Gone Advanced (JJA title theme remix)

Date uploaded:
23 Aug 2007 at 16:56 (Minor update on 25 Jul 2011)

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DoubleGJ (More uploads by DoubleGJ)
Original by Manfred Linzner. Bass guitar samples ripped from various Death From Above 1979 songs, played by Jesse F. Keeler. Lead guitar synthesised with Fruity Loops Slayer.

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Open this to download.htm Download "Gone Advanced" by DoubleGJ 1.08 kB 23 Aug 2007


Another JJA remix, second attemp at remixing the title theme (previous sucked incredibly). This time around, I tried to get as raw and indie sound as possible, avoiding special effects and electronic-sounding samples, while inserting as much energy as possible in short timespan. Much inspiration came from Death From Above 1979 band, so if you heard it you should feel very familiar with this track, especially since I ripped all bass samples from their songs. Some minor influences also came from Linkin Park’s “Given Up” and “Bleed It Out”. Among with the remix there are also available instrumental and acapella versions.


What you got when they call you into What may be that you leave behind I can’t count all the things you’ve been through And next mission is a matter of time Still it’s no deal if for you Every pawn’s gonna clear the way I would try to end what you do But you won’t even listen what I say!

What’s up doc?
I’m losing my own person!
Shame on you!
Han Solo is my man!
Wait for me
I can’t stand what I’m seeing!
Call me in
At least you’re finally here!

What’s up doc?
I’m losing my own person!
Shame on you!
Han Solo is my man!
Wait for me
I can’t stand what I’m seeing!
Call me in
At least you’re finally here!

You can’t call what you see in mirror
Yet you feel everything is right
I know you will never wonder
Who it is that calls you to fight
Now when it’s all upside-down
I don’t seem to feel like in place
But someday we’ll both be used to
So don’t you ever hold it up with pace!

It’s you alright
Jackrabbit! Jazz Jackrabbit!
You’ve changed in time
Jackrabbit! You’re finally here!
Still you are fine
Jackrabbit! Jazz Jackrabbit!
‘Cause what really matters is that you’re that one
Jackrabbit! You’ve gone advanced!

What’s up doc?
I’m losing my own person!
Shame on you!
Han Solo is my man!
Wait for me
I can’t stand what I’m seeing!
Call me in
At least you’re finally here!

What’s up doc?
I’m losing my own person!
Shame on you!
Han Solo is my man!
Wait for me
I can’t stand what I’m seeing!
Call me in
At least you’re finally here!

EDIT: The download link provided in the file here is no longer valid. Go here instead: http://soundcloud.com/twogamesjoined/gone-advanced-2007-demo


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Cool! :D

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