Review by Black Ninja

6 Jul 2007, 06:52
For: J2E Creator
Level rating: 9

I can’t imagine why you decided to release this – after all, there was a reason why “nobody from the ‘elite’ wanted to give it to others.”

Anyway, now I guess it’s available for all to use. The documentation is pretty helpful, and the included files are all useful. My one suggestion is that it might be worthwhile to include the original images used for the official JJ2 episodes (in case people feel like editing them/examining them/whatever).

My one final word to all the people who download this: please, before you go releasing an episode with a custom .j2e in it, make sure people know it’s there. As we all know, having too many .j2e files can cause problems.

RecommendedReview by Black Ninja

8 Mar 2005, 05:03
For: Buccaneer Bay
Level rating: 8.8

This is a pretty darn good battle level! And this is why.

Although this tileset is somewhat difficult to use, Labratkid pulled it off very nicely. There is a nice slowly moving background and there are no noticable bugs with the eye candy. My only problem as far as eye candy is that layer 3 sometimes has bugs where you are partly in front of and partly behind a wall at the same time.

Argh. Although this music seems fitting for the theme of the level, hearing it more than once will cause you to lose your sanity. After hearing it loop about twice, I was annoyed enough with it that I had to turn off the music and put on some MP3s. In other words, I don’t like the music. At all.

Everything here seems balanced and well placed. I don’t have anything to really report here. GOOD JOB, LARK.

There are two coin warps. One of them costs 20 coins, and one of them costs 50. They each give different goodies (I forgot what they are ;D), which is nice for if you are in a rush and need some big guns. Or, if you are trying you luck, you can go for the full 50 coins. I LOVE THAT.

This level officially does not suck.

Download this level. Although it’s a bit small, you can have quite a bit of fun in it. And best of all, IT’S FREE.

Review by Black Ninja

29 Nov 2004, 20:35
For: Y-mas
Level rating: 7.3

Alexander: If you want to know what it’s like, the easiest way to find out is to download it. ;p

Review by Black Ninja

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: tutorial level for beginers
Level rating: 1

I would like to say that if you are trying to learn anything at all about Jazz2, this is a level you should stay away from. When the other people say there is no eye candy, they mean there is no eye candy. There is an incredibly small attempt at a layout, but it’s too small to count for anything. When I played this level, I wanted to shoot myself. It’s just not fun or good looking in any way whatsoever.

Remember, friends don’t let friends download “tutorial level for beginers”.

Review by Black Ninja

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Windstorm Fortress
Level rating: 8.8

First off, happy birthday.

The tileset is very pleasing to look at. There are some cool tiles you casn use to make effects like lightning, which can add a lot to the feel of a level using the set. But best of all, the set is farily easy to use. It’s pretty easy to find the tiles you’re looking for, and so far I haven’t found any tiles that seem to clash or mismatch at all.

Looks nice, great animations.

Inexperienced level makers may have trouble using it properly.

I can’t really find anything “UGLY” about this set, except that I strongly feel it needs to have Fooruman in it.

Review by Black Ninja

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Another Kind Of CTF
Level rating: 8.4

This CTF level is, in my opinion, a gem. While it is rather small, and would suit no more than 10 players, I have found it incredibly fun to play, even on just splitscreen.
There is a fun little twist; coins are needed to get to the bases. Just two coins, but if there are a lot of players, this could be a challenge.
The eye candy in this level is not breathtaking, but it uses the tileset in ways I would never have imagined.
The weapon placement is good, and it’s a well-done level in general. I give it a thumbs up, although I can’t stand the music.

Review by Black Ninja

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Chocolate Chips
Level rating: 8.3

This tileset is incredibly good. It has been a while since J2O was graced by such a set. The tiles are a little difficult to use, but it really shouldn’t be a problem for most JCS users. With this tileset, it is also easy to create great lighting effects, which I will certainly do if I ever make a level with this set. I hope to see more great sets like this in the future. A 9.2 well earned.

Review by Black Ninja

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Egyt space
Level rating: 7.2

This is a good, nice looking level.
There are several places where the eye candy is less than perfect, but the same could be said about many levels. The level ‘flows’ very well. Never did I find myself saying “ARGH, SPAZ BIASED” or anything like that. A good level in general. Download recommendation.

Review by Black Ninja

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Bee Race!!!!!!!!
Level rating: 2.6

Levels like this are why JJ2 doesn’t sell well. This level brings the word ‘bad’ to a whole new level! (no ‘level’ pun intended)
However, this isn’t warez! Since the lowest score I can possibly give is a 1, I will pretend the 1 point is because it isn’t warez. I hope no one wastes 2 kb downloading this.

Review by Black Ninja

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz2 Main menu music Patch
Level rating: 5.5

Not that great, not that interesting an idea, not that good, and NOT THAT HIGH A RATING! =D

edit: rating removed due to kindness[This review has been edited by Black Ninja]

Review by Black Ninja

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: K1: The Kirby Project
Level rating: 7.4

This tileset shows a lot of possibility.
The author includes some nice tiles, and it definitely shows some hard work. My main gripes are that some of the anims are uneven, so it looks like Kirby is ‘jumping’ a little bit, and the fact that the BG looks simply horrible.
I recommend you get this tileset. It is a 7.5 well-earned, although the background is painful to look at.

Review by Black Ninja

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Voldard's Cool Treasure Jungle
Level rating: 1

Wow. This level gives NEW MEANING to the rating 1. If there was a -10, that’s what I’d give it. There is little to no layout, no exit, no BG….This level is one of the worst I have ever seen. You really can’t imagine how bad it is until you’ve played it for yourself. But I am not suggesting that you should play it for yourself. It’s a waste of 1 kb. Don’t get it.

Review by Black Ninja

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Instagib lvls
Level rating: 1.1

These levels are astounding. Never throughout my time in the JJ2 community have I seen THIS MUCH time put into a level pack. Or should I say this LITTLE time?

Just kidding about all that good stuff. Sux. If I could give it a 0 I would. Sorry, don’t download this.

Review by Black Ninja

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Earthworm World (minor bug fix)
Level rating: 8

This is a very good tileset. Seeing as I didn’t make any of it, I guess I can rate it.
First, let me say this is the only tileset besides Hocus tilesets that seems to use video/computer games well. Good job. The eye candy is a little repetitious, which is what keeps this from getting a 10. However, it is a very well done tileset, and anyone should be able to use it, even if they are new to JCS. However, the advanced JCS users will be able to have a lot of fun with some good anims, H/V poles, and other frills. Great job, Labrat.

P.S. I AM A TOP REVIEWER NOW! W00T.[This review has been edited by Black Ninja]

Danyjel: When reviewing, don’t take points off if there are better tilesets. Don’t add points if there are worse tilesets. The point is that you are rating this tileset, and giving it the rating you think it deserves.[This review has been edited by Black Ninja]

Review by Black Ninja

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JCS 94 v1.01
Level rating: N/A

Edit: OK, works now.

Simply amazing. I never thought that a JJ1 level editor was even possible, but this thing is even more powerful than JCS. The possibilities are seemingly endless. If you have JJ1, get this. Period.[This review has been edited by Black Ninja]

Review by Black Ninja

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JJ2 Players Word Search (do NOT rate)
Level rating: N/A

I feel special because I am supposedly in it, although I can’t find myself.

Review by Black Ninja

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Anticrash 5.0 (Installer)
Level rating: 7.8

I forgot to mention that a TSF version of Anticrash will be out soon. I am hoping to fix XP support in the near future, but for some reason it doesn’t work when I add it ;p

Review by Black Ninja

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Seeker Hole Fix
Level rating: 9.4

wow. I am pleased to report that it actually does work. Very good program, although the layout is less than desirable.

Review by Black Ninja

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: PEPSI vs. COKE (updated!!!!!!)
Level rating: 7.7

Being a big fan of the UT version of this level, I downloaded it, hoping that it would live up to it’s name. I was very impressed. Although I am a little unsure why the readme is simply a blank .txt document… anyway, review time.

The eye candy is good. Not great, but this is mostly the fault of the tileset.
The level flow is excellent, not once did I find myself saying ‘argh, I have to uppercut to get up there’, and that is very nice. Fairly easy to get to where you want, quickly.
Weapon placement is nothing special..but not bad.
THE COIN WARP MADE ME SO MAD! only a bunch of pop?

overall, this is a very good level. I give it the rating of 9.0.
i definitely recommend it to anyone who wants a good, fun ctf experience.

Review by Black Ninja

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Dune Wars (version 1.1)
Level rating: 6.7


sorry foos. i accidentally wrote that the tileset author was ‘blaze’, when in reality it was Blade. sorry. no, i will not reupload it.

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