After a little less than six weeks of competition and active play, the 13th season of Jazz Duelist’s Challenge has come to an end.
Congratulations to vegito, who won this summer’s season with 2009 points on the record. By this victory, vegito sets a record of most (three) JDC seasons won by a single person. It’s also worth noting that all of the three seasons have been consecutive, so the record is double as much to be proud of :)
This season’s awards are already available on the JDC site. Congratulations to all the award winners and competitors!
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.
It wasn’t laziness, I just don’t like to bump down featured downloads because those are my favourite news posts ;9
I guess it makes sense to post this though.
You bumped down my featured download. D:
Im worth noticing also D=. ;P
Well, there you go then: =)
Congrats, Veg!
GJ VEG , rofl most obsessive dueler , napo :P.
[Personal attack ~cooba]