Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Cell's Battle Pack
Level rating: 6.5

I have the same problem with Stiletto and White Rabbit. Where’s Aiko’s review by the way?

Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Executor's Fragfest
Level rating: 2.5

Just stop it Executor, will ya? You must not get mad little thing like this. It is stupid. Face the fact that the level isn’t so good as Cazz told you. And who Cazz. I’ve never seen her anywhere. And that war declaring. Hehe.[This review has been edited by Blade]

Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Discofever (come and join the time:)
Level rating: 8.6

Firstly, this tileset gets the rating it deserves. Maybe a 8,5 could be good.
Wow. I looked the tileset one second and made my decision. This is the best tileset of Mirrow. The discoland looked extra-cool, but the problems with the warpbackground. Mirrow, visit ( A great site for learning stuff. The Jazzes and Spazes all around the level were funny, and the stuff for layers 5-7 were cool.
Great tileset! You will be remembered as a great tileset artist.

Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JelZe's MicroBattles
Level rating: 7.1

MicroBattles are something pretty fresh. The small levels has only few poweups and ammo. The fighting could be rough in a server where is about ten people and level would be some of these. Shame, that MicroBattles aren’t so usable when playing battle. It can turn little bit annoying.
Anyway this is good, fresh idea. Bye JelZe!

Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Ancient Aztec
Level rating: 7.9

Hey, always nice to see levels like this! Ancient Aztec is nice single player level, but little short one. The eye-candy is different, something fresh. I liked it. The music was pretty good, but it was short, too.
Keep out the good work, F

Tell me if you are making a level using my tileset. I’ll rate every single one. Understood?

Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: ZA's Good Side
Level rating: 8.2

Great battle levels but they’re little bit empty. The weapons are in good places, but the powerups shouldn’t middle of the path. The mez01 level look by the way pretty nice.

Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Night World
Level rating: 8.7

The master Agama’s first ten levels are professional’s work. The eye-candy is superb, but little exaggerated at times. The parallax tricks for example in the first level were cool and they were new ideas. The diffuculty level was just fine, but I think there wasn’t foods enough. I got 2 sugar rushes in 10 levels. The music is good mostly, but some of the tracks are little bit annoying.

Now you have proved that you can really use original JJ2 tilesets, You can show the tricks of your own awesome tilesets!

Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Smog CTF
Level rating: 7.4

People use only little my tilesets. I’ve seen levels made with my tileset now about 4. They were all trash. Finally Evilmike made a quality level with Wasteland. This is the best level made with my tileset I’ve seen. The level is pretty large, but it feels about two times times larger because of the brilliant level design. The weapon placement is a bit different than in most of the levels, it is only good.

Nobody knows it but I designed a background for layer 6 and 7, but I never released it. I thought that it would look little bit messy. I tried the background in Evilmike’s level (I hope you don’t go mad, comrade) and it fit nicely. But I’m still not sure for releasing the background. I think i will improve it someway and release then… maybe. I’m planning to make a single player episode with my tileset. That might be a good time.

Good work Evilmike! Continue making good levels!

P.S: If you (right you front of the monitor) are making a level with my tileset I’ll preciate it if you could tell me about it.[This review has been edited by Blade]

Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mirrows Tileset Pack
Level rating: 7.8

Mirrow’s tileset package is actually pretty good. Mirrow has spent lots of time with the pack, it can be seen easily. But, copying graphics is never good. The city tileset’s background was taken from Mez’s set. But it is understandable. Sets are hard to make (good ones especially). The music is good. They fit in the levels just fine.

Download recommendation from me. Understood? Download!

Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Alien Chemestry
Level rating: 8.5

This is first time I have to use brains when playing Jazz2. You could run through every original JJ2 level. But you can’t run in this pack (what’s fun in running the levels through anyway?). The pack took me about half an hour to complete. These 3 levels are amazing work. Nice 20*1000 bonus level by the way :) . The eyecandy was unbelievable. The music was good. The difficulty level was just fine, I got killed several times. It was refreshing. Why? Because of the easiness of other levels.

Well done, Evilmike. Every single player level is precious. They are kind of rare nowadays. (well, good ones are)[This review has been edited by Blade]

Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Egypt
Level rating: 9.5

The master Agama’s another tileset is soooo cool (is it a surprise?) that I almost falled from my chair. The tileset has once again lots of very usable stuff and eye candy. Agama really knows the tricks of the drawing programs. The only two things to complain. 1: The hardness of using. But the two great treasure hunt levels show the tricks quite nicely. 2: The night version is good but little bit too dark. Agama has found almost two nice music tracks. They fit in the levels just fine. Make more levels with your tilesets, Agama!

Agama, you could easily get a job as an artist in epic or anywhere!

Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Heaven v.1.1
Level rating: 9.6

I think that we have a new master here. Tileset called Heaven is the third masterpiece of Agama. The tileset is drawed pixel by pixel, and it looks amazing. The background clouds are smashing. But I wonder why Agama didn’t do his own warpbackground, Heaven has Carrottus’ w-background. Otherwise the tileset is so darn cool. Lots of eye candy. Agama has made too a nice single player example level what shows the using of the tileset.

Heaven is made by a professional tileset maker/drawer. It is in the same league where Mez’s tilesets are. And I have to confess that these tilesets are way better than mine.

Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: EvilMike's Giant Tileset/Level Pack
Level rating: 8.1

Yeah, I like this pack! This is very good, mostly. Evilmike has made a big count of cool levels and putted it in a single pack. He has used mostly Carrottus and Diamondus tilesets, but there’s too his own ones and other people’s. The levels are race, battle, treasure and ctf levels. The levels have lots of pure ideas, and the level design is so accurate. I like it. The weapon placement is in good condition. And the musics are cool tracks from JJ2. But I think the biggest goof is that the levels are not connected to each other. If you have to change the level, you gotta go to the menu and search the next level from the list. And the level names are miscellaneous. It can be hard to search Evilmike’s all the levels from the list. My opinion is that Evilmike should categorize his levels like this EvilmikesBattle1.j2l, EvilmikesRace1.j2l, etc… And I couldn’t run the level called “Desert Of Death”, because the game couldn’t find the level Evilmike5.j2l. Don’t ask me how that happened. There’s one more thing to whine. In some levels there are not start points for Jazz and Spaz, only MP starts, but that’s kinda little problem.

Anyway, this pack rocks. These levels are so great that I should host a server with one of these levels. Great job, Evilmike!

And Evilmike wishes all of us tell our favourite level. My favourite was definitely that JJ1 Diamondus level “Shine-O-Rific Land”.[This review has been edited by Blade]

Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Future Evolution Beta 2 v0.95
Level rating: 9

Heh, I do really like this one. I’m not actually a big capture-the-flag fan, but ShadowGpW has done a impressive work. The eye-candy rocks, and weapon placement is in good condition. I liked the music as well :) .[This review has been edited by Blade]

Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Spacey Universe
Level rating: 9

It is easy to see that this pack is a first-class release. Only master called Disguise can make packs like this.

The possibilies of the tileset are uncountable. You can see it easily by trying the four example levels. The warp-background is made with time, and it fits well. The tileset’s so large that you could use it for dozens of levels.

The music is brilliant, and not too big in MBs. It’s irritating to download a 5 meg pack what includes a huge music file and only few levels. I think that people should learn to use mod2j2b.exe. It could save lots of space.[This review has been edited by Blade]

Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: triple battle set
Level rating: 5

Where are all the good levels nowadays, I wonder. I don’t have, by the way, anything to add to BlackDeath’s review.

Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blade's Battle Pack
Level rating: 9.5

Fl@$h is right, Wasteland wasn’t released when this one came out. I recommend Cell to download Blade’s Battle Pack 2.

Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: F5 Torment
Level rating: 7.1

Cmdr Dats, maybe you should release these levels in one big episode/pack.

Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: GC Desert 2
Level rating: 7.2

I’ve been little quiet. If you’ve even noticed it. The reason is my new release.

This one is good. It’s little small, but it don’t matter so much. Weapon placing Ok, and the layer work was too pretty good. One complaint: Gc used too many same kind tiles next to each other.

And thanks for supporting!

Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blade's Battle Pack
Level rating: 9.5

Attention: Now released:

Blade’s Battle Pack Volume II Includes: ——————- – All my tilesets: Aztec, Beton, Rocks Glacier, Desert, Wasteland – 24 Battle levels. – Custom Music.
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