RecommendedReview by AcId

21 Dec 2004, 19:14
For: Santa's Gone Nasty (Candion Remix)
Level rating: 4.6


The intro to the song was really cool, I liked the way you had the ‘static-y’ carol of the bells (Or whatever the original original was called) start skipping and then be replaced by the real song. The way you had the drums so overpowering at first was a real nice effect, it really showed how much this was a complete takeover.
The old melody is still intact, the same way it was back in ’95, however it had been replaced by an odd combination of overdrive guitar chords, pianos, and… The Slime Time (Sluggion remix) lead? I have often found myself at loss for decent guitar samples as well, however, so I can’t criticize you on that part. Unfortunately, the combination ends up quite a bit off-key in places.
The overall effect of the song was really good, in my opinion. The samples were well chosen and contribute to the overall feeling very nicely. When I reached the mid-point, I thought you were just going to repeat yourself similar to the original Candion, but I was pleasently surprised by the amount of variety in the song. It definitely constitutes an interesting listen.

The final verdict:
The effect of the song could not have been better, it contains just about the perfect amount of variety, but you might want to watch the clashing just a bit. I’d say an 8 and download reccomendation.

Not recommendedReview by AcId

4 Oct 2004, 00:28
For: Sparky Mix
Level rating: 5.8

Well, there is a lot I can say about this song. When I first listened to it, the beginning didn’t sound at all like Tubeletric. After listening to it once, I saw the connection, however, the intro definitely is too long. Once you got into the real song, it all ran together, because you used the same piano at the same volume for all of the differing tracks. I would think you would at least have the lead instrument loud enough to hear over the bass. The shakers also sounded a bit off-beat.

The song itself sounds great, but all of these problems together degrade it quite a bit. If you fixed up the various errors, I would give it somewhere around 8-9. As it is, I give it a 4.7

Review by AcId

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Diamondus Drive (with a tiny bit of Pezrock)
Level rating: 8.2

Sorry about not replying, I got logged off from J2O and didn’t realize it.

The remix was pretty good. I like the electric guitar part, and there is enough variety in the song to keep it interesting. However, the song seemed a little heavy on the percussion, and I couldn’t hear anything other than the annoying drums and the melody. I’d say this would be a great song if you toned the drums down a bit.

I’ll not rate this, because I’ll either bias the rating or get my rating removed due to a not extensive enough review.

Review by AcId

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Technoir Remix
Level rating: 8.3

This a pretty good remix of Technoir.

First off, great instrument choice. All of the instruments chosen really go with the Technoir theme. The variation is also good, the song stays iteresting the whole time.
Now, onto the things that could be improved. You could speed up the progression a bit; you didn’t get to the melody until 1:00, and then when you only held it for 2 measures, it sounded way too short compared to the way the drums and bass had been building up for 1 minute. After the orchestra hits, I sort of missed the “Jackrabbit” and guitars, but that’s just me. The slow section came without much transition, it mostly just snapped into the new tempo. You should have either a buildup, or have some of the instruments calm down before the slow section.

Overall, a great song that could use a few improvements. Great job!
Download reccomended.

Review by AcId

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Chrysilis MIDI
Level rating: 8.1

LRK: MIDIs can do slides, however I couldn’t get them to work quite right in this song, so I left them out.

Blackraptor: This isn’t a remix, it’s a conversion to MIDI format.[This review has been edited by Acid]

Review by AcId

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tubelectric MIDI
Level rating: 7.6

To clear a few things up:

- I made this MIDI using Microsoft GS Wavetable. Strangely, this is the only MIDI library on the sound card that came with my Compaq, which I’m pretty sure is recent.

- The orchestra hit is used at 1:11 because I could not find any instrument that sounded like what it normally does in Tubelectric.

Edit: Sonictth, I am not lying. Are you saying nobody is skilled enough to make a midi conversion such as this, or that Robert Allen wrote Tubelectric? I did give credit to Robert Allen for writing the original Tubelectric, but I myself did write this MIDI conversion.[This review has been edited by Acid]

Review by AcId

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Bad Boys II
Level rating: 7

Bjarni wanted me to rate this tileset, so I will.

The palette actually turned out pretty well in my opinion. The movie posters look very good for 256 colors, and there’s even a textured background. It’s not perfect, but Very good work.
The masking looks good to me. I didn’t get stuck on any of my 3 runs through the example level. I don’t understand what could really be better about the masking than you can’t get stuck in it.
Required stuff:
This level has most of the required stuff. It has all the destruct blocks except pepper spray and electro blaster. It has vines and poles and spikes, but no sucker tubes. It also has text signs, exit signs, and hooks.
This is where the level falls short. The basic ground is boring: Varying shades of orange, brown and red squares. There are a few movie posters, a poorly drawn guy with guns, a poorly drawn police car, and a weird yellow road in terms of eyecandy, but no foreground or background stuff, unless you count the textured background.
The tileset is pretty good in most areas, but falls short on the eyecandy. You can download this if you want, but with eyecandy like that, I don’t really think you could use it.
Rating: 7.25 ~ 7.2

Review by AcId

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz Jackrabbit Remix Pack
Level rating: 6.3

A small pack of remixes (Or rather, combinations: he mostly took instruments from one song and used them in another.) by Tazar. I actually think they’re pretty good.

Diamondus with Fanolint’s instruments. An interesting mix, but a bit could be done to improve it. The melody could stand to be a little louder, and maybe the pitch lowered. The snare drum is supposed to be used in a higher pitch than it is. Sometimes a low snare can be used very well, but it doesn’t seem like that here. The saw also sounds a little off-key. If you fix these things, and maybe throw a little variation in, this could be a good remix, though!

Megairbase with Turtemple’s instruments. I think this is the best out of the 4. The instruments are used very well, and I can hear a bit of variation from the original tune. Very good job!

Medivo with Scraparap’s instruments. Another good remix, I like the way the drums are handled in this one. However, the saw’s pitch needs to be lowered a little near the end, where it gets really high. Otherwise, great remix!

Tubelectric with Sluggion’s instruments. This one falls a bit short. The way you can only barely hear the main melody really bugs me in this one. Also, where the “explosion” is in the original Tubelectric, the flutes sound sort off key. Sometimes, it’s better to stick with the original instrument.

Altogether, a very good music pack, with a few shortcomings. I don’t really know what to rate this, though.

Review by AcId

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Technoir (TaZaR Remix)
Level rating: 2.2

The remix didn’t change much: you just added some shakers and changed the beat a little bit. Noxt time, try experimenting with more instruments, and try to think of ways you can extend the melody. I’d say this remix is just about average. Keep trying, and you’ll have better results.
(Somewhat unsupported rating removal edit. I have no idea how to rate/review music either. Please provide more detail in your reviews. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by AcId

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Reactor Core
Level rating: 8.1

Originally posted by NOKA:
I can’t understand one thing – why on earth you did the black background for this nice Background Stuff???? – There is Textured Background so there was no need to do this black.

The textured background, to me, seemed a little out of place in the tileset. I made the black background to show how it really was a “reactor core.”

Review by AcId

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Frag Rat
Level rating: 7.3

Eye candy:
This level has very interesting eyecandy, such as a textured background that I didn’t even know you could make in Labrat levels! There are also some floating typical Labrat beakers, and some vertical pipes. The ground is varied (At least as much as you can vary it with Labrat) enough to make it not boring. Some cons about the eyecandy are that the ground is a little choppy in areas, (But I guess that’s to be expected in Labrat levels) and the conveyor belt looks strange, especially since it doesn’t do anything. Overall, my eyecandy score is 8.5.

I thought this level was pretty fun, with a nice big area to play around in, and the ground not so cluttered that you couldn’t do anything. Springs were mostly placed well, although there were a few ones that were unneeded and a few others that propelled you into a wall. The bases are nicely balanced, I think both sides have a good chance. Overall gameplay score from me is 8.0.

I think that there were sometimes too many weapons in this level. I guess I am a hoarder kind of guy, but I often found massive piles of ammo that nobody picked up. The carrots were placed excellently, though: a few placed in obscure locations did just the trick. Overall placement rating from me is 7.0.

Overall: 7.8
I enjoyed this level a lot, and hope to see more of your levels soon! I reccomend anyone who decided to read this to download this level.

Review by AcId

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Saphir's First Racepack
Level rating: 8.1

Pipe Mosaics-

A rather mediocre race. Dull in eyecandy, it only has 3 colors of pipes, a weird yin-yang thing, and a blue background. The race is littered with springs and pipes that you can go through, but give no indication that you can do so whatsoever.

Toxic Raceway-

This is much better than Pipe Mosaics. It has some interesting lighting tricks, and I especially like the sucker under the toxic goo. The tileset is cool, and while it doesn’t have much eyecandy, it has background mountains, and a 3D background.

Storm Tests-

An interesting race. It’s basically the warp tests in a race. Not much eyecandy in this one, and the clouds are hard to tell between foreground and background. The haze in front of the screen is a cool idea in my opinion.

Primitive Speed Laboratory-

This race apparently uses the same tileset as Storm Tests. You have to be careful on this one, as there are springs everywhere that will send you a long way back. There is an off-color pinball set at the end.

Tube Facility-

This race is mostly annoying. An annoying tube puzzle that can be easily memorized, followed by several annoying spring puzzles. The tileset is pretty mediocre.

Asteroid planets-

In this race, you have to planet-hop around, looking for a warp that you are given no directions to find. The tileset is okay, however, and the star field is pretty cool.

Running through the rain-

Argh. Annoying springs and poles followed by warps, more springs and more warps. Not a very fun level, and the tileset isn’t too good.

Springy Pink-

A short race using a drab tileset. However, it is pretty fun. I think its cool in the part with the poles how Saphir lined them up so that they’d drop you off right at the start if you made a wrong move. There’s a way to cheat in this, but I’m not telling! >)

Spacey Raceway-

I’m pretty disappointed about this one. First, a maze I got completely and utterly lost in. Next, a ridiculously easy flying challenge. Third: AN INVISIBLE MAZE WITH SPRINGS?!? What’s up with that?!? And anyways, this is using a pretty boring tileset.

Head for the crater-

Another cool one. I like the tileset on this one; good eyecandy and a 3D background. Some interesting ideas are used in it, too.

Ice Cold Speedway-

I like this one. While the eyecandy is drab, it has some interesting parts, such as a slippery slope and a speed destroy maze. A very cool level.

Flying through the Milky Way-

Urgh. This one is buggy: I managed to get myself out of the bumper track and then it closed after me.

Deep under the ground-

This is an extremely short, easy and drab race. The bombs don’t do much, the springs and bumpers can be easily dodged, and you can easily jump over the rest.

Epileptic Pinball-

This level is cool. The background shifts to black often, rendering the terrain invisible. The race consists of several pinball puzzles.

And that’s all of them. Keep working at the levels and tilesets, Saphir!

Review by AcId

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Starlit Spaceship(upgraded)
Level rating: 5.1

I must say that this tileset needs a bit of work. The ground is dull, there aren’t enough tiles, and you generally need to put more effort into it.

Here are some tips you could follow, if you used them I think this tileset could be pretty cool:
1. Make the ground more interesting. There are plenty of tilesets out there already that have basic ground and inclines. If this is supposed to be a spaceship level, try to make the ground look like the space ship. Add little doodads like blinking lights to make things generally a bit more interesting.
2. Make more tiles. With only 2 (dull) types of ground to work with, a level designer can’t really use this. Plus, you are lacking several elements that could really add to the set, like belts, hooks, and eye candy.
3. EYE CANDY. You really need lots of this in any set. You have lasers, but that’s pretty much it in the eye candy department. Add more, like background ships, systems, flames, flashy lights, aliens, whatever you can imagine that spiffs up the set and builds on the theme.
4. Put effort into it. Don’t make 3 identical tiny sets with modified palletes, make one big set! Think of what you can put into your set, and don’t stop thinking until you’ve hit the tile limit or you’ve gone completely braindead.

That being said, I’d have to give this set a 3. However, with a bit of work, this set could easily get very high ratings.

Review by AcId

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Dreempipes Chaos
Level rating: 4


This remix certainly fits its name: it’s quite chaotic. Dreempipes, sped up, with nearly every instrument changed to the Tubelectric synth/horn thing. It normally repeats halfway through, but if you don’t repeat, you get to hear SQUEAKY VOICE^_^

Well, I have no idea what to rate this.

Review by AcId

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Death-Land
Level rating: 6.4

This is an interesting, but small, Inferno level.

Eyecandy: The eyecandy is sparse, and not actually that good in places where it exists. Often times the tiles don’t fit, or a tile is missing. The fire at the bottom, is ugly, you should only have 1 row. Try to use as many different types of tiles as possible, and make sure the tiles fit together without looking blocky.

Gameplay: This plays mostly like a normal Single Player level. It’s pretty straightforward, with no backtracking, triggers, tubes, etc. There isn’t anything special about this level, really, except for the boss. The queen boss is exceptionally annoying, with that long path. The bricks appear from nowhere; you need a ceiling of some sort. The music doesn’t fit very well with the queen boss, IMO. The endlevel on the snowman idea was strange, and I don’t think it really should be there.

Event placement:
This is good. The enemies are placed sparsely, as opposed to in huge groups as some level creators make them. The item placement is pretty good, but the double ice crates at the beginning are strange. The 1-up is a bit easy to get to, and could do with a bit more difficulty.

besides the obvious eyecandy bugs and queen boss, this is actually a pretty good level. A 6.5 from me. Keep making levels, I hope to see what you make in the future!

Review by AcId

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Frozen Cave
Level rating: 8.1

In my opinion, JJ2 could use more SP levels, and this is a really great one. The tileset use is amazing, and the “eggs” idea is very original. However, like those before me have said, it is short. But it’s not too short, and Moonblaze has managed to cram a great level into that space. A 9 and a download reccomendation from me!

Review by AcId

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: TechnoWar
Level rating: 6.5

that last part is supposed to be something of a large battle. Maybe I should make the gunshots quieter?

so that they sound more like a war is happening in the background.

Review by AcId

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Rocky Roads
Level rating: 3.2

Argh. Argh. Argh.

This isn’t rocky roads. This is a bunch of brown ground, a sun and cloud, ripped poles, destruct blocks and BG, and, well, nothing else. There is no:

Water(Well, you can use the JJ2 water, but that’s not what I meant)
Eye candy (no trees, no rocks, no nothing)

Possibly some more detail on the ground would be nice, too.

You should use a better program than MS paint. I’m sure a lot of people would be happy to reccomend them, while I myself reccomend Paint Shop Pro, if you can buy it.

Review by AcId

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Megairbase Remix!
Level rating: 5.7

Hey, a little more feedback, please?

Review by AcId

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The World of Blocks
Level rating: 1.7

First review. Whatever.

EDIT: let me give a warning- this tileset has no example level!

This tileset looks like it’s almost completely ripped. The poles, the spikes, the backgrounds, the destruct blocks, etc. In fact, I’m not even sure if the red blocks part (which is extremely boring) was even made by the author of this tileset.

No download reccomendation.

Let me say one thing to the creator of this tileset, and that is:

ripped tilesets aren’t winners. Put more effort into your tilesets, and they will get better.[This review has been edited by AcId]

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