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The Greenthorpe Saga

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Jul 26, 2004, 09:23 AM
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SoY? =P

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Jul 26, 2004, 11:02 PM
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Maybe if anyone should die (this will probably be brought up later, so I'm bringing it up now) the author should write the character's death, from their own eyes. It will end when the character dies.

or no. just throwing this out here
please leave the satanic fish alone
Doubble Dutch

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Jul 27, 2004, 02:12 AM
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Or they could split their chapter off into a new story.

nonne amicus certus in re incerta cernitur?

4I Falcon

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Jul 27, 2004, 11:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Coppertop
SoY? =P
Oh, you're funny. Just because you're comatose in SoY doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Er, I mean...

Character limits suck. >(.


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Jul 30, 2004, 07:10 AM
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Within this hiatus, these to-be-accomplishments have changed from reasonable to ephemeral, so I think...
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu
The SlaYeR

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Jul 31, 2004, 02:10 AM
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Chapter 14: In the beginning...

Here it is, chapter 14, i had no time to check if there were any grammar or spelling errors, i hope there aren't to many in here and i hope you like it, i tried to tie in my chapter with Toxicbunny's chapter. I think that went rather well.
Have fun reading.

Chapter 14: In the beginning...

"..Governor Pneumeth of the To'Adin provence on Diamondus has adviced it's citizens to stay indoors during the evening, as the situation on Diamondus grows worse. Many people have lost their lives since the civil war started three months ago, and..."
The newsreader held her hand against her earpiece. "Oh my god." She softly said.

"Turn up the volume Jake." A man in the back of 'The green dragon.' the oldest, and cheapest inn of Peddleburg yelled at Jake Marshall, the old owner, a man with deep eyes, that looked like he had missplaced his razor blade a very long time ago, and did not bother to buy a new one. He reached for the remote control under the bar, and was able to turn up the volume before the newsreader could continue, she took a deep breath, nervously took the papers lying on the table in front of her and placed them a little to the left, for no reason, just to give her hands something to do before looking into the camera. "My apologies for the interuption, we just received the news that the southern army has moved on to the city of Depada. General Necra has started an attack on the north, word has received us that this attack is fully supported by the government of the south, we now go live to our reporter in Nari, several miles to the west of Depada. iCeD, are you there?"

A young, white furred lynx appeared on the screen, the people in the bar were very silent, including Louie and Majo, who were sitting in two small wooden chairs at a table in the back, Louie had ordered a glass of water, not to cause to much suspisioun, Majo had told the barkeeper that they had been walking here all the way from Greenthorpe, which was a 30 mile walk, and the weather was very warm for the time of the year. It would be strange if he was not thirsty, he took advantage of the situation, all of the people in the bar were staring at the screen, so he quickly emptied his glass in the vase the stood on the middle of the table, the flower in it looked like it could use it more then him. Majo whispered "I'm scared."
She wanted to be comforted. Louie just looked at the tv, it seemed that they were having some problems with the audio, which is understandable, this was live broadcasting from only a few miles from the warzone, the young reported stood in front of a big building, he looked into the camera without any sign of fear on his face, the grip on his microphone was firm and steady, he was waiting for the audioproblem to be fixed, while a few headlines were rolling trough the bottem of the screen.
" Situation on Diamondus has escalated, attack on Depada. Gary Parker running candidate for the governership of Peddleburg. Earian Thunder wins the Carrotus Cup. "
An old and grumpy fox came back from the toilet. "Darn it, how long does it take those idiots to fix an audioproblem. Change the channel."
"Easy Ted, have a beer on me." Jake yelled back.
Ted Harrison had a few relatives living in Nari, the old and grumpy man accepted the beer with a little, fake smile and sat down on his seat, taking a small pack holding about 4 cigarettes out of his wife's bag and lit one up. Jake had a strict policy about people not being allowed to smoke in his bar, but when Ted looked at him he nodded in agreement, he decided to make a small exceptation, just for today.

"Thanks Jenny, i'm here." The young man said, the audio problem had been fixed.
"Hello iCeD, has the president of the Northern front given an official reaction yet?" The lovely newsreader asked him.
iCeD shook his head. "No, the president is currently in a meeting with several ministers of his council, but the minister of the media has informed us that he will give a speach to the people of the north tonight.
He has moved out of Depada as soon as the news reach him, word is that he has moved to Nincada, where the spaceport is located, he might leave for Carrotus later today."
"And king Jazz, has he given a reaction yet?"
"He has not, he will give his reaction soon however.We do not have a lot of information yet, it is told that there were a lot of northern troops stationed in Kathmana, which is the closest military base from here, the troops have been mobilized and will arrive here in a matter of hours. We will be leaving for Nincada soon, the station has called us back."
"Thank you iCeD... Are you ok?." Jenny asked worried.
iCeD nodded. "I'll be home tonight. Goodbye Jenny."

The people in the bar started talking, within a breath, the silence was broken, everybody talked to someone.
Majo put her hand on Louie's, she shivered at the touch of the coldness of his skin, he enjoyed the warm flesh covering his hand, he could not hide that he was slightly worried, concerned for the wellbeing of the people on Diamondus. He looked at her, she was close to crying, everyone in the bar but him looked moved, sad and angry.
Their hands were entagled, became one. "Calm down, let me get you another drink." He said calmly, he did an incredible good job at hiding his feelings was the first thing that came to Majo's mind.
Louie got up and walked to the bar, a little kid, not really knowing what went on looked at him and smiled.
He smiled back, which gave the little girl the scare of her life, his fangs were unnaturally large, a sign of his hunger. He quickly walked over to the bar.
"I'd like a glass of the strongest ale you have... and a water please." He looked around, seeing if noone noticed him, the only two people looking at him were the little girl and Majo.
"Here you go buddy, it's on me. I can see that your girlfriend over there is in quiet a shock." The friendly, old bartender said.
"Thanks sir, that is very generous of you." Louie said just as he felt a terrible sharp pain in his stumach. His body shook and his pupils slowly faded.
"Are you ok buddy?" Jake asked him worried.
"Yes, i have to go... to the toilet.
Jake pointed at a small door in the back, decorated with a flower and the word 'men' in fancy letters underneath it.
Louie stumbled to the door, pushed it open with his shoulder and fell into the toilet.
It was a small but clean place, with three Shakelsbee urinoirs and three small fountains shaped like a turtles shell, for washing your paws.
He looked around, he had a highly evolved scent and could smell a prey from miles away, he noticed a very thin rat crawling in trough a hole in the far corner underneath one of the small fountains.
Louie got up and immidatly fell on the floor again, he reached out his hand for the rat and tightly squized his paw around it, he could feel the rat's small rib cage cracking in his hand, put it to his mouth and let his life's juices flow down his troath. His pupils became clear again, and his canine teeth returned to their normal size.
He got up and threw the rats corpse out of the small window above the urinoir in the middle of the room, turned to his left, he washed the disgusting scent of the rats fur off of his hands, looked up, looking into the mirror, seeing nothing but the wall behind him.
He leaned over the fountain for a moment and then decided it was time to return, he would be ok for another three hours now, the meal was only a small one, but sufficient for the time being
The SlaYeR

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Jul 31, 2004, 02:11 AM
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Chapter 14: In the beginning... (continued)

King Jazz walked trough the great halls of Simic Palace, followed by ten guards and Yorek Stork, his minister of foreign affairs and Nick Hill, minister of warfare.
Dozens of reporters and cameramen were waiting in the conferece room for the king to arrive and answer the questions they had to ask.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the king." One of the royal guards shouted trough the room as king Jazz walked in.
Everyone in the room stood up, as Jazz Jackrabbit walked over the red carpet and set down in front of them, behind a large oak table, covered by a white cloth and three microphones, one for him, and one for Yorek Stork to his left, and Nick Hill to his right.
"Please, be seated." King Jazz said as he sank back into his chair. "You there, you look important with those glasses, first question."
The small turtle got up, he stared at the king behind his big glasses with sharp eyes. "Gene Berry, Turtle Gazet, are there any plans to send Carrotian forces to Diamondus, sir?"
"We have no intentions of becoming involved in the war mister Berry. You there, next question."
"Nina Bradey. The daily carrot, are there any plans on giving refugee to the citizens of Diamondus, sir?"
"We have offered the citizens of cities in the north refugee on Medieval, our first moon. refugee camps will be set up there, we will also set up a camp in the peddleburg woods, a refugee camp to the north of New Carrotus and to the north of Oakloma. You there..."

Louie took a golden coin out of his bag and gave it to Jake. "This should take care of the costs."
Jake's mouth fell open, he was stunned. A man payed for two drinks with a golden coin. He then walked over to Majo. "We have to leave, i need a proper meal before i go to sleep."
He wrapped his hand around hers and they walked out into the night togheter.

"Where should we go?" Majo asked Louie.
"I have an idea, we should go back to Greenthorpe, my house is big enough to hold at least a hundred refugees." Louie said.
"That is very noble of you Louie, but don't the people over there know you, from what i've heard of those childeren i saw, the people in Greenthorpe are very suspisious.".
Louie reached for his pocket and retrieved the big bag full of coins.
"Here, you take this, when we reach Greenthorpe, i want you to go to the city council and buy my mansion, this should be more then enough." He said confident. "Let's rest here, you must be tired, it has been a long day. Majo lay down next to the river, louie took of his shirt, folded it up and placed it under her head. "There you go, sleep well."
She kissed the cold flesh of his cheek. "You too." She said.

Majo soon fell asleep, the stars filled up the sky, they looked like small white pinpricks in the big blanket that covered the planet.
Louie made sure she slept, he was in need of blood, but he could not leave her here, something might happend. He felt a need to protect her, so he decided to eat some of the smaller creatures he could find around here. A bird chirpped on a branch behind him, he pretended like he did not pay attention to the bird, but in a flash he turned around and jumped for the branch, wrapping his index finger and thumbs around its little neck, snapping it in a quick movement, he gulped down it's life juices, enough for another 3 hours, he stared around, ever so patiently, he stood in the field, just looking for twenty minutes untill he discovered his prey, the ultimate prey, a true feast for a vampire.
A wild boar, slowly moved his fat legs trough the muddy forest trail, carefully Louie waited behind a bush untill it came close enough.
"Just a few more steps, come on." He jumped on the back of the boar, that started squeeling loudly. "Shut up you foolish creation, your life ends here."
Louie had lost it, his eyes hollow and empty, he made a few growling sounds and bit, his fangs sinking into the boards flesh, as a needle sinking into the skin, he started drinking, and he kept on drinking untill he was satisfied, he then walked back to Majo and fall asleep next to her.

Majo woke up the next morning, the rays of sunlight falling on her face, Louie was still sleeping, she looked at him, he had changed a great deal.
His flesh felt warmer, his fur was soft, it was so nice to touch, she let her hand slide over his strong chest, she gave him a soft kiss in the neck. Majo knew she should not be doing this, but he was irresistable as he lay there, she didn't know why, but he seemed more attractive then ever before.
Majo walked over to the creek and took off her clothes, a small, black shirt and her tank top, she lay down in the creek, the feeling of the water flowing over her naked body felt lovely.
"We should leave in a moment, we have a great deal to take care off and i need a newspaper." Louie said.
"What the.." Majo crossed her arms to cover up her breast. "Couldn't you at least give me a warning."
"Your reaction would have been the same wouldn't it?" He said "But i'll avert my eyes now." He said as her turned around.
Majo got out of the water and shook the drops out of her fur, before getting back into her clothes.

They arrived in Greenthorpe a few hours later, Louie bought a newspaper at the stand, he fit in better now, without the scars and the paleness.
He bought a newspaper by a stand, the war had started, fights were going on in and around Depada, the first large transportationships had been send to Diamondus to pick up the refugees, but the news of the war did not shock Louie as much as the other news he read. They were going to tear down his mansion to make room for a factory.
He dropped the newspaper to the floor, for Majo to pick it up and read the article.
"They can't do this." She said shocked. "That isn't fair, what about the refugees, those poor people. And you, it's the place you grew up in, you've spend your life in their."
Louie had mixed feelings about this, it was his house, and he had spend ages in there, that is why he hated it, and he wanted it to be pulled down, but on the other hand, there were people who needed it.
The second reason was more important to him, the refugees needed all the room they could get.
"Let's pay mister Bradhust a visit, shall we?" He said.
The SlaYeR

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Jul 31, 2004, 02:11 AM
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Chapter 14: In the beginning... (continued)

"Mister Parker, there are two people over here that are looking for Thomas Bradhurst." Gary Parker's secretary said trough the telephone.
"Yes sir, i will tell him that, yes sir." She put the telephone down. "Mister Parker will be here in a few minutes, please have a seat over there."
Majo thanked her, and she and Louie sat down. The secretary looked up from her paperwork and smiled and Louie, who just looked back at her.
He then looked at the photographs on the wall, who were probably of the people that worked on this floor, the picture of Thomas Bradhurst hang next to Gary Parker's Photograph.
He was a young man, wearing and old and shabbey green tie, and looking as if he wanted to be everywhere as long as he didn't have to be here, at the office.
Majo was reading a magazine, and Louie was still looking at the picture, as if he had a precognition that he was going to need to remember what Thomas looked like later on.
"Hello madam, i am Gary Parker." Gary said as he reached for Majo's hand.
"Hello sir." She said. "I was wondering if you could tell me where i could find mister Bradhurst, i wanted to talk to him about the Greenthorpe mansion."
"Well, well." He said and he gave her a cheezy grin. "That place is quiet populair lately. I am afraid mister Bradhurst has left for Orleton the other day, but perhaps i could be off assistance."
"No." Louie said immidiatly. "Thanks for your time."
Majo was puzzeled. "But why not? He could..." But Louie had entered the elevator. Majo said goodbye to Gary Parker and entered the elevator just in time before the doors closed, her skirt almost got stuck between the sliding doors.
"I know what you want to ask, i sense something about that guy, he's very untrustworthy. Something tells me we'll be better off discussing this with mister Bradhurst."
"Whatever you want dear." She said.
They exited the elevator and were heading for the big rolling doors to exit the building, when two buff looking man in black suits approached them.
The slightly taller one put his hand on Louie's shoulder and slowly but firmly acommpanied him to a door to left side of the hallway.
"Hey, where are you taking me?" Louie looked over his shoulder, he could see that the other man had a gun pointed at Majo, hidden under his coat.
There were several people waiting in the lines in this hall, most of them came here to extend their passport, or their identity card.
Louie became angry when he saw that Majo was in danger. "My dad told me that i shouldn't go with strangers." He told the tall and buff man, before he gave him a headstomp against his nose.
The guy started cursing as blood ran down his nose, over his lips. Louie could not resist and licked up a small trail that ran down his chin, his hand went for the gun, he grasped it firmly and shot the other buff rabbit trough the head. Majo screamed as she saw a part of the man's brains and his right ear burst out of his skull and land a bit further away over the body of the people waiting in line.
The people started screaming in terror and ran out of the city hall, some tripping over eachother in their haste and panic.
"Shut up and come over here Majo." Louie said wrapping one of his strong arms around the living buff guys neck, as he held the gun to his head.
"Now, you tell me what you and your partner wanted of us, or i'll make sure that something happends to you that is far worse then what happend to your partner."
"Please, don't, i have my orders." Louie tightened his grip on the guy's neck, and he moved the gun from the side of the guys head down to his balls.
"Now, wouldn't it be painful and messy if i pulled the trigger?" He whispered in the guys ear.
"Parker, Parker told me i couldn't let you go, he says he recognized you, please don't shoot them off."
Louie got up and put the gun in the back of his pants. "Why should i, you told me everything i needed to know, i guess i'll just go shoot mister Parker instead."
The alarm went off, Louie looked at the back wall and saw that one of the employee's had pushed the alarm button, Louie grabbed Majo by the hand and the quickly ran out of the building.
"There, over there, by the pub." Several horses were standing in front of the pub, tied to the strong, wooden fence.
They both took one to their liking and left for Orleton.

Gary Parker picked up the phone in his office and dialed the number of the Cholmondely & Smith legal team.
"Jack? Gary here, i think we have a problem." Gary said seriously, while he took a bottle of gin out of the little refridgerator under his bureau.
He screwed the cap off with one hand, took a shot glass and poured himself a drink.
"Don't worry Gary, i send three men after mister Bradhurst, he should not be a problem for long."
"It's not him i am worried about Jack, it's Lawrence Greenthorpe's son. He was just here with a young girl."
It was quiet on the other end of the phone, Gary used this silence to take a big gulp from his gin.
"I'm sure that someone will take care of him soon enough my friend." Little did Jack Cholmondely know that he was speaking the truth, the hunters were looking for Louie already.
"...My men for instance, i'll make sure they go after him when they are done with mister Bradhurst.
"Thanks Jack, i knew i could count on you."
"Anytime pal, still up for that golfing match on Sunday? Jack asked him and he laughed.
"Oh absolutly, you are going down pal."
"Haha, goodbye Gary." Jack said and he hang up the phone.
Gary looked out of his window, over the town, with the mansion in the background, he hated that building with a passion, the sooner he got rid of it, the better.
The SlaYeR

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Jul 31, 2004, 02:12 AM
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Chapter 14: In the beginning... (continued)

The night was falling as Louie and Majo rode onwards to Orleton, a large forest lay to their right, darkness fell over the tree's, and the full moon made them cast eery shadows on the ground.
"We have to enter the forest here, stay close to me ok?" Louie said. "The forest can be dangerous... especially now that it is full moon." Louie shivered, the thought of meeting a werewolve scared the hell out of him. They rode on for quiet a while, the hoofbeats of their horses in the soft, muddy trail where the only sounds they heard.
"Look over there, fire pixies." Majo said, she was amazed by the beauty mother nature had to offer.
The pixies were flying round the tree's, legend says that they guard the tree's from danger, sad enough, only a few are left, way back when people did not have electricity, they were caught, to bring light in the mines and homes. But they are growing larger in numbers again, it's the first time in ages that pixies are seen in this forest.
Louie rode on, their horses were fast and strong, they rode on untill Louie noticed something in the distance, a badly contstructed, crude fence.
This was a rather strange place to build a fence, the middle of the forest. Louie stopped his horse and Majo quickly followed the example, she knew he had better nightvision then him, or most other living rabbits for that reason. Creatures of the night are known to have highly evolved sight.
"There's a fence over there, stay behind me." They walked closer, and could hear a few rabbits talk.
"Get off him!" One of them shouted. It was clear that there was a fight going on, he could see one of them breaking away from the group, he dove into a small opening that led to a trail, that was a bit easyer to reach from here, two of the rabbits followed the one that got away.
"Come on, we have to help that man." Louie said as he fought his way trough the bushes, he quickly ran after them.
The rabbit that was escaping tripped over a thick root sticking out of the ground, and lost consiousness when his head smacked against the ground.
The two others approached him, one of them pulled his dagger and wanted to plant it in the guys chest, but before he got the oppertunity to do so, Louie had reached him and grabbed him by the wrist.
"Two against one isn't really fair is it?" He said, he squeezed a little harder and the guy dropped it's dagger in front of his feet, just a few inches away from the feet of Thomas Bradhurst.
"Hey Majo, look who we found." He said. The guy that had standing behind the man with the dagger punched Louie in the stumach, he loosened his grip on the rabbits wrist.
Both of them wanted to punch Louie again, but he grabbed one of the rabbits by the neck and threw him against a tree with all his power, he could hear his skull breaking open as he flung against the tree, head first. The other rabbit took a step back. "Holy ... What the hell are you man."
Louie quickly took two steps towards the rabbit and took him by the neck, he uncovered his fangs and spoke gently. "Does this ring a bell?"
"Don't kill me, please, don't." The rabbit cried out.
"I don't think i will, i have a great idea though, we could play a game, how does that sound."
"I want my mother." The rabbit cried.
"I ask you a question, and every time you give me a wrong answer, or if your making me wait, i'll break one of your fingers."
The rabbit tried to get away, but quickly stopped moving when Louie wrapped two fingers around his index finger. "Let's start with this one. Are you ready?"
The rabbit nodded, covering in fear, his eyes were opened wide, he took another quick glance at his partner in crime and figured he would best be honest to this man, because he was the kind of person that ment it. Majo ripped a small piece of cloth off of Louie's shirt and walked over to Thomas Bradhurst, who had an ugly cut on his forehead, where he hit the ground.
She sat down next to him and cleaned it, gently, she didn't like to see Louie like this, but she knew it was necessary, they needed the information.
"And remember, if your honest and you don't make any attempt to harm me, or my friend, you'll be ok. Who send you here?"
The rabbit mumbled "How do you know i?" Louie broke his index finger, the rabbit screamed harder then anyone at the city hall did before, no, he even screamed harder then all of them combined. He grabbed the rabbits middle finger. "Let's try it again, shall we? Who send you here."
"Please, i can't tell you, if i tell you that, they'll k..."
"Bye, bye, middle finger." Louie said as he broke the rabbits middle finger, tears ran down the fur on the rabbits cheeks.
"Please, have mercy." The rabbit said.
"I don't have mercy for people like you, you wanted to kill an innocent man like mister Bradhurst, and for what? A few golden coins?"
"I didn't kill him." he said, followed by a scream, there went his ring finger.
"See, i do not have alot of patience, i just asked you two questions, and you failed to answer them both." He said as he broke his pinky.
He now wrapped two fingers around the rabbits thumb.
"You felt a lot of pain didn't you?" Louie said.
"Yes, yes." The rabbit said, he felt like vomiting, but he was to afraid of dying, the pain was to much, he should vomit, so he could die.
"Who send you here?" Louie asked for the third time, and some made the rabbit realize that he was not going to ask him again.
"I'd rather have you kill me then them, just get it over with." The rabbit cried.
"I didn't want this to happend." Louie said, and with an awful sound and a terrible scream, that made Majo feel like she had to vomit, Louie broke the rabbit's thumb.
The rabbit sank to his knees and fell down on the ground, he died of the pain, it became to much for him.
Louie looked down the trail, the other rabbit had ran off, with one of the horses, just as he expected.
The SlaYeR

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Jul 31, 2004, 02:14 AM
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Chapter 14: In the beginning... (continued)

"Let's get going, we could drive on to Prestbury, and find a room over there, it's a wellfaring and peaceful town, i'm sure we could rest there for a while, this guy looks like he needs it." Majo suggested.
Louie nodded. "Good idea, good idea." He said while he picked up Thomas's glasses that he had lost as he rolled down the steep hill, luckily they were not broken during the fall.
They climbed up on their horses and started riding, it would take them at least a day to arrive in Prestbury, and it's been a heck of a day, but sleeping over here seemed to dangerous after that little incident.
They longed for a bed, a warm fireplace, and some peace.

Far away from there, the last normal flight from Nincada to Oakloma had just arrived, iCeD got out of the plane, his cameraman followed him quietly into the limo.
The star reporter of the Carrotus daily news channel, CDNC for short was used to this life of luxury.
His driver offered him a cigar as he got in, he lived his life in luxury but within he had stayed the same man he was before, he talked to his drivers and the rest of his staff about their childeren, their personal lives, football, his limo drove towards New Carrotian, where his lovely wife Jenny was waiting for him.
It had been only hours ago that he was close to the warzone, the suffering, the terror, but here he was, safe and sound, everyone on Carrotus was... for now.
The only traveling that went on between Carrotus and Diamondus from now on were the ships full of refugees, the first of them were already leaving Diamondus, but lots of them would soon follow.

I hope you guys liked it, i started it the other night, and i felt so inspired that i just continued it right away. It has taken quiet a while for me to finally post a chapter again, but i had some personal problems i had to take care of first.
I hope you understand.
Kaz, your turn
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Jul 31, 2004, 05:31 AM
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<img src="" border="0" alt="The rodent thingy wasn't worthy.">
I would not want anyone having sex with my cocktail. ~ Radium
Doubble Dutch

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Jul 31, 2004, 06:11 AM
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Whew! That was a long one! Much plot development. Nice to see someone writing again.

nonne amicus certus in re incerta cernitur?


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Jul 31, 2004, 06:57 AM
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Jul 31, 2004, 08:57 AM
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Wow, excellent chapter! You really are a great writer, SlaYo.
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Jul 31, 2004, 10:51 AM
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Interesting. The only complaint I have is that the rabbits in the Jazz Jackrabbit universe have only four fingers.
The SlaYeR

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Jul 31, 2004, 11:16 AM
The SlaYeR is offline
Let's just say that there are different species.
I liked that scene so i'm not going to edit it.

But thanks for pointing it out mate, i'll try to keep that in mind in the future.

And thanks guys, its always nice to hear that your work is appriciated.
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Aug 1, 2004, 04:22 AM
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Interesting. The only complaint I have is that the rabbits in the Jazz Jackrabbit universe have only four fingers.
Hey, some people are born with six fingers, in the JJ2 universe such incidents occur as well.

nonne amicus certus in re incerta cernitur?


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Aug 1, 2004, 08:12 AM
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I took a shower this morning, and inspiration came cascading down as tiny pellets of water. Too bad you aren't online so I can't talk to you about it Slayo.
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Aug 1, 2004, 08:17 AM
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Send me an e-mail, ill read it tommorow or the day after and i'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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Aug 1, 2004, 08:18 AM
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K. Byu.
The SlaYeR

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Aug 5, 2004, 03:06 AM
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50 pages in word so far, unedited, hurry Kaz!!!

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Aug 5, 2004, 07:08 AM
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Hey SlaYo, check your PMs. I sent you a message, I'm not sure if you got it yet.
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Aug 6, 2004, 03:06 AM
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Shup, I''m working on it, and it should be done in about 12 hours.
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu
The SlaYeR

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Aug 6, 2004, 04:36 AM
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I love you guys.

I dont want to complain, but it's going to take ages b4 publication, still no worries. Take your time (HURRY HURRY!!)
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Aug 6, 2004, 04:46 AM
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Heh. Finally noticed?
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Aug 6, 2004, 05:29 AM
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A while ago actually, i know, but it'll be worth it.

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Aug 6, 2004, 09:41 AM
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Chapter 15: I hate cockroaches.

This was still for the greater good. This, my journey, was still for the greater good of the universe. Everything would be better off without such minds that stray from what god had intended. They defied death and raped worlds without a second thought. I must help balance the cycle.
Those thoughts ran through my head, a logical step from a stable base into a bloody spiral of vengence. Regrets? I questioned myself, none I responded. It was safe to open this door and see those who got here before me and invited me to take my journey one step ahead.
The door flew inwards without me touching it and a maroon, scaly, and unmeticulous turtle-paw grabbed out at my neck and pulled me in. "What the hell were you waiting for?" he scolded me. The turtle had his other arm 'mummified' and dressed like the invisible man, except without the invisibility. I stared at his right arm which looked like it had been stuck in an oven. Curiousity overcame me and "What happened to yo-" "Why don't you get creative and think of the worst things that could happen?" he immediately turned and started to walk down the corridor.
This was headquarters. I have no clue how long it was occupied, or what it used to be, but it was located somewhere down an alley in the ghetto part of town. The place where the street-lights glowed orange becuase the bulb was cheaper. Of course, the white lights have a history of being stolen and resold to the company that made them.
The inside of headquarters kept the queerness of the outside in the lighting. The same dark tangerine spread throughout the hallways, too far spread out that you only knew where you were going in the darkness because it seemed like a willow wisp was guiding you. The walls were made of wood, so this place was ancient. I could imagine it being a office of some kind, and for a small fracton of a second a party that would be held here. But the lights dimmed the idea of bright colors ever existing here.
I kept walking, only catching a glimpse of the burnt-turtle's coat every five steps. The doors we passed by on the sides were probably locked and I wondered what they'd keep in there, and what they would hide from me when I resided in one of these rooms. We stopped at the end of the dim corridor. This last room, this must have been where they kept their leader, who I would have taken down without thought several years ago. "Come in" muffled from the inside, a raspy voice. Age had taken it's toll on him already and it would have been an easy task... that several years ago.
This room showed more age than anything else I had seen. It even seemed like dust made up the wood, and some of this guy. This guy resembled a rabbit in some aspects, but I wasn't sure. If he was, that would explain the long ears missing that looked like they were cut off and the other one ripped. Maybe he was deaf. The same dust that blanketed the tables and shelves blanketed this guy as well. I wondered how much of his time he spent in here and noticed a box that seemed new marked with a cockroach symbol and a joker's hat. I tried to remember that the joker hat meant when it was on shipping boxes. He noticed my attention on the package and explained "That there is an insanity inducer, I like to think of it as a catalyst of what's to come."
"How do you believe that's what's at the end?" I already asked halfway once he said catalyst.
"I'm deaf in my left ear, you'll have to speak up." I wasn't sure if he ignored me becuase it was a question that was 'obviously beyond my grasp' or he really was deaf. I didn't ask again and waited for him to answer. He reached under his desk and pulled out what looked like an ant-farm, except with cockroaches, and a special breed that had what seemed like large fangs. "These are a special Muckamo breed of venom-scythes. They work like ants would, except they're much more territorial." he pulled out another farm with browner... hah, roaches. "These two colonies are different, though they probably act and work the same." He cracked open the door of the case and slid in long tweezers to grab one. It was about 5 centimeters long. I watched it, it seemed really active now just to break free. Maybe it knew what would happen in a minute. The boss closed the case almost showing a hint of fear. "Are they pois-" "These beasts," he already started lecturing again, "are very poisonus, and would probably have outlived rabbits." He opened the blackers' case. All of them simultaneously stopped, waving their antennae in the air sensing something. Then he dropped the single browner one in. It seemed to fall in slow motion, and then once it hit the ground. It only took three seconds. 1...2...3 and all the blacker ones scurried over to the browner one. It was defeneless and had landed on its back. I watched as the blacker ones rushed, hellbent on eliminating the intruder. "These things..." one bit into the browner one and it stopped squirming, "would outlive us," a second one bit and they started to tear at the shell, "except..." he reached into the box with the joker hat on it and pulled out a black spray can. It didn't have any labels on it. They would have grown resistant already to a pesticide. I thought it over and wondered if he was stupid and deaf. The black ones were almost finished until he cracked open the door on the top again of the glass death-farm. They all paused and stood still again. He sprayed it towards the left of the container. Agh! It smelled, but I couldn't exactly tell of what. So he had an air sanitizer as a roach killer? "They identify eachother by smell, and like people, they prosecute anybody different." I watched as what could be the two colonies paused, like they were still thinking. Maybe they were shocked to find the enemy so close. That was it, one on the left side moved only a centimeter before there on the right side rushed to mutilate it, and then four on the left side to fightg back.
They were even sides, both of them fought and it seemed to be only a mass of black legs and bodies and fangs. I looked closer to see that the majority were already dead, in ten seconds?! Only about five were fighting now. Two versus three, and I don't think they knew which side had started it either. The three ganged up on one and it was gone, simple as that, but two of them seemed to die in the process. The last one, the last one of the three I saw sunk it's fangs deep into the other last survivor's head. At least it looked like a head. I waited to see it remove itself and claim victory as the survivor and the winner of the war. "They're all dead..." I realized and thought outloud. It dawned on me there was no winner, the last one had died of war despite no enemy. "They're all doomed to fight eachother and die, but at least this way, we're stopping them before they consume everything. Haha, we're just accelerating the inevitable." Boss grabbed my attention by chuckling. "This is how they got rid of their pest problem," he put the spray back in the box, "and this is how we will get rid of ours."
Burnt turtle? It turned out he was a hacker of some sort, but was caught one day and... as the famous saying goes "if you play with fire, you're going to get burned." So now he taught other people how to do his bidding. Boss explained to me that there were two gangs after eachother in Diamondus that just needed to sparked against eachother, and the organizations that secretly back them up to do their dirty work, would also have sparked. With those organizations would come the governments, and you'd have a whole civil war. Strike one person in these long hierarchies, and blame it on the other. "Which are these gangs?" I wanted to verify for myself. It was a large jump to go from eliminating cockroaches to populations, but he was right. Stop them now, kill the pests. My faith in him was shaken again when he responded "Speak up, boy! I'm deaf in my right ear." instead of giving me a straight answer.
That one person we needed to strike turned out to be ten, and the blame involved planting jade dawn as the poison used. Burnt already hacked the order logs to falsify a large order of the stuff, but it actually wouldn't be compiled. We needed to physically steal the JD. "Which organization did you put the order into?" I asked. Boss didn't tell me, maybe he knew. "It doesn't matter." he scolded back again. I hated that "screw everybody" tone. It would hit the underground that such a large order of JD went through, even though it didn't, but everybody claimed they knew who it was going to.

I scolded myself for not asking for Burnt's name at the beginning. It felt like he'd be ****ed if I asked him now and I'd never get rid of the reputation of an idiot. Just wait until somebody else says it. I said to myself earlier, too bad it was just the two of us to retrieve the Jade Dawn and then the two of us to dump it into a water supply.
I asked earlier "And that'll provoke the gang against another?"
"No, you're going to dump it into one of the organization's gang members."
"But they're allies."
"They'll bite The Big Guys' necks once you do this, alliances will be broken and new ones will be formed. This will shatter any permanent alliance that have standed so far and could stand afterwards," he responded. Boss must have thought me as naive as I found this rather twisted, but fitting.
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Aug 6, 2004, 09:43 AM
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Chapter 15: I hate cockroaches. (cont.)

"Get up already." Burnt punched me in on my shoulder. We had already landed, oh well, I was glad to get off this piece of ship that was made to fit two. Burnt must have counted at one and a half.
"Shouldn't we be at an airport of some kind?" I looked around. The place was barren, save for the sparse vegetation and sand. Burnt punched my shoulder again for asking a stupid question. Oh right, we'd have to register this flight at that airport, and nonetheless go through a gate-check to see that we weren't criminals. And anyway, we were suppposed to meet a contact.
"See the ba-" Burnt asked and self-censored himself.
"No," I continued eyeing the horizon searching for somebody. Then I saw a small vehicle... it must have been a lift, and at the very least wasn't a patrol officer. We could at least get the info from there. "Over there," I nudged burnt. Then nudged harder when he didn't seem to notice. "Over there," I repeated and pointed towards the rectangular vehicle. We started walking.
Crystallis looks a lot shorter to the eye than it feels to the foot. "Hey!!" Burnt shouted now that we were in distance. I looked closer, it looked like another rabbit, he was all black, maybe dyed that way. "Black?" Burnt boomed out again. It almost sounded like a name. "What's that right next to him?" I asked low enough so 'Black' wouldn't hear me. Two barrels with what was probably a five-pointed flower on it, a bit green. "Looks like a trashbag except with fur," Burnt replied. I squinted and saw it bled. Did you torture the rabbit for that? I wanted to shout at him. Then I realized it probably wasn't him that did it.
We got there finnally. "We'll be taking these now." Burnt said, I kept silent as I didn't know what formalities I'd miss.
"Did you bring the goods?" Black asked us once we got up there.
"Yeah," Burnt replied and reached into his pocket for a diskette. I thought of all the dirty things that he would accept as payment. "Where'd you get all of this stuff?" I blurted out as the landscape was barren and there wasn't exactly a shop.
"Somewhere around here there's a monastery," Black replied, and with that last word the trashbag of fur struggled with its burns and writhed.
"$@(# IT'S STILL ALIVE!!" Black jumped away from it. Whatever it was... it was deemed dead soon as Black reached for his gun. As soon as he drew it out of it's sling, Burnt seemed to step towards him and with one swift movement stab below his ribcage to pierce upwards into his heart. I didn't even see him take out his knife... "Do you always go for the heart?" I asked. It would have been nice if he went for the shoulder of the gun, then I could ask if he always went for the shoulder. No response. I was certain that murder would be the most compassionate thing I'd ever see Burnt do. He found pity for the trashbag and somewhere I did too, but didn't act as fast.
"Grab a barrel." Burnt instructed. The merciful one I saw a while ago was gone. "What about the..." I looked closely and made a lucky guess, "girl?" Burnt had already gotten one barrel on his shoulder. "If she lives, she can use the cart to go somewhere," he replied. Not our problem... but something inside of me told me she wouldn't live if we left her out here. I looked closer. She had twisted over in the sands with all those cuts, it must have hurt. I looked even closer at her face and realized what how damaged the eyes were. Whatever caused this bleeding I now saw was soothed by a goo of amber color. "Yeesh.." I looked at them. It's okay, she can't tell I'm staring. and I moved her arm to cover her eyes with the Advil-like glue. She moved back.
"Where the hell do you think we'd take her? Back to headquarters to live out her life alone there?" Burnt had come back and noticed my fascination at this blind one.
She turned to face Burnt and moved her mouth without any words coming out. I wondered how badly she bled and burned. Burnt sighed a bit angrily and asked "Where?"
"Pn um click" she rasped.
"Forget it." I said, it didn't matter and she was taking up time. I think I saw tears, it might have just been the amber.
"I need to go to Pneum Arklik..." she sobbed and coughed. Finally an answer.
"That's out of our way by a longshot." Burnt responded. She seemed to sob even more and faced Burnt. Even without a complete face, she still gave the look of sorrow perfectly.
"We're wasting time," I told them all, "Let's just ride this with the barrels and drop her off somewhere." I indicated the vehicle which still had enough gas and space to carry us all to the ship. It's going to be cramped. Don't tell that to the big guy... She seemed to stop sobbing as much though and clung to me. Why me? Burnt's right next to you, why the heck are you clinging onto me? I dragged her over and sat her in the back. It was still gruesome to look at, but the trash goes in the back, with the jade dawn. "'Key's already here." I projected to Burnt. He was searching the dead guy and found a wallet. "Thanks" he seemed to say with a hand gesture and got into the driver's seat. "What happened to the third guy?" Garbage asked. Neither responded.
It felt like she knew what we were packing into the cargo area of the back of the ship. We were packing her with the cargo, I figured it wouldn't matter and she wouldn't mind as all she could see was darkness anyway. I thought so anyways, it seemed like she saw some things blind people don't see, and she cringed when she felt the barrel of poison. It was safely sealed, Burnt made sure. We'd be screwed too if it leaked.
"She has to get off here." I said, looking at the meters.
"Not here..." there was compassionate Burnt again for a second.
"Yes here, here or else we'll run out of gas and fail boss." Those words, fail and boss, seemed to make him cringe. He had forgotten of how we couldn't bring her home with us like a lost puppy and ask the boss if "Can we keep him?"
"Which planet is this anyway?" I asked.
"Dunno, we'll just drop her off in a rural area, a city will probably rape her."
Stupid sickos...
"Hey... isn't this the base for one of the corporations?" I asked. It probably wasn't, I didn't know how to even recognize ones nonetheless which ones they were.
"Boss wasn't specific on.." Burnt already shifted the ship and gravity was felt all throughout. At the very least, this ship had the technology to not burn up in atmosphere as the ship was guided into a freefall.
This planet was small, and looked grey instead of blue from above. #@(*#$ There's the ground already!! I cursed outloud.
"Stop whining." and Burnt seemed to be able to pull up from a dive. "Eesh.." I said. We could have crashed, but didn't... but we could have. "There, a landing pa-" "I already see it," he interrupted. The landing pad was suprising on the ground right next a parkling lot. We had landed somewhere in the city. Hotels, technology, a good neighboorhood with it's bad counterpart and the low-lives that we targetted.
"Unpacking time?" I asked. I wondered how she was doing.
When she came out, she was silent. She must have been thinking to herself a lot. Blindness must have been new to her. "We're here." I greeted her.
"No, but you can probably ask somebody else to get there." She reached out to cling to me but I reacted and jumped back. Burnt came up behind me and handed her the pilfered wallet, free of ID to trace back to Black.
"Leave and ask somebody where a hotel is." Burnt coldly said to her. He had that sort of commanding voice that says "Go away or I'll shoot you," in the background. She immediately got up and tried to follow the concrete that would lead her to the sidewalk. She'll be fine... somebody will take care of her. I lied to myself.
"Do you know what happens when this mixes with water?" Burnt pointed near the back where the Jade Dawn was. How would he know?
"That." and Burnt indicated over to the bleeding trashbag that had been eaten alive but survived to feel the pain. Her head seemed to sink a bit lower as she kept walking away. She heard him, I knew it.
"Why are we getting in here?" I stared at the door that seemed to be the janitor's.
"Water supply." he replied. It all dawned on me, this was where one of the gangs inhabitated. I noticed the grafitti, and the brand name of a "Prochoice." Oh wait, I remember seeing that name in the order hackings. So they were the subordinates.
"Go ahead and open it," Burnt told me. I looked at it and reached for my ID card. I had cut a slit in it so it could go past the latch and open it. The door slid open as soon as I swiped the knob. "Cheap security" I said and noticed a large water pipe on the side. The one next to it was probably for sewage. The small tank must have been for derbis filterage. I opened it first to see that it was surprisingly clean. "What are you doing?" I asked Burnt, he was staring at a panel on the wall. He pointed at it, one which said 'lockdown test' and another that said 'fire simulation'. I started dumping the heavy barrel into the tank, and the second one right after it, they weren't that heavy afterall. But I still had to lean back and make sure not to splash it.
"Lockdown, sprinklers..." Burnt muttered to himself, "and we should start running." He flickered the switches.
"What?" It started to sprinkle...
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu

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Aug 6, 2004, 09:44 AM
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Chapter 15: I hate cockroaches (cont'd!!)

"RUN!" and he bolted off as I noticed the tank was becoming active. !@#$ and I rushed to close it. I looked above to check, 2 sprinklers. They'd keep using the water until they came upon the contaminated, and by the time all of that was used, everybody in there would be dead or wish for it.
I bolted in after Burnt, noted that our ship had that logo of "Prochoice" all this time and got in. He already had it marcoed to take off at the press of a button. We left the Janitor door open... this was a sloppy job. Then I heard the blood curdling scream... and then another. I saw a pair of eyes look from behind in the building... two eyes saw us, that was perfect. Those two eyes needed to survive, and our plan would succeed. This would be seen to them as a way to wipe out the dirty tracks of the organization, alliances would be broken...
We flew away back to headquarters, I wondered what she thought of all of this. That bleeding one.
"So it starts..." Boss smiled as he watched web-news-lines start their conspiracies, governments declaring war against the terrorists that had declared war against them in the same exact words with the same exact perspective. "Disgusting pests..." Boss muttered to himself again.

It's a bit weak in the end, but most of my writing is ;|
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Aug 6, 2004, 10:32 AM
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*clings to nun* Good. I know it's hard to write under pressure, you don't have to be so hard on yourself.
please leave the satanic fish alone

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Aug 6, 2004, 11:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Cobra
*clings to nun* Good. I know it's hard to write under pressure, you don't have to be so hard on yourself.

But it prevents other people from doing it |D
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu
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Aug 6, 2004, 02:21 PM
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All these three-posters make my chapters feel tiny and insignificant D=

Chapter 16- Not the most ideal means of escape

Jargon and John raced throught the streets of the city, past panicking bystanders.
Jargon's raccoon tail streaked out from behind him as he dodged around corners and ran across streets. His muddish red coloring would have blended into the bricks of the buildings, had they been made from terrestrial mud. Instead, they were made on Diamondous, and thus were a unnatural shade of blue. His clothes made soft clinking noises as he ran, from their partially metal construct. Looking back at John, his white-on-black eyes noted that the more mentally-stable Technomancer had not fallen behind. John was wearing, instead of Jargon's causual- if unusual- clothes, the traditional robes of a Technomancer- fancy, but still quite functional. However, it would still slow down even a fast rabbit such as John.

Jargon rounded another corner, only a few minutes from the spaceport. Stopping to catch his breath, Jargon chanced to look at a side alley. Two soldiers of the rebellion stepped out from the alley, wearing black masks to hide their identities. They both held up their guns, and started to fire. Jargon and John both jumped in opposite directions, and both took out their autocasters. After a glance at each other, they both started to twiddle them with speed born from urgency. John finished first; with a small bang the gun of one of the soldiers flew apart before the soldier's startled eyes. Jargon then finished his spell; the parts of them gun re-assembled themselves into a bomb. In a blast, that soldier died.
The other soldier ran forward, to John. Jargon glanced towards the dead soldier's corpse, and then darted towards it. John tried to run backwards as he prepared a spell, but dropped his autocaster as the other soldier wacked him in the head with his rifle. The soldier stood over his target, and aimed his rifle at John's head. Then there was a bang, and the soldier relaxed and fell over. John saw, somewhat lightheadedly, Jargon standing behind him, reloading the handgun he found on the corpse of the first soldier. After being helped up, John continued on with Jargon.

Since John was still somewhat dizzy after the fight, they walked the rest of the way. Within minutes, they had found the space port. A twenty-foot tall and rather boxy structure, the space port had the capabilites to hold around 30 shuttles, and that's all. This was not a very rich area of Diamondous, and the space port reflected this.
Rushing inside, they found the place rather empty, with only a few small shuttles occupying the open, girder-crisscrossed building. Lining the walls, deserted stores offered a silent testimony to the optimism of the entrepreneur. John walked past the door to a bathroom with the words 'out of order' written on it in several languages, some of which were even long-dead when they were printed. In the corner, a few dirty boxes were piled up, possibly upside down. However, the floor was full of footprints. It looked like everyone who had the sense to go here had left on the shuttles out hours ago, and had left in a hurry. Going up to the center, Jargon was suprised to find the space port's owner was still there. Jargon, glancing to John, who was currently sitting down on a bench next to one of the few shuttles left, cleared his throat. "When is the next shuttle flight out here?"
The port's owner looked up at him, and replied, "The last one left an hour ago. Been really busy lately, and all the flights are booked."
"WHAT?" Jargon exclaimed, "They've all left?"
The owner, unphased, replied "I am afraid so, sir. Will you please wait a day till one is scheduled to get back?"
"You aren't up to date, are you?" Jargon growled, flustered.
"What do you mean, sir?"
"The city is being invaded! Revolutionary soldiers flood the street! We don't have another day till this place is taken!"
"I am sure if that was the case I would have heard about it."
"But why do you think all the flights are booked?"
Jargon sighed, and said, "I shouldn't waste time with this idiot."
He walked down to the exit, when he noticed that John was motioning to him. He walked over to John, and John pointed to the small private shuttle which was next to his bench, and looked to be deserted. "You have the honors. I still feel a bit too woozy to do it."
Jargon nodded, then waved in the direction of the shuttle. The waving wasn't strictly necessary, but the shuttle's door opened. They walked in, and turned it on. The port master ran up, but he was too late.

The shuttle streaked off, into more trouble then it's two passengers could anticipate...
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Aug 6, 2004, 04:02 PM
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Very cool chapters, Kaz and Risp. However, Kaz, I just want to make sure you had Velk's permission to use her character/continue that plotline. I'm sort of a nitpicker like that.

My chapter should be up within a few days to a week, on account of the fact that I haven't written anything on it once again.
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Aug 6, 2004, 05:02 PM
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That wasn't Velk.
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Aug 7, 2004, 02:48 AM
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Originally Posted by acid
Very cool chapters, Kaz and Risp. However, Kaz, I just want to make sure you had Velk's permission to use her character/continue that plotline. I'm sort of a nitpicker like that.

My chapter should be up within a few days to a week, on account of the fact that I haven't written anything on it once again.
*_* Your character was in there too, the one who died.
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Aug 7, 2004, 09:53 AM
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Good chapters guys, i like how they tie in with other peoples chapters, keep up the good work.

Dear Cobs, i will meet you at the mills in my next chapter, i hope you understand i couldnt write you in yet, i didnt want to make everyone meet eachother to fast . Love <3

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Aug 7, 2004, 03:07 PM
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Originally Posted by RSPSS FR
That wasn't Velk.
Originally Posted by Kaz
*_* Your character was in there too, the one who died.
Oh, right, that was Cobra. Sorry, please excuse my stupidity.
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Aug 7, 2004, 07:47 PM
Tik is offline
I love how things are begining to intertwine, this is already becoming very interesting (albeit sometimes hard to keep up with).

The synopses of events and characters I mentioned are in the Details thread, check them for reference. I think it would be nice if each person could supply a very short summary of their chapter for future reference as well when they post, so that there isn't as much confusion. Slayo will have to give me his word on that though.

Also, as Slayo begins some editting and whatnot, I'll be making Ritopia and posting the story in a more organized format for everyone to see. Keep up the good writing.

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The SlaYeR

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The SlaYeR is doing well so far

Aug 8, 2004, 03:33 AM
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You have mine word friends

Btw Spaztic, correct me if i am wrong, but will you start ritopia AFTER the story is done? (Since you mentioned the editing, which will take place after we finished.)

Last edited by The SlaYeR; Aug 8, 2004 at 04:15 AM.
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Tik is doing well so far

Aug 8, 2004, 07:56 AM
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Hmm, I dunno then. I had thought the editting was going to take place as the story was made, like a few chapters behind. I'll have to think about it more..

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