Review by cooba

2 Nov 2007, 19:00 (edited 2 Nov 07, 19:01 by Cooba)
For: Familiar Nature V2.0
Level rating: 6.6

“Review successfully changed to Quick!”

I’ll start with the atmosphere.. firstly, this level, by using a highly one-themed tileset, suffers from having highly unoriginal eyecandy. Wherever you go, it’s got the “it’s been done before” look so often present in levels using Agama’s tilesets. And if that wasn’t enough, a (superior) swamps battle1 edit has been already done by Pyromanus, rendering this level as more or less pointless.

What bothers me is the three versions of the same level, only using a different tileset palette. What’s the point? It’s not like I don’t know what do the palettes look like. Besides, the three levels don’t even loop to themselves (as a matter of fact, they don’t loop to anything).

As for gameplay, this is probably one of the least conventional battle1 edits I’ve seen. There’s quite a few of complaints I’d like to address, and I’m definitely not going to explain all those in great depth…

Anyway, this level features coins and like three coinwarps, effectively turning a battle level into a gold rush of sorts. Then come the Frostbiter and TNT (??), the more or less questionable powerups and their questionable placement – especially the Bouncer, the destruct scenery was not the best idea (and one can get stuck in those easily), destruct scenery not removed, blahblah, generally a lot of things which make the gameplay slow(er) and annoying.

Summing up, this is pretty far from “the best remake of battle 1 there is”. This level doesn’t fix much and breaks quite a lot, and thus I’d think twice before hosting (downloading) it. Play this only if you want a battle1 hotel. And by the way, don’t bother making a “V3.0”.

RecommendedQuick Review by sonicnathan 1

2 Nov 2007, 02:54 (edited 2 Nov 07, 18:38)
For: Familiar Nature V2.0
Level rating: 6.6

Ok this version is much better. Better eyecandey and gameplay. Download this if you downloaded the last version. I’m going to host this in the future.
Download recommendedn

Review by Quickz

2 Nov 2007, 02:41 (edited 3 Nov 07, 00:21)
For: Familiar Nature V2.0
Level rating: 6.6

Okay, so this is the second version of SPAZ18’s Familiar Nature. Since I reviewed the last version I decided to review this one as well.

To start with, you removed the bug at [4,124] and the repetitive eyecandy a few steps to the right is also gone, so that’s good! There was a +1 carrot in the water there (didn’t notice it last time), but it’s gone now, another good change. The vines aren’t bugged anymore either. Also, the ground beneath the destruct blocks is fixed.

You definitely improved the eyecandy in this level. First of all, there are more leafs and combinations of them. A great example is the ‘center area’ which has had a gigantic make-over. There is so much more eyecandy there now. Same for the bouncy PU-area. And you added the rain in layer 1 for some extra eyecandy, nothing wrong with that. A negative point: when you use the dark grass, also use the dark ‘bottoms’, f.e. [13,57]. So you improved the eyecandy, but it definitely could’ve been better. Maybe next time have a (better?) look at levels using the same tileset. [EDIT: FireSworD is right. The shape of the leafs (squares etc.) isn’t really natural, which ruins the atmosphere of it]

However, the best improvement is the fact that the Full NRG is now in a new coinwarp. It’s still a problem for duels, but it’s probably okay in just a public server with lots of players.

My comments about the size and layout stay the same, since it’s almost the same as in the original battle1. I still think it wasn’t needed to add all other PU’s, but well.. (the Gun-8 PU doesn’t regenerate by the way). The plamement is okay, well-spread carrots (2 +1’s and the Full NRG in the coinwarp), lot’s of PU’s spread through the whole level and enough ammo.

Finally, the concepts I liked are still there, like the timeglasses, the coinwarp-shield and the shoot-to-find-blocks.

Conclusion: this is much better than the last version. You’re learning quite fast, so I’m looking forward to future levels!

Not recommendedReview by Quickz

26 Oct 2007, 22:43 (edited 26 Oct 07, 23:28)
For: Familiar Nature
Level rating: 6.7

Okay, well.. I saw the rating of this level (7,8) and decided to review this myself. It’s a battle1-remake with the Swamps-tileset made by SPAZ18.

Okay, well, let’s start with the eyecandy. When I open this in JCS, the first thing I see is the bug at [4,124], which isn’t a great start of this review.. Another annoying thing is the repetitive eyecandy: a few steps to the right and you will see three times the same jaguar appearing. Well, I’ve used this tileset myself. You can create great eyecandy combining the different leafs in this tileset. You didn’t use the combo’s, which is really pity. The walls at the destruct-blocks are also bugged.

So basically, you didn’t use this tileset like you could’ve done, most eyecandy seems rather random and repetitive.

Now about the gameplay and placement. Well, there are 3 carrots now, which is okay for a level of this size. The only problem is the left one is a Full NRG, which isn’t a good thing at all in a battle-level. You’ve added a lot of extra PU’s, most of them are at weird positions and not really needed. The flow is, just as in the original battle1, quite well. There are two coinwarps, a nice idea, a lot of silver coins, and some hidden golden coins. Another nice idea is the blocks you have to shoot to appear at the bouncy PU. The timeglasses at the RF-PU are nice, but the vines in the center area are bugged.

The size is just okay. It’s big enough for a battle level, there is enough ammo and there are enough passages. Well, there are some nice ideas and you tried to improve the level at certain points, still, most things aren’t sufficient at all and I can’t give a download recommendation for it.

RecommendedQuick Review by Typhoon Bunny

7 Oct 2007, 10:00
For: Familiar Nature
Level rating: 6.7

Nice battles.

Review by Eigus

6 Oct 2007, 14:49
For: Familiar Nature
Level rating: 6.7

I’d like to say that I suggested that the tileset should be Swamps.

Sorry, I didn’t know there was already a Battle Game 1 remake with Agama’s Swamps of the Sleeping Jaguar.

So yeah, sorry stuff.


RecommendedQuick Review by Fjolsvidr

5 Oct 2007, 16:25
For: Familiar Nature
Level rating: 6.7

It is a great honour to have the filenames branded with the FH tag.

Keep up the excellent work. Anyone who views these levels will know that they are not just a few more battle1 ripoffs.

RecommendedReview by Shrooblord

5 Oct 2007, 12:52 (edited 5 Oct 07, 13:04)
For: Familiar Nature
Level rating: 6.7


To start with the music, i like it.
I like the PU`s and that you swapped the copter for springs…it makes it easier!

As mentioned in other reviews: Maybe be more original with the tileset (that means: not stolen):( But hey! still great.

Like it.

Shrooblord (a.k.a. JangoCF)

P.S. Could someone PM me what Featured Reviews are?Thanks

Review by SPAZ18

5 Oct 2007, 07:18
For: Familiar Nature
Level rating: 6.7

I’m not gonna remake any of the other original levels. I only wanted to remake Battle1.
But, anyway, thanks for the reviews. :)

Not recommendedQuick Review by FireSworD

5 Oct 2007, 01:28 (edited 26 Oct 07, 23:24)
For: Familiar Nature
Level rating: 6.7

Pyromanus already made a battle1 conversion with swamps, I think.

RecommendedQuick Review by sonicnathan 1

5 Oct 2007, 01:00
For: Familiar Nature
Level rating: 6.7

This is great. Eyecandey is great, no tilebugs whatsoever. Ammo is better placed and powerups are harder to get at. Also you have to pay to get a shield and you can pay more money for extra time which is great. Music is nice and I don’t care what you say this is a great remake. I much prefure this one than battle 1 original.
DR: Yes

Review by Hitch

4 Oct 2007, 23:21 (edited 4 Oct 07, 23:23)
For: Familiar Nature
Level rating: 6.7

“If there is any way I can improve the level, let me know in the review.”

Don’t make remakes of original battle levels. That means, if you where ever thinking up making a remake up Battle 2,3, capture 1 etc, don’t. Also, don’t steal the ideas of other creators by changing the tileset, like you used in swamps, because it’s already been done before.

Make your own levels.


RecommendedQuick Review by Typhoon Bunny

30 Sep 2007, 15:06
For: Crystal Cave
Level rating: 7.4


RecommendedReview by ZAPPER

31 Aug 2007, 17:54
For: Crystal Cave
Level rating: 7.4

Hmm. This is a much better pack than I expected. It has rather good eyecandy, though there were some layer problems at points, and some of the tile choice seemed odd. The pack had some problems with enemy placement as well, because sometimes the enemies didn’t move. A certain maze puzzle was used quite a lot, but it didn’t really bother me. The boss battles were quite well done, and the music choice was very good. I didn’t manage to get the secret level, but it is overall a rather easy levelpack (on easy, haven’t tried hard.)

Good, and I’d download it, but it’s over pretty fast. Even so, it deserves a place on the good list. 7/10

Review by Janus aka Jahari

30 Aug 2007, 07:24
For: Crystal Cave
Level rating: 7.4

This was a pretty decent mini-pack. Several things could have been better, but I was satisfied. In the future, you should:

- Reward the player for getting through areas. It was sort of puzzle after puzzle with no break.

- Add more eyecandy. A level that appears to have one color is very lame. I’m referring to the cave levels. The one using 7th lava Fall was fine.

- Use annoying stuff sparingly. A lot of the puzzles were really good, but the mazes covered by layer 3 got old after a while. There were also areas with spikes where you couldn’t get through without getting hurt (unless that was your intention =p).

Otherwise, I liked it.

RecommendedReview by sonicnathan 1

30 Aug 2007, 00:41 (edited 11 May 09, 23:45)
For: Crystal Cave
Level rating: 7.4

Ok I promised a full review almost a year ago and I’m going to write it now that I have nothing better to do.

It’s been a while, but i still remember. Now I did help test this pack, but I’m going to be completely unbiased.

I have to say, the story is very basic. You are exploring Chrysalis cave to find a gem called the Gem of live and then everything goes to hell. Not much meat, but at least it’s better then being told what to do by a frog. (ALA: Jazz x)
Level 1:
Great job here! this conversion isn’t that great. but the eyecandey is great. The background can look weird at first, but It still looks good. Everything’s here. Lots of flashy lights, waterfalls, gold pillars,and lots of money. I really think the level looks like Chrysalis. The lighting is pretty cool and there are some nice touches that are put in link the word JJ2 spelled in those flashy things. The only think that could improve this is more layer 3 stuff. Overall, great stuff!

Level 2:
I LOVED the eyecandey here. The buildings and fog look great. A lot of tiles are used to give a really cool industrial look. it even includes toxic barrels! This is about the closest your going to get to a Robotnik level look without using a sonic level. I love the use of the fans as it adds life to the level. If more layer 3 was used, this would get a 10 in eyecandey.

Bonus Stage:
I’m not going to rate this as it’s just designed as a test level, not as an eyecandey level. Even so, I still think it looks cool!
I’m not rating the last levels because there just boss levels and as such, don’t really deserve to be rated. I will tell you though that the final boss background is pretty cool.

Level 1:
Great! The gameplay is heavily puzzle based making the gameplay feel different then most levels. there is a variety of different obstacles from layer 3 mazes, to basic break the crate puzzles, to dodging hordes of spike bolls. There’s also some cools things like fining the correct ammo to shoot a crate through the wall. The layer 3 puzzles annoyed the heck out of me but there bearable. there was also a puzzle where you had to remember a sequence of numbers. (I wrote them down) The length is good and the secrets are well hidden. On easy, the difficulty is medium and I had fun. Good job!

Level 2:
This level is a lot shorter then the last but the innovation was a lot greater. You start off of course with some layer 3 puzzles. Once you get through those, you go down a shaft and OH SNAP! You hit toxic barrels. this is where it gets innovating. You turn into a frog and you have to go through some mazes and hordes of flying lizards to find a crate that opens the way to the antidote. To break to crate, you have to push it over some TNT which is cool. the lizards are annoying, but you can use the TNT to get rid of them. overall, fun gameplay, I just wish it was as long as level 1.

Bonus stage:
This is fun. It’s test with a cool counter. you get as far as you can and you get prizes biased on how well you did. Not going to include in rating because it’s just a bonus stage, but it’s still fun.
Boss stages won’t get rated but it’s cool to see the rocket turtle getting used!
Enemie Placement
The enemies in all the levels are pretty good. Variety and they all fit with the tileset. However, there are some areas where they were put in unfair locations that I had no way to fight back.
Good again. the ammo was pretty good. There was just the right amount of ammo in the level to making it so it was still a challenge. Food is good and I only got 1 sugar rush. Gems aren’t used that much. Save points are in good locations and carrots are good. I did die a couple of times.

Final score:34/50
Score: 7.5
DR? Go ahead. this is a fun pack to play for a little and Spaz put a lot of effort into it. I look forward to more of his work!

Review by the jamster

2 Jun 2007, 11:51
For: Lost in Marble Gardens V4.0
Level rating: 7.1

ok first of all this isn’t that good , im not reviewing it , nut i think you should stronly look back at it

RecommendedReview by sonicnathan 1

30 May 2007, 19:13
For: Super Jazz Brothers 3 WORLD 1 (1.23)
Level rating: 5.4

Ok here we go.

For a first attempt this is pretty good. Layer 4 looks great as there’s lots of little animations like rotating coins and golden bricks that glamer in the sun. There’s eyecandey in layer 5 that looks good. There’s no tilebugs that I could see. My only complain is that there’s only a background and no foreground. Because of this the levels can be boring to look at times. I have to say the best eyecandey came from the main menu! But still the eyecandey is above average.
Very good. The levels aren’t linear and there’s lots of secrets in the levels. There’s lots of trigger puzzles and spaz put you in positions were you have to use your ammo carefully. The level revolve around puzzles more than just shooting enemies which is a nice change in pace. Most of the puzzles are finding coins to get to the crate or something like that. Also if you cheat at that you get killed! So don’t use the jjcoins code. The pack is fairly long and the levels are fun to play. one thing that’s bad is in some level once you beat them
it comes up with an error message saying it can’t find the level. Also the secret level has no tileset to it! Also the level seem empty at times. Also there’s lots of traps. Great gameplay.
Enemy placement
Great. There’s not to many enemies and there put in good locations. There is enough to kill somebody but it didn’t kill me because I’m really good at this game. Then enemy choses were good so good enemy placement.
Pickup Placement
Bad. In the first couple of levels there no ammo, gems, food or anything in the level except in the bonus areas. The last level has the fixed up with lots of things but that doesn’t cut it. Also in the levels I couldn’t find any carrots. The coins were very well hidden which is good. Also the only ammo was the stuff that you needed to complete the level.

RecommendedReview by FOX282

4 Apr 2007, 19:43 (edited 17 May 07, 05:53)
For: Lost in Marble Gardens V4.0
Level rating: 7.1

Rating Lost In Marble Gardens v4.0

This is a SP Episode made by SPAZ18. Very nice episode. but a lot of errors. BUT from here up to giving this 3? this is not so much suck!

I will rate only the Lost In Marble Gardens level and LIMG REALEND. the others i couldn’t rate because when i open those levels JJ2 crash.

Lost In Marbler Gardens
The Eyecandy is very good! Layer 4 is nice designed! but here is some recommendations: 1. I don’t know where layer(I think in FG layers), there is too much rain moves slowly(like in my “The Middle Ages Pack” SP Pack). like your review you writ on my levels, spaz18- reduce the amount of the rain and make the rain to move faster. 2. I can recommend you on Jazz 1-Marbler, but the tileset you select is nice! so i give it 85/100.
The Gameplay is well, but there is some points: 1. There is Too much Hurt Scenarys in the first place. I think this is a life-points-losing pit and i very liked it. Now i review the important thing: The Puzzles i liked. I liked so much the Puzzle 1, there is a wise using the spacial moves and Gun 9 and this ability to open TNT crate, although this is beside a wall. but Puzzle 3- is not suitable for all. There is a switch open Trig Scenary. the problem- That switch uses Trig zone. thing is not suitable to users have 1.20(like me). I can recommed to you to use Trig Metal crate and TNT Ammo to blow up the crate. but- The other puzzles are nice. i give it 80.
Placement. for this i give very short review, because from all things placement is nice. but one word. Float suckers in Garden level? not so match.
and-I loved she story1 so 100
so i give is 100!
Rating- 85+80+100+100=365:4=91.25-9.2

this is, like my “Lost In Marble Gardens” review about placement, so here i don,t have words to give long description for this level. There is a cutscene and a boss. but the boss not placed wall(through a wall) so you have to type jjammo and start shoot him with Gun 9. but this is a nice level!
so: 80.

dOWNLOAD? Yes, but remember to use cheats in puzzle 3 if you have 1.20.

And a tip:
Prevent from using Trig Zone. Think also about making it suitable for all players! Trig zone is also for secrets :-P

Review by Rauljazz

31 Mar 2007, 19:10 (edited 31 Mar 07, 19:13 by Cooba)
For: Lost in Marble Gardens V4.0
Level rating: 7.1

Very very short rewiew:
Levels is very good and the music are nice!
(I like JJ2 musics)
Nice work,very good!

[Unsupported rating (7.0) clearance. Please provide more support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Cooba]
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