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Uuummm....War Stories Might Be Back? - by various people

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Jan 1, 1970, 01:00 AM
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Don't you mean tap-dancing on Kovu's head?

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Mar 23, 2001, 10:02 AM
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Ducky sits lonely on her chair behind the counter, beside The-flame-who-shows-up-when-the-earth-rotates..or someone. Night fire. "I don't want to get up, its too quiet. Will you get me a Rigelion Synth-ale Carrot beer?" NightFire ignores the question presented by Ducky and crouches against the counter, rubbing a glass with a none-too-clean towel. Music issues brokenly from the batted jukebox in the corner and the dim light from the chandelier and the wall torches illuminates the empty seats..."Helloo?" The setting sun cast a long shadow of a rabbit into the 'Tavern. Ducky and NightFire jumped up, NF vaulting over the counter and squinting into the reddish glow of the sun which stained the floor. "Who's tha'?"

A rabbit stepped in, rubbing its eyes..

(post by Duckster)





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Mar 23, 2001, 10:05 AM
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"My eyes hurt!" Kovu shouted, roaming the red emblazoned floor.

"A customer!" Ducky suddenly surged full of energy, and bounced beside the dazed rabbit.

"Hi? Can I take your order? How 'bout a Radish Beer? Eighty percent off, today only!" Finally realising who it was, her smile faultered.

"Oh, it's only you, Kovu." Slumping back over the counted, with Night Fire in quick


"So...*siiiiiiiiiiigh* why ya' here?" Finally after seeing a armada of tiny dots

flying infront of his eyes, Kovu stated his mind.

"There's a party coming!"

"A party? Great! Get some drinks ready, Ducky, fetch the carrots, we've got shreding

to do!"

"No, not like that, I mean a party of EEEVILLNESS."

"...And we'll have those little frilly table cloths...and a real jukebox! And..."

"No, I mean there EEEEVILL."

"And one of those automatic straw dispensers!" Falling backward into a chair,

Kovu asked himself,

"Why do I even try?"

(post by kovu aka alec)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:05 AM
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The dark and long forgotten creature known only as Claw sat in the dark corner of the bar watching the spectacle of Kovu and Nightfire. Claw didn't care much for they're petty fears of this so called "evil" heading toward them. He merely wanted to rest, to finally rest. Some would call him a scoundrel, a drifter, others called him a "handy and effecient resource in the dispatching of certain people", but most would see him as a bounty hunter by trade. Claw always got the job done, he didn't care where the money came from; The turtles, the rabbits, the rabbits and their clans, it didn't matter to him. One moment he could be saving your life, the next, slicing it with his extendable and unbreakable claws (hence the name). Along with his claws came his ability (however vary painful) to absorb and re-distribute energy out his eyes. Also he was a crackshot with his Protec gun and a incredibly learned student in the martial arts of Evolian Trakta.

Kovu and Nightfire paid no attention to Claw as he nursed his rabbilobe light. They had turned their attention the outside window complaining about an eeeevil. A new client?, thought Claw. Or would it be something far more than just another job. Could it be that the reluctant Claw, along with Nightfire and Kovu, were in for adventure of their lives? Only the next few minutes could tell for sure...

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Mar 23, 2001, 10:05 AM
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A pair of red eyes in the corner of the tavern opened up to the comment of Evilness, but they shone with delight at the sound of party.

"PARTY?!?" Batty Buddy jumped from the rafter. He went over to where Kovu had just shaken the dots from his eyes. "What's all this about a party?"

"Jeeze! Doesn't anyone listen to the whole story anymore?" said Kovu with a groan. "It's a party of EVILNESS!!!"

"What kind of games do they play at those partys?" asked Batty. "'Pin the blame on the associate'?" "How 'bout 'Justace is blind-mans bluff'?" Suggested someone else. "There isn't going to BE any games!" Kovu stated, getting a little sick of all the party referances.

"Gee... Seems like a dull party with no games. Is it one of the fancy rich guys parties with the finger sandwiches?"


Suddenly the door to the tavern exploded inwards...

(Post by Batty Buddy)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:07 AM
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The small group of bunnies shielded their eyes with their paws, the completely fazed Ducky stopping frozen. An enormous sandaled foot appeared outside the blown-away door, the dust clearing around it and blowing into the 'Tavern. "Hey, were's this party we're supposed to be at?" Glasses shattered off the walls as more sandals ran by. "Yeah, I'm thirsty." A feminine voice whined. NightFire, the eternally brave, went to the door. "Kovu... Titans??"

Ducky went to the door also, still chattering but slightly more unafraid now she knew the danger. "Um... Kove? Are you sure...why did you... why are we having a party with TITANS? We'll never be able to get enough drinks, much less make the hors d'oeurves!!?" She put a hand on her face, crushed. NightFire started yelling up at them. There were three of them, two males and a girl, all wearing whiteish tunics and gold bands around their heads. The girl bent down to speak to NightFire, Batty and Kove and the Claw guy stared. Ducky moaned on the floor. "Not enough champagne, even! Why doesn't someone tell me whenthey invite Titans?! When they have a PARTY?"

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Mar 23, 2001, 10:07 AM
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A figure dressed in black raised her heavily eyeshadowed eyes to look at the Titans. Rising up from her place at the bar, she proceeded to trip over the long hooded cloak she was wearing, and slam her head into the floor.

Getting up and rubbing her head, she said "Hey, is it even possible for the WT to run out of alcohol?"

Rubbing her head again, she said "And could someone pour me a drink?"

(post by Cobra)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:08 AM
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BBoy finally woke up and got up from the floor he'd fainted on. Their was a puddle of drool where his head had been. He hiccupped and sat in a chair at a table. He was so monkey drunk. Slowly he raised his head up and looked around. Everything was a blur to him, but he caught sight of the Titans. "*Hic*!" He said, "T-t-titanzz!" He yelped. He got up to run, but tripped over the table leg, and fell on his face. "OOOoooo.... *Hic*!" He groaned, and got back onto his feet. He staggared to the bar counter and sat on a stool. "*Hic*! Gimmee a b-beer!" He said, and his head fell to the counter. Ducky got behind the counter and said, "You're already so drunk you can hardly stand up! I don't think you really should have another. "I 'anna b-beer. *Hic*!" BBoy said. He put his hand out as if Ducky was going to give him one. Ducky smiled slightly and said, "Okay, you can have one. What kind do you want?" "A *Hic!* A good one." Ducky grabbed a bottle of Orange Carrot Beer, and handed it to BBoy, who put it up to his mouth and tried to drink. "You might want the top off first." Ducky said. "Oh yeah. *Hic*!" BBoy pulled the top off the bottle and put it up to his mouth, pulling his head way back. He only drank about a 4th of the bottle. The rest went down the side of his face. He slammed the emty bottle back onto the counter and smiling, he hiccupped, "Woopie!" and fell to the floor unconscouis.

(post by BBoy)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:08 AM
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Batty saw the bottle BBoy had drunken out of and got an idea. Reaching for it with one wing, he downed the rest of it one swig.

The titans(to Batty- keep in mind. NOT to everyone else...) turned into a herd of pink winged elephants. All the RABBITS in the room, however, were all wearing clogs.

"GOD!>hic<..." Batty said "What'sh in dish shtuff?" He then collapsed on the floor next to BBoy.

(post by Batty Buddy)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:09 AM
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Claw looked around the room at the spectacle of drunken rabbits, bats, and the like and decided he had had enough rest for one day and began to walk out the tavern pass the gigantic titans.

Suddenly one of the titans placed it's huge tree trunk-like leg in front of Claw.

"Where do you think you're going?" asked the male on the left.

The female looked at the strange creature known as Claw, he had a belt with a holtster for a small but formibable looking gun. Then the female looked at Claw himself. Not recognizing his species she asked, "what kind of animal are you anyway?"

Claw looked up at her in contempt, his pupiless, red eyes seemed to pierce through her. He had no visible ears on top of his head and seemed to be pretty much a humanoid except shorter and covered in dark brown fur with formibable looking jaws when he opened his mouth.

"I am no species, I am called Claw, and I would appreciate you moving out of my way," he answered.

The resulting laugh from the titans caused the crowd of people in the bar to become immediately sober and very nervous.

"Hey, uh, Claw! come here for a minute I need you to help me with something," called Ducky.

Claw didn't know her but decided to obey her, which was unusual for him.

"Do you not realize who those guys are!!!" she whispered harshly.

"It does not matter, I am leaving," grumbled Claw.

He then promptly tried to walk past the giants. One of the large males easily kicked Claw across the tavern where he grumbled in pain. Then the male rabbit placed his huge foot on the bizzare creature and slowly applied pressure to the point where Claw was gasping for air.

It was going to be a long night, thought Claw as he felt his conciousness slipping away from him.

(post by Claw)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:10 AM
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"Stop ittt!" hissed a white rabbit coming from the wondow box (where Ducky kept geraniums)where she had fallen asleep the previous night. "I know just how you feel." she said quietly, running her fingers through her unbrushed hair. "You don't like being away from home so you are taking it out on..." she looked down on Claw questioningly,"That...You're frighttened and..."

As she droned on, Ducky shook her head. "She's been reading those psychology books again."

"HAVE A BEER!" BlackSheep finally told the pink elephant...err, Titan. They plunked down in a seat and cheered. BlackSheep leaned over to Ducky and said, "Sherry all around, wot?"

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Mar 23, 2001, 10:10 AM
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A hoarse voice added "Wine please." It paused for a moment then wearily added "Supersize it."

(post by Cobra)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:10 AM
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Ducky looks sadfully at the remains of Batty and BBoy. "Ah, thats good stuff." She stuffed it on a shelf for the next unsuspecting chaps. She shook a broom at BlackSheep to ward her away from the geraniums. Kove, meanwhileness, had rushed up to the Titans and was now berating them ferociously. They rapidly-enlarging contents of the tavern watched and the Titans cowered under Kovu's strict words. They cringed! Finally, completely overcome they let up Claw. NightFire handed him a drink and he wheezed at it a few times, gulping it.

Cobra struggled to raise lashes encrusted with mascara and shadow. "How did you DO that, Kove?" Cobra impressed! What an amazing feat Kovey had accomplished. "Ah, y' just gotta knowhow t' talk to these guys," He said, nonchalantly,but beaming. Ducky watched the antics of the 'Tavern with happiness as she poured sherry for them and wine for Cobra, and sipping her own drink, the coveted beverage of Dethman, the Rigelion syth-ale carrot beer.

(post by Duckster)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:11 AM
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*In deep, narrator voice*

And so, the Titans had cowered at Kovu's unfriendly words, and now they rejoiced.

"I bet I can drink more than you, wahaha!" Kovu, the sort-of hero, said.

"No you can't, you wimpy-wimpy-drinky, person!" BB shouted.

"Oh yea!?" And so, many drinks later.

"But, I'll...drink more...n'"

(post by Kovu aka Alec)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:11 AM
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Claw guzzled the drink, not caring what it was. The fact that he was nearly crushed to death made him pretty angry. He shook of the wooziness and gathered his senses. He pulled out his trusty Protec gun and extended the claws on his left arm.

"You're dead!" he yelled at the cowering titans under the table.

One of the titans stood up and regained his smug expression.

"You want to fight me? I will crush you just like I did before!" laughed the titan as he raised his foot.

This time Claw ducked and rolled to avoid the foot.

"Hacht je vask!" yelled Claw as he pulled of an impressive double handed punch into the ankle of the titan.

This in turn caused the titan to fall onto the drunken BBoy, Batty, and Ducky. Luckily they were reselient enough to crawl out from underneath the now crying giant. None of the people in the bar seemed to impressed.

"GET OUTTA MY BAR!" ordered Ducky.

Claw merely grunted a reply, took a swig from Kovu's drinking fit, then promptly left the bar. The rest of the inhabitants resumed their drinking and talking, except for, of course, the crying titan laying in the shattered remains of the bar.

(post by Claw)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:12 AM
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"YOW!" came a muffled voice from under the fallen titan. He suddenly rose up, being pushed by a car jack. Batty looked like the crushing pain had sobered him a little.

"QUE PASSA???" he asked. It was not his usual greating, but a real question.

"Sorry bout that, Bat." Said Ducky. "That Claw guy just knocked a titan on you."

"See. That's why I'm not a football fan."

"Not THE Titans... Oh, never mind..."

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Mar 23, 2001, 10:12 AM
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"Football? Did someone say football?" Cobra rose from her spot and twirled around, merely to see how cool her cloak looked when she spun around. "DIY FOOTBALL! DIY DIY DIY!" She pounded her fingerless-gloved hands on the nearest surface, which was BlackSheep's head.


"Sorry Sheepie!" Cobra then spun around faster, tripped on the long cloak and fell. Sheepie, willing to take whatever fate handed to her, proceeded to 'borrow' some coins that Cobra dropped.

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Mar 23, 2001, 10:13 AM
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BBoy, still drunk, woke up and crawled out from under the titan. "*Hic*!" He slowly wobbled to his feet. "Oh my- *Hic!* -head!" He looked over at the Titan. "*Hic!* Titans! Die!" The titan stopped crying, got up and looked at BBoy, who staggered over to him and said, "You shouldn't be in here *Hic*! I'll'm gonna sock you right on the nogginn" The Titan laughed, "HAHAHA!!! Go away you drunken rabbit, before I hurt ya!" BBoy glared, "Y-you can't herrt meeee... I'm BBoy! *Hic!* Nobody stopps me when I start somtin'. Come on, fight!" He held up his arms and klenchted his fists. The Titan laughed some more, "HAHA!!! Alright, if you want to fight..." The Titan was about to smack BBoy into the back wall, when BBoy suddenly held up his hand. "Wait a minute, I need another drink. *Hic*!" BBoy walked over and grabbed the first mug of whatever he saw on the counter. *GULP* It was gone in 60 seconds. Just kidding, that's a movie. It was gone in 2 seconds! "*Hic!*" BBoy said, then looked around. Everything was blury, but he could make out the form of some pink elephants with angel wings and purple polkadots. BBoy drank another mug full, and the titan smacked him. He went flying into the wall near the door, then fell to the floor in pain. "Wow!" He said. "This stuff has really got a kick! *Hic!*" He fainted yet again.

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Mar 23, 2001, 10:13 AM
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BlackSheep sat on the counter, sighing. "I'm bored." she complained to no one in particular. Cobra scratched an itch on her forehead.Nobody paid attention to her as they cheered on the drinkers. "Hey, Cobra. Wanna do somthin'?" Cobra paused for a moment, her finger on her cheek. "No." she turned back to cheer for NightFire, who had now decided he could do more than all of them, having the supreme power to kick out anyone that won over him. Black pushed through the crowd to grab Cobra's arm. "Oh c'mon. We need lives. I know a great substitute. Let's get tatoos." Cobra shrieked, "Evvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvviiiiiiiiiiii-" as she was pulled out of the War Tavern and into a nearby peircing shop.

(post by *BlackSheep)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:13 AM
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As the never-stopping sheep dragged her into the piercing shop, Cobra's brain worked furiously.

"Wait! I'll bleed to death! It's against my religion! It won't show under my fur! NOOOOOOOOO!" Cobra banged her free arm against Blackie's arms, trying to be freed. "WAit! I got a better idea! Let's put streaks of bleach in our hair, then put in blue, plum, and wine colored streaks in our hair! Then blue lipstick! Then eyeshadow that stretches out to our ears!"

It was the poor Sheep's turn to be dragged off.

(post by Cobra)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:14 AM
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Unknown to Blacksheep and Cobra, Claw was stalking them. Why? He was bored, no job and no money makes Claw a dull... uh... Claw. As Cobra dragged Sheep into a salon Claw jumped ontop of the roof adjacent to the salon and waited for his temporary prey to re-emerge...

(post by Claw)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:14 AM
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BlackSheep sat in the chair scowling at the stylist, who was making an attempt to dye her wool green. "But I don't like green!!" she protested. "Cobra, you're a party pooper!" she shouted across the room. Cobra was picking out makeup. "D'you think this one, or that one?" she asked, holding up two tubes. "Neither. Wot is that thingy?" she pointed to a slithering shadow. "It's-it's-a hippo!" the stylist said, trying to get Black to stop squirming. "A hippo? yAy!" she leaped out of the chair just as the stylist was trying to color her wool, making a mess on the seat. (Which was probably leather.)

Black bounded outside, making the bell clang.

(post by BlackSheep*)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:14 AM
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Cobra sighed and bounded out the door, her hair nicely streaked with blond, electric blue, and wine colored streaks. "BLACKIE! I DIDN'T FINISH MY HAIR! YOU WOULD LOOK SO CUTE IN GREEN!"

Seeing the sheep flee in terror from her, she tackled Sheep.

"YOU MUST LET ME DO YOUR MAKEUP!" Cobra screamed victoriously at Sheep. "By the way, what are you staring at?" she said, regarding Blackie's sudden wide eyed look.

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Mar 23, 2001, 10:15 AM
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"Look over there." Blackie pointed to a blue rabbit walking out of the tavern. Cobra turned, and her eyes also widened. It was BBoy. Still slightly drunk, he was walking out of the tavern... in a pink tutu and slippers. As he walked by them, Black Sheep asked, "Uhh... BBoy? Why are you wearing that stuff???" BBoy replied, "*Hic!* It was a dare. One of da guysh dared me to do it. He said he'd *Hic!* pay me 5 bucks. I need the money to buy another drink. *Hic!*" "Oh. Interesting..." Cobra said. "Yeah, and now I gotsh to go into 'dis buety plashe and get some junk dunn to me. Itsh alsho part of 'duh dare." "Okay... Umm... You do that." "Bye." BBoy staggered into the parlor. The two girls looked at eachother for a moment, then burst out laughing.

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Mar 23, 2001, 10:16 AM
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Claw lept from the ceiling of the building across the salon. BBoy stared at him with one eye wided open, as if he were trying to determine if Claw was really standing there.

"Get outta me way ya giant leprechans I gotta do somethin or yeah, somethin anda get outta my why," BBoy commanded in a drunken rage.

"Free beer at the tavern," whispered Claw.

BBoy's eyes became wide as he scrambled back into the bar.

"That wasn't very nice of you," scolded Cobra.

"Heh, I'm not a very nice person," replied Claw in his gruff voice.

"What do YOU want anyway," interrogated Sheep.

"I'm bored so I decided to stalk you. Obviously I was too sloppy in my technique, you spotted me all the way from inside the salon," explained Claw as he began to walk off.

Sheep and Cobra looked at each other with confused glances as Claw disappeared behind a corner. Would it be worth the adventure to follow the creepy creature or would it be safer to go back to dying their hair. Neither of them made an immediate response.

"Hey there ain't no free beer here! where's that leprechan!" complained BBoy as he staggred back out of the bar.

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Mar 23, 2001, 10:16 AM
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Claw stomped out a few more times, enjoying the weird reverberation it made. He shattered a some cups and NightFire made him stop. Claw didna' like that, as you could imagine, so he crept under the counter and took a bite out of innocent Ducky's leg and proceded on his evil quest to the wine cellars.

An unidentified figure approached the bar, green and black mottled wool flavoring its already weird appearance. Ducky squints at it, rubbing her leg. "Black? Geez, COBRA looks better then you. What'd you do, get outta the chair?" She shrieks as what seems to be Black weilds her hoof at poor Ducky. "Why don't you all leave me ALONE!" She gurgled, holding her cheek and her leg.

Blacksheep warbled away, singing 'Hit me baby one more time". Ducky threw an empty bottle at her and it collided with her already drunk head. She slipped under a table occupied by several strip poker playing idiots.

The Titans sat outside having a picnic on a red and white blanket. They drank chardonnay and turnip bourbon and lolled in the snow. Cobra joined them, her gothic like appearance intriging them and Kovu sat innocently in the girlie Titans crown, stealing the gems.

Batty and BBoy toasted toast and drank more drinks. On the floor now, they chorused "My Bolgna".

(post by Duckster)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:17 AM
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Claw headed down into the wine celler. He knew that Sheep would decide to stalk him. He wouldn't have followed her in the first place if he saw her as unadventurous. Claw pulled out a long hair from his mouth.

"I shouldn't have bit that bartender," he mumbled.

He heard footsteps coming from the stairs. Claw quickly climbed inside a empty wine barrel, awaiting his quarry.

Meanwhile a huge alien space ship (as huge alien space ships go) hovered just outside the bar...

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Mar 23, 2001, 10:18 AM
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Batty, still drunk, pulled a frog out of his backpack.

"She thish frog? Buy thish frog a drink, and I'll shing like shinatra... Wait a shecond.. Never mind..."

(post by Batty Buddy)

"A frog! *Hic!*" BBoy said, excited. "Come on! Letsh fry him over da fire, and den we'll eat froggy *Hic!* legsh! Yum yum! Oh wait. I don't like frog legsh. Never mind." A bright light shone through the tavern window. It was the ship. "What'sh dat!?"

(post by BBoy)

"It'sh the shhip." said Batty. "You shaid it wash yourshelf." He dropped the frog, which pulled out a top hat and can and danced around the tavern singing "Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my rag time gal..." etc.

Suddenly, the ship sprouted a large loudspeaker and a booming voice sounded...

(post by Batty Buddy)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:19 AM
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"Pigeons cannot lick thier necks!"

(post by Batty Buddy)

"What??? Pigeonsh can't lick dare necksh??? What doesh dat mean??? *Hic!*" BBoy said. "It musht be a code of shome kind. *Hic!* Auhhh, I don't care. I'm going to sit down in the corner of da tavern and drink shome beer."

(post by BBoy)

As BBoy and Batty walked back, a huge slimy alien stretched out a long-fingered hand and disintergrated them. Bringing them back to his ship, he re-intergrated them and placed them in a metal tank with Cobra, Claw and BlackSheep, who was scolding Cobra for screaming. Batty brought out a bit of TNT to try to blast them out...

(post by BlackSheep*)

AARRRGGG!! How DARE YOU IMPRISON ME IN A GLASS TUBE!" demanded Claw as he pounded against the glass, which then promptly broke.

Claw shrugged his shoulders and looked at the others imprisoned in their respective glass prisons.

"You guys want out don't you..." trailed Claw with a mischevious grin.

Claw then used the handy ejection switch to "remove" the aliens from their ship. Claw then took the initiative to go to Tubeletric, the planet of sights and sounds!

(post by Claw)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:21 AM
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BBoy looked at Batty and said, "Hey, where'sh claw???" "He went to the tube electric planet." BB replied. BBoy jumped, "Hurray! We finally got rid of 'im! Now letsh find a way out of here. After all, dare'sh no beer here. *Hic!*"

(post by BBoy)

"hehehehe" a voice from no where came into the tavern,

"Whut's so funny bat boy?" Bboy asked

"I'm not laughing," Batty responded,

"hahahaha, they think they can make it up the ship?!" the voice laughed again.

"Aaaw! Whiy woan't Misture Bables leave me alone?" BBoy repeated in frustration in the stage of hallucinating.

"You've got problems," Batty Buddy said,

"I've gotz provlems! Looik at youew carrying a bakpackage with you!"

"Oh jeez! What this alcohol does to you!" Kazooie, a red bird, swooped down and laughed at the sight of a disoriented rabbit.

"I is not dis ori ted!" BBoy struck back.

"DO you really think you could catch up to those guys?! YOU CAN'T EVEN FLY!" Kazooie fought back.

"Whut matters iz whose faster!" BBoy said

"Would you like a race?" Kazooie said, plotting a track to catch up with the others.

(post by Kazooie)

"I'll race ya." Batty said. "Bboy may not be able to fly, but I can."

"Ok." said Kazooie. "But NO rocket packs, fans, or anything made by ACME is allowed..."

"...Oh, you wanna get LOGICAL on me, eh." Gulped Batty.

(note to anyone who want's to write the race, if any, Kazooie may be faster then me, but then since I'm a toon, I'm not above cheating a tad... Just make sure ACME's not involved.)

(post by Batty Buddy)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:21 AM
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And then the race be STARTED!

Batty decided to use a... service. Sorta. He flew to American Airlines and got a ticket to the end. Kazooie was at the 1/2 part by the time Batty got to their airport in Seattle from Talahasse. Kazooie and Batty ended up tying. "Great! This means I win," said Batty.

"Nu-uh!" shouted Kazooie.

"But I was supposed to WIN!"

Suprisingly, Night Fire burnt out. They decided to light Night Fire up again! THe day was called "Argue and Fire Day".

The beginning.

(post by KRSplat)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:25 AM
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And then BBoy won while Kazooie and BAtty were arguing. That means BBoy's disqualified, because... because... No contestents with 2 b's in their name are allowed to win. And just 'cause I say so.

Then ACME came along...

(Post by KRSplat)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:26 AM
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"Hey, lookit the gadgets!" BlackSheep exclaimed, reaching out and touching a wire, getting zapped in the process.

Cobra grabbed her by the paw. "Don't touch ANYTHING."

"Okay, okay..." leaning over to Claw, she said, "This is what we get for bringing an admin with us."

Cobra swatted at her as they crept along. Claw pointed at something ahead. "What is that?"

"I don't know." Cobra said, making an attempt to see arond Claw.

"It's--a bird?" He guess as it came rocketing into his stomach, knocking him over.

(Post by BlackSheep*)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:29 AM
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It was a bird. In fact, it was Kazooie. "What was that for???" Claw said with what air he could breath after getting hit in the stomache. "I heard that you bet against me in the race because you said you thought I a slow little weakling of a bird! That was to show you otherwise." "Who told you that?" "Batty." "I think he did that just to make you go away and attack me. I never did or said that." "Hmmm.... I'd better go beat up Batty." Kazooie left. BBoy came running up to them. "Hey, who's the judge of the race that just took place!?" He yelled. "Blacksheep." Cobra said. She didn't know, but she just said it. BBoy stormed up to Blacksheep and yelled, "What do you mean, that a creature with two B's in his name can't win!? Doesn't that mean that Batty Buddy can't win either???" "He didn't. Nobody won. It was all a tie." "But I DID win!!!" No you didn't. You have to B's in your name." "AURGH!!!!! THAT'S NOT FARE!!!!!" BBoy yelled. "Well, why don't you go talk to the judge about it." "You're not the judge?" "No. Cobra just said I was, but I doubt that she even knew there was a race going on." "Forget it." BBoy left.

(Post by BBoy)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:29 AM
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"Not again!" Cobra cried spotting a violet star. Following the star was a red star.

"This thing is full of plot holes, speaking of which, there's a hull breach somewhere in here," Ducky commented,

"WHAT?!" everyone else chimed in. It was true, the hole that Kazooie had made, when hitting Claw, was leaking out precious oxygen!

"... someone should do something about that," Cobra said,

"TOSS ALL UNNESSCEARY OR UNWANTED LUGGAGE TOWARDS IT!" Ducky barked. She looked around almost ripping a control panel from it's sockets. "Eurika!"

"That's not how you spell Eurika," Claw said unable to spell it any better due to lack of literacy from narrator. Ducky rushed towards the chair behind Cobra.

"hey!" Ducky acknowledged and quickly stopped. She then ran for Cobra instead!

"NO! BACK! Back Simba!" Cobra yelled and created an ice wall from frost bites which got conviently sucked like a dam into the breach. Cobra signed at her quick-wittednessness

"I woulda gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling ki- frost bites too!" Ducky mumbled under her breath.

"Git mea ouf te winsheld..." Kazooie yelled inside, the bat and him were stuck on the windshield.

"Where are we heading again" Ducky asked.


(Post by Kazooie)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:30 AM
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"Great, Medivo will have to do as a crash landing spot," muttered Claw as he tried to steer the ship with what was left of the control pannel.

Cobra quickly pulled in Batty Boy and Kazooie inside the ship, which was quickly depressurizing.

"Hang on to you butts," grumbled Claw as they entered into Medivo's stormy atmosphere.

"What do you think you're doing ya crazy... crazy... Claw!" yelled Kazooie as he attempted to define Claw's species.

Suddenly the ship went from freezing cold (due to the cold vastness of space yada yada yada) to blazing hot as it began to burn up in the sky.

Soon the bizzare group of rabbits, bird, and uh, Claw were stranded near a dark and typicaly evil looking castle...

(Post by Claw)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:31 AM
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"Great! Somebody knock and see if Igor is home." Batty deadpaned. "So, anybody wanna go in first?" asked Claw.

"How about YOU?" Bboy said pointing at Batty. "ME? WHY ME?" "Well, your a bat and all, you guys are used to spooky old castles and darkness." "Yes, but personally, I only venture into evil areas on days starting with an X." "No need to be a chicken, bat." Claw grabbed Batty and tried to shove him in. Batty spread his wings out to prevent this. "HEY WAIT! I GOT AN HONEST FAIR WAY OF DOING THIS!!!" He pulled out four straws and held them in one wind. "We draw straws. Longest has to go in."

Bboy drew first, his was about a half an inch. Batty drew one that was a centimeter.

Kazooie drew one that was a foot long. "HA! KAZOOIE GOES IN FIRST!" Shouted triumphantly.

"Not so fast. Draw yours." "But your wing isn't all that big." Batty pulled out a cowboy hat from his backpack and pulled out a six-shooter. "Draw, pilgrem." he said in a country western accent.

"Claw drew his straw. It was three or four miles long and had a note tied to the end of it saying 'Tough luck, Claw boy!'

Claw, grumbled into the castle.

"Glad I got teliscoping straws." Smeirked Batty.

(Post by Batty Buddy)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:31 AM
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Claw had all but entered the castle when Alantriam fell from above, slamming Claw on (his or her's?) back. "I'll go...(mumbling: weakling)"

(Post by Alantriam)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:32 AM
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"*Hic* Tha' was kewl, stuff falling out of

the sky..." BBoy managed. Suddenly, Kovu

fell out of the sky in a similair fashion.

"Uh, how'd you guys do that?" Cobra asked.

"Well..." Kovu began, and everything became

all wiggly...

*One Hour Before*

"Who want's a drinking contest?!" Kovu shouted.

"I'll out drink you!" Batty said, and thus they began drinking. As the drinking began,

Claw bit Ducky on the leg and BlackSheep came in in a sort of confused rage, colored


"Urg, I can't take anymore..." Batty said and wandered away from the nearly unconcious


"The *hic* cowerd." Alantiam, who was also competing, said.

"Yea, *hic* I'm gonna go steal some of those Titan's gems, 'kay?"

"Okie, *hic* I'm gonna go to th' bathroom." And so the two wandered off.

*Fifty minutes later*

Kovu came back into the Tavern, more sober now, covered in his pilfered gems.

"Waha!" Looking around, he asked a nearby drunkard.

"Hey, where's Alantiam?"

"He went o'er there 'bout an 'our go *hic.*"

Kovu, concerned about how a android could go to the bathroom for an hour, how a android

even could go to the bathroom, ducked his

head into the bathroom. And then he was


(Post by Kovu aka Alec)
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Mar 23, 2001, 10:33 AM
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Claw rubbed his head as he sized up Alantriam.

"Hmmmm... I should like to follow this one," muttered Claw, smiling at the stranger's arrogance.

"I don't want you following me," Alantrium said, pointing at Claw.

"Do you even know what you're getting yourself into?" asked Claw, a smirk on his face.

Alantrium looked at the foreboding castle before then looked back at Claw with a similar smirk, "I can handle it."

"That's Van Kaiser's castle, some say his sword was the most powerful in the universe and the moest well guarded in the universe," explained Claw admiring the dark castle.

"You don't think I can handle it? I'll prove it to you!" exclaimed Alantrium as he stormed into the castle.

Claw sighed in resignation, he had better keep an eye on him.

(Post by Claw)

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