Big City Life

Date uploaded:
30 Jun 2006 at 14:39

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Gus (More uploads by Gus)
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Big City (1.26 MB)

File contents

Bcl.j2l Big City Life 1.85 kB 07 Jun 2006
Bcl1.j2l Wise Rabbit Street 5.18 kB 06 Jun 2006
Bcl2.j2l The Library 2.04 kB 06 Jun 2006
Bcl3.j2l The Sewer 4.93 kB 06 Jun 2006
Bcl4.j2l Pacific Lane 5.10 kB 07 Jun 2006
Bcl5.j2l Pollution! 5.81 kB 07 Jun 2006
Bcl6.j2l Train Diverted! 2.61 kB 08 Jun 2006
Bcl7.j2l The Tunnels 5.70 kB 08 Jun 2006
Bcl8.j2l Train Diverted! 1.73 kB 08 Jun 2006
Bcl9.j2l 9/11 Lane 2.95 kB 09 Jun 2006
BclE1.j2l New York Ghetto 2.87 kB 05 Jun 2006
BclE2.j2l New York Ghetto 2.90 kB 03 Jun 2006
BclE3.j2l New York Ghetto 2.83 kB 02 Jun 2006
BclE4.j2l New York Ghetto 2.87 kB 05 Jun 2006
BclE5.j2l New York Ghetto 2.85 kB 07 Jun 2006
BclE6.j2l New York Ghetto 2.86 kB 07 Jun 2006
BclE7.j2l New York Ghetto 2.82 kB 07 Jun 2006
BclE8.j2l New York Ghetto 2.83 kB 08 Jun 2006
BclE9.j2l New York Ghetto 2.91 kB 08 Jun 2006
BclEND.j2l The End 1.87 kB 10 Jun 2006
BclSC1.j2l Skychase 2.37 kB 09 Jun 2006
BclSCE1.j2l Shell Carrier 1.80 kB 10 Jun 2006
BclSCE2.j2l Shell Carrier 1.70 kB 10 Jun 2006
BclSCE3.j2l Shell Carrier 1.73 kB 10 Jun 2006
BclSCE4.j2l Shell Carrier 1.69 kB 10 Jun 2006
BclSCE5.j2l Shell Carrier 1.69 kB 10 Jun 2006
BclSCE6.j2l Shell Carrier 1.69 kB 10 Jun 2006
BclSCM1.j2l Turn off the Cannon!!!! 4.45 kB 10 Jun 2006
BclSCM2.j2l Jailhouse Jazz 2.89 kB 10 Jun 2006
BclSCM3.j2l Engine Room 1.51 kB 10 Jun 2006
BclSCM4.j2l Motor Room 1.72 kB 10 Jun 2006
BclSCM5.j2l The Barracks 1.47 kB 10 Jun 2006
BclSCM6.j2l The Final Battle 3.17 kB 10 Jun 2006
MegaMegatropolis.j2t Mega Megatropolis 541.36 kB 30 May 2003
Top3.j2t Top secret ][ 95.97 kB 26 Nov 2001
Townsville2.j2t Townsville ][ 168.79 kB 30 May 2002
Townsville2e.j2t Townsville ][ Evening 170.21 kB 14 Mar 2004
Townsville2n.j2t Townsville ][ Night 170.74 kB 02 Mar 2003
Bcl-map.bmp 4.87 kB 11 Jun 2006
Bcl.bmp 18.16 kB 12 Jun 2006


New York, Year 2500 a.d. Devan and his turtles Want to conquer it and make troubles. You must solve the problems. There are 2 adventure fields: New York Ghetto and the Shell Carrier (A giant spaceship). There are small and big action levels. And at last, a giant robot of 15 meters to fight. (The maximum health after the boss is 2)


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 3

Review by mortalspaz

2 Apr 2009, 14:39
Turtle Goon (70 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings43 Featured reviews4 Average helpfulness76%

I liked it but… Ischa, If you get stuck there are more than 1 way to get out(other than jjk)
If you get stuck try using jjfly and jjnowall

2 of 2 users found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

Review by benchmark

29 Jan 2007, 07:41 (edited 29 Jan 07, 07:47 by Violet CLM)
CTF Bug (0 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings0 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness100%

good one!
(Rating (10) removal. ~Violet)

1 of 1 users found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

Review by DennisKainz

5 Jul 2006, 14:34
Bee Boy Swarm (25 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings25 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness30%

Open the level files and watch what are the musics. Go on and and some links and find the musics.
Relay on CrimiClown: I didn’t get angry at all for his bad review. I started laughing a lot instead. It’s just a bad review.

0 of 3 users found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

Review by Ischa

1 Jul 2006, 06:16 (edited 10 Sep 06, 13:23 by Cooba)
Spaz Slackrabbit (108 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings102 Featured reviews2 Average helpfulness31%

Rating Big City Life

To start:
A good episode concerning Jazz Jackrabbit which a city and a spacecraft must pass through to learn Devan Shell another lesson.

This episode is very large, it has to endure more than 30 levels and finishes with a complete difficult homemade endboss: the new robot of Devan.

Bugs in final battle:
In the Final Battle are lots or bugs, you could easilly get stuck.
Fortunately there is a JJK-cheat. Type JJK to restart, but long not everyone knows that.

Apart from the bugs it is a very well episode. For everyone whom know the JJK-cheat and love long episodes this is absolutely a recommendation.

Mark: 7,8
Download recommendation: YES!

[Rating (7.8) clearance. The supported reasons were entirely irrelevant of the level quality. ~Cooba]

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