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Aug 16, 2001, 10:29 AM
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Hiya all, I'm back (again)

*everyone groans*

My new story. . .

I'm not taking any joiners this time, I think. I'll pull a Kovu and use the characters from Conquerer. Unless, of course, I really need someone new. . . Then I'll ask you to join.


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Aug 16, 2001, 10:44 AM
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Coppertop smiled slightly with grim anticipation as the assassin made his quite obvious way towards her employer. He was quite shoddy, in fact- how did one mistake a Kronan who was dressed in black and had a knife in his hand as anything but a very poorly trained assassin? It was beyond her. Unobtrusively drawing her blaster, she waited for him to make his move.

He aimed the knife carefully at her employer's back, and she silently moved through the shadows and raised her weapon. He let fly, then gaped in amazement as a laser knocked the dagger to the ground, melting it. A second well-aimed bolt followed the first, and the assassin gasped as it hit, killing him a second later.

Despite her dangerous work, or maybe because of, Coppertop was and always had been considered as simply an asset. She was tall, dark haired and greeneyed, with a strange accent and a cold manner. She was a bit of a lone wolf, and an excellent pilot. She could of qualified for hundreds of well-paying jobs, but her life was and always would be a mercenary's. She was famous, as many good mercenaries are, but preferred to be in the background. Her slogan was an echo of her life, being 'give no mercy.' Her name had been spread further by her part in defeating the self-styled Emperor Kroys, but she seemed not to even remember that painful time. She aknowledged her companions who had helped her destroy the Kroyan Empire as friends, but no more than that.

Carrotus had been repaired after the devastation and havoc Kroys had wreaked on it, but she'd not been there since Kroys. It brought back too many painful memories.

Memories. . . There were always the memories. And the friendships.

More were to be made.

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Aug 16, 2001, 05:30 PM
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A classic sequel opening... and usually sequels are great.

No, I'm not going to throw anything at you... like that last misunderstood comment =<.
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu
Kovu aka Alec

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Aug 16, 2001, 05:38 PM
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I've been PULLED! Woot!

Nothing can go wrong today!

Brilliant, a masterpiece sequel in the make

(and I know all about sequels since I'm up to, what, five now?)
"And so it begins."
"If you go to Za'Ha'Dum, you will die."
"We are all Kosh."
-Kosh, Babylon 5
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Aug 17, 2001, 08:41 AM
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YaY! Spiffy, CT, really. *beams*

remember? (:


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Aug 17, 2001, 08:32 PM
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lol, Kovey. . . and thanks, y'all.

Just to let you know, I'm not having chappies in this one. Too strenuous

Jassiv Zirconii Sevren, Jass for short, watched the huge glacier birds soaring. Many were headed for the town of Icei, others for Fort Icicle. Iceshadow, his own companion, would come shortly.

The never-ending wind swept the swirling snow about him. The blue rabbit felt the cold seeping through his body. A shard of numbing pain shot up his arm.

The scar was almost healed now. An icy blue against his dark coat, the color of his eyes, the swath of lighter fur was his memorial of his time spent in the shipmines. As a slave.

He'd gotten it protecting that squirrel, the one with the crossbow and the glasses. He'd barely felt it at the time, but now he could never forget it in the cold. Never.

Well, Iceshadow was to take him to the shuttles, where his Starblown would be. Her repairs had cost him a pretty penny, but now he'd do it himself.

Firen. The name echoed in his mind, resounding in his dreams. The place of his captivity, to be sure, but now the place of freedom.

A harsh cry above woke him. The giant glacier falcon settled to the snow delicately, presenting his back to the rabbit. Jass grabbed the harness and leapt up.

Flying always helped. It took his mind off of the memories that solitude encouraged. Iceshadow understood as much as a bird can, but he couldn't help. Firen would.

"Where to? Tisss a fine day to live."

"Of course, Iceshadow. It's always a good day when it's cold. The Shuttle pound, please."

"I knew that. You do not alwayss like the cold, Jass. I know to test your mood." The falcon turned his great head away and focussed his amber eyes on the sky.

"Hold on." The great creature flung himself to the sky, wings snapping out. Then they were gliding across the desolate snow-blown wastes.

A short eternity later Iceshadow landed. Backwinging powerfully, he scattered the snow and litter that dotted the compound. Jass dropped to the ground and watched Iceshadow fly.

"Jass, you here for the Starblown? She's over here." The tall violet rabbit grinned.

"Thanks, Slade. Next time I see you will be on Firen." Jass headed for the elegant vessel. The Guardian IV was black, with deep purple accents. Jass keyed in the starting sequence and lifted off.

Claw slipped through the shadows on Tubelectric. Shadows were rare, seeing as the planet was quite lit up. So he made use of them whenever he could.

He was heading for the Vortex Crawler. His next destination was Shilarloh, to pick up some cargo for Medivo. Simple enough, and it paid well.

He had no fear of the Shilans. But hopefully he'd not have to fight the Medivans.

Kovu hissed as the left engine failed. Sure he'd taken damage in the meteor field, and maybe the Moonrise had clipped a couple mines when he'd been escaping those turtles, but surely it couldn't have been enough to. . . the damage indicator showed otherwise. Not again! was all he could think as he fell smoothly towards Varzal XI.

"Oh great. I'm going to land in the shipyard. Hope I don't take out any ships as I hit."

The small Moonrise seared through the atmosphere, and shot towards the compound. He skimmed over a big black Darkspray -and what was Coppertop doing here, anyway?- and plowed through the fence. The Moonrise skidded and spun, glancing off a tree and coming to rest in a large bush.

"Darn. I hope I didn't hurt the Assassin."

Kovu clambered out the damaged ship and headed for the building in the compound. While he was here, he might as well register. . .

More tomorrow, I hope, I hope!
Kovu aka Alec

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Aug 17, 2001, 09:17 PM
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Aug 18, 2001, 05:34 AM
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am I in?

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Aug 18, 2001, 02:30 PM
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How strange... I am lead to believe that you have taken matters into your own hands, gotten future's of our characters... and put them in your story... but that's just me, and I don't mind it if it's not or if it is.
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu
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Aug 18, 2001, 02:55 PM
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The plot emerges..... YaY.
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Aug 18, 2001, 06:32 PM
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Rux0r, CT

Thickening. *evil music*

remember? (:


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Aug 18, 2001, 07:09 PM
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Sure thing, Grath. I think you're all in.

The Webmaster's engines failed first. The laser system and hyperdrive went next, and the shields last. The Webmaster was basically just a floating peice of metal.

Wild Angel muttered a few choice words under her breath. Now how was she going to get out of this one? Those Tubelectran fighters would catch up to her shortly, and then she'd be just a floating piece of molten metal.

"What would be really cool right now is for a nice, big, well armed ship to come soaring out of hyperspace right at this moment," she commented aloud.

A moment later, a small Guardian IV in black and violet came soaring out of hyperspace. The laser cannons were armed, and the Guardian IV moved agilely around the small bits of space debris.

"This is the Starblown, unknown. Come in." A tall, young dark blue rabbit appeared on her visuals. His ice blue eyes seemed to look through her.

"This is the Webmaster, Starblown. You are a miracle."

"I see. I'm Jassiv Sevren. Hold on, Webmaster."

"I'm Wild Angel. Call me Wild. There's a bunch of turtles behind me. . . think y'can handle them, Jassiv?"


The Starblown went into action, firing upon the approaching Tubelectrans. The startled turtles turned tail and fled.

"Where ya headed, Jassiv?"

"Call me Jass. I'm going to Firen, wanna come too?"

Her answer was to simply use the faltering tractor beam to catch the tow chain Jass threw her, and to hang on for the ride.

Again, more when there's more!
Kovu aka Alec

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Aug 18, 2001, 09:04 PM
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Niftish, Copper, niftish.

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Aug 18, 2001, 09:50 PM
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Wild Angel seems to have some luck with her

Hope you contiue soon even though you just did!


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Aug 21, 2001, 05:29 PM
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"How come this always happens to me?" Kovu wondered as he surveyed the battered Moonrise. The Varzalians hadn't been too happy about the damage to the fence, but at least it could be repaired. He wasn't that sure about the Moonrise.

"Looks like you could use some help," that familiar accented voice that he knew oh so well said.

"Yeah. Care to help me, Copper?" he asked without turning around.

"Love to. My contract here's done as of tomorrow, anyway."

"Great. I WAS headed for Medivo and then Carrotus, but I got bushed instead."

"I can accompany you as far as Medivo. Then I'm off to Tubelectric and then it's to Vanargala."

"Cool. Vanargala?" Kovu glanced at her, curious.

"It's kinda like Lohar, except that it's civilized."

"Unlike Lohar," he said dryly, remembering his time on the wild, untamed planet.

"You got it."

The tall dark rabbit moved like a wraith through the shadowed alleys of Carrotus. His gleaming sword at his side, he was never to be caught by surprise.

He scaled a large brick wall and dropped soundlessly to the ground on the other side, warily watching the shadows.

A second form exited the darkness, moving agilely through the shrubs of the well-kept landscaping. The huge brick mansion that loomed over the pair kept silent watch.

The new rabbit was smallish, with grey fur and braided black hair. Her large aqua eyes darted about nervously, and she jumped at the slightest sound.

The black rabbit strode towards her, carefully keeping under cover. He slid his sword into its sheath and halted a few feet away from the newcomer. A shaft of moonlight briefly played over her face, enhancing her features before disappearing behind the never-ending clouds. She held an ebony staff, set with a shard of some green stone. A hooded black robe covered the leaping blue electricity that covered her body.

The black one motioned her to move further into the shadows.

"Well?" He spoke in low tones that could easily have been mistaken for the wind.

"She made it. She's lucky, though." The female spoke in the same tone.

"What happened?"

"It seems she was on the battlements. Some wacko pushed her off the wall."

"How'd she survive?"

"Phoebe saw her and managed to catch her. Broke her wrist and one of Blacksheep's ribs. It could have been a lot worse."

"How is she now?"

"She's recuperating. They're questioning her about her attacker. Seems she caught a glimpse of his face as she fell."

"And of. . .?" The dark rabbit let the sentence trail off.

"You mean. . .?"


"Bad. Very bad. Don't know if he'll survive. They barely got him out before the ship became one big fireball."

"He lives?"

"Yes. Not by much, though. They figure it's sabotage."

"Ah." The dark rabbit glanced up at the moon. The stars were beginning to fade, and the horizon was getting lighter.

"I must go."

"See you around."

The black rabbit vanished into the waning night. The grey female hesitated before scaling the wall and heading for the Carrotus Palace.

And so ended the meeting between Shinyso and Ducky Greyrabbit.

Why is Shinyso and Ducky meeting in the dead of night? Who nearly died in the sabotage attempt? Who pushed Blacksheep off the wall? I have to think about this. . .
Kovu aka Alec

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Aug 21, 2001, 05:52 PM
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FoPPy, Copps, and spiffy, too.


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Aug 21, 2001, 06:37 PM
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Copps? Who's that? CERTAINLY not ME, I'M Coppertop. More tomorrow, when I figure out who got sabotaged.

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Aug 21, 2001, 07:03 PM
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Yes?! WHO?! We must know! Write more! (What is it with you and C's anyway? not that I'm complaining, some may think it's stylish)
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Aug 22, 2001, 06:00 AM
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CT!!!!234 Brilliant :P That was like fabulous.

And no one dareth to hurt my Sheepie. Meanies be whoever they are.

You left me hanging. Hurry and continue.

remember? (:


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Aug 22, 2001, 07:00 PM
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I figured out who got ouched. But I'm not going to tell you yet! Hahahah!

Right. More. I knew that.


Alpha gasped and her body stiffened involountarily. Something's happened! Where is he?

Frantically she whirled away from the startled Kilans, and pelted off at a dead run for the Silken Swift, named after the original. Automatically she went through the lift off procedure, not even checking the engines. Her mind was a seething mess of thoughts, fears and worry. She barely heard the affirmative for her take off. Blindly she set the coordinates for Kron and threw the hyperdrive lever forward.

Something happened to Omega. Something terrible. And I swear I will find him. . .

Phoebe shuddered slightly as the medics set her wrist bones. It didn't hurt, for they had numbed the area, but the feeling that it should hurt persisted. Unfortunately there was no way to numb the inside of Blacksheep's rib.

Finished, the medic stepped back. Smiling and thanking them, the pretty blue squirrel made her way from the room and towards Blacksheep's ward. But once in the hall she brushed a strand of long lavender hair out of her eyes and dropped the false smile.

When she reached Blacksheep's ward she hesitated in the door. Blacksheep dreamily looked at her savior from a cot on the far wall.

With her gold rimmed glasses and fantastic costume, Phoebe didn't look like a heroine, much less a seasoned battler. She was young with light blue fur, a full and bushy tail and long lavender hair. She was shy and looked younger than she actually was, but enemies beware of that loaded crossbow that was slung carelessly on her back.

"They say you saved me," the white rabbit said distantly. Her ear twitched slightly. "I could have died."

"I'd do it for anyone. Who pushed you?" Blacksheep frowned.

"They keep asking me that. I can't quite get the face. I got the impression of a dog, with spines on his back, and eyes. . . definately eyes. They were white. They said it was a Folarian."

Phoebe almost exploded with disbelief.

"A Folarian? How could they make that bad of a mistake? You just described a Kronan to the nines!"

"Did I? I must have, I guess. I've never seen a Kronan before. It was grinning at me."

"It would be. How soon will you be out of here?"

But the sedatives had done their job. Blacksheep was already asleep.

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Aug 23, 2001, 09:44 AM
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Nifty, CT!









You'll never guess how long it took me to write all those 'more's.


I am the Stalker in the night

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Aug 23, 2001, 01:45 PM
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Oh, spiffffffy. REALLY. Continue, PLEASE, CT.

remember? (:


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Aug 23, 2001, 02:11 PM
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Sis, if you've got nothing better to do with your time you'd better go lie


*heh* If you insist, Ducky!

"I think that's done." Copper stood and flashed a quick grin Kovu's way. He glanced down at the thrusters and nodded.

"Yep. You're sure you're not coming to Carrotus?" For once Copper looked indecicive.

"I. . . don't know. I might, I guess. Did you hear about Blacksheep and. . ." she turned away slightly.

"No," Kovu said, intrigued.

"Blacksheep got pushed from the Carrotus Palace's battlements, by a Kronan. Shinyso contacted me. And then there's the matter of the sabatoge."

"Is Blackie okay?"

"Snapped rib. Nothing major. Phoebe saved her, got her wrist broken."

"Oh." Kovu was about to start work on the main fuel line when he stopped.

"Sabatoge, you said?"

"Yeah. Someone wired a bomb."

"On who?"

"Oh, right. I keep forgetting. Last Thursday Kaz's ship exploded in the Carrotan atmosphere. He survived amazingly, but I guess he's too stubborn to die. Anyway, the authorities searched the wreckage and found the remains of a bomb. That's what did it."

"Oh." Kovu pondered that as he worked. Finally Copper broke the silence.

"I'm coming with you."

Once on Firen, Wild Angel was able to get a good look at her rescuer. He was tall and muscular, with vibrant blue fur and icy eyes. A swath of pale fur decorated his arm. Angel had seen scars before, and recognized one when she saw it. Jass was, as far as she could tell, his true name and not an alias.

They were in the middle of fixing up the Webmaster when Shinyso's news came. She straightened and pushed the stunning news along to Jass.

His reaction was spectacular. He gasped and stood so straight that he nearly hit his head.

"What-" The sentence was cut off. Wild Angel quickly probed his mind for reasons. His mind closed on hers, cold and ruthless as he sought to expell her from his thoughts. Just as she was cast out, she caught the half-shielded memory of-

Now! The battlefury runs through his veins as he hears the whispered orders among the guards. Now is the time of their weakness, when they pay less attention. He straightens and shakes the chains loose with a mindprobe at the lock. It is a risk he has to take. The others see his movement, feel the locks on their chains come undone, and see his signal. Then the battle begins.

There is no mercy, no feeling. It is automatic as the entire compound erupts with fury; fighting is all he knows. The slaves are slowly overcoming the guards, slowly winning.

A black rabbit he does not remember seeing before is beside him, expertly fighting the slavers. A large black cat joins, and then a blue squirrel is beside him, loosing quarrels from her crossbow. A guard shoots his blaster at her. She does not see it -he pushes her out of the way- a blazing pain is in his arm. A grey rabbit ahead, wielding a sword that catches the light is the leader suddenly, not him, and he gladly follows-

Wild Angel wrenched herself free of the memory. Of course. He had been at the Battle of Firen, had saved Phoebe. His reaction was simply stunned recognition.

She looked at his eyes, and saw not rage but confusion. She'd brought the memory to the surface again.

"You- I saw you. There. And the squirrel and the white rabbit."

"Yes. . ."

There was no more to say.
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Aug 23, 2001, 02:18 PM
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Oh wow, I don't know how you do it, CT...

Is NightShade your sister?

I didn't see anyone else...heck, I thought she was you. ;P

remember? (:

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Aug 23, 2001, 02:20 PM
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I thought Nightshade was a Harry Potter beast thingie.

*everybody stares at GenEX*

Oh, wait, that's a Leithafold...
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small


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Aug 23, 2001, 02:21 PM
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Me? No way. Yeah, she's my sister. And an annoyance, of course just joking, don't kill me, Shade!

I g u e s s t h e r e ' l l b e m o r e t o m o r r o w , h u h ?

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Aug 23, 2001, 06:23 PM
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Nightshade, please edit your post... don't edit the many mores, just press enter to get rid of the scroll bar, thanks.

YaY, Spectacular chapters CT... (Someone set us up the bomb =>). Woo! I'd say I expected one by midnight, but I know I won't even be awake by then...
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu


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Aug 24, 2001, 01:48 PM
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lol, neither will I

Yes, pleez get rid of the scroll bar, Shade. So very annoying.

Say, Kaz, I forgot you're in this part.

Kaz glowered at the flustered medics who swarmed the emergency ward. The big red bird was beginning to wonder if he'd ever get out of there, or if he'd have to live the rest of his life in the hospital.

"Come on, guys, just let me out of here and I promise I'll take it easy and be really, really careful-" The medics ignored him as he pled. Grumpily the bird glanced out the window at the helipad.

The air seemed to fold aside for a few seconds, revealing a much more lush, forested world. A black rabbit in a diamond headdress stood there the next moment, and she met Kaz's interested gaze. Then she jumped off and headed for the door.

"Cool. I got company, methinks."

A few minutes later the door swung open, and the black rabbit strode in. She perched on the end of his bed and watched him. The medics seemed to have vanished.

"Hey, Wildie," Kaz said happily. Wild Angel grinned.

"Looks like you got beat up," she observed. He grimaced.

"Someone tried to, anyway. Nice entrance."

"Thanks. How's Blackie?"

"What about her?"

"You mean you don't know? She got pushed off the Palace battlements." Kaz growled.

"They never tell me anything here. Is she alright?"

"I dunno. I was asking you."

"So you were. Wanta help me up?" Angel grabbed his offered wing and heaved the big bird to his feet.

"The medics are gonna have a fit if they see you in the hall."

"Yesh, I know dat," said a dizzy Kaz. The wave of nausia passed and they headed for Blacksheep's ward.

"Where you off to next?" demanded Kaz. Wild Angel shrugged.

"Gotta go get Shinyso. Then I'll get Grath and. . . I think, Claw. We need the gang again."


"I'll explain as we go. Come on."

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Aug 24, 2001, 02:17 PM
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W O O O O O O O o O O O T T T N N E E E E E E E E E S S S S S S S S S

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Aug 24, 2001, 02:34 PM
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Excellent way of not using said (nooo, I'm sounding like my english teacher!)

Leetness... (I wonder if it's illegal to shoot medics?)


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Aug 27, 2001, 04:59 PM
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Quite spectacular, Kove.

Don't pull that blaster yet, Kaz!

Shinyso glanced at the moon. Another night, another meeting. This time he had big news.

Ducky and Grath were both waiting for him when he arrived. The rooftop was deserted except for the trio.

"Well?" Grath said. The golden eagle on his staff snatched at the white moonlight and jealously hoarded it.

"Wait for a moment." He searched for Wild Angel, and found her distinctive aura. He pictured the rooftop and sent it to her.

A moment later a glimpse of the medical wards in the Palace flashed, and then the tall black rabbit was there, with Kaz. The bird grinned happily at Grath.

"Where's the others?" Ducky asked. Angel glanced at her.

"Phoebe should be here any moment. I think she's got Blacksheep." Shinyso nodded. Then he looked meaningfully at Ducky. She took the cue.

"Grath, can you get us all to the Assassin?"

"Have I been there before?" Grath said cheerfully. "Then I can get us there."

"Good. Wait for Phoebe and Blacksheep, though."

"And me," said a new voice. A large shadowy form entered the patch of moonlight. Ducky managed to look disapproving, happy and relieved at the same time. Just then, Phoebe bounded over the edge of the guardrail, Blacksheep behind her. When she saw the newcomer, she stopped dead.

"Velveetza Rai!"

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Aug 27, 2001, 06:34 PM
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Niftular, CT.

Getting better all the time!
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist

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Aug 28, 2001, 03:29 PM
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"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu
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Aug 28, 2001, 05:43 PM
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Well, very, what the said, how COOL CT..

remember? (:



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Aug 29, 2001, 05:53 AM
Oh, I'm sorry I haven't replied, Coppertop, this is really cool

Please continue



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Aug 29, 2001, 11:18 AM
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That's ok, Phoebe, you're still in it.

"Velveetza?" Grath asked.

"Zanzibar's sister," Phoebe told him. Shinyso watched the white cat warily as she glanced at him.

"What are you doing here?" Ducky asked. Velveetza smiled shyly.

"Zanzibar asked me to watch out for you."

"Where's he?" Velveetza shrugged.

"On Medivo, I suspect. He's the wanderer in the family."

"So, you want t'come along," Grath said cheerily. The cat nodded. Her golden eyes flicked to his staff. Ducky waved hers dramatically.

"Come along, o puss, and join our jolly band. Uh, where's whatsisface, Rroyvan?"

"He's somewhere. I'm not sure."

"Cool," Kaz remareked to no one in particular. Wild Angel gave him one of her sidelong glanced as Grath formed the warp. Finally it hung in the air, a foot off the ground. It glowed faintly, and Grath stepped back dramatically. Ducky grinned and hopped through, holding her staff like a javelin. Phoebe, still supporting Blacksheep, followed. Kaz took to the air and soared through, while Angel took a running start. She nearly missed the warp, but managed to hit it.

Finally they were all through. The warp vanished, and Shinyso took to the shadows.

Copper met Grath's eyes. She wore a disapproving look and Grath smiled embarrassedly. Kovu hovered in the background, wearing a half-grin.

"And what, may I ask, convinced you to appear here of all places," she demanded. Grath shrugged.

"Um. . . Ducky asked me to," he said quickly. Ducky shot him a black look. Copper sighed in resignation.

"Oh well, you're here now. . . .Oh, and Grath? It's your turn at the nav."

Nervously, Tralion Koa stood in Manif Alley. The not so good Firenzev fearfully waited for his cousin, who, he knew, would not hesitate to kill him. It was good that he'd captured the dark one's companion, but he had to use the weapon wisely. He was not wise. He knew this.

And so did another, a black shadow in a blacker night, the only one Tralion feared more than his master. And the dark one knew this. . .


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Aug 30, 2001, 03:00 PM
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What? Nobody replied? I've half a mind to not continue! Um, not that I've half a mind or anything, but. . . oh, never mind.

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Aug 30, 2001, 05:05 PM
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hmm, actually, I think I did reply, it just didn't get posted.
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu
Kovu aka Alec

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Aug 30, 2001, 05:51 PM
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Sorry Copper! Been busy and all, but really very spiffy...WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT????!?!?!


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Aug 31, 2001, 01:40 PM
Coppertop is offline
I noticed, Kovey, there's been no updates on Apokallyipsis

Okay, I give. Here's the next little bit.

The hooded One stood silently on the corner, watching the passerbys. Although the streetlight illuminated him, he seemed to be surrounded with an aura of darkness, and pedestrians didn't seem to notice him.

Unseeable, unkillable. Truly were They the Deathless Ones.

The Deathless One made a sign, sketching something in the air. A moment later the brightly lit street faded away and he stood in the dark of Manif Alley.

The fearful one was there. He had told Them that he was waiting for his cousin. This Deathless One would watch him.


A shadow among the Medivans, Zanzibar Sia slipped agiley through the throng. He knew where Tralion was.

A dark passage gaped between two shabby shops. Ironically, one had been Wild Angel's before she'd become friends with Coppertop.

Forget trivialities. Concentrate only on the mission ahead! The Firenzev was well trained. And ready.

Then Tralion, his traitorous cousin, stood facing him.

"Cousin. Well met."

"Spare me the empty pleasantries. Where is Sharrakamov?" Tralion nervously edged back.

"T-take it easy, Sia. I don't know who you're t-talking about."

"Figure it out, Tralion. Sharrakamov, you remember, don't you? My companion." Tralion gulped. He'd already blown it; maybe he could fix his case. . .

"Sharrakamov. . . Sharrakamov. . ." The traitorous Firenzev knew that They'd gotten the wrong person. He shrugged helplessly.

"I know no 'Sharrakamov'."

"But. . . you have a prisoner."

"I? No. But I know One who might have-"

Twin red laser beams shot from the shadows and struck Tralion in the chest. The Firenzev gasped, fumbling for a device on his belt- and vanished. Cursing, Zanzibar whirled. A brilliant flash showed that his cousin's assailant had disappeared.

He had learned something, at least. For Sharrakamov was not his companion who was missing.

Rroyvan was.

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