Date uploaded:
25 Nov 2004 at 08:42

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Reggen (More uploads by Reggen)
Single player
by Reggen

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FEAR.zip (1.03 MB)

File contents

FEARReadMe.txt 1.81 kB 02 Nov 2004
FEAR1-1.j2l Outer Lands 4.65 kB 02 Nov 2004
FEAR1-2.j2l Into the Alek mine 3.31 kB 23 Nov 2004
FEAR1-3.j2l The Alek mine 2.20 kB 23 Nov 2004
FEAR1-4.j2l Into the Crypt 4.98 kB 23 Nov 2004
CryptByNitro.j2t Crypt 164.21 kB 10 Feb 2000
Egypt.j2t Egypt (day) 223.15 kB 28 Jun 2001
Dusk.s3m Dusk Horizon 573.47 kB 02 Nov 2004
Inside.s3m Dusk Horizon 573.45 kB 02 Nov 2004


Okay, it’s time to FEAR! If you have problems, wait for the FEAR v 1.1 and I will soon upload the second part. I hope, you’ll like this!


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 4.5

Not recommendedReview by PHT

20 Feb 2005, 11:58
Spaz Slackrabbit (109 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings97 Featured reviews2 Average helpfulness83%

Starting Comments:

Time for my daily review, and to rate this upload

Played with: Spaz
On difficulty: Medium
Playing time: 25 minutes


The levels mainly consist of very dark tombs (or something similiar) filled with enemies and spikeballs. From time to time you have to find a trigger crate. No goodies or ammo of that sort, just running around trying to avoid bats and ravens coming out of nowhere. I made it to the fourth level, where I gave it up, because it was really frustrating to get hit by enemies I couldn’t see all the time and having no ammo.

Score: 5.0


The pack was somewhat unbalanced. Like I described in Playability, enemies come out of nowhere all the time and you can’t see them, because it’s dark. Often, I couldn’t find the way either, which was frustrating. There’s no ammo, and hardly any carrots or anything else to help you, which frustrates even more. In the fourth level I died, because a sucker tube ending right before a bat, which I couldn’t avoid. Hard levels like Tomb Rabbit are great in my opinion, but they should never be unfair, like this level pack.

Score: 3.0


The pack is not really creative, just hordes of enemies you can hardly avoid, some random passages and from time to time a trigger crate. There were some story bits, but I did not really get the story of this. I don’t think this is really creative, and therefore can’t give a high score.

Score: 4.0


Because of the dark lighting you can hardly see anything, but the parts with higher lighting looked pretty dull most of the time. In the first level it wasn’t bad, but it gets worse the more far you get. Needs improvement.

Score: 5.0

Story / Fun Factor:

I’m not sure, wether I should rate Story or Fun Factor. Like I said, there are some story bits, but I did not really get why I’m doing this. The Fun Factor was not better, mainly because it was so incredibly unfair. Some kind of story would’ve helped the atmosphere of this pack I guess.

Score: 3.0


A very unfair pack, with clumped together enemies and lots of unfair stuff which isn’t fun to play. The eyecandy was pretty dull too, and what is supposed to be the story is not really good. No download reccommendation.

Overall Score: 4.5

Download Reccommendation: No.

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Review by Reggen

25 Nov 2004, 08:45
CTF Bug (1 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings1 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness11%
I hope, you’ll likemy new 4 levels campaign. I think one music is missing ( (-) floppy ), but the v 1.1 version will correct this. So wait 2 days, and I upoad it.

[Swear word edited out -FQ]

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