A JJ1 Episode (improved)

Date uploaded:
10 Dec 2005 at 12:50

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fearofdark (More uploads by fearofdark)
Single player
ME!!!! (NOKA for the tilesets)

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FODJJ1Pack.zip (1.2 MB)

File contents

FODDiam1.j2l Perilous Pits 8.83 kB 10 Dec 2005
FODDiam2.j2l Transporter Tubes 7.75 kB 10 Dec 2005
FODDiam3.j2l Bees,Trees and Turtles 5.43 kB 10 Dec 2005
FODTube1.j2l Turret Terror 8.60 kB 07 Dec 2005
FODTube2.j2l Electric Dream 4.48 kB 07 Dec 2005
FODTubeBonus.j2l TubelectricBONUS 1.94 kB 07 Dec 2005
FODTurt1.j2l Buried Pyramid 5.38 kB 10 Dec 2005
FODTurt2.j2l Ocean Temple 5.21 kB 08 Dec 2005
FODTurt3.j2l Where Devan Waits 2.24 kB 08 Dec 2005
JJ1 DiamondusDay -NOKA.j2t JJ1: DiamondusDay -NOKA 141.81 kB 06 Dec 2003
JJ1 DiamondusEvening -NOKA.j2t JJ1: DiamondusEvening -NOKA 141.69 kB 06 Dec 2003
JJ1 DiamondusNight -NOKA.j2t JJ1: DiamondusNight -NOKA 142.32 kB 06 Dec 2003
JJ1 Tubelectric NOKA.j2t JJ1 Tubelectric NOKA 124.72 kB 04 Dec 2003
JJ1 Turtemple -NOKA.j2t JJ1: Turtemple -NOKA 148.93 kB 20 Dec 2003
JJ1 TurtempleHeaven -NOKA.j2t JJ1: TurtempleHeaven -NOKA 148.89 kB 20 Dec 2003
JJ1 TurtempleWild -NOKA.j2t JJ1: TurtempleWild -NOKA 148.97 kB 20 Dec 2003
Diamondus.s3m 77.06 kB 07 May 2000
Tubelectric.s3m 96.98 kB 07 May 2000
Turtemple.s3m 47.11 kB 07 May 2000


This is a JJ1 episode better than the 3 small ones I made about a year ago. This entire project was going on since February this year.


The backround is the JJ1 Backround used in the actual game.

The eyecandy is (almost) exactly like the game.

Better gameplay.

Normal size levels.

Bonus level.

Levels include challenges aswell.

Intro to each world (Now Approaching screen)

Please review this and tell me if there is anything I missed out. Next i’ll be reuploading my single player level and my next project will be revealed in my next battle level.

NOTE: Please play these levels at a small resolution otherwise the hidden stuff will be revealed. Besides it makes it more JJ1-ish.

EXTRA NOTE: I will not be reuploading Journey to the top due to an access error.

EXTRA EXTRA NOTE: Infact, next i’ll be uploading a battle pack and will be revealing my next project then.


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