Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: EvilMikesHiddenTemple
Level rating: 8.1

‘Evilmikes hidden temple’ is a realy l33t battle level. It makes pretty good use of one of Evilmikes tilsets, wich one some points reminds me of JJ1: Deserto. The design of the level is very circular, thus creating pretty fluent gameplay. There is good weapen placement. The coins for the bonus waro are well devided, not to litle, not too much. The use of layers is also very nice. I like the way the level is divided int two sections: the hidden temple and the desert outside. It is a litle small, but thats not much of a pitty. I am going to give this a pretty high 8.0 points and a download recomendation.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Kickflip McTwist (Skateboarding)
Level rating: 6.7

This is a pretty spiffy litle tileset, creating a nice skateboarding envirement. Most of the tiles where ripped from Overlord ‘Top secret’ set and Dethmans ‘7th Lava Fall’ seT. I think you can be happy o’ll Dethy is’nt around here anymore, because if he would see this, there’d be no telling what he’d do. For as far i know, Overlod is’nt to hard on people using tiles from his sets:P. The tileset is pretty sweet and stuff. It has some basic tiles, and also some new, nice looking ones, like Jazz and Spaz on skateboards and stuff. Even ‘tho this is a new tileset, it was uploaded as single player, so i will be fair, and rate the level, not the set. The level makes pretty nice use of the set, It uses the pretty coolishly tracked ‘Aryx’ tune, wich does’nt ‘REALY’ fit in, but is still a nice adition. The level itself is not to hard or long, but still pretty fun. It uses some skateboarding texts and stuff like that, wich is pretty neat. Its not very good though, but i woke up in a good mode today, so this 6.0 is yours.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Edo Japan
Level rating: 7.2

‘Ed Japan’ is a new, fresh tileset by Splash. Its got some stuff to make it feel like a real old Japanese vilage, like Japanese looking houses and stuff. Its got the basic destruct blocks, in a pretty spiffy orange-geyish colour:P. Some of the ground or actuely most of it, was taken from Splash’s ‘Dragonball continued’ tileset, but still look very good in this set. The ground is nice, looks pretty well drawn. The set also has other basic tiles, like the well known spikes, vines and suckertubes. Splash also put in a neatly animated elevator, like in his ‘Dragonball continued’ set and Agamas ‘Sirius’ set. There are also some plants, taken from the ‘Carottus’ tileset by epic, but still fiting in pretty neatly. Splash also put in some Japanese looking rabbits, wich are also pretty well drawn. Even ‘tho there are some thing taken from JJ2 stets, like the river and trees from Carottus, and the mountians and textured background(wich doesnt work to well) from Holiday hara day, this is a pretty spiffy tileset. It deserves my 7.2 and my download recomendation.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Alien Research Labs
Level rating: 7.3

If you would’ve read the description, you’d know i did’nt have 1.23 when i made this:P

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: The Future Evolution (beta 1 v089)
Level rating: 8.4

To start my review, i wanted to say that i am hpy to see such quality levels here. ‘The future evolution’ by ShadowGpW is a incredible CTF pack. With this, Shadow once again proves that he is one of the very greatest level designers ever. Eyecandy was beautiful. Shadow made terific use of the ‘Tubelectric’ tileset by epic, and the ‘Cyberspaz 1A’ and ‘Cyberspaz 2V’ stes by his (ex)fellow Mystic Legends member Dethman. I liked the space ships flying across the screen in ‘Forcedraw’. The names for the level, ‘Shockwave’, ‘Forcedraw’ and ‘Waste house’ where also pretty creative, and as you know, every quality level needs a good level name:P. The design was very fluent and circular, with tubes used in lots of places, and was very well playeble. The ammo placement was also good. I relay enjoyed this. New ideas everywhere. The whole thing also used 3 terific music files, ‘The genesis factor’ and ‘The digital dawn’ by Sorath, and ‘Tempest 2000’ by Wessy. The music files fit like nothing else would. I higly recomend this to everyone. ‘Nuff said.[This review has been edited by >CelL<]

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: ChatLogJJ2
Level rating: 8.5

I am not going to rate this if it is’nt TSF-compatible. Make it for TSF, and i’ll even be GLAD to rate it.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Whitey\'s Battle Pack
Level rating: 8.3

These are 5 pretty nice battle levels by our old mate Whitey. Each level has good eyecandy. The level ‘Scraper city’ was probably my favorits, it has mostly everything for a good quality level. The other levels shouldnt be forgoten though. For every level, Whitey used some pretty sweet tracked music, Iggelkotarnas rike(kingdom of the hedgehoags) by Daniel Falk to name one. The music goes perfectly with the levels, and i recomend yu to play with music on. Some very high quality tileset where used, like ‘building site’ by Toxic bunny and ‘MeZmErIzE’ by Dethman, wich is one of my favorite tilesets. The design of each level has mostly nothing wrng with it, and i have been unable to find any major bugs yet. The gameplay is pretty good, the levels where mostly designed pretty fluent, making the gameplay circular, and easy to battle in. The ammo placement is also good, not much wrong with it. There where some nice ideas used, even though i have seen some of them before. The faling ammo in ‘The waterfall and the undergrounbd TNT in ‘Under destruction’. Like i said before, i have not yet been able to find any major flaws in eyecandy or such. I am also glad to see quality tilesets sed, JJ2 still sufers from a lack of this. To conclude my review, i must recomend this battle pack to every well-tuned battle fan out there. Please allow me to give you a pretty high 8.2 in advance, for what i have seen ‘till now is pretty neat and cool looking.
EDIT: Don’t let mirrow fool you! His review may have been here first, but it wasnt there when i started writting:D[This review has been edited by >CelL<][This review has been edited by >CelL<]

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Brotherhood Of Death Level
Level rating: 7.9

Ghosty, do not let being member of someones clan and/or liking someone afect your ratings. Its not fair:P. Now about the level. This level, using the pretty hard to use Psych tileset by Epic, is realy a fine quality level. It has some destructeble blocks, wich i dont ‘totaly go for’ in battle levels(even ‘tho i used them in the past:P), but i guess its ok. The design is not too bad, only with a few obstacles sadly. The eyecandy is pretty good, but way confusing. I dont like the extreme lighting at some points, it hrealy has the potential to blind me. Super saiyen also used 2 caterpillers, wich was’nt a good idea to me, ‘cuz those moke rings make you dizzy, and pretty unable to fight for a few seconds, wich afects the gameplay. There where gems used, wich i cant realy understand, since the upload type was specified as ‘battle’, ut i guess it was ment so that you can host this as treasure hunt too. Wich is good, we dont get many treasure levels here these days:D. The overall level is small, but still pretty well designed, with no dead ends(atleast not that i noticed) and so, making it pretty circular. I cant realy understand why this was uploaded under the name ‘Brother hood of death level’, the name clearly is ‘Maniacland’, but that wont afect my rating. Its a 7.5 and a download recomendation.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Rux0riffic!
Level rating: 7.8

A pretty nice litle level. Its very easy(must be Epics influence:P), pretty short. A real run-through level. The design is pretty good, only the sides of some walls looked unfinished from time to time. Its, like i said, way to easy. I finished it in 2 minutes just for the sake of being able to write a review about it. But its still good. Epic-quality(i wonder why:D). Go get this clasic right now. You may regret it, but somehow, i dont think you will.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Violet CLM's (late) Halloween.
Level rating: 7.9

A pretty well designed single player level, and a very nice Halloween tileset. The level itself is very nicely made, it has good use of triger events and stuff. It has pretty well balenced enemy placement, and uses the tileset pretty well. The sticks with jazz and spaz’s head on e’m n the background looked pretty spiffy:D. The tileset itself is pretty well drawn, another set to make my homemade ones look like crap:P. It mostly has all stuff to make a basic level, and some other things too. Go download this litle (late) halloween present now.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Bishka's Warzone
Level rating: 7.6

A very coolish level Dats made. It uses the 7th lava fall tileset in a pretty inventive way. The level sorta gives you the feeling that you’r realy moving. Its got a pretty well selected music file. The ammo placement is once again very good. Download this nifty litle battle level now, if you did’nt do so already.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Digitaliza
Level rating: 6.8

A pretty good tileset and level.. Get this.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Wisey's Plastic CTF Pack
Level rating: 8

Tese are 2 fine CTF levels by Disguise, using the completely aswesome ‘Plastic dreams’ tileset by Comander Dats. The design, like Disguise said, is pretty diferent then his other levels, but its pretty darn good. The levels have got a good layout, but a few dead ends, mainly in ‘Divided dreadworks’(cool name:D), make it not to circular, wich made me lower my rating. The eycandy is good too, even ‘tho i still feel you could have done so much more with the tileset. Weapen placement and such is pretty well balenced, no complaints there. To sum it up, go download ‘Wiseys plastic CTF pack’ now, and host a li’ll CTF server with it if you have time.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Celestial Races
Level rating: 7.7

The tileset was made by Everlasting. Nice level. His name is specified in the tileset iself, guess you missed it
:-O. First, i would like the coment on the music choise: AwEsOmE! Celestial Fantasia is a incredible soundtrack, very fasttracked, perfect for race levels. Its one of my top 30 MODs, and that says A LOT. Now for the level. It uses Everlasting’s pretty cool “Jazzed realm” tileset. The dificulty level is pretty good. Things like “The stairs of recoil” and the “lap of orbits” are pretty hard to get out of. The ideas are very creative. I also liked the part named “Freezing touch”. It was’nt that origenal, but still pretty good. “The pit of rejection” was a litle easy to finish compared to the pther parts, but good i guess. The level has decent eyecandy, could be A LOT beter though. I personaly guess the best reasen to download this would be for the music, but still the level is very good. HigH eight points for this cool litle race level.[This review has been edited by >CelL<]

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: dinner
Level rating: 7.1

‘Dinner’ is a pretty good litle battle level by our old friend mirrow. The level shows a weird, sorta bizzar, but ‘diferent’ way to use the ‘Haunted house’ tileset from TSF. The whole levels design is pretty good, with a few dead ends, but thats not to much of a pitty. It has some pretty nice ideas, like a living vine, poping up and down out of the ground, that bat from the top of the clocktower flying acros the screen, and stuff like that. The eycandy is good, ‘diferent’ like i lready said:D. The ammo placement is good too, pretty well balenced. I only cant realy understand why this was called ‘dinner’. Explain:P. Overall, a 7.7 and a download recomendation.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Duck Hunt
Level rating: 4.8

A pretty interesting idea. Shoot the birds, pow pow:D. Its not realy one of my favorite super-duper thingys. Buit its nice. Go ‘n get this.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Winter warzone
Level rating: 7.3

A pretty good conversion of one of the most popular standard CTF levels. Get this, ‘n host it when the holiday seasens are upon us:D

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Heaven v.1.1
Level rating: 9.6

Seeing that I did’nt do a proper review on the first version of Heaven, I may be proud to be the first to do a review on the 2nd, updated version. And what a set it is! This is realy a incredibly drawn tileset. The groud reminds me a litle of Skulg’s slimeset, but i guess this was here first, so Skulg probably sorta copied ot from this(or it was just done unintendid:P). It has some realy cool looking windows, like one with a unicorn, one with a walle(or however you spell that:P), one with the m00n, a ship, and more. There is also a beautifull litle fountian(animated ofcourse). Theres this big statue of a rabbit in a flowing robe, holding a torch. It was even anmited how the light falls on the statue. Amazing! The turtle statues sticking out of the walls, where taken from the JJ1 planet Marbler. Only, in JJ1 they did’nt breath fire:D. The stuff for the background layers consists of very well drawn clouds. The textured background was fixed for 8-bit colour(or so Agama says, I did’nt realy check[shame on me:0!]). To add to the eyecandy, there are also some big cracked pillars, with inscriptions in a ancient languege on them, and a drawing of a litle cute turtle too. The whole thing is also very user-freindly, it has all the stuff mostly placed where you need it, and its not too hard to use as well. Go download this update of Agamas extraordinairy tileset now. I order you!

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Swamps of The Sleeping Jaguar
Level rating: 9.5

If Aiko sees this set, he’s likely to eat it and faint afterwords:D. I am pretty proud to be the 4th to review this top quality tileset by Agama. Pretty funny atcuely, I have for some time been thinking about creating a swamp tileset, but I’m just not a good ebough drawer, and i’m sure the set i may release one ‘a these days, will look like nothing compared to this. This tileset, based in a swamp(looks more like a forest or jungle to me:P) is realy one of the finest sets ever created. I just love Agamas sharp, cartoony drawing style, it goes perfectly with the Jazz, Spaz and Lori charecters and the ammo and stuff. The whole set is simply gorgeus. It comes in a day, evening and night version, and has great stuff like a few animated jaguars: a sleeping one, 2 sticking their heads out of the bushes and stuff, a litle owl siting in a tree, spiderwebs, water. The ground and tress are perfectly drawn. The set also has some stuff that reminds me of the wooden stuff in the jungle tileset by epic, and is probably intended for the same, like making a native villege or something. The trees for layers 5,6 and 7 are also very well drwan(Duh…). This is realy a most exelent tileset, a top priority download for every jazzer out there. I’m sure this set wont fail to leave you completely breathless from the amazing drawings Agama made. Go download this, now. Agama is truly the greatest tileset creater ever, with talents foolish mortals like you and me would never understand. I have to leave all of you now, ‘cuzz i am going to sit here gasping at this wonderfully made tileset ince again. gasps at Agamas set
stops gasping
Everybody, I just noticed Agamas heaven set has been updated, so those who downloaded it, download it again. Just thought I’d tell ya:D[This review has been edited by >CelL<]

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
For: Fearful Cry
Level rating: 7.7

I dun have time now, so I’ll just try to extend this silly review later. For now, eat the 7.7.

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