Fallen World - Episode 1

Date uploaded:
7 Jun 2011 at 13:58 (Minor update on 7 Jun 2011)

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MasterOfDarkness (More uploads by MasterOfDarkness)
Single player
Created by Master Of Darkness

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FallenWorld-Ep1.zip (14.39 kB)

File contents

Fallen World - RPG.txt 3.78 kB 07 Jun 2011
FallenWorld.j2l Fallen World - Ep. 1 12.18 kB 07 Jun 2011



The Fallen World RPG is the second part of the Nimala “saga”. The first one was called Nimala – RPG, and can also be found on Jazz 2 Online under that name. The plot of Nimala was the prologue to Fallen World. While Nimala was a standalone, one-map plot, Fallen World will be a trilogy, so it will have two subsequent episodes.


Ever since you were a child, you had psionic abilities, differentiating you from the rest. You can sense when enemies approach, and your extraordinary reflexes can help you out even in the toughest situations. At the beginning of the story, you hear a call from a man’s mind: he needs your help. You have no idea who he is, and exactly how you could help, but his voice sounds oddly familiar. You arrive at the town of Shersen, only to find that the folks were expecting you: each and every single one of them knows you, and they want your help: there is a dark force lurking nearby, which will soon unleash on the town, and you need to stop this from happening.


Fallen World is meant to be an “RPG”, at least as much as that is possible to make in Jazz 2. You have a main storyline that you’ll need to follow, but also some side quests, which will grant you bonuses. The town of Shersen, and its surroundings can be completely explored, and during your journey you’ll encounter many puzzles
and obstacles you’ll need to take care of.

The rest of the information can be found in the read me file.


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Quick Reviews Average: 7

Seren rated 4

As it usually happens with newbies, a good idea with bad performance. The level isn’t of a very good quality, with average eyecandy and poor gameplay, however it contains some original ideas (I liked the armory). The RPG part is made lazily though, with not enough story, buggy level up system and a really small amount of actual role-playing.

RecommendedStarwaveXJazzy rated 10

Thanks for create this level! This is SUPERLEVEL! I play this level every day!

Recommendedabgrenv rated 7

Quite good though I’m not sure there were enough level ups to get the needed amount of TNT or coins.

User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 0

Review by Reggen

8 Jun 2011, 10:37 (edited 1 Jul 11, 09:37 by cooba)
CTF Bug (1 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings1 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness11%

Fallen World comes from a fairly unknown creator, perhaps that’s why I am surprised to see how accomplished this map is. Starting with the idea of “level-up” and the armory, this map is addictive, once you understand how it’s played, you’ll want to play it through.

What makes this map unusual, and at the same time, exciting, is the central location which you need to explore. The previous installment called “Nimala – RPG” also featured a main hub, and several missions linked to it, but Fallen World features a much bigger and, in terms of missions, much more diverse central “town”.

The new ideas blend into the jj2 gameplay perfectly. The armory, for instance, is where you need to return again and again to use up the TNT you get from level-ups (or collect otherwise), and collect coins, carrots and other goodies. The story also seems to be interesting, although not much is revealed. The best feature of the story is at one point you need to make a choice, and the outcome of the map changes based on that choice. Though your decision won’t affect the game much, it is still nice to have. Perhaps the biggest idea of them all is the concept of “level-up”, which means you can choose from four items (coin, TNT, full NRG carrot and invincibility) each time you level. Map design is also cool, most parts of the map are well made.

I enjoyed the map very much, but even though this is bigger than the previous map was, it is still not big enough. A concept like this deserves a map at least twice as big as this one. Also, level-up is a very good idea, but most of the time you want to choose TNT to dig in the armory, or coin to leave town. Invincibility is basically useless since the level-up area is very far from the actual battle scenes. The full HP carrot would be OK, but there are way too many carrots lying around the map already, so you really don’t want to waste your levelups to refill your HP.

Overall, this is an awesome map, worth a try for everyone, and it is definitely better than the previous installment (although it might not be everyone’s cup of tea). I hope the next episode will come real soon, with a fix for the aforementioned downsides, because other than those issues, this map is very, very good.

[Same user as the uploader ~cooba]

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