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"Lapin Encounters" a ST:Voyager/JJ story.

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Jun 3, 2001, 06:40 AM
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This story is a crossover between Star Trek Voyager and Jazz Jackrabbit. Main characters feature Lori, Jones and the Voyager crew. It's a bit on the mushy side sometimes, so if you don't like it, then don't read it



Lapin encounters

A Star Trek Voyager/JJ Crossover

by DrJones

"Captain's Log, Star date 2462.5. We are on our continuous voyage towards home through the Delta Quadrant. Though expecting that we will meet new races, we did not think we'd encounter...cute...aliens."

At the bridge, things seemed to go their usual way, everyone at their stations, constantly monitoring, keeping the systems running smoothly.

At Mr. Tuvok's console, new information scrolled, accompanied by a few beeps. He quickly examined the information and spoke:

"Captain, scanners have detected a small vessel off our port bow, it's sending out a distress call. A somewhat unusual one, but it qualifies as one."

Captain Kathryn Janeway turned to the Vulcan and nodded. "On screen, Mr. Tuvok." She stood up and walked towards the center of the bridge.

After a brief second, the screen turned from displaying the star field, to a view of small white vessel. It had one big view port on the front with small wings on its sides. The engine was obviously rear mounted.

"I scan no weapons systems. The propulsion unit seems to be down. I register two life forms, captain." Tuvok spoke.

"Hail them." Janeway said, without taking her eyes off the screen.

"Connection established, audio only."

Janeway nodded and took a small breath. "This is Captain Kathryn Janeway of the Federation Starship Voyager. Please identify yourself."

A voice responded, sounding worried and excited at the same time. It was a pleasant male voice, soft, yet strong. "Uhm...This is ship's engines blew up after I jumped into this system...wherever this is..."

Hearing the distress in the stranger's voice, she looked at Tuvok.

"He speaks the truth, a closer scan indicates the propulsion system is indeed severely damaged."

"We can offer you repairs to your ship, Mr. Jones." Janeway said.

"Thank you...Captain...I also hope you can help me with my mate...she seems to be unconscious...when the engine blew out...she...she kind of dozed off...I checked her, and she's alive...but...she won't wake up." The voice was constantly interrupted by soft sniffles, its owner probably close to tears.

"Calm down, Mr. Jones. We will take you aboard our ship and will see to your mate." Janeway said, finding whomever was on the ship, to be quite emotional.

"Thank you again, Captain Janeway." The voice responded.

Tuvok nodded, signaling that the connection has been terminated. Janeway tapped her communicator. "Janeway to engineering."

"B'Ellana here."

"Meet us at docking bay 2, we have visitors with a damaged ship."

"On my way, B'Ellana out."

Janeway turned, heading for the lift. "Mr. Tuvok, Mr. Paris, come with me. Chakotay, you have the bridge."

Lieutenant Thomas Paris got up and reset the controls to the other pilot. "Yes ma'am." He said and followed the two into the lift.

The ship slowly settled in the landing bay. The atmosphere decontaminated, bay doors locked, Janeway and the tree other officers were waiting.

Janeway turned to B'Ellana. "Have we got a communications link with the ship still?"

The chief engineer nodded and tapped her communicator. "This is Chief Engineer B'Ellana. You can open your ship now, you are in atmosphere."

"All right...I'm opening it..." The voice said, still a little shaky.

"Poor fellow, he must be worried to death for his mate...whomever they are" Janeway thought.

As the rear part of the canopy popped with a slight hiss and slid back, a pair of long ears sprang up, twitching, constantly shifting, as if scanning.

Tom opened his mouth, raising an eyebrow, but kept quiet.

The owner of the two ears moved around, obviously doing something in the ship.

Tuvok's hand edged toward his phaser, ready for anything.

Janeway swallowed. "Are you all right, Mr. Jones? Perhaps we can help."

"It's all right, I've got her now." The voice responded as it's owner finally emerged from the ship. Standing on the edge, it jumped, not an it...a he.

Forcing herself to keep her mouth from falling open, Janeway looked at the stranger with awe, surprise and a hint of amusement.

Landing swiftly on the white floor of the bay, was a nearly six foot tall...rabbit. He had human proportions, normal legs, two arms, one head. It looked muscular, handsome, even...yet it showed the distinct features of a rabbit. It had large feet, a rabbit-like muzzle, his incisors sticking out slightly from its lips. The most interesting part are his large blue, expressive eyes. They looked at the four uniform clad people with interest, quickly scanning. The ears on top of its head swiveled constantly.

Thought the most amazing feature about this rabbit was his fur color, it was a deep,

This sight almost made Janeway miss what the rabbit was holding in his arms. The occupant of the blue rabbit's arms was a beautiful female rabbit; her fur was a shiny yellow. The male was wearing what seemed to be a simple white shirt and khaki pants, the female wearing purple spandex shorts and top, her small, flat belly exposed. He was unconscious, as the male said, her body limp in the male's arms, her ears bobbing slightly as he walked closer.

Janeway regained her composure, taking a quick look at her crewmates, seeing that they also seemed to be amazed especially Tom. Tuvok did not show any reaction, as for B'Ellana, she was standing there with a small smile on her face.

"Welcome to Voyager, Mr Jones. I am Captain Kathryn Janeway. This is Chief Engineer B'Ellana, Lieutenant Tom Parris and my advisor, Mr. Tuvok." Janeway said with a smile on her face.

The rabbit nodded, a small smile on his features. "I am pleased to meet you all, and I would gladly greet you, yet my arms bear the weight of my mate, please help her." He said, his ears lowering a little, still flicking.

Janeway nodded, understanding the rabbit's reasons and turned to Tom. "Mr. Paris, please escort our guests to the sick bay." She said. The Lieutenant nodded and reached out to gently touch the male's shoulder. "This way please, Mr. Jones."

The rabbit smiled a little more, not seeming to mind the touch on the shoulder and started walking, carrying the female in his arms without much effort.

When the doors closed behind the two, Janeway turned to B'Ellana. "Get to work on the ship." The chief engineer nodded and walked to the ship, while the captain turned to the Vulcan. "Mr. Tuvok, what is your analysis so far?"

"I admit, captain, I have not expected a creature as this one. I believe it is a new, unknown species. Showing from it's behavior it is much like an earth-rabbit, timid and easily scared, also likely to express it's emotions much often and open than humans would. I will check our database to confirm if this is indeed an unknown species."

Janeway nodded. "Good. Inform me of anything new. I will go to sickbay to check up on our guests."

"Well, here we are. Kes will help you out. I'll see you later." Tom said as they stood before the sickbay doors.

Jones nodded and smiled. "Thank you, Tom." He said and moved into the sickbay. A lovely young woman with blonde hair approached him and looked at the yellow furred female in his arms.

"Hello, I'm Kes." She said, smiling. The rabbit nodded and smiled. "I'm Jones..." he answered, his smile fading as his attention shifted to his mate in his arms.

Kes noticed this and motioned him to follow to the nearest medical bunk.

"Computer," she began, a quiet beep of confirmation heard as the computer focused on Kes, "activate Emergency Medical Hologram."

"Please State the Nature of the Medical emergency." The EMH said as it materialized.

Snapping out of his automated response, the doctor turned and looked at the only other occupants of the sickbay, one being a familiar face, Kes, the other two being a species that seemed familiar to him, yet he never saw them before, or knew about them. Looking over the two rabbits, his systems quickly scanned them and determined what they're here for. He took out his other scanners.

"Welcome, what is your name?' He spoke to the male.

"I'm Jones, pleased to meet you...uh..."

"He's the ship's medical officer, the doctor." Kes explained, smiling warmly at the rabbit.

The rabbit smiled back and nodded then noticed one of the bunks and gently set his yellow-furred mate onto one.

The doctor followed and scanned the unconscious form of the yellow rabbit.

The doors of the sickbay hissed, Captain Janeway standing in the doorway. She approached the little group, a brief nod in greeting.

Seeing the male swallow, furrowing his brow with worry, Kes walked over to him and spoke. "What happened to her?"

"I...I don't know...after our ship's engine blew out; she dozed off while I was trying to shut the useless systems down. I tried to wake her, but I couldn't. I checked her over and she was alive, her pulse still there..." he sighs, twitching his nose. "I...I hope she will wake up...I'm so worried about her."

Kes nodded and put an arm on the male's shoulder, to which he responded in an unusual way, gently hugging Kes. She let out a soft sound of surprise, and then stood there, blushing as the male let her go, a soft smile on his face.

"What was that for?" She asked.

"You're nice...I thought you'd like a hug..." He said, still smiling, not noticing the captain's amused smile. The smile faded as he focussed on the other rabbit. He looked up at the EMH, who was just done with his scans. "Is she going to be all right?"

The doctor nodded and took a hypo spray. "She seems to be asleep, it being induced by a sleeping gas of some sort."

"Sleeping gas? The blue rabbit said, quirking an eyebrow.

The EMH nodded. "This should do it. " He said as he applied the hypo to the yellow-rabbit's neck, the instrument hissing briefly.

After a moment the yellow rabbit opened her eyes, her ears twitching a little, as well as her nose.

"Uhhh...Jonesy?" She said in a soft, feminine voice.

"I'm here, Lori...I'm here." He moved forward and gently embraced Lori. She responded, still a little woozy, by rubbing her cheek against Jones'

"Oh Lori, I'm so glad you're all right...I was so worried. " He said, a sniffle sneaking in.

The female moved to gently kiss the male on the lips. "Shh...I'm all right now..."

Kes looked at the doctor, surprised at the raw emotions flowing from these beings, the most prominent one she was feeling

The doctor put down the hypo and cleared his digital throat. "Excuse me..."

The two rabbits turned their heads to look at the doctor. "Yes?" they said in unison.

"I believe your companion is in prime condition now, Mr. Jones..."

The blue rabbit nodded and helped the female off the bunk. She swiftly landed next to him, seeming to be slightly smaller than her male companion.

The rabbits walked over to the doctor and gave him a gentle hug. The EMH stiffened and was tempted to turn himself off, but his decision was stopped as the rabbits let him go, smiling up at him gently. They smiled at Kes.

Kes, whom was still amazed at how affectionate these two were, smiled back and led them out of the sickbay. "I think you two might want to eat something before you'll talk to the captain." They nodded and followed Kes out of the sick bay.

Kes turned her head and smiled at the doctor as she and the others walked out, the captain followed, saying: "I believe, we have a lot to discuss..." to the rabbits.

Waving back slightly, he sighed and turned as the doors closed behind the three. Raising an eyebrow, he nodded. "Hmm." and set to prepare the sickbay for the next visitors...

To be continued...?

It says to be continued because I'm not sure if I'll continue it.

Comments on this story here are also appreciated!

- Lori Central
The Last Patriot


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Jun 3, 2001, 07:30 AM
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Gotta continue this one doc, great idea (i wanted to write a star trek/jj thingy ones myself but i figured there where to little star trek fans)

Glad your making one now.

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Jun 3, 2001, 08:32 AM
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Brilliant, Jonesy.....


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Jun 3, 2001, 08:46 AM
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Would it be a good idea to add this to the j2s startrek thingies?

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Jun 3, 2001, 09:03 AM
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Thanks everyone. I guess I'll be writing more, when the right moment hits me

J2S startrek thingies? Dunno.

- Lori Central

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Jun 3, 2001, 09:05 AM
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you mean Jazztrek, Quistillo?

I haven't read it yet as I'm just scanning the forum, but I love ST:VOY and JJ so I'm sure I'll like this.

(mumbles: DrJones likes Lori)

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Jun 3, 2001, 09:13 AM
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Nah, those are mostly meant for humor and they have nothing to do with Star Trek other than the fact that the Jazz crew is the crew of the Star Trek wotever. It's mostly a parody, if anything.
please leave the satanic fish alone

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Jun 3, 2001, 11:13 AM
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Rumbo Rabbit

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Jun 3, 2001, 11:31 PM
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Loved it Dr, loved it....

'With his father dead and his life as confusing as TIME itself, he stood independantly with his blaster and sword by his side. He was going to save the world, no doubt about it...'

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Jun 4, 2001, 12:24 AM
DrJones is offline
Glad you all still like it. And I agree, I don't think this fits into the j2s star trek thing, cus I have not replaced the crew with rabbits.

And yes, Jones likes Lori, to the point they're engaged.


- Lori Central

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