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Enter Jersey Devil - The Lost Warrior

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Jersey Devil

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Apr 6, 2001, 10:37 AM
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It was a clear, cold and rainy night. The full moon shone through the tavern's door. Suddenly the shadow of a young rabbit warrior broke the perfect beam of light. A name floated above her head - 'Jersey Devil'.

This mysterious stranger bore a striking resemblance to the legendary Jazz Jackrabbit, although it was unlikely the two were related. She took a few steps into the tavern, showing a cool attitude that could very well have belonged to a demon. This purple rabbit seemed to be a real tomboy - a fact which was to become more obvious as she spent more time in the bar. Her fur was drenched, looking more like she'd been thrown in a river than out in the rain. She shivered, and shook herself dry.

The others in the pub stared - the girl was unfamiliar to nearly all of them. She glared at them, her red eyes glowing slightly as she did.

Jersey Devil put her gun into a holster in the middle of the strap on her backpack (it was one of those backpacks that has only one strap that goes across the wearer's torso), and took a few more steps toward the bar.

'She's here on a mission...', some of the bar's regulars thought to themselves, keeping a watchful eye on the young newcomer.

J.D. (as she was also known) clambered up onto a bar-stool.

"What'll it be, kid?", asked the bartender, raising one eyebrow,

"Just a cherry cola, please.", Jersey Devil requested politely.

The bartender handed over the carbonated beverage, and J.D. handed over her payment, plus a few red crystals as a tip.

"Thankyou, sir.", she smiled.

Those who hung around in the tavern a lot watched as Jersey Devil took a medium-sized gulp of cherry cola. She smiled;

"Ahh... Just like the stuff on Earth...", she murmured, before raising her voice and addressing the other rabbits in the bar,"Er... Hi.", she began, sounding more than a little nervous,"Th... This is m-my first time here...",

"Who are you, anyway?", piped up a slightly drunken sounding voice from somewhere in the crowded drinking establishment,

"Allow me to introduce myself.", J.D. began, starting to sound more confident,"My name is Jersey Devil. I became a fighter towards the end of The Great War On Planet WON. I had to leave on urgent business for a few weeks, and when I returned, the planet was gone!", the purple bunny paused for a moment to take a small swig of her drink,"I then decided to journey to planet Earth.",

"Why did you go there?", came the voice of a curious child, who had come to the bar with his parents,"Earth's a long, long, long way away from Carrotus!",

"Well, let me start by saying that my name means something. But I'm not from Jersey, nor am I a devil. I went to Earth to meet the person I was named after - an Earth video game hero called Jersey Devil. An *actual* devil he is, too!", the purple warrior explained,"He's purple, got red eyes... 'Course, that's his eyeballs - the rest of his eyes are just BLACK. Not like yours or mine at all, but that's not the point... And he has horns, wings and a pointy tail. His frightening looks didn't fool me, though - he's a real nice guy. After I met him, I went to live in England for a while, so I could try to figure out what happened to Planet WON. But now I'm back, and I'm here for two things.".

J.D. took a few gulps of cola, and then a few more, finishing the glass and wiping her mouth with the back of one hand,

"Would you like another, Miss Devil?", the bartender quizzed,

"No thanks, sir.", J.D. replied,"I think I'll pass...",

"Very well.", the large grey rabbit nodded,"So, what two things are you here for then, shortstuff?".

Jersey Devil hopped down from her stool;

"Does anyone here remember that rumour about the Carrotus Army?!", she boomed.

Several of the regulars looked puzzled, there had been many rumours about the Carrotus Army in recent years, and they didn't know which one Jersey Devil was referring to.

"You know!", J.D. enthused, trying to jog everybody's memory,"The rumour that they were undertaking a secret project. A project that would allow us rabbits to fight using a device called a 'Game Boy Color'! Remember?".

A sound of general agreement rose from the noisy crowd, many bunnies nodded, remembering all too well about the rumour J.D. spoke of, a rumour which was true, but - sadly - never came to be.

Jersey Devil removed her backpack, and rummaged around in it for a few seconds, retrieving a small purple device which had a screen & greyish-white buttons on it, and holding it above her head,"This is a games console from the Earth country Japan. It is extrememly powerful for something so small - it's called a 'Game Boy Advance'! These have just been made available there. I feel that there may be hope for us to fight using these!!".

Although it was only a suggestion, everybody agreed that it could be a good idea - and a lot of fun, too. If the Carrotus Army had any agents in the brewery, Jersey Devil hoped that they were listening.

J.D. put the Game Boy Advance back into her bag, and swung the nylon sack over her shoulder. She was beginning to feel more at ease with the crowd in the bar, now, and therefore ready to ask a question - the thing she'd really come here for...

She put her hand on the holster built-into her backpack strap, and grinned;

"Secondly, I came here with an important favour to ask. You see, a rabbit like me was born to be a warrior, but after what happened to Planet WON, I never had another chance to fight...", she stopped for a second and sighed,"Look at me - all I have are a few little marks from Local Area skirmishes & treasure hunts. I have no true battle scars!", J.D. cleared her throat before continuing,"Veterans of the War Tavern! I ask you one thing, and one thing only! WHERE CAN I GO TO FIGHT?!".

Jersey Devil was greeted by a dramatic silence. The purple bunny felt her heart pounding as she waited for someone - anyone - to give her an answer, so she could at last go forth and meet her destiny as the great rabbit warrior that she'd always wanted to be...
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Apr 6, 2001, 12:51 PM
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Heya Spiffyness, are you continueing, is this open, or what? Do continue..

Really gr00vy tale, friend

remember? (:



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Apr 6, 2001, 01:56 PM
Yeah, niftular, spiffy, duntular!!!!!


Jersey Devil

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Apr 7, 2001, 05:12 AM
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Jersey Devil spun round.

Two rabbits were stood behind her. She saw their names floating above their heads;

'Ducky', and '*Blacksheep'.

J.D. took a deep breath.

"Y-yes...", she stammered,"I'm continuing this. But...", she paused for a moment, shaking with anticipation,"I still need an answer to my question... Where are the List Servers? I yearn to battle again!".
Jersey Devil

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Apr 12, 2001, 12:05 PM
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J.D. blinked, and suddenly the two bunnies were gone!

Where did they go? Was J.D. going crazy? Were they really even there at all?

Still without an answer to her question, Jersey Devil went to the nearest free table and sat down. She was exhausted, and - although it was uncomfortable - she rested her head on the table, and instantly began to snooze.

She snored quietly, letting her arms flop by her side.

A couple of the rabbits in the bar gave the sleeping warrior a funny look, and rolled their eyes.

As she dozed, the band on Jersey Devil's left wrist slipped off, revealing a strange mark. A courteous bunny boy went over, picked the wristband up, and set it on the table. The curious hare couldn't help himself from looking at the mark on J.D.'s arm. He gently took the sleeping purple rabbit's hand;

"What the...?", the young man murmured in disbelief,"Oh.. m-my.. This poor girl.....".

What was so terrible about this mark? What was it?

The mark on J.D.'s arm was, in fact, a tattoo. It read:

Rabbit No. 22183-17-F.

D. Shell Prison 2 - Cell Block S

The stranger looked visibly shocked.

Suddenly, a voice from behind him interrupted.

"Hey, bro. Whassup?", came the voice of a younger bunny (it was the boy's little sister),

"This girl, Jersey Devil, she has a tattoo on her arm...", the older rabbit began,

"OOH - Cool! What is it of?! Is it a butterfly? Or a flower? Maybe a heart with Cupid's Arrow through it? What? What? What's it of!!?", the little girl chuckled excitedly,"C'mon - tell me. Tell me!",

"N-no, sis. It's not a tattoo like that... Th-this tattoo. It means that Sleeping Bunny here was a prisoner of war! Poor kid - who knows what she's been through...",

"No way! Poor girl. I hate those awful turtles - I bet it was them that captured her!", the sister stated, looking a little upset (because she felt very strongly about Devan Shell and his army of turtle goons),

"Sis. I'm gonna stay here & make sure Jersey Devil here is OK. OK? You go back to Mum and Dad. Got it?".

So, finally J.D.'s secret was being uncovered.

But why had the turtles captured her in the first place? What had she been through? How did she escape from their clutches?

Find out the answers to all this and more in the next exciting installment of Enter Jersey Devil - The Lost Warrior!
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Apr 12, 2001, 01:04 PM
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Thought maybe you were one of those Skulls things

Okay, really bad joke.

Can I be in your story? You having joiners?

If you want my profile its in the prof...heck, I'll just post it :P

My name is Ducky GreyRabbit, I'm a short grey(duh) bunny of about 15-17, with pale greenish blue bands of fur all over, but mostly on my legs and ears, which on closer inspection prove to be channels of electricity. I have a scar on my arm which you can't see, and lop ears, one of which has a silver hoop earring, and long silvery black hair. I have a small not-very-noticable gold cross necklace..I wear a kind of off-black tunic over a cream colored bell-sleeved shirt and dark grey leggings, and soft leather boots. And a darker grey cloak with a hood and a silver fastening.

I carry a black staff with a green half-circle of stone set in a silver crescent on the top; this stone shoots electricity and I can't use my faint electric powers without it. I also have a small uninteresting blaster for emergencies.

I'm kind of nervous, afraid of changes, of consequenses, and afraid of others dying. I have a quick temper and I won't hesitate to hurt someone, but I'm usually sorry after. I have a sort of weird sense of humor.

Please continue

If you are not taking joiners thats fine. I'd like to read more. POW's are rux0r.

As is the story.


remember? (:
Jersey Devil

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Apr 12, 2001, 01:59 PM
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Yeah sure - join in. More than happy for you to

Er... I don't get the Skulls thing, though.

What's rux0r?

(I'm still a newbie, and I don't understand this sorta stuff)
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Apr 12, 2001, 03:17 PM
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Ignore the Skulls. It was a movie, and they got tattooed right where the wristwatch would go, so you couldn't see it.

And rux0r is like cool or something. Its a word to that extent. If you go to Jazz2City there is a thing somewhere that says, "be 133t. Go rux0r." And I think that's where it originated. Its, oLeY or bUz or CiK, just sort of weird words you make up. Like Narf. Or Ylaeh, or Gnarg.

It's all insane. Do not try to fathom it, just let yourself be swallowed up into it.

Or something.

Jersey Devil

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Apr 15, 2001, 01:32 AM
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Right. Gotcha

I'm writing the next part of the story offline, using Notepad, at the moment. It'll be up soon. You're in!

Jersey Devil

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Apr 29, 2001, 05:57 AM
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Though J.D. didn't know it, there was now a small crowd gathering round her. She was having a major nightmare, and was talking in her sleep.

"No - Leave me alone!! I don't wanna be tattooed! Ow! OW-OW-OW-OW-OW!".

Several of the bunnies in the crowd were, by now, discussing Jersey Devil's tattoo.

"It's a POW tattoo.", explained the young man who'd discovered the mark on J.D.'s arm,

"POW?", an older rabbit exclaimed,"How do we know she's not a spy, pretending to be a POW?!",

"She can't be!", the boy began angrily,"She's kept it hidden. Jersey Devil only came here so that she could fight alongside others, not spy on them. Now shut up.".

Soon enough, J.D. woke up anyway.

"AGH!!", she screamed, partly scared from her nightmare, and (moreover) scared by the crowd who were surrounding her.

She felt her left wrist - her wrist band wasn't there!

"Wh-what?", she stammered, looking at the other rabbits nervously,"Y-you know my secret?",

"Yeah! We do!", growled a gruff, fierce looking, battle-scarred old hare,"And we don't welcome your kind around here!!",

"What?!", J.D. exclaimed,"What did I do?",

"You're a spy sent by the turtles, and you're tryin' to get sympathy by sayin' you're an ex-POW!", the nasty rabbit snarled,"Well it ain't gonna work - you can leave right now.".

J.D. looked hurt. This was exactly why she tried to hide the security mark she'd gotten in Devan Shell's prison.

"It's not true...", Jersey Devil began, sobbing as she did,"Lay off!",

"Hmph. Turnin' on the waterworks, now, eh? You can't fool me, spy!", chuckled the mean old veteran.

Jersey Devil couldn't believe what she was hearing. Suddenly her sadness turned to rage.

"I won't leave this place! Nobunny can make me, especially not some stinky, overweight old scuzball like you!", J.D. growled,

"What did you call me?!", the horrible old rabbit snarled, lifting J.D. off the ground by her ears,"No turtle spy is going to call me names, kid!", he added, shaking the terrified purple bunny a bit,

"Hey! L-Lemme go! HELP!!!", J.D. wailed, wishing she hadn't come to the War Tavern at all.

A bolt of electricity hit the old veteran, and he dropped Jersey Devil.

A short grey rabbit approached;

"Leave Jersey Devil alone!", she yelled.

J.D. looked dumbstruck as she stared at the now unconscious hare who'd just been zapped.

"Er, th-thanks...", J.D. smiled, rubbing the back of her neck with her right hand,"I-I guess I owe you one.".

The grey-furred bunny who helped J.D. just smiled.

"Hey...", J.D. began,"You're Ducky from earlier!",

"That's right.", Ducky replied,"Are you OK?",

"A little shaken.", J.D. muttered,"What about him? Will he be OK?", she queried, pointing to the veteran on the floor,

"He'll sleep it off.", Ducky grinned,"He was probably drunk out of his head, anyway.".

There was a brief silence, which J.D. quickly broke:

"Heh. Well, what can I say... Thanks again, Ducky.", J.D. smiled nervously, before sitting down at the table where she'd fallen asleep earlier.

Ducky joined J.D..

"I hope you don't mind me asking, Jersey Devil, but what's with that mark on your arm? Are you one of those Skulls things or something?", Ducky quizzed,

J.D. looked a litle puzzled,"Er... What?", she murmured, putting her wrist strap back where it belonged,"What's 'Skulls'?",

"Never mind. How did you get the tattoo?", Ducky asked eagerly,

J.D. sighed,"Well, it's a long story...".

With that, Jersey Devil began explaining to Ducky about her incarceration in Devan Shell's prison, and how she escaped.

So now, Jersey Devil has found a new friend in the War Tavern, and has finally had a chance to talk about what she's been through. Of course, J.D.'s adventure is only just beginning. Find out more in the next exciting episode of ENTER JERSEY DEVIL - THE LOST WARRIOR
Grath AR

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Apr 29, 2001, 06:27 AM
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Hey! can I join?

My profile:

Name: Grath AR

Weapons A hard-wood stick and a blaster

What I look like: A tall black rabbit with a red cape.

Skills: My speed and turning invisible (Name and everything)

Thats it!
Hi there!
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Apr 29, 2001, 05:53 PM
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ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US! Er, I mean spiffy and nifty. Continue!
Jersey Devil

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Apr 30, 2001, 10:06 AM
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Grath - You're very welcome to join. I'll write you into either the next episode, or the one after (I've got some cool stuff planned, especially in the next 2).

Unknown Rabbit - Thankyou. You can be in the story if you want, as well as Grath. BTW:

All your carrot are belong to me.

You are on the way to destruction.

You have no chance to survive make your time.

Grath AR

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Apr 30, 2001, 05:20 PM
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That was very Who-ribble!
Timothy Hyperion Purr

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May 2, 2001, 01:07 PM
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Nice, impressive! I know someone else who has something like that (can't explain)--a prison security tatoo. (Um, if you wanted to know, that's my pal Kiku. She got into trouble in one of my stories.)
Mr. Speaker, the Speaker for the House of Representatives, welcomes you. Sit back and try not to look too bored when he starts rambling.
Batty Buddy

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May 2, 2001, 03:29 PM
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Que Passa!!!!

Have you room for one more? /\/\

Name: Batty Buddy

Species: Toon bat

Powers: Cartoon powers, flight, echolocation, and I got a backpack I can pull just about anything out of.

Looks: Brown fur, blood-red eyes, wears sunglasses, and backpack, and I got a pair of short blunt fangs.

Personality: Toony- Tex Avery style. Fears pain, owls, and sophisticated stuff I don't understand. All you need to know.

"I must be the personification of the rage to live,
hit me, dunk me, insult me, I'll still hang in there...

...I wonder why..."
-Howard the Duck
Proud to be the 100th, 600th, 666th, and 1000th poster in the "Slime the Poster above you" thread...
Even though I had to cheat... Thank you, The Cheat.
(RIP William Hanna)
"I claim Page 4 in the name of my sexy female self."
Jersey Devil

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May 3, 2001, 11:29 AM
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OK. Add another to J.D.'s list! We're really goin' for it now!

Translation: Yes, Batty Buddy - you're in, too


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May 4, 2001, 03:08 PM
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I'll join!

Name: Coppertop, but my nicknames include Copper and CT (but CT isn't in stories.) I hate it when ppl call me "Cop" or the like, and will take it as an insult.

Appearance: I'm tall, slim and grey, with darker eartips. I've got waist-length wavy black hair, that's held back by a copper ribbon, my namesake. I had another name once, but no-one knows it but me. I've got dark green eyes, and I wear a dull green shirt and brown pants. I also wear calf-high black boots and a hooded cape the same color as my shirt. I have a quiver of hawk-fletched arrows on my back, and a sword at my side.

Weapons: My bow Trueflight, which I rarely use, and my sword Shale. Shale has a mirrored blade and a black hilt shaped like a dragon. The dragon's wings form the crosshilt, the head stretches out onto the blade and the tail wraps around the hilt. There's a dark green stone in the pommel that has very minor healing powers and can turn me invisible for a short time if I touch it.

Skills: Tracking, camoflage, piloting, fighting and riding.

"Items": My crystal key, which hangs on a silver chain around my neck, which can open any lock, and my ship the Assassin. The warship is black with the legend in white. My warhorse Ironheart, who is ugly and grey, and trained to obey me only and to kill on command, and my bone flute which I occasionaly play.

Quote: "Give no mercy, ask for none."

Personality: I'm always suspicious, and have a dry sense of humor. I don't make friends easily, but I'm loyal and I hate injustice and evil. I'm a (famous?) mercenary, so I don't have any qualms about killing, but I won't work for turtles, they having destroyed my villiage and killed my family. I have a strong sense of justice, so I won't kill someone who doesn't deserve it, and I won't stand an insult, however minor, except from close friends, without fighting (and usually killing) the insulter.

Think that's all. Cool story! (Pleez let me join)


Read my story in War Tavern! I renamed it: Conquerer!


I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me. -Phillipians 4:13

"So what?" -Coppertop

"When Life hands you lemons, make lemonade."

Jersey Devil

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May 5, 2001, 04:52 AM
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CopperTop, U R now admitted to J.D.'s story.

In other words, welcome.
Jersey Devil

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May 5, 2001, 04:56 AM
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Nice quotes in your sig, BTW. However, I read this in someone's sig on the IGN boards:

"When life hands you lemons, you should... Er... What was that next bit? Oh just eat yer dang lemons!"



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May 5, 2001, 06:38 PM
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Eat yer dang lemons, indeed!


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May 21, 2001, 02:46 PM
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Gargh. I want more, this hasn't been visited in weeks.
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May 21, 2001, 05:29 PM
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Stor-E! Stor-E! Stor-E!


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May 22, 2001, 08:28 PM
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Wot he said.
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May 22, 2001, 11:17 PM
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Wot she said.


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May 23, 2001, 11:48 AM
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Wot he- hey! That's MY line!
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May 23, 2001, 11:59 AM
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You mean I can't borrow it? Anyway, I still want more story. How shall we live otherwise!


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May 24, 2001, 12:12 PM
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You're right, I'm going to DIE if no storie.
Batty Buddy

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May 24, 2001, 12:28 PM
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Que Passa!!!!

(Batty looks forlornly at the words 'Batty Buddy' floating over his head. He grabs them and bends the letters to read 'Continue Please!', and returns them to over his head.)

I really wish you continued... I'm glad to be in.

"I must be the personification of the rage to live,
hit me, dunk me, insult me, I'll still hang in there...

...I wonder why..."
-Howard the Duck
Proud to be the 100th, 600th, 666th, and 1000th poster in the "Slime the Poster above you" thread...
Even though I had to cheat... Thank you, The Cheat.
(RIP William Hanna)
"I claim Page 4 in the name of my sexy female self."
Jersey Devil

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May 25, 2001, 10:30 AM
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Hey. I'm still alive, don't worry.

The story is very much being written right now - I just got a little sidetracked, 'cos I predict there'll be some important info about Jersey Devil 2 (the game, of course) soon, and I've been updating my website. It's not been uploaded yet, but doing that AND the story can take it out of you, believe me. And then there's the matter of my game design (yes, I'm an independent game designer, too), so I'm juggling a lot.

Would you all like it better if I did short chapters instead of the big long ones I started out with?



"Looks like it's time for the infamous coment about the bases and who they belong to." - Jersey Devil

"AGH! Oh no - not again!" - Everyone Else

Visit my Website!

Jersey City Hall



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May 25, 2001, 12:58 PM
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Don't care, want mooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeee. . .
Grath AR

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May 26, 2001, 10:15 AM
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*Grath turns invisible and starts kicking JD's butt around the whole war tavern for not continueing yet*

(Translation: I dont care just continue)
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May 26, 2001, 02:13 PM
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ooh actually kicked her butt off?

And kicked only that around the 'Tav?

Owwwie. That is a hard kick. Poor Devil.



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May 26, 2001, 03:53 PM
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Jersey Devil

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May 27, 2001, 04:41 AM
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And, at last, here is the next exciting chapter of ENTER JERSEY DEVIL - THE LOST WARRIOR (note from J.D.: This is the first of several shorter parts of the story, and so my timeframe for writing all the joiners into the tale is a little different, but you will all be in it - I promise)

It had been at least three hours since Jersey Devil had started pouring her heart out to Ducky. Ducky was saddened by what J.D. had been through.

J.D. sighed, and began to explain about a boy she'd met in the prison, called Nero...

"I guess I'd been locked up for about 2 months when I was moved to a different cell block. They threw me into a cell with a bunny called Nero - he ended up being like the big brother I never had...", J.D. paused, and wiped a tear from her eye,"He took care of me from then on, until... Until... No... It was too awful... I feel like it was my fault...".

Ducky put her hand on J.D.'s shoulder,

"I'm sure it wasn't your fault.".

Suddenly a dark stranger materialised out of nowhere! The first thing to appear was his name: Grath AR. The rest of him appeared a few seconds later. He was shrouded in a red cape, and carried a tall wooden stick.

J.D. looked up at the stranger.

'Hmm.', she thought to herself,'That pole he's got is as tall as he is...'.

Grath tapped his stick on the floor a couple of times;

"So, what happened to Nero?", he asked, before pausing for a second or two, and looking a little embarrassed,"Er... Sorry - I didn't mean to butt in, I... I'm just curious.",

"Heh.", J.D. smiled,"That's OK.".

Grath took an unused chair from a nearby table, and sat down with Jersey Devil & Ducky.

J.D. continued her story about Nero;

"Well... One day, all of us POW's were out in the exercise yard, and... I guess I just suddenly flipped. I honestly have no idea what came over me...",

"What did you do?", Grath quizzed,

"I just went ballistic and started beating up one of the turtle guards... It was wierd - I totally beaned the guy. I never raised myself to be like that...", J.D. paused and sniffed,"Anyway, Devan Shell runs a strict regime in his prisons, and anybody who disrespects the turtle race in any way is punished severely. I immediately started to fear for my life. I didn't know what they were going to do to me...".

J.D. stopped for breath, tears beginning to run down her furry cheeks.

"Let it out.", Ducky said, trying to reassure J.D..

J.D. sobbed for a few more minutes before finally saying what had happened to make her feel so guilty:

"Those turtles can be very cruel... They knew how much I cared about Nero... He told me to leave the turtle guard alone, but I wouldn't listen to him. Poor Nero...", Jersey Devil's ears flopped as she spoke,"They shot Nero dead. They killed right there & then, and it was all my fault! Every day... Every single day I think about him. If it wasn't for Nero, I probably would've done something stupid. He looked after me, and how did I thank him?! I got him shot - that's how!".

With that, J.D. broke down. Neither Ducky nor Grath knew what to say to calm the purple rabbit down.

It was becoming obvious that Jersey Devil had been through more than anybody her age should ever have to. What wasn't so obvious was why J.D. had trekked all the way from Earth to return to Carrotus. Maybe she just wanted to confront her past, or maybe she had a much bigger plan...

Will Jersey Devil ever be free of her guilt? What are her reasons for returning to the planet where she went through so much pain? Keep reading ENTER JERSEY DEVIL - THE LOST WARRIOR to find out!


"Looks like it's time for the infamous coment about the bases and who they belong to." - Jersey Devil

"AGH! Oh no - not again!" - Everyone Else

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May 27, 2001, 01:50 PM
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I WOULD 'keep reading', but there's no more. . . *sob*
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JCF Éminence Grise

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May 27, 2001, 02:11 PM
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Yeah, me to. (To? Too?) Whee, my sooth saying powers predict a TIME MACHINE! Yahoo! Oh, and nice story continuation,


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May 27, 2001, 02:18 PM
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Sooth saying?
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JCF Éminence Grise

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May 27, 2001, 02:29 PM
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Soothsayers sooth say, don't they? Everyone else: Forsooth!
Batty Buddy

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May 27, 2001, 02:32 PM
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Que Passa!!!!

And now, My impression of a soothsayer:


Sooth Sooth Sooth!

Coming soon, my riverdanceing impression...

Oh, and JD, thanks for continuing. /\/\

"I must be the personification of the rage to live,
hit me, dunk me, insult me, I'll still hang in there...

...I wonder why..."
-Howard the Duck
Proud to be the 100th, 600th, 666th, and 1000th poster in the "Slime the Poster above you" thread...
Even though I had to cheat... Thank you, The Cheat.
(RIP William Hanna)
"I claim Page 4 in the name of my sexy female self."

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