Double Fine’s new YouTube series, Devs Play, builds its inaugural episode around the 1994 Lion King game, complete with commentary from one of the developers. At around the half hour mark they get to the Hakuna Matata level, and Louis Castle reveals that it was based on official Disney plates, storyboards, etc. that were initially developed for the original Lion King movie but were cut for story reasons.
Why do we care? Well, it’s a nineties platformer, but more importantly, Hakuna Matata was the inspiration for Carrotus. Before it was thought to have been invented specifically for the Lion King game, but nope, it originated in-house at Disney. (Just like Pride Rock, the inspiration for Damn.)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.
Double Fine = vomit
I’ll give that a watch later.
I recall posting a thread on the JCF about this several years ago. Also, that Lion king game was freaking hard as a kid
Ever played the Aladdin one? It was a lot easier overall, and it’s fourth level clearly spawned inspiration for the Castle set. I mean, look at those pillars
Blacky: The news is specifically that the Lion King game level was based on Disney art, not that the JJ2 level was based on Lion King game art, which we already knew.
Slaz: Could be! Nick has admitted that parts of Colonius were based on Aladdin, after all.
Aliens have invaded earth
Is there a single original thing invented in Jazz Jackrabbit? As a kid, everything Jazz related looked original to me. I never thought Aladdin or the Lion King were inspiration for Jazz. But now days, the more I know, the worse it gets. Everything is ruined for me: Jazz was inspired by Sonic and Zool (that I can swallow), and Jazz himself originated from animation, which I don’t remember its name. Next, the tilesets (I didn’t even knew Colonius is based on Aladdin!). Next: the guns (like the LFG-2000 gun). Next – referrences to other games and companies (like Apogee). The story is also a stereotypical cliche. Please tell me that there is something original left! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!
@wiivn perhaps it would be cruel to mention the origins of some of the music.
@wiivn you can say that some weapons are original:like the seekers or the electro-blaster
or even the flamethrower
oh wait….
@wiivn: In a sense, nothing creative is ever fully original. Inspiration doesn’t spawn out of nothing, that’s not how the human brain works.
For example, MegaMan was inspired by Astro Boy, who was inspired by Pinocchio, and Carlo Lorenzini didn’t make up Pinocchio out of nothing either. The wooden doll’s inspiration is thought to be a mix of fairy tales he translated and his political/social view and interaction at the time.
This is what I love about the pubic domain. We can all inspire each other and build upon each others works, and in a way Jazz2 (both the original game and the stockpile of levels released for it) is an embodiment of this ideal.
Oh wait, the philosophy is getting out of hand, I’d better go to bed. :P
well we can say that spaz and the game engine are original atleast
also wiivn,for me,jazz is aleardy ruined ,but i still love that game as many do
wiivn is entering into the gus-zone :D
Hare, just what the cold heck!? Lab Rat was inspired of something? I love Lab Rat!
Well, at least I hope the rest of the soundtrack is original. I love it!
LOL the soundtrack is completely original. What the fuck are people on? Like, music or art cannot be inspired by something else without then being original? hahaha. :D
that xmas soundtrack reminds me of this song
@Zah dud4h That’s a good one! I hadn’t noticed that before.
Dreampipes ;)
There was another that I came across at one point, but I can’t remember what it was.Raenforus borrows a lot from this track from Weekend at Bernies II
That’s the only clip I could find on YouTube. Seems the person who uploaded it recorded the audio straight from the movie.
…why dont you find us more clips.
Dunno maybe i’m wrong but the easter soundtrack is somewhat similar to the beach one
Also i’d like to see where did damn and medivos got inspired from
A few of these sound effects make me curious… YouTube Link
Kinda late to post this, but, these remind me of the boll platforms, from medivo.
And yes, would like to thank slaz for showing the video in the first place.
@Jelly Jam also the bats from alladin reminds me of jazz jackrabbit 2’s ones
This clearly inspired the JJ2 jungle music!
I really wonder what’s psych’s stolen from other games and such. Could it be that this is one of the only original stuff?
Lewis Carroll would object to that claim.
Yes, cooba. I know it’s inspired by Alice in wonderland. I just wonder if the psych graphics are stolen from another game…
@Jelly Jam No graphics are literally stolen from another game. They’re just inspired of them. I don’t think so, Psych looks pretty original.
Aliens have invaded earth
Thanks Splat for coming in to drop the knowledge bombshell
The secrets of the universe revealed
@JordanJett You don’t say!
.lol fucking retards on a roll. jj soundtrack is original. musicness idiot trying yo find ssimilaraitlaaties by forced. fuck you all. FUCK Z4H DUDAH