Do you wish to announce a contest? Is there important community, clan or level group news? Do you have an opinion to share? Think people should play more? You have a neat idea for a level? Share it on RabbitJournal, your #1 resource for community-created news!
You can vote on news entries to send them to the Jazz2Online front page for everyone to see. Entries with at least 5 votes and admin approval will reach the news page.
As the title suggests, LGR made a video about the very obscure “Jazz Jackrabbit’s Poker Broker” shareware poker game. Maybe this is not exactly news worthy, but it’s definitely something, as it’s the first video about this obscure software that carries Jazz’s name.
I am working on jazz 2 unused boss that never spawn when put in any lvl but its battle is soooo cool I am using gamemaker studio to make it so when it is finished I am going to put it at once on this page and if you want the bounce lvl too comment :3
in this levels that I wrote about it before it is better to play by spaz more than jazz and lori because there will be a lot of jumping and kicking but how ever you still can play by jazz and lori if you like
Jazz Complete Trouble 1 : many ways to start with
Jazz Complete T
I am going to make a hard bonus level which you choose from 2 ways
1-play as hip-hop (Bird)
2-play as a frog
I am making a level that you can end by different ways the way that you will choose is the way that you are going to end it.
1- a way that will lead you for many goodies and less enemy
2- a very hard way that will lead you to less goodies more enemy and a boss battle
3-way to a normal level that there is no boss or thing more than this and it have an end area like the original levels
So , What do you think ? :3
I used to play this when i was a kid , 10 years ago now i just checked on internet that i can play this game and online i want to know where can i download this game , someoen help me pls :(
Source: JCF
The results are in!
Best Battle Level of 2016
Forest Swamp – FireSworD
Zes – DarkSonic
Twin Stalactites – FireSworD
Trademark II – Snooze
Best CTF Level of 2016
Scrapyard – PurpleJazz
The Astrolabe – Ragnarok
Hall of the Mountain King – Superjazz
Best SP Release of 2016
A Generic Single Player Level II – Blackraptor
Forest Forgotten – Spaztic
Ürdüng Chronicles #1 – FarkasUrdung
Best JCSer of 2016
Sir Ementaler
Thank you to everyone for all their hard work in keeping the JCS scene alive in 2016, and thank you to all who voted! Who knows, maybe 2017 will finally be your year… ;)
Source: JCF
Perhaps you weren’t so happy with the way world events played out in 2016, or it could’ve been the best year of your life for other reasons. Regardless, as we look to the future we now have the chance to reflect on the last 365 days. It’s the annual event that all JCSers look forward to! Check out the JCF thread and cast your votes!
Voting closes on 15th January at 23:59 GMT+1.
That’s right, I’m doing another contest again, and possibly my final one. The map should ideally accomodate 8-16 players.
First prize is £30, second is £15, and the deadline is the 31st of December 2016. NO DELAYS, I’d like some JCS award candidates!
Click here for more information!
Source: "facebook page":
The original poster did not spread the word here earlier, but Jazz Jackrabbit 2 will be included in a nostalgic old games event in Idrija, Slovenia.
But that’s not all! Our community member [GpW]Urbs contacted the organizers and made sure they have features like JJ2+. The organizers also let him pick some community created levels for the event, to go with Epic’s original levels.
The JJ2 event will be held on October the 29th at 14:00.
Jazz2Online © 1999-INFINITY (Site Credits). We have a Privacy Policy. Jazz Jackrabbit, Jazz Jackrabbit 2, Jazz Jackrabbit Advance and all related trademarks and media are ™ and © Epic Games. Lori Jackrabbit is © Dean Dodrill. J2O development powered by Loops of Fury and Chemical Beats.
Eat your lima beans, Johnny.