David. Covered in armor tempered from mythrill, it let off bright shines of light. His mace was poised to knock his foes away. Across from him, Toxic had multiple laser blasters at his disposal, as well as some swords. Veneno had the same sort of equipment, as well as a large plasma rifle.

Behind them, was a huge force of various creatures, animals, humans and robots. As both sides charged at each other, The Dark One watched. Both sides collided, bodies quickly fell, thier blood and oil staining the ground. As the ones with long-range weapons attacked, Veneno had gotten back from they fray, used his cane to launch himself into the air, before firing several rounds of plasma at a group of enemy targets. He reloaded his weapon and continued to fight on the ground with his sword.

Seb was hacking away at anything that got in his range, slicing them clean in half. All around him, his foes closed in, before he clenched his fists and released a large explosion of flame, incinerating anything that was around him. Zac had created large pillars of ice, which pierced through the ground and anything standing near it. Many daggers were flying through the air, many of them hitting their mark.

"C'mon! Let's see what you've got!" Zac yelled.

More enemies closed in, before Zac created a wall of icicle spikes, skewering anything that was in range. He pushed it forward, mowing down many of the enemy soldiers. The Dark One smiled. All of them were simply giving him more power! Every second he observed, the eaiser his victory would be. After all this, he would eliminate all of the enemy troops...along with any of his own. There only needed to be one life-form in this dimension...

"Dark One!" Joshua yelled.

The vampire turned around, his red eyes focusing on his prey. It seemed the foolish boy had come by himself. How could one child overthrow the almighty Dark One?! He pointed at Joshua and laughed.

"So, the battle between the Ultimate Gamer of the present...and the evil of the past begins. Look around you, Joshua. This is my domain. My power flows from this sanctuary of mine! Your foolishness to challenge me here shall be your undoing! Submit beneath my will!" The Dark One yelled.

Joshua looked up at the Dark One. Not moving back an inch in fear. In fact, he stepped forward, glaring right back at the evil one. His body glowing with an aura of holy light. It shone brightly. Behind him, John and Dakoda walked out next to Joshua.

"So...It seems you are not alone...Those two...They dare defy the supreme lord of darkness?! If you wish to throw your life away by siding with this fool, then I shall grant you your wish! Imagine, three members of the same family...felled by my hand. This will be a day to remember, when all hope was destroyed! Bwahahahahaha!!!"

Dakoda walked up, next to Joshua, his cape still. His face was one of determination and confidence. On the other side of Joshua, his 'father' stood beside him, his sword drawn, held with such strength it could rend a foe in two. Joshua looked at his 'family' and nodded. The Dark One retreated to the darkness above them, before a large, black scorpion landed on the ground before them. Hatred was in it's eyes.

"Prepare to witness...true suffering! I will crush you!"

The scorpion lunged at Joshua with it's talons, only to find them repeled by his blades. It's stinger, poised to strike was intercepted by Dakoda, who with a clean slash of his sword, made it fall to the ground. Green slime, along with dark purple blood stained the floor for a few seconds, before it vanished. The tail still writhed maddly, and still attempted to strike Dakoda, who quickly gave a down-ward thrust, ending the stinger's life.

"If this is the best you've got, I'll see you fall yet!" Joshua yelled.

Joshua and John leapt high into the air. Thier swords, they quickly hurled downwards, which in turn pierced through the monster's head. Lots of slime and blood splattered everywhere, before it all vanished. In it's place emerged a large serpent, it's eyes instantly followed Dakoda, before it let out a stream of fluid poison. It hit it's mark, causing Dakoda to fly through the air and collide against the floor with a loud thud. He found the poison, eating away at his flesh.

"Distract him! I'll get Dakoda on his feet!" Joshua ordered.

Quickly racing around the room, Joshua's hands began to glow, before it released a white beam of light. It pierced straight into Dakoda's body, fighting back the poison and eliminating it for the time being. Dakoda quickly grabbed a herb from his pocket and rubbed it against his skin. The poison was gone, more or less. Getting to his feet, he charged at the snake. John was fareing quite well, lashing out a few swift slashes, before dodging the counter-attack. The Dark One was distracted, unable to see Dakoda rushing at it at full speed, before thrusting his sword forward, cutting deep into it's flesh. More green slime shot everywhere, before the Dark One bellowed forth a large cloud of smoke. Unable to see, the heroes were lashed with the tail, causing them to meet the wall.

"Augh...Not ready to give up...yet! C'mon!" Joshua yelled.

Getting to his feet, pushing aside his injuries, he drew a lightsabre from his belt, and concentrated. The monster snake lunged at him, hoping to swallow him, only to find Joshua leap into the air, and thrust the saber straight down through it's stomach. It let out a cry of fury, before it vanished again. The Dark One reformed in the middle of the room, groaning and slightly bleeding, his eyes glowing brighter.

"Hah...I'm...Not done yet...Gameboy Crystals! Come to me!"


The seven crystals flew from Joshua's back-pack and headed towards the embodiment of evil. Within seconds, his wounds were gone, in fact, he continued to drain the power from the crystals until they fell to the floor, thier color and glow had vanished.

" The Gameboy Crystals..." Joshua muttered.

"As one of the inhabitents of this dimension, I can harness the power of those jewels...I have been here since the beginning...and I knew those jewels would be created to stop me...So, I devised a way to use the power own ends!" The Dark One yelled, his voice growing louder. He laughed evily before pointing at the three heroes. A strange wave of dark energy surrounded them.

"I...I can't move! Augh! Hng! Dakoda! Dad!"

Joshua fell to his knees. The Dark One towered over all of them, his flesh began to bulge and ripple. His eyes began to duplicate, making millions of red beams looking down at him with anger. His muscles grew larger, his cloaks were torn to shreds and he grew more powerful. Many things were going through Joshua's head....

>Am I...going to fail?<
>What about our promise?!<
>Eiko...You can't let him win!<

The voices of the past ran through his head, before he closed his eyes...

" the key. Give me something to look forward to, Joshua..." Rachel's voice broke through the darkness. Joshua got to his feet, brushing off the dust and turned, so he was facing the Dark One, his swords drawn.

" continue to defy my will...So be it. Your power is nothing compared to mine...and without the Gameboy Crystals to aid you...You've already lost! Bwahahahaha!!!"

Joshua looked away, putting his swords into thier sheaths and faced back at his foe.

"Wrong! Those crystals...they may be a great source of power...but the power of the Ultimate Gamer in in my heart! The Ultimate Gamer's power runs through my veins. But that isn't the whole truth...The true power lies with my friends! I haven't a single doubt in my mind now! Dark One! I will send you to the eternal depths of Oblivion! You won't ever terrorize us again! For the crimes you've commited against this dimension...I'll it here." Joshua yelled

The sevn Gameboy Crystals began to regain thier color, floated to Joshua's hands and he clenched them into fists. He looked up, to find his foe heading into space. A black trail of energy behind him. He looked back at his friends, and teleported them back to the surface. The seven beams of light emerged from the gaps in his hands. Bolts of rainbow colored energy surged into Joshua's body. The energy pulsed through his muscles, his bloodstream and his brain. He grew stronger and smarter. Before the crystals cauesd everything to erupt in a bright flash of light. The transformation was complete. But...not what he expected. Normally, he would be Hyper Joshua...but now, his true form had awakened...The Ultimate Gamer.

Joshua's cap had vanished, in it's place was his hair, standing upright and glowing brightly with the colors of the rainbow. His eyes had remained green. His t-shirt had vanished, and a suit of cyber armor had appeared around his body, it radiated light through the dark room. His trousers had changed into black shorts. His shoes remained the same. No weapon was in his hand...yet. A flash of light erupted, causing a sword to fall from the heavens. It bore the Lightwalker crest. Reaching out to grab it, he flew out into space after his foe...
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Jan 14, 2007, 05:47 PM
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(cont from last post)

On the surface...

Both sides watched with amazment at the two beams of light rush towards space. Thier battle resumed, the forces of Light continued to push thier foes back, inspired by thier leaders emergance....

"What a treat! The REAL Ultimate Gamer stands before me in all his glory...perhaps I underestimated you, Joshua. You are stronger than I expected...but it is no matter. My plan has been successful...soon, this world will cease to exist. You know the price you pay...if you triumph. Does that strike fear into you?" The Dark One laughed.

"No. I've thrown away my fears that bound my heart. I will strike you down. My ancestor's blade is in my hands...the power I wield will stop you now. Let us see...who prevails. Our light...or your darkness. Now!"

Joshua flew through space to meet his foe, who had already began his assult. Dark beams of energy rushed at him, but were simply evaded. A large wave of dark stars hurtled past him, throwing Joshua back. He continued, slasing away any obstacles. The Dark One looked at his foe and reached out with his hands. Joshua was caught in his grasp. But...the light around him began to eat into his flesh, causing him to let Joshua go. It realised the amount of power that Joshua was using would eventually diminsh, so he tried to delay his attacks.

"Meteor Storm!"

Large, fiery rocks headed straight towards Joshua, who blasted them away with his Light Surge attack. Blasts of focused beams of light reduced the rocks into pebbles. He continued forward, gaining speed before he was right next to his foe. Both his hands began to glow with a white aura, before he thrust them both foward. A huge flow of light surged through Joshua's body, before it began to build up in his hands.


The huge beam of light pierced straight through the depths of space, causing stars to explode, adding thier energy to the lethal attack, which colldied into the Dark One at full force. It's rage was rising and attempted to grab Joshua again. He was succesful, before he began to crush the life out of Joshua. The hand was eaten away by the light, and fell through the atmosphere, gaining speed. Flames erupted around Joshua's body.

His sword began to glow brightly in color, before he sliced straight through his foe's hand. The damage was little. But, to his surprise, The Dark One reappeared before him. He grabbed Joshua, and sent them both hurtling through the atmopsphere. The flames began to intensify around them, before the Dark One let go, hurling Joshua straight into the ground. He slid across the surface, slightly bruised, but got to his feet. The Dark One began to tire. He lunged at Joshua again. The attack was easy to dodge, before Joshua leapt into the air, slashed with his sword, knocking his foe into the sky. He was paralyzed, and Joshua realised this was his only opening.

>Here goes! I don't think my body is going to be able to survive after...THIS!< Joshua thought grimly.


Joshua's body shattered into seven beams of color, which flew into space. Each beam pierced through the Dark One's body, several times before they all came together, and pierced through as one. Joshua re-appeared, grabbed the sword and charged straight at The Dark One. He closed his eyes and caused his body to erupt in an amazing display of color and light. The body of The Dark One began to fade, until it was no more. Around the planet, the opposing army began to die off, the planet returned to it's proper state...and all of the heroes watched their leader float in mid-air, before the rainbow light vanished and Joshua fell to the ground. The seven crystals fell with him, shattering when they hit the ground...
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Jan 14, 2007, 05:48 PM
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Chapter 25: Painful Sorrow...Happiness awaits.

As the heroes raced up to find what had became of Joshua, he was still standing, but he seemed to be shaking. His body continued to crackle. Excess energy flickered around Joshua's body, before he fell to his knees.

"You idiot! You used all of your power! Be thankful you're still...huh?!" Toxic stammered.

Small explosions erupted around Joshua. His legs began to turn grey, then into stone. He stopped shaking, before looking at everyone that was around him. A small amount of blood was trickling down his shirt, before waist had been enveloped in stone.

"Joshua! You're...What's happening to you?!" David yelled.

Joshua let out a small groan of pain, before his chest was covered with rock. He turned his head.

"The...The power of the Gameboy Crystals...has been exposed to my body...for too was unavoidable this was going to happen...In a few minutes, I'll be nothing more than a cold, dead rock. Ah....Argh!" Joshua groaned.

Zac tried to cast a healing spell, but was restrained by Eiko.

"He...He knew, Zac. There's nothing we can do. This was his choice..."

"Eiko...Adis...Everyone......" Joshua started.

"See ya..."

His body finished it's transformation. A life-like statue of Joshua stood there for a few seconds, before it simply turned into a cloud of sparkling dust, blown away by the wind...

-Joshua's Mind-

>It seems I'm here...again. I'm not really surprised though. This outcome was going to happen regardless of what I done. Maybe it's time for me to...have eternal rest...This dimension is
free...even though it may take some time to rebuild the shattered lifes...they won't need me. I think...I can die without any regrets...< Joshua sighed, slowly closing his eyes.

"Wait! You can't sleep yet!" a voice called.

From the darkness, a small veil of light shone done before Joshua. Small stars floated around it, before he found himself looking at Rachel's face, beaming happily at him. She wrapped her arms around him and let out a cheer.

"You've managed to come so far...yet you want to die? Do you really want to be with me that much....? Joshua...I know you may have absorbed the power of the Gameboy Crystals, but it isn't over yet. You're still alive. Otherwise, this place wouldn't exist. This is your concioussness. Though it appears you to be you may have lost your body... it is still intact. The emotions of your friends is what is keeping you alive...Amazing..isn't it? The energy you thought would kill you, ended up saving your life instead." Rachel laughed.

Joshua turned away and looked around in the void. Large video imagaes displayed his memories of what had happened up until now. He felt kind of relieved to know he was still alive, plus knowing that his friends were still in his mind...and heart. Looking around some more, he saw images of his Great, Great, Great Grandfather, Sir Johnathan Lightwalker. He looked like he was at least 30, probably forty and had black, spiky hair. His eyes were a light blue, with a shaven beard. His armor was almost identical to Joshua's and he held his sword in his left hand.

>He seems so different from me...He was a great hero, huh...? Rachel...Why is this all re-occuring? Why is it showing me things of the past that I haven't seen? Rachel? RACHEL! Where are you?!<

A demonic figure, about Joshua's height floated down before him, drawing a sword. His laughter echoed through Joshua's mind...The Dark One...

>He still must exist in some part of my memories! I've got to stop him from getting back too much power. Dark One, you will not control me for anything. I made a promise...I am going to keep it...and you won't stop me!< Joshua yelled.

The Dark One simply lashed forward with his sword, making Joshua float to the left to avoid it. A quick series of weak slashes followed, beginning to build up the damage on Joshua. He began to find his t-shirt ripped, and another attack caught him off guard, creating a large scar down Joshua's side. Blood began to flow from the wound slowly, but it remained motionless, staying in the same spot in mid-air.

>Huh....My body....something's...happening...< Joshua murmered.

The bright aura surrounded his body, lighting up the sub-dimension. He faced the Dark One, to find half of his face was missing. His skull was worn out by the ravages of time, his visible eye span around in it's bloody socket, causing Joshua to feel a bit ill. Quickly doing something on instinct, he grabbed his swords and stabbed them straight through his foe's eyes. A loud, furious scream could be heard, as a large vaccum appeared, sucking The Dark One...straight to Hell...

Joshua floated down to the ground, his body still bleeding, hoping to find some sign of Rachel. She was here before...The Dark One appeared. Racing through the entire room, he found no sign of her...He sat down, saddened at his failure...

"I'm always with you...I'm...watching you...forever, Joshua. We'll see each over again...I promise." Rachel called.

Joshua span around, to find Rachel ascending into the air, waving while smiling happily. Tears streamed down her eyes as she slowly vanished into a cascade of twinkling stars. Joshua stood there, wiping some tears from his eyes, before everything went white around him. He began to float in mid-air, before he vanished.

"I'll see you again, Rachel. It's a promise...that I make to you..." Joshua whispered.

On Mobius...

As everyone left back to celebrate and mourn Joshua's passing, a star flew down from the heavens. To everyone's surprise, it changed shape, before Joshua re-appeared, standing before them. They all stared, like they had seen a ghost.


Seb and Zac simply stood there, slightly shocked, while Eiko and Adis ran up to him, hugging and crying at the same time. A few explanations later, they all began to walk back to the main city of Mobius, Station Square: Beta. As they did, Eiko decided to ask a question.

"So, Joshua. You've decided who you like more? Me, or that girl over there?" Eiko asked slyly.

"Hey! The 'girl' has a name, you silly teenager! Besides, I think he..." Adis started.

Joshua turned around for a few seconds, sighed and then a smile crept across his face.

"If you wanna know, you'll have to catch me first!" he mocked, before he raced off into the distance at top speed. Everyone raced after him, trying to catch up, laughing all the while. Things seemed to be back to normal at last. The Video Dimension was at peace once again. A truce had been signed against both The Forces of Light and Dark, ending all battles between them. Hopefully, the dimension should be able to thrive...

As the day finally ended, a starry sky spread across the horizon, for all to see. Fireworks exploded in bright colors, signaling the start of a new age...and this ends our story...for now. Our heroes have still got much to do to rebuild the Video Dimension...
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