Bouncin' Around

Date uploaded:
7 Apr 2008 at 03:27

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Puffie40 (More uploads by Puffie40)
Cooba, Purplejazz, Grytolle
Screenshots (95.61 kB)

File contents

Bouncereadme.txt 2.00 kB 06 Apr 2008
bounce.j2l Bouncin' Around 5.50 kB 06 Apr 2008
Orbitusv.j2t JJ1 Orbitus 67.73 kB 03 Dec 2003
Orbitus.s3m 29.84 kB 07 May 2000


Orbitus was my favorite world in JJ1. I started this level soon after I downloaded Violet’s Orbitus tileset. I started it as a battle level, starting out first as a accurate world creation, and by the end I was focusing on the layout. My main focus was a level that was easy to get around on with minimal dead-ends, while providing enough unpredictability to be fun.

It’s a pretty smooth layout, and it has been internet-tested to perfection. Enjoy!

I provided some tips and notes in the readme, Make sure you read it!


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 6.7

Review by fearofdark

10 Apr 2008, 16:03 (edited 11 Apr 08, 10:54)
Spaz Slackrabbit (185 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings159 Featured reviews4 Average helpfulness64%

The name ‘Bouncin’ Around’ is so called because you can bounce off the walls in this level. This level makes good use of this concept, but what about everything else?

Well, lets start with the eyecandy. Because this is a JJ1 tileset, there isn’t going to be too much to put in the foreground. Infact, there is nothing on layers 1 and 2. For the background, everything moves with the sprite layer, which makes things look as if they are all on one layer. There are some nice things to look at in the level, such as some animating waterfalls and some animating walls and belts. Infact, there are quite a few animation tiles, which makes up for the lack of foreground eyecandy.

One improvement would be to make the eyecandy more interesting. There isn’t anything impressive to look at and nothing sticks out at you.

Now, lets move on to the gameplay. Like I said before, the level makes good use of boucing around the level, which is pretty much what the level is about. There is some creativity involved, as you need to bounce to certain areas of the level to get ammo. What the auther has tried to do is use a veriety of events, such as vines and airboards. The size of the battle arena is 67×67, a small arena that can contain about 2 or 3 players.

Unfortunately, it would be quite hard to roast someone if your bouncing around in an area with loads of springs. The only place people would get roasted would be the slower areas. Also, there are too many carrots for a battle arena which is quite small, especially near the bottom of the level. That’s bad because any one hurt could run away and heal him/herself instead of being roasted.

Any other points? Errr…not really.

In my opinion, I think that the concept of bouncing around on walls may not be the best for a battle arena. The eyecandy seems fairly average, and the level seems like nothing too special, so I give it a…6.5.

DOWNLOAD: I’m not sure. I suppose yes if you want a battle arena with lots of carrots and really classifies as quite average. You could do much much worse, but you could also do much better.

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