Review by mikeejimbo

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: EM's Final Fight: Tall Towers
Level rating: 7.5

The only thing that really annoys me about this site is that people aren’t allowed to have opinions.

It’s not bias if he reviews them all similarly.

To quote Voltaire, “I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”[This review has been edited by mikeejimbo]

Review by mikeejimbo

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: A haxor 1337 level that ruxors
Level rating: 1

Using my own 1337ness, I can predict that Green Plant’s rating will be removed.

Which I think is unfair. Everyone is entitled to an opinion.

Specifically, they are entitled to the administrators’ opinion.

Review by mikeejimbo

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: super_jazz v.01
Level rating: 1.8

If you’re one of the authors, than you really shouldn’t be rating it.

Review by mikeejimbo

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Castle Of Ghosts!!!!!!
Level rating: 4.5

This level shows much improvement in Bjarni’s level making. It is a little like Party in the Castle, which I think is good because it’s sort of like a sequel.

The ammo placement isn’t very good, and niether is the food placement, but the enemy placement is decent for the most part. A few of the tiles look ugly, but again, it’s pretty good for the most part. The boss is much too hard in the location it’s placed, though.

I don’t think the water disappeared, I think that you reached an underwater “cave” where there wasn’t any water. This was quite a neat thing, Bjarni.

It is possible to play with Jazz in that one area, but I used a secret trick of mine that I will now reveal. I buttstomped the ghosts to get up.

Overall, keep up the good work!

Review by mikeejimbo

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Updated Version of Welcome To Garden and Garden At Night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Level rating: 4

I’m a Bjarni fan! So I downloaded them.

When I saw the first one, I thought that it had OK eye candy, but it could have been more. There are a few enemies at first, and you get some seekers. I should have saved them. The next part of it is a vine, with those heli-lizards around it. Unfortunately, I fell, but I got back up by using them as platforms.

And in the second level, you go a little ways, have to hop on this moving platform, and then you get an airboard! (What Bjarni level would be complete without one?)

Anyway, they were fairly good, but small as Labrat said, but I’ve seen better out of Bjarni. Make more levels like the one with the Tuf Turtle City. That was the best one of yours I’ve played.

Review by mikeejimbo

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Gem to Coin Converter
Level rating: 8.7

Hehe… I started a trend that leads to something big.

Review by mikeejimbo

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Gem to Coin Converter
Level rating: N/A

Can’t the admin look at their score, and subtract to see the amount of gems they lost?

Anyway, the IceBank system IS what you get credit for Violet.

Also, my computer’s clock/calender is set wrong, that’s how I got a copy of RabbitHotel from 2009.

Hotels don’t HAVE to be hosted in battle, I’ve seen them in treasure.
Anyhow, I don’t see how else you could do it, and you could always put more coin amounts in, or shorten the waittime. Did you read the further ideas? [This review has been edited by mikeejimbo][This review has been edited by mikeejimbo]

Review by mikeejimbo

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jungle Runners
Level rating: 5.1

Piqued by curiousity of a level that suddenly shot up from 1 to 3 in average rating, I decided to download it.

It is actually a lot better than I expected.

GAMEPLAY: The gameplay is OK. Like JelZe mentions, it is short, and there is a little bit of deception. However, once you get the first lap done, it’s quite easy. One thing I liked was the thing with the vines. However, it seemed a little short. I would suggest making it a little bit longer and placing the vines just a little bit farther apart.

EYE CANDY: Eye candy is something I’ve always hated putting in my levels, and this is about my level at it, too. I do have some that are a little better, but I say it’s OK.

ITEM PLACEMENT: Except for the bananas, which are useless, and the save point sign post, I see no problems.

I give it a 5.2, because it deserves more than just a 5.

Review by mikeejimbo

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Boss Practice Levels
Level rating: 1

I can review this in one word: Why?

Why did you make a pack that consists of nothing but a bunch of bosses in an illogical order? When I first downloaded it, I thought that perhaps it would have some merits. I was wrong.

EYE CANDY: Rather, lack thereof. A little worse than mine. Completely unvaried.

GAMEPLAY: You have nothing but a blaster and you have to fight a bunch of bosses.

AMMO/ITEM/ENEMY placement: N/A, except for the bosses.

I am not going to actually rate it, fortunately.

Review by mikeejimbo

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: SumoSpaz 2 - Wartorn Night
Level rating: 1

Uh… what is it?

Review by mikeejimbo

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Technoir remix
Level rating: 5.2

I didn’t think you were supposed to rate songs.

Review by mikeejimbo

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Frog Race
Level rating: 6.8

This is amazing. When did you join this site? Because I downloaded it from a private website. I also downloaded your Falkenstien things.

Review by mikeejimbo

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: S_Levelpack
Level rating: 8.3

This level pack is interesting, at least. When I first saw the first level, I thought “This looks like it’s worth a 7 so far.” A bit of playing and I ran into all the annoying stuff.

One thing that happens frequently is that the level drops you onto enemies and spikes, going against the “top ten level editing tips.” Also it often makes you go through the same part twice, when you’ve already been through, which I believe goes against the list, but in any case is bad.

If you look at level two, and other places in some of the other levels, the tiles don’t fit together properly.


Annoying, and not really satisfying


The weapon placement is not all that great. There aren’t too many, anyway.


Ouch… this was bad. There were very few carrots and few checkpoints too.

Unfortunately I can’t rate this lower, because I would be accused of underrating.

And the credit level is the most annoying one I’ve seen, pretty much ever.

EDIT: One thing I forgot. It’s very annoying, and there are more fun things you could do with your time. I’m thinking of starting a webcam pointed at my lawn.

Didn’t you read it? “Don’t teach players to play by killing them.” That was from one of the JJ2 team members, too.

And the only way you can avoid dropping onto them in some places is with the helicopter ears, and in other places he sets it up so that you CAN’T.
[This review has been edited by mikeejimbo][This review has been edited by mikeejimbo]

Review by mikeejimbo

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Enhancement v1.2(instagib level pack)
Level rating: 8.4
Very nice. I like how the small size and the layout compliment the already hectic gameplay style of instagib. I even won a few. I especially liked the electroblasters with fast fire, but you die so much it’s hard to get up a good amount of them.

The gameplay is great, and there are a lot of original ideas. [This review has been edited by mikeejimbo]

Review by mikeejimbo

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Chocolate Chips
Level rating: 8.3

Darn it! I absolutely hated this tileset! It made me so hungry!

No, I kid. Although it did make me hungry, I loved it. It was done well, and everything is able to fit together. Though it seemed a little dark. There are a lot of items, such as hooks, vines, poles, spikes, etc. The spikes don’t exactly look like them though.

How do you make a tileset look this good? Do you draw it? That doesn’t seem possible…

Review by mikeejimbo

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: the land of the Corrupt!
Level rating: 6.7

Are you nuts? This level is great!

Gameplay: Interesting nooks and crannies. It is kind of small but good for a two player battle. There may be too many carrots.

EYE CANDY: Great! Was this level supposed to scare the player? It worked, with the look and music and lighting of the sprites.

OVERALL: Very good. Download it and put it in your list of good duel levels.

Review by mikeejimbo

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Bee Race!!!!!!!!
Level rating: 2.6

Hey, it wasn’t that bad! I liked it!

GAMEPLAY: When you consider the fact that in race, speed is the object, then bees slowing you down is a good idea. And there is no enemy better than bees to have been chosen for this level! Bees are annoying… Also, you may complain that it is not for internet use, but the splitscreen race was designed to be better. You would only have to complain that it wasn’t for internet use if you had no friends in real life.

EYE CANDY: It looks decent. Everything fits together and there are no bugs. GRANTED, there wasn’t much, but you aren’t going to be looking at it when racing anyway.

LEVEL DESIGN: Again, not that bad. It’s supposed to be linear because it’s a race, otherwise it would be too confusing. Also, I tested it, split screen race, and when you fall in the pit, eventually you die and get sent back to the beginning. Although at first you think you can just jump over the pit, the bees might hit you and you fall. So therefore you have to avoid the bees!

OVERALL: I think it is good! Although you can just run right and win, there is still another opponent and you can try to mess him up too, so there can be challenge. It looks good, sounds good, and can be fun if you play it with someone. I bet you play this with your sister Bjarni. Or if not, you should. (You do have a sister, right? Or am I crazy? Well, I am, but anyway…)

This warrents a 6 from me, and a download reccomendation for those of you that have friends.

(Rating removal. While your logic makes sense, your rating is a little more than questionable. Please note that multiplayer race mode means that you wil be unable to see bees in the first place. -Trafton)

What do you mean? I tested it in multiplayer race mode and I could see the bees.

Anyway, it was very unfair of you to remove this rating. It was a perfectly fair rating and I have the right to my opinion.

[This review has been edited by Trafton AT][This review has been edited by mikeejimbo]

(While I understand that you may believe this level is worth a six and are seemingly quite convinced of it, the rating is nonetheless very contrasting with all of the other various ratings for this level. If it is really that important to you, you may put it back, as the review makes sense. Thank you, however, for not making the mistake of putting it back yourself before getting permission to, as that is a fairly common mistake and results in a warning in most instances. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

No, that’s all right, however…

I thought that that rule only applied if you didn’t give good reason as to why you think it deserves such a good rating. While it does contrast it, it doesn’t bring it up too much higher.

Here, we’ll comprimise. I’ll give it a 4.
[This review has been edited by mikeejimbo][This review has been edited by mikeejimbo]

Review by mikeejimbo

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: devil traps 2 to 3
Level rating: 1.4

There was an error “wrong version 2.03”


But, but, it doesn’t SAY it’s a TSF level!

Wah![This review has been edited by mikeejimbo]

Review by mikeejimbo

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz Unleashed Demo
Level rating: N/A

The intro was kind of annoying, I must admit.

I won’t review this yet, because I haven’t played it too much.

Review by mikeejimbo

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Triple defeat
Level rating: 8.2

EYE CANDY: Good, could have been more in places. An 8, though. There are a few places it tricks you. The last level looks, er… odd a little, but I can overlook it, unlike everyone else who must sit 2mm from the screen to see such tiny mistakes.

ENEMY PLACEMENT: OK in some places, but a lot of times it is annoying and not aethestically pleasing. A 6.

WEAPON/ITEM PLACEMENT: Good. There could have been more carrots and save points though. 7.5

GAMEPLAY: This is where it comes together. Not exactly linear, but it’s still cool. There are a lot of nifty switch boxes too.

STORY LINE: Not bad, but really odd. A 6.7

ORIGINALITY: Believe it or not, I had an idea sort of like this one once, a long time ago. Longer than you’ve been working on it, anyway. Well, a 7.7.

OVERALL: How does a 7.5 sound?

But wait, there’s more!


Version 1.23: +0.2
For being unfortunate enough that I tested it after playing a really cool game: +0.3
For preffering Jazz to Spaz: +5.0
Choosing non-Epic, but awesome tilesets: +0.05
The music: +0.05
Because I’m in the mood for it: +0.2
Because you deserve it: +0.2

TOTAL: 7.5 + 6.0 = 13.5!

EDIT: More realistic bonus for preferring Jazz was needed.

Huh? I was able to download it, all zipped up. Besides, it deserves a 9 anyway.
[This review has been edited by mikeejimbo][This review has been edited by mikeejimbo][This review has been edited by ShadowGpW]

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