

  Palette Swap Animations
Tileset Basics
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Tilesets Masks
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Tilesets Palettes
  16 bit to 8 bit
  Creating the Palette
  3D Tileset Objects
  Underwater Ambient Lighting
Jcs events
  Ambient sounds (Howto JCS)
  Mystery of the Pacman Ghost
  Destruct Scenery
  Buttstomp Scenery
  MCE's - why and how
  Events moved by belts
  Event Theory
Jcs interface
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Leveldesign theory
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  Bouncy things
Leveldesign tutorials
  Making a simple level (Howto JCS)
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  Background Music
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 Viewing node Background Music

Background Music

Sometimes you enter a level with a horrible background music and the thought crosses your mind "I would never put such a bad track in my level". But now it comes.. You don't know how!

How to change the music file of a level

1. Open your JCS and the level.

2. Click the menu Tools --> Level properties.

3. You will now get a screen with the level properties.

4. In the "Music file" field, fill in the filename of the song you want as music and press OK.

Congratulations! You now have a perfectly working music file.

Possible and impossible file extensions

Supported extensions:
.j2b, .669, .am, .far, .mod, .xm, .it, .mtm, .ptm, .s3m, .stm and .ult.

Not supported extensions:
*.mid (MIDI), *.wav (WAVE), *.mp3, *.mpeg, *.snd (SOUND)

Added on: 27 February 2003 21:00. Made by Electric.